Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1127 Broken Black Coffin

Chapter 1127 Broken Black Coffin (4)

Ordinary weapons can't break it?Unable to break the limit force?

Then the black coffin will react to the black coffin, right?
You can even imprison holy demons, you can trap the Three Emperors, what else can't you break! !
With a low growl in his throat, Tang Yan's speed skyrocketed, with veins protruding in his hands, and he violently held the black coffin high, like a mad dragon.Stomping the ground with one step, the dark stone layer was shattered, and with the turbulent dust cloud, the whole person rose from the ground and pierced the sky.

Aww! !The tens of thousands of wolves in the Cemetery of the Three Emperors were all startled and angry, howling in unison, boiling the desolation of the cemetery, all the eyes of tens of thousands of wolves burst out with furious demonic light.

"There are humans trespassing on the imperial tomb!!"

"Warning to the tombs!! The five wolf tribes are on alert!!"

"Announce to the top ten commanders!! Order the Nether Stone Execution Ground!!"

"Warning Wolf Emperor Hall!!"


The wolves in the cemetery were boiling, and the wolves were galloping. More than [-] wolves rushed directly to the sky, and attacked Tang Yan with fierce howling. The cemetery as the center, sweeping in all directions!

The momentum is like a torrential rain sweeping across the ocean.

However... Tang Yan's momentum in the sky was too violent, and the raging blue flames swept across the sky. When all the wolves who rushed to the sky came, they were all impacted by the green flames.The green fire showed a rare ferocity, all the wolves howled and retreated, and rolled out in all directions like rain, and the mournful roar resounded over the dark sky of the cemetery.

hoo hoo hoo! !

In the evil beach outside the cemetery, all the wolves tensed up and rushed up to the top of the nearby mountain at extreme speed, all their green eyes focused on the cemetery area.

There!A bay of blue flames spread out like a river, extremely dazzling, and a large number of wolves fell.

"The Cemetery of the Three Emperors? How dare you disturb the Cemetery of the Three Emperors!!" The 20 wolves of the wolf royal family shook together.

The momentum is manic, the emotions are frightened, and the energy is boiling, as for causing the space to tremble.

"Someone trespassed on the Cemetery of the Three Emperors? Who!! Who dares?!"

"Has the wolf royal family eaten Xiangxiang? They have been infiltrated again and again!!"

"Blood wolves, all be warned!!"

All the wolf clans roared in unison. First, a man and a woman broke into the tombs, and then someone broke into the Three Emperors' Cemetery. The successive changes aroused their already manic emotions.Hundreds of thousands of wolves roared proudly to the sky, and more than [-] royal wolves rushed to the Cemetery of the Three Emperors one after another.The silent atmosphere of the entire celestial tomb group was completely broken, scattering endless evil spirits and waves of sound.

The mountains in the darkness are boiling! !
"Which location is the Cemetery of the Three Emperors?" Grandma Ji and the others all took half a step forward.

"What an arrogant boy!!" Commander Huayang and Commander Heijue were alarmed at the same time, not knowing whether to say "beautiful" or "proud" as a gift.

"Isn't it the promised saint's tomb? Why did he rush to the imperial mausoleum!" The black girl Liuli's face changed in surprise, and she yelled in a low voice: "A bastard never makes people worry!!"

"The emperor of the ancient country! Sleeping for thousands of years! You should wake up!!" The hysterical roar disturbed the sky, and the crazy momentum broke through the sky. Tang Yan wheeled the black coffin, shouting, laughing wildly, The posture was abruptly blasted down from a high altitude.

Wow! !
Tang Yan tried his best and gave everything away.One day later, the body destruction technique was activated again, wantonly burning the blood energy in both arms, turning it into terrifying energy.

With the prestige of a semi-sage, stimulate the power of the holy realm.

"Million hits, open!!"

Tang Yan swirled a storm-like wave of green fire, tightly gripped the black coffin, and crashed into the tomb of the emperor who had been silent for thousands of years under a lightning-like crash! !

"No!!" The wolves from all directions roared in horror, and even the leader of the wolf royal family who rushed in hastily was deeply shocked by the scene in front of them.This situation is like a sharp arrow piercing through the chest, shattering the heart, and the sense of fear permeates the whole body.

Human Emperor's Tomb?Human Emperor's Tomb! !The Three Emperors Cemetery is the best! !
Yaha! !Before Tang Yan's human form arrived, the green fire came first, rumbling and flooding the tomb of the emperor.

The emperor of the empire, the supremacy of the ancient country, once the pinnacle emperor of the sixth largest empire in the Qitian Continent, and a generation of human emperors who once stubbornly survived the era of great destruction.

3 years of suppression, 3 years of silence, 3 years of devastation!

Boom! !

The green fire fell, and the power of the Fire Emperor swept across.

The entire altar and mausoleum trembled, but at the same moment, the altar burst out with dazzling light, containing the power of destruction, and counterattacked the green fire with arrogance.Like an ancient ferocious beast rising to the sky, trying to crush all disturbers.

In an instant, the phantom blue flames bombarded like a tsunami.The green fire was contained on the spot, and under the strong destructive power of the altar, the entire body rebounded and collapsed towards the sky.And this force almost rushed Huo Ling'er into the sky, and made Tang Yan's whole body dripping with blood.

But... buzz! !In the deepest part of the altar, the black coffin restrained by Ten Emperor Erli experienced the only slight tremor in 3 years.

It's so small, but so meaningful!
At this moment, the emperor of the ancient country who had been suppressed for thousands of years in the black coffin opened his vicissitudes of life.

He is still alive! !
3 years, [-] years, [-] spring and autumn cycles.

Under the endless torture and oppression, he regained consciousness.

The vicissitudes of life and deep eyes are blank at first, but reveal endless domineering power, as if through the black coffin, as if crossing the reincarnation of the century, and cast them into the distant void.

At this moment, tiny cracks appeared in the space of Youye Forest.

At this moment, all five wolf kings looked up at the sky, terrified.

At this moment, the Lord of the Night in the deepest part of the Wolf Palace woke up from the retreat.

At this moment, Tang Yan exerted all his strength to withstand the counter-shock force of the altar, and launched a violent attack with the black coffin.

boom! !Click! !

The black coffin did not disappoint Tang Yan. It resisted the force of the shock and hit the altar hard. The ancient stone wall shattered in response, and cracks spread toward the entire altar.

But it was just a crack, the altar was not completely broken.

"Give it to me, drive!" Tang Yan was as ferocious as a ghost, roaring like a beast, biting his bloody teeth, the blood in his body was almost boiling, he stepped into the air, and fell again ten steps away, turning the black coffin to start a new round wheel strike.

hum! !The altar once again erupted with terrifying counter-shock force, destroying Tang Yan.But Tang Yan was fearless and unstoppable, he strongly restrained, and the coffin was smashed hard.

Boom, boom, once, twice, three times! !

Tang Yan was covered in blood, but he was crazy! !

"Stop him!!" The wolves around woke up with a start, and rushed to the death in fear and anger.

"Open, open! Emperor of the Ancient Kingdom, you should wake up!!" Tang Yan was completely insane, almost obsessed, rotating the black coffin and continuously bombarding the cracks in the altar... Roar! !The wolves culled, covering the sky and covering the earth.

But... "Yeah!!" Huo Ling'er pointed at the sky with her hips on her hips, she gave a childish and clear scream, and the receding wave of green fire fell, like a vast ocean that came across space, submerged in a bombardment-like gesture Cemetery of the Three Emperors.

call! !The green fire was raging, spread across a kilometer, and was tens of meters deep, annihilating thousands of wolves. The power of the green fire was unambiguous.

"Yeah, yay!!" Huo Ling'er seemed to be angry, pointing at the pack of wolves, babbling and pointing, the raging blue flames spread rapidly towards the surroundings, ruthlessly devouring the wolves one by one.

Therefore, the disobedient wolves were all devoured, cleaned up, and completely burned.

The strange and shocking scene finally deterred the restless wolves.

But it was only a few seconds of stopping and trembling, and the leader of the wolf royal family who came running wildly rushed in without hesitation. "Get out of the sky tombs!!"


The wolf leader was furious, and the purple-black light shattered into pieces of green flames. The madness was unparalleled, and the might of the semi-holy was vast. After a hundred steps, he stepped into the air and spit out a cloud of purple-golden light in the ferocity and mania. , towards the back of Tang Yan's head.

With his semi-holy body and the blood of the wolf royal family, this attack is absolutely unambiguous.

But Tang Yan didn't pay attention to it at all, only Huo Ling'er pointed in the air, and an extremely pure green fire light shot out in an instant, and rushed to meet it.

Also at this moment, under the bombardment of Tang Yan with all his strength, the cracked altar finally collapsed, announcing the shattering of the prohibition.

A beam of light as thick as a water tank shot high into the sky in an instant, and it turned out to be extremely dazzling golden. It pierced through the sky, smashed the dark clouds in the sky, and connected the sky and earth, shaking the entire sky.

Across the mountains and plains of the celestial tombs, all the millions of wolves stopped, no matter they were on alert or running wildly, they all stared at the shining beam of light, and they felt the oppression from the soul.

broken? ?The altar is broken? ?The ban is broken? ?
how is this possible? ?
Buzz buzz! !Under all the altars, in all the black coffins, all the sleeping prisoners woke up in the darkness and opened their sharp eyes.

At this moment, the boundless terrifying atmosphere flooded the sky tombs and swept through millions of wolves.

(End of this chapter)

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