Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1121 Candidate Cemetery

Chapter 1121 Candidate Cemetery

The spiritual source liquid not only contains abundant spiritual power, but also contains the essence of life and the breath of resentment.Spiritual power replenishes and consumes, life essence replenishes the life blood shadow and whole body blood energy, and the resentful breath turns into a lonely soul in the new world.For others, it is purely to supplement aura, but for Tang Yan, all three have magical effects and complement each other.

Tang Yan just went through a series of vicious battles and urgently needs to replenish his cultivation. Whether it is energy, spiritual power, blood energy, or the stability and stability of the new world, he needs to meditate and understand.

"You are active outside, don't leave the palace."

Tang Yan released Aunt Po and Xia Houcha. The new world is too cold and evil, after all, it is not a place to stay for a long time. Unless it is absolutely necessary, he does not want them to stay in it.

After making some adjustments, he took out a treasured semi-holy spirit source liquid.

The rich spiritual energy immediately filled the entire room, and the lush halo embellished the room with a dense atmosphere.

The semi-holy spiritual source liquid not only contains terrifying spiritual power like a river, but also has more life essence and resentment. Tang Yan really dare not use it in battle, so he can only find a quiet and suitable place to temper it hard.

The black girl Liuli was recuperating in the bedroom with her, and she hadn't tasted the taste of the spirit source liquid for a long time. In addition, she wasted a lot during the fierce battle with Tang Yan in the giant wolf tribe's territory, so she just used the semi-holy spirit source liquid Tang Yan sent to supplement it.

Just like that, Tang Yan and Hei Niu fell into meditation, making the bedroom peaceful.

In the new world, more than 3000 warriors have embarked on the planned journey of no return. Under the ingenious guidance of the evil ancestors, they spontaneously formed different groups and scattered to different areas, the main part of which was towards the Sanshengshi mountain range and the fierce sea area. move.

Tang Yan's intentions were not clearly stated, but Xie Zu saw it more clearly than he did.

As a nascent world, the new world is full of chaotic prototypes, and because of the specific dark tone of the new world, the environment inside is actually very cruel, and it is completely unsuitable for the long-term existence of normal life forms.

First and most importantly, all resentful souls are born from the resentful breath in Tang Yan's spiritual source liquid, and "ghosts" have begun to be born in some special areas, which makes every inch of the new world soaked in coldness and coldness. dark.

Secondly, the spiritual power in the new world is very thin, and the strong ghost and evil spirits are strong, and ordinary strangers are easily eroded by it.

The experiment Xiezu will do is to allow three thousand warriors to live in the new world, observe their various performances, whether they can adapt to the life of the new world, if they can, how long will they persist, and will there be any adverse reactions? If not, what are the signs? .

As for Sanshengshi and Fierce Sea, I hope to see if anyone can adapt, and if anyone can persevere, whether the changes will be great, and whether there will be unexpected gains.

In short, according to Xie Zu's estimation, it is lucky that one-tenth of the 3000 people will survive, and at least a thousand people will get lost in the cold and quiet world, either committing suicide or being addicted to the body by ghosts.

As for the ultimate goal, Tang Yan wanted to transfer the tiger-been iron cavalry or his companions in according to the results, as a place for training. After all, the most important thing in the martial arts journey is the heart, and the Sansheng Stone is the best place.

If people's inner demons can be removed, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the future.

If the experiment was unsuccessful, he completely gave up thinking about it, and allowed the new world to grow up alone, not to destroy its pure world of ghost energy. If it succeeded, Tang Yan would definitely use it wantonly.

"How's the effect?" After Tang Yan's closed-door retreat, his thoughts appeared in the new world for the first time, and he felt a little bit, and all kinds of scenes in the whole world were brought into his mind.

"200 people have died, more than 50 committed suicide, 100 people were swallowed by the fire, and the rest were possessed by ghosts and turned into lonely souls." Xie Zu was expressionless, and everything was expected.

"Where is the Sansheng Stone?"

"A group of people went in just now, and they have all fallen into a dream. The specific effect will take a while. You don't need to worry. I will control everything and give you the final result. But you don't have too much expectation, the new world cannot be large-scale As a training ground, you can allow individual individuals to do special training. Especially your partners, allowing them to come to the Sansheng Stone for a trial before hitting the holy land will definitely have a huge harvest, and it can prevent them from being affected by demons at critical moments. bothered."

"I'm still wary of the Sansheng Stone. I mainly hope to inspire something with the wanderings of more than a thousand people, so that it will show some signs, so that I can make preparations in advance. In order to avoid a sudden change at that time, the tempering will not be reversed." controlled."

"Don't worry, I've been watching. If it doesn't work, I'll personally stimulate the stone statue of the Sansheng Stone. By the way, you mentioned that you want to enrich the new world and absorb more cemeteries. I have thought about it recently, but I can provide it to you." Three directions."

"Oh?? Tell me!!"

"The Evil Crow Forbidden Land in the Luoyue Mountains is a strange space where four-winged white crows live together. I don't know much about it, but according to the original description of Yan Guo's ancestors, it must lead to an unknown space, and it may be related to the mysteries of time.

Whether you want to add a new cemetery to the new world, or you want to explore unreached secrets, you can go to the past.With your current state, you won't be powerless to fight back. "

Tang Yan fell into deep thought. If Xie Zu reminded him, he would really forget about that place.

"There are two more places where I wandered back then. One is the Ten Thousand Fires Field, and the other is the Purification Altar. The Ten Thousand Fires Field is a lava-heavy place, and the Purification Altar is located in an extremely cold place. One is hot and the other is cold. They are all rare Jedi in the world. There is no life in them, but they have unique creatures. They are very suitable for moving into the new world, but whether you can win them or not depends on your chance and luck. But don’t rush to go now, it’s fine if you go Once you die, I will remind you when the time is right."

"Thank you!!" Tang Yan felt a little emotional. Since he could say it from Xiezu's mouth, it must be a place of great evil and a forbidden place for strangers. The key is that Xiezu must have wandered around in the past, so he can save himself some trouble in the future.

Wanhuo Field?Lava powerhouse!
Purify the altar?Extremely cold place!

Tang Yan's heart was a little hot, and he couldn't help looking forward to it.

"What else is there for you to come today?" Xie Zu asked Tang Yan, his eyes were sharp, and Tang Yan seemed to come in with something on his mind.

"I have already told Tonglei Wolf King that he is willing to help us break into the cemetery. But the Leiwolf clan is in a delicate situation. He can only promise to take us in. The rest is just a cover. I want to wait for Du Yang and Xu Yan to come back and take us with us. Come in and discuss countermeasures with you, after all, you have lived there before."

"It's time to discuss it, where..." Xiezu felt a sense of irritability that he couldn't bear to look back on, and got stuck in the middle of the sentence.

"I'm here today to find Langya." Tang Yan unfolded a thought, brought himself and Xiezu to appear near the Sansheng Stone Mountain Range, and found Langya who was retreating in the cold valley.

"You mentioned to me that Xia Houcha mentioned my name, and you brought him here?" Tang Yan asked directly.

Um?Xie Zu's soul fluctuated slightly, and he glanced at Tang Yan strangely: "What do you doubt about him?"

"I wonder how he knows Langya!" Tang Yan's eyes flickered coldly.

Langya recovered from his meditation: "I recognized him!"

"What? How did you know him?" Tang Yan was surprised.

"When I met him at the time, he was fighting with dozens of giant wolves. The thin sword in his hand caught my attention, and the martial arts he performed were very domineering, so I stopped for a while and observed in the dark. He was in the middle of the battle. He called out his name, saying that it was Xiahou Cha, the successor of the Human Emperor, how could he fall here.

I always remember that you commissioned a judge to investigate a child named Xia Houcha in Black Rock City.I kept watching him kill all the giant wolves, and asked him if he knew you, and he said he was your apprentice.After repeated confirmation, I took him away.What's wrong, what's the problem? "

that's all?Tang Yan was even more surprised, was he really overthinking?

"What are you doubting him?" Xie Zu asked again.

Tang Yan shook his head, depressed: "I don't know too well, anyway, I always feel that something is wrong with him. It's an...unexplainable feeling..."

"Don't you have the Sen Luo seal? Hypnosis is enough?" Xie Zu was disgusted when he mentioned the Buddha seal, and his soul and body were full of strong disgust.

"The Senluo Seal is not that magical. It may induce people to fall asleep, but it may not be able to reveal all the secrets. Xiahou Tea has a human emperor's inheritance, and there are too many secrets in his body. I am afraid that using the Sen Luo Seal to forcibly probe will cause the emperor's blood in his body. If I'm overthinking and misunderstand him, it will leave a bad impression on Xia Houcha and form a barrier. That kid's self-esteem is outrageous. And... I just have some inexplicable doubts, but I don't like it. Determine what it is." Tang Yan exhaled, waved his hands and was about to leave.

"You can let Miss Zuojia get along with him for a while. Miss Zuojia can tell good from evil, so I can give you a guide. If Miss Zuo proves that he is a villain, you can use Sen Luoyin with confidence. If it proves that he is a good person, but You still have doubts, it's easy to handle, let him live with Li Yi, their two children..." Xie Zu didn't finish, but the evil at the corner of his mouth was meaningful.

Li Yi?yes! !If you let the two of them stay together, it will accumulate over time... Tang Yan was dreaming, when Liuli, a black girl in the outside world, suddenly woke him up.

"what happened?"

Liuli was standing in front of her looking at him strangely, and said very seriously: "Ask you something."

"Ah? What's the matter? Your father... told you?" Tang Yan smiled sarcastically, even a little shy: "I feel... It's best to cultivate a be too straightforward...I will be shy of."

"What emotion? Why are your eyes so obscene again?" Liuli didn't understand what this guy was thinking again.

"Not this one? Then what do you want from me?"

"If I remember correctly, you, Du Yang, and Xu Yan all have golden locks on their bodies, and they can feel each other's positions."

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Why don't you try?"

"Du Yang's has been out of order for a long time, and Xu Yan also replaced it with a better space container given by his adoptive father. I am the only one who still uses it. How do you sense it? Why do you suddenly ask this?"

The black girl sank her face: "Tell me bad news and get ready."

Tang Yan's heart skipped a beat: "What's the matter, don't be so serious, don't scare me."

"I just got the news that the wolf royal family caught two intruders. If nothing else, they should be Xu Yan and Du Yang!"

"What?" Tang Yan's complexion suddenly changed, and he stood up abruptly!

(End of this chapter)

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