Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1128 Broken Black Coffin

Chapter 1128 Broken Black Coffin (5)

"Human Emperor's Coffin?! His goal is to seal the black coffin of the Ancient Kingdom's Human Emperor?!" Granny Ji's eyes glistened, the faint light splashed, and her breathing was even a little heavy.

"That's the root of the Heavenly Tombs! Is he crazy? He wants to bury the Night Forest!"

"Grandma Ji, what plan did you agree on? Was it really the wolf king who allowed him to come?"

The two Thunder Wolf commanders were frightened and furious. They shocked the emperor's coffin, moved the celestial tombs, and harassed all the murderers. Didn't they want to push the entire Youye Forest into a chaotic battlefield?

"Pass the order of the wolf king, revenge!!" Grandma Ji threw a token to the two commanders.

"This is..." The two commanders hurriedly read the information on the token, their expressions changed drastically, and they looked at Grandma Ji in horror: "The wolf king..."

Boom!The token broke and turned into dust.

"Just do it, the 300 million thunder wolves are all in place." Grandma Ji drew out a black stone fan, stepped into the sky from the top of the mountain, gazed at the golden beam of light in the sky, and overlooked the millions of wolves in the mountains. A sneer on the corner of his mouth: "It's about to start!!"

In the Youshi execution ground, Jessica, the guarding holy wolf, woke up in a start. She sacrificed the blade of creation, rushed out of the execution ground, hit the tombs directly, and left a strict order: "Look at the two newly captured prisoners, within half an hour , if I don’t return, let him and the others be separated!!”

In the Wolf Palace, the patriarch Yao Yueye left the customs and personally approved a secret decree. If the ancient sword was unsheathed, the clang would be as shocking as a stone breaking the sky: "Decree the four major ethnic groups to guard the tomb group together."

The wolf royal family, the millions of wolves, were all on standby. Following the secret order, they rushed towards the tomb group in mighty force.

Before the secret order was issued, the wolf kings of the four major wolf clans had already been startled by the drastic changes in the human emperor's coffin, and they all felt the trembling of the Youye Forest space.

But at the moment when the blood wolf king, dark wolf king and giant wolf king were alarmed, the thunder wolf king had already ordered: "The whole family advances, the target - the wolf royal family!!"

The 300 million thunder wolves that had been scattered in different areas quickly received orders, and the high-pitched roar of the chief wolf resounded through the mountains and dense forests, and the millions of thunder wolves responded in a mighty manner. The 300 million thunder wolves were divided into [-] assault arrows, which flew from different areas and around different bends, rushing in the dark wilderness, like a rushing river, with a huge momentum, and even more murderous and cruel.

When the major wolves received instructions, made preparations, assembled, and a series of actions were completed, the Thunder Wolf Clan had already launched operations for nearly half an hour, and within this half hour, all the deployments of the Thunder Wolf Clan were completed. bit.

The most important thing is... the major wolf clans dispatched a maximum of one million wolves, not the whole clan!

The entire Youye forest was in complete chaos, the sky and the sky were covered by galloping wolves, the mountains and plains were full of green eyes, and the air echoed the depression of death.

There are also countless strange beasts and warriors coming out of the dark corners. They are all sacrifices that have survived for tens of thousands of years. They linger in the darkness, struggling and multiplying like savages and beasts. But at this moment, unprecedented changes woke up them.

They walked out of the darkness, climbed to the forbidden 'mountain top', looked around the mountains with trembling eyes, and stared at the distant wolf royal territory with astonished eyes.

Sky Tombs, Three Emperors Cemetery!
The vast energy originating from the emperor's black coffin spread across the cemetery, covering the vast and silent celestial tombs, covering the Black Mountain, Black Valley and Black Altar with layers of golden gauze, making the The terrified wolves were covered with golden light and shadow.

Outside there was chaos and riots, while the celestial tombs were lonely and depressing.

All eyes were focused on the golden beam of light, especially inside and outside the Three Emperors' Cemetery. All the wolves retreated in fear, and clamped their tails in depression.

Tang Yan was soaked in blood, panting heavily, and propped himself up with the help of the black coffin, but his eyes gradually became hot, staring straight at the dilapidated tomb.

Clang! Clang! !

In the ruins of the tomb, there was a crisp crashing sound, which echoed for a long time in the vast golden light, and clearly echoed in the ears of every evil wolf, causing a more fearful sense of depression.

Clang! Clang! !

It was as if heavy chains were colliding, and the voice appeared and disappeared, as if suppressed by something.

"Am I still alive?"

Accompanied by the sound of chains, the misty voice floated out from under the ruins, with obvious confusion, but also seemed to contain a different meaning.

you are still alive?All the voices have been spoken, can you still live? ?The surrounding wolves were even more fearful, and many wolves turned away in fear, not daring to move closer.

But Tang Yan suddenly regained his energy. He straightened up and put his feet together, and saluted in a standard military posture: "Tomb, I'll break it open for you. You can figure out what to do by yourself. I'll find you some more Companion, whether you can escape or not depends on your own destiny."

"who are you?"

Rumbling, accompanied by a hollow but hard to conceal majestic sound, the black coffin finally broke through the ruins slowly and steadily, and gradually broke away from the gravel, and rose towards the sky. The golden beam of light that hit the sky scattered, but filled the entire sky The golden light wave of the tombs is even more powerful, as if it wants to include everything in the world.

After 3 years of silence and [-] years of oppression, he can still have such majesty on the day of waking up, how terrifying he must have been back then!
"My surname is Tang Mingyan, Tang Yan. If you can escape, I will wait for you in Jiulongling. If you can't, I will come to rescue you next time. Hey, I don't have much else. Live well, don't wait for me to come again, unfortunately, you have long resigned!" Tang Yan raised his saluting hand and winked: "Bye bye!"

"Stop him! Don't let him escape!"

"Don't pay attention to the human emperor's coffin. He has been squeezed for 3 years and is restricted by the black coffin. He can't stir up much trouble!"

The two leaders of the wolf royal family shouted anxiously, and all the wolves in the four wilds bared their fangs angrily, and the atmosphere of fear and depression suddenly became hot.

"Master Tang, if I dare to come, am I still afraid of you wolf cubs?" Tang Yan waved the black coffin and slammed it down in front of him.

But... two pure golden swords suddenly converged in the wave of golden light all over the sky, and they slashed at the heads of the two wolf royal clan leaders.

The incident happened suddenly, and the sword's momentum contained unparalleled arrogance!

puff! !
With a flash of the sword light, the golden light swept across and cut off the wolf's head in an instant.

The bodies of the two wolf leaders were still in a culling posture, but their heads were already churning out, spraying blood like a tide from high altitude.

The vast wave of energy that had just been condensed burst into chaos in an instant, like an out-of-control flood sweeping across indiscriminately, even shaking their wolf heads to a bloody mess.

"I'm fucked!!!" Tang Yan hurriedly stopped the attack, but the blood was like a column and the energy was like a tide, splashing on Tang Yan head-on.

The pack of wolves that were about to pounce on the mountains all froze. They looked at the two commanders who were separated from each other in horror. Their consciousness and vision seemed to be dislocated, and they couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

The leader of the semi-holy class!

That is a semi-holy powerhouse!
Just chopped melons and vegetables like this?
Unambiguously, the knife fell and flew!
Tang Yan touched the blood on his face, his heart skipped a beat, his eyes were hot, and he turned his head to look at the black coffin sitting high in the air: "As expected of the emperor of the ancient country! Domineering!!"

"How did you break the altar restriction?" A questioning voice came from inside the black coffin. At this critical juncture, in this chaotic moment, in this battlefield where every second counts to survive, he actually has the heart to ask this!
"Sky fire, ghost blue fire!" Tang Yan said nonsense, took the two corpses, and threw two semi-holy spirit source liquids, hitting the black coffin in the distance: "If you are hungry, think about it first." Let's say goodbye!"

"Ghost Green Fire? You are the descendant of Heaven Fire!" The black coffin completely accepted the spiritual source liquid, and easily absorbed it like the surface of the sea, and the golden light tide between the sky and the earth suddenly brightened a little: "Tang Yan?! I remember Your name is on!!"

At this moment, a gloomy figure pierced through the air, pierced through the wave of golden light in an instant, and descended forcefully on the Emperor's Cemetery. His eyes were like lightning, and his aura exploded loudly, trembling the golden light curtain that filled the sky. "Where did the traitor come from! Suffer!"

The cold voice caused the temperature of the world to drop sharply, and at the same moment, a black beam of light shot out from his wrist, directly hitting Tang Yan's eyebrows.

In an instant, Tang Yan felt that the surrounding space was imprisoned, and the black beam of light enlarged rapidly in front of his eyes. It was a black sharp blade, sweeping the endless evil spirit of death, as if hitting the void from the desolate hell, and like the scythe of death harvesting the living fate.

If Tianwei, mortals are irresistible!

Like killing a god, everything is waiting to be slaughtered!

Tang Yan was imprisoned, and his consciousness was a little hazy, but the black knife struck, the silence fell, and the eternity of the moment, everything is an instant thing.

The blade of creation?

Tang Yan woke up with a start, and tried his best to move the black coffin to defend himself.

But at the very moment, two golden knives slashed down from the air, brazenly facing the blade of creation.

Clang! !Rock-shattering!The mountains collapsed, and the sound waves trembled like a tide! !

The golden knife was completely broken and turned into golden light all over the sky, but the blade of creation was blocked after all.

"Cooperate tacitly, give me a high-five!" Tang Yan felt cold all over, but he couldn't forget to talk poorly, and fled desperately with the black coffin on his shoulders.

"Thief, stop!!" The holy wolf Jessica showed her real body, one person with one knife, and the killing momentum was shocking.

But... "Young man, I wish you good luck, we... will meet later!" The emperor's black coffin suddenly burst into the sky, and the golden light waves in the mountains and plains turned into a golden sword that can reach the heavens and the earth, facing the vast void Wild hack!
He wants to break through the void, he wants to break through the restriction, he wants to escape from the night forest! !
"Damn it, isn't it?!" Tang Yan turned his head sharply and cursed.

(End of this chapter)

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