Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1126 Broken Black Coffin

Chapter 1126 Broken Black Coffin (3)

"I XX!! What the hell??" The evil ancestor in the new world jumped on the spot, and there was no 'evil ancestor' demeanor with a cry.

Tang Yan felt chills all over his body, and froze in place for a long time, swallowing hard: "Did you play big?"

"You deserve it! You deserve it!!" Xie Zu cursed bitterly.

Tang Yan was "speechless and choked", tremblingly put down his right hand that was scratching his head, his whole arm trembled a little, because at the moment he scratched his head, he saw a face out of the corner of his eye! !
A lifelike face! !

Not in other places, but in the palm of Tang Yan's own right hand! !
"What are you doing?" Tang Yan looked at his right hand with black lines all over his face. At some point, there was a living nose, eyes, and mouth in the palm of his hand, which protruded so abruptly, forming the outline of a human face.

Its eyes were closed, its mouth was closed, and its nose was not panting, but the strangeness and horror made Tang Yan terrified again and again.

Tang Yan looked at the face in the palm of his right hand, and then at the black coffin in front of him. An extremely ominous premonition grew in his heart, and then he felt the situation in his body. The breath flows.

It's as if there's only one sharp face and nothing else.But Tang Yan would rather feel the changes and take countermeasures than such weird silence.

Tang Yan looked at Huo Ling'er on his shoulder. The little guy didn't pay attention to Tang Yan's intentions at all, and imitated his expression and stared at him blankly. The little guy likes to imitate recently, but his chubby, fat and tender appearance The imitation is full of cuteness.

"One mistake to the end, try again!!" Xiezu suddenly gritted his teeth and reminded Tang Yan.

"Old Ancestor, help me find out." Tang Yan agreed with Xie Ancestor, took a deep breath, mustered up courage, raised his hand again, and this time pressed against the cold black coffin.

quiet! !

The same weirdness, the same quietness! !
Tang Yan's right hand was pressed tightly on the black coffin, and there was only a cold feeling, as if he was pressed on the ice of ten thousand years, his heart was so cold that his cold right hand was about to go numb.

"Continue to continue! Continue to continue!!" Xie Zu strongly urged, his eyes fixed on the scene that appeared in the sky.

Tang Yan pressed tightly, feeling the changes in his body, and gathered his energy to try to hit the inside of the black coffin and explore the situation inside, but after tossing for a long time, there was no change.

There was no further change in the right hand, and the black coffin was as cold as usual.

Tang Yan looked at his left hand, then his right hand, well, it's wonderful, the left hand is wrapped in water, and the right hand has a human face, both hands have found their 'home'. "You said, if I chop off my hands, will they disappear?"

"What do you think?" Xie Zu rolled his eyes, saying that he would not die unless he tried to die.

"It feels really awkward." Tang Yan moved his right hand, clenched, opened, and twisted, but his face remained the same.He almost cried: "Demon? I planted a demon in my hand?"

"Raise your left hand." Xie Zu suddenly said.

"What are you doing? Is there a way?" Tang Yan raised his left hand strangely.

"Straighten your index finger."

"Then?" Tang Yan continued to do the same.

"Tighten your right hand and open it wide."

"And then?" Tang Yan stretched out his left and right hands, looking strangely.

"Put your index finger in his mouth hard!!"

"Cut..." Tang Yan almost pressed down, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he said speechlessly, "What time is it, you old man still has the mood to joke."

"You did it yourself!!"

"Old Ancestor, tell me... what's inside it? A demon? A demon that was left behind in the battle world?" Tang Yan shook his head and continued to look at the black coffin, but secretly nodded his finger on the human face ' mouth, just unresponsive.

"The ghost knows what is sealed inside. From the looks of it, it may be a deserted black coffin, maybe it has been buried for tens of thousands of years. What, you still want to take it away? Are you not afraid of getting burned? Are you really not afraid of death, or are you really not afraid of death?" Do you know how to write the word dead?"

"What else can I do? Sit on the ground and wait to die? Little brother, I'm covered in hob meat, so I'm not afraid!!" Tang Yan touched the black coffin and looked at the face in his hand: "Since it has been dug out, let's return Me, good things can't be wasted. "

"Good stuff? I'm bah!!"

"If a demon really comes out, I'll throw it into the lair of the Holy Spirit Palace!!" Tang Yan smoothly recruited the black coffin into the golden lock.

The black coffin fell heavily into the space of the golden lock, with a loud bang, the space trembled slightly, and its weight was heavier than the black coffin of the Bone Race seniors back then.

"I really don't feel anything wrong?" Xiezu was still worried about the face in Tang Yan's hand, so he couldn't help but look at his hand, and secretly murmured how weird and terrifying it would be if there were multiple unfamiliar faces in his hand ! !This boy Tang Yan is much more skinny, and he calmed down so quickly. If he changed before, he might be depressed for a long time.

"Keep moving, save the senior Bone Race first, and then mess with the other Heavenly Tombs!!" Tang Yan continued to rush out, but when he held the ancient saber in his right hand, he felt uncomfortable and always felt awkward, so he asked tentatively: " Patriarch, you said... is he parasitic?"

"You interrupt him and let him speak." Xie Zu scorned.

"After you're done, ask Thunder Wolf King what kind of monster is buried in the black coffin." Tang Yan trembled more than anyone else, but now was not the time to complain, so he cheered up and rushed out again.

Soon, he found the tombstone of the senior Bone Race among the mountains.

There are no inscriptions, no markings, and there are only stubbles covering the stele, like ferocious vines, which are particularly dazzling in the black-toned world.

But... Around the perimeter of the altar tomb, there are dense wolves all over the place.Tang Yan couldn't tell how the wolf royal family judged their strength, but judging from their calm eyes, they were definitely not ordinary wolves.Among them was a wolf who was particularly proud. Not only was he surrounded by many evil wolves, but he even stepped on the tomb of the Bone Race predecessor. Most of his body was submerged in the steaming will-o'-the-wisp. Scanning where Tang Yan was hiding, he seemed suspicious.

"Rush in directly? Don't be stupid. Every black coffin is connected to the palace of the wolf royal family. If there is any abnormality, it will cause alertness. Unless you can break open the tomb with one blow, but Xu Yan and Du Yang have set an example for you. With Xu Yan's attack power, he couldn't break through, and with Du Yang's ability, he couldn't retreat, so things will definitely not be as simple as you imagined." Xie Zu reminded Tang Yan.

"How did you escape back then?"

"The wolves fought among themselves and destroyed some of the altars and tombs." Xie Zu was actually in a bad mood. Ever since he entered the celestial tombs, he felt awkward and irritable.He looked at the tombs one after another, as if he saw himself imprisoned and burned with vitality.

"That means it can still be broken through." Tang Yan's thoughts raced. With Xu Yan's ability and style, it must be a brute force blow, which means that brute force alone cannot break through, and must adopt a sideways routine.

"Take it easy, one hit will succeed, and if you fail, you will die. God will not give you a second chance."

"Yes!!" Tang Yan rubbed his head and suddenly thought of a solution.

At this moment, the seven wolves turned around from the nearby low mountain, suddenly noticed Tang Yan in the darkness, spread out their limbs, poked their fangs, and moved forward with a low growl.

But as soon as Tang Yan turned around, the Eye of Mie Mie immediately swept them into the new world without leaving any traces.

"Be sure to think about it." Xie Zu reminded again and again.

Tang Yan rushed out, avoiding various holy tombs and hunting wolves, and advanced towards the deepest point.

At this moment, the celestial tombs are still silent, and the 20 wolf royals guarding them have found no trace of intruders. The tombs are silent and cold, and the strange will-o'-the-wisps radiate desolation and loneliness.

The sky is heavy with mist; the mountains are dark and cold.

Tombs, thousands of years of loneliness, thousands of years of sorrow.

Frenzied and invisible energy floated over the entire celestial tomb group, originating from the will-o'-the-wisps burning in all the tombs, the energy absorbed from the black coffin, and then spreading to the entire Night Forest.

Everything is safe as usual, but it seems unusual.

In the area guarded by the Thunder Wolf Clan, Grandma Ji stood on the highest mountain, staring at the celestial tombs where the Wolf Royal Clan was located, staring at the sporadic will-o'-the-wisps in the darkness, her well-groomed willow eyebrows were already slightly frowned unconsciously.

"It's been an hour, and the father's side is almost ready, why hasn't he moved yet?" The black girl Liuli turned into a wolf body, unable to hide her anxiety.

"The task he took on by himself, if not arrogant, there is some way. Don't forget, he is the inheritor of the imperial lineage of the demon spirit clan." Grandma Ji didn't know Tang Yan well, but she believed in the power of his bloodline.

"If you don't do anything, I'm afraid that Xu Yan and Du Yang won't be able to hold on anymore." The black girl Liuli sighed quietly, praying silently in her heart.

Tang Yan ran at top speed in the dark, circling in a big circle, avoiding all the tombs, and his main direction went to the core of the celestial tomb group - the Cemetery of the Three Emperors! !

If you're going to make trouble, make a big fuss; if you're going to smash it, make it big.

The Cemetery of the Three Emperors, the core of the celestial tombs, and the foundation of the Youye Forest! !

"Sleeping ancestors, it's time to wake up!!" Tang Yan's face suddenly became ferocious, his galloping body vibrated, and the great demon's black coffin slammed into his hands, and the heavy pressure immediately poured into his whole body, as if he was carrying a heavy world .

(End of this chapter)

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