Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1122

Chapter 1122

When Tang Yan rushed out of the bedroom in a hurry, the Thunder Wolf King arrived just in time, leading a group of Thunder Wolf experts straight to the hall.Under the wolf nature, they never concealed their aura, so that the violent aura stirred up the entire palace.They entered with a bang, no less than a wave of ferocious giant wolves swept across the palace, filling the splendid space to the brim, and a large number of cracks appeared on the solid stone pillars and houses.

And such a ferocious force settled in, making the temple located on the steep mountain top the focus of hundreds of thousands of thunder wolves worshiping in the mountains.

Tang Yan was startled by the sudden formation.

With the arrival of the Thunder Wolf King, there was another magnificent woman and the three six-tailed Thunder Wolves, all of which became focal 'magnets', attracting Tang Yan's attention.

"Who is she?" Tang Yan subconsciously asked Hei Niu.

This woman looks elegant and has a gentle temperament, which seems to be incompatible with the environment of the entire Youye Forest. She looks like a queen or empress cultivated by an ancient country. In terms of her peerless aura, she is on par with the Grand Palace Master. If you fight hard, you will almost rival Thunder Wolf King's domineering aura.

"Grandma Ji, the second and seventh Thunder Wolf of the Thunder Wolf Clan! Holy Realm!! The elder father is three thousand years old. He controls many powers in the clan, and the most important thing is to guard the important matters of the black coffin in the cemetery! Don't offend her !" The black girl explained in a low voice, and didn't say much later, but her demeanor already showed everything, this person should not be provoked, and under the gorgeous skin must be a frightening soul.

Among the three six-tailed thunder wolves that came in was the Hungarian commander, and the other two were the same size as a lion, with sharp claws and a murderous look. The wolf has such a domineering aura that no one dares to underestimate it.

"Is there a petrified warrior among your partners? A high-level martial artist, but a semi-holy beast!" Grandma Ji glanced at Tang Yan, her demeanor was gentle, but her eyes were as cold as a blade.

To be able to carve out a world here in You Ye Forest, and to be able to control the peak hegemony among millions of thunder wolves, strength alone is definitely not enough.This is the world of wolves, not humans.Therefore, not only must she be strong, but her temperament and strategy must also be superior to others. The more she looks, the more extraordinary she becomes.

"Du Yang! My brother! There is another one, female, with blond hair and a slightly stronger build, Xu Yan." Tang Yan glanced at the Thunder Wolf King, and no longer concealed: "Xu Yan is a descendant of the Bone Race, she followed me into the dark night The forest is to save the senior Bone Race imprisoned in the cemetery!"

Grandma Ji and the others are the absolute confidantes of the Thunder Wolf King. What Tang Yan explained to the Thunder Wolf King had already been heard in their ears afterwards. They were surprised by Tang Yan's identity and blood, and naturally treated him as an outsider with an equal attitude. People, Tang Yan also need not have any worries.

"That's right, it's them. They are quite capable. They even avoided the patrol lines of the five major clans and directly advanced into the core of the cemetery. But they miscalculated the concealment ability of the dark wolf clan, and miscalculated the black coffins and the wolf royal clan. As a result, as soon as the two approached the black coffin, they were discovered one after another by the Dark Wolf Clan and the Wolf Royal Clan.

The Huayang leader of our Leiwolf tribe launched the attack first. At that time, we didn't know the situation, and didn't know that they had something to do with you. In the end, we fought hard, which played a diversionary role, and led the leaders of all tribes to form an encirclement.The whole thing was a misunderstanding, I hope you don't mind. "

Grandma Ji's words were more euphemistic, but Tang Yan could completely imagine the scene at that time. Suddenly, his traces were exposed, and he was under the ten and half saints of a pack of nearly a million wolves. The situation was absolutely extremely critical.Any slight delay would have a fatal impact. The Huayang leader of the Leiwolf Clan must have fought crazily and dragged the two of them to the cemetery.He was also the most direct murderer of the two being captured.

But Grandma Ji apologized, no wonder the Thunder Wolf Clan.Tang Yan didn't care, let alone care about it. He clenched his hands and pressed his anxiety: "Are they... are their lives in danger?"

"Not yet. They didn't see the opportunity well. They didn't fight blindly. In the end, they voluntarily surrendered. But the Xu Yan you mentioned exposed his identity as the Bone Race and was taken away by the Wolf Royal Family. Du Yang was arrested by the Dark Lord." The Wolf Clan and the Wolf Royal Clan work together to guard the cemetery."

"Where's Tutu? It's that strange beast!"

"The alien beast escaped, but was pierced through by the creation blade of the wolf royal family, and was seriously injured. I heard that you have experienced Yuan Shitian's supreme bell? The power contained in the supreme bell is the same as the creation power. The blades are almost the same. In order to keep the space stable at the beginning of the formation of Youye Forest, the top ten golden ancient clans jointly tempered ten huge stones, which were later divided up by various clans and refined into different treasures."

Commander Xiong said: "The five major clans are working together to hunt down the escaped beasts. Our Thunderwolves have sent more Thunderwolves to spy on the news and try to mediate and help them as much as possible."

Tang Yan was short of breath and forced himself to calm down and calm down. Fortunately, Du Yang and Xu Yan's lives were not in danger.As long as you are alive, you have a chance! "Tutu knows that I will come to the Thunder Wolf Clan. It may find a way to abscond here. Please, seniors, don't hurt it."

Commander Xiong said: "I personally arranged, as long as you show up in the territory of the Thunder Wolf Clan, you can keep it safe and sound."

"What are you going to do?" Grandma Ji looked at Tang Yan and asked deliberately, as if she was taking a school test.The bewitching green eyes are like the purest emeralds, very beautiful and transparent, just like her face, very clean, but there is coldness and sharpness inside.

Thunder Wolf King remained silent, while the other three commanders also paid attention.They were obviously observing Tang Yan, waiting for his reply and his response.

They want to see Tang Yan's performance other than "talent", such as wit, strategy, temperament, etc. Today is just the perfect time.

Tang Yan rubbed his sore forehead and sat down on the seat beside him.

save?Definitely save!must be saved!If you risk your life or make a mess, you must be saved!

But Tang Yan has already passed the period of reckless mischief and extravagant luck and mercy. Besides, his identity is sensitive. Once he shows up, he may be taken by the wolf royal family to study.And the Wolf Royal Clan ranks at the top of the overlords of the Youye Forest. If they dare to call themselves emperors, they must have the strength to surpass the four major wolf clans. Unless it is absolutely necessary, they must not meet head-on.

Moreover, the Leiwolf Clan's status is sensitive and is widely resisted by the four major groups. If they want to use it wantonly, they will not show it, and the Leiwolf Clan will not openly assist that sensitive person Xu Yan.

How to do?How to do! !

Although I have the support of the Thunder Wolf Clan, I don't actually have a direct advantage.

To rescue them is tantamount to fantasy.

Tang Yan rubbed his forehead in pain, trying hard to think about countermeasures.Hei Niu is also helpless, saving people is no small matter, let alone in the territory of the wolf royal family.With things like this, stop extravagantly seeking to rescue the senior Bone Race, it would be nice to save Du Yang's life.

Reckless! !Xu Yan was still reckless after all! !
If they are not in a hurry to make a move, but wait for Tang Yan to meet up.Well, using the Thunderwolves as a cover, it's not that there is no chance of rescuing the senior Bone Clan, but now... Tang Yan forced himself to calm down and calm down.

my advantage?I have an advantage! !

Thunderwolves, Xie Zu, Hei Niu, and Grandma Ji are in charge of guarding the cemetery.

How to crack?All aspects involved?

Black coffin!cemetery!87 Three Emperors and Nine Saints!The ancient characters, the peak powerhouses in custody, and even the demons and wild beasts from the lost war world!

Black coffin?magic?beast?Holy?

Tang Yan's head was running extremely fast, and suddenly he opened his eyes, and a flash of light flashed in the bottom of his bright eyes: "Yes!!"

Thunder Wolf King waited silently.

"I have a plan. The disadvantage is that it may mess up the Youye Forest and require more assistance from you. The advantage is that I can rescue them smoothly and help you to avenge your old hatred."

"Tell me." The Leiwolves finally spoke.

"The current space situation of Youye Forest requires 99 bottles of black coffins to guard? My consciousness is, if a few bottles are missing, will it affect the space?"

Thunder Wolf King has both courage and courage, pondered for a while, and roughly understood Tang Yan's meaning, and only gave two words: "It's doable!!"

"Three commanders, guard outside the gate! No wolf guards are allowed to come within a kilometer of the hall! Including the king's guards!" Granny Ji ordered the three six-tailed thunder wolves in a cold voice.

She also understood Tang Yan's direction. Because of this, the matter was very important and required extremely close discussions.

(End of this chapter)

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