Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 113

Chapter 113
"This is for me to catch it!" The blood doll suddenly roared, his expression extremely excited.

The Buddha seal on Tang Yan's forehead suddenly became clear, the low voice of the Buddha echoed in his mind, and his chaotic and trembling consciousness quickly returned to clarity.When I looked again, the figure in the darkness disappeared, replaced by a small sapling, very delicate and fresh, with only two young leaves, but the leaves were not green, they shone like white jade, pure white and flawless.On the top of the small tree, there is a bright red fruit that looks like dripping blood.

"Is it a hallucination just now? What is this?" Tang Yan was still in shock, looking at the young sapling in disbelief.

"Blood Soul Tree! It turned out to be a Blood Soul Tree. I'll drop the sky, Blood Soul Tree!" The blood baby was emotional, even to the point of excitement. Before Tang Yan returned, he said directly: "In some ancient battlefields, or In the ancient cemetery, a strange plant will be born, called the blood soul tree! It absorbs the nutrition of the bones, gives birth to branches, absorbs the souls of hundreds of millions of living beings, breeds white jade-colored leaves, gathers endless blood, and bears scarlet fruits The branches are called 'Xuehunzhi', the leaves are called 'Death Soul Huangbai', and the fruit is called 'Wanxuedan', all of which are extremely precious medicines.

But not all ancient battlefields will breed blood soul trees, and not all ancient tombs will give birth to blood soul trees. It takes tens of thousands of years to gestate and absorb the souls and blood of hundreds of millions of living beings. Most importantly, these There must also be enough superpowers in the living beings.Therefore, its birth is very difficult, and it is naturally a peerless treasure.

'Blood Soul Branch' can be used as alchemy material, and even the top alchemists will be crazy about it. Your blood energy is the key to your Immortal Yantian Jue hitting the fourth stage.With it, when your blood pill shatters into a sea of ​​blood, you will have an extra chance of success.

Back then, the reason why I was able to successfully condense the sea of ​​blood so that my body would not be shattered by the huge energy of the blood pill when it shattered was because I got the Ten Thousand Blood Pill by chance. Holy, and this one is a hundred times bigger! "

Provide vitality?Crush the sea of ​​blood?Tang Yan was refreshed, and without hesitation, he grabbed the Blood Soul Tree.


Whoosh!The Blood Soul Tree turned into a stream of light, rushing out of the ruins in an instant.

"Huh? Can it run?" Tang Yan was stunned for a moment, staring at the Blood Soul Tree a hundred meters away.It is actually standing?A few delicate rhizomes stand on the ground, like a few legs standing.

The Blood Soul Tree turned towards Tang Yan, shaking its leaves and fruit, as if mocking him.

"Oh!" Tang Yan was dumbfounded and became a genius
"What are you doing in a daze, chase after me!" The blood doll roared excitedly. He had never seen a real blood soul tree, but he had heard related legends. It is certain that the blood soul trees that appeared in history were all pure plants. , I have never run around like this.

It means that this blood soul tree is definitely one of the best!Could it be that it was born by absorbing the blood of these peerless monsters?It has survived hundreds of millions of years here?
The blood doll's current excitement has almost reached Zengdu, and it is already a great opportunity to meet the blood soul tree. To meet this kind of blood soul tree that can run, I am afraid that it is the No. 1 in all ages!
"Chasing chasing chasing, Du Yang, Xu Yan, help me catch this little goblin!" Tang Yan was also very excited, and the fan's pace burst out on the spot, and he grabbed towards the blood soul tree.

The Blood Soul Tree stood still, and the second Tang Yan rushed over, it swished away. Tang Yan was caught off guard, and a dog gnawed at him on the spot, but before he got up, the Blood Soul Tree squatted On his face, a few roots crackled and trampled, and then rushed out again.

"Uh, is it insulting me?" Tang Yan was stunned for a moment, this girl really became a genius
Du Yang and Xu Yan looked at each other, a little confused, what is he doing?Playing with a sapling?
"I'm a little confused, did that tree run away just now?" Du Yang scratched his head.

Xu Yan muttered to himself, "Does it have long legs?"

"Is this really a tree? Why does it look so ugly?" Before Du Yang finished speaking, the Blood Soul Tree suddenly appeared in front of him, raising its head towards him. Before Du Yang could react, the Blood Soul Tree suddenly appeared in front of him. The tree sprang up in an instant and hit his chin hard.

Regardless of how delicate and delicate he is, this charge directly sent Du Yang to a height of seven or eight meters, leaving behind a series of screams.

"I'm an old ancestor!" The blood baby inhaled quietly, and Tang Yan was even more dumbfounded.

Du Yang fell to the ground with a slap, blood dripping from his mouth, and he was almost mad with anger, but the blood soul tree returned again, landed on his body, and its roots pierced hard.

ah!A mournful scream resounded through the ruins.

"Catch him!" Tang Yan sprang up, no matter how careless he was, Miying's steps burst out one after another, leaving behind afterimages, chasing the Blood Soul Tree.Du Yang was so ashamed and angry that he plunged his hands into the ground, and stone pillars broke through the ground, blocking the route of the Blood Soul Tree like sharp arrows.

Xu Yan and Hei Niu joined in one after another, trying their best to capture the Blood Soul Tree.


I rely on!

ah!my teeth!
Nima!Don't poke me down!

The ruins piled up like chickens and dogs, accompanied by screams of grief and violent collisions, three people and a dog, chasing a small sapling in embarrassment, to be exact, a sapling was playing with three people and a dog.

Tang Yan thinks his speed is fast enough, the black girl is also as fast as lightning, and Du Yang's martial arts are equally dissatisfied, but the blood soul tree is faster and more flexible, and the five small roots are like octopus legs, jumping around among the ruins Jump, swish and scurry.

In the end, even the blood baby couldn't stand it anymore, and kept cursing Tang Yan for being incompetent, wishing to rush out by himself.

"No, outsmart!" Tang Yan changed his style and fell to the ground, pretending to be dead.Du Yang and Xu Yan understood, pretended to be exhausted, squatted on the ground panting.

The Blood Soul Tree stopped not far away, with five straight roots, two white leaves bent, and cherry-like fruits shaking, as if looking at them.This scene is very weird, a tree looks like a human being with its hips on its hips, but Tang Yan and the others really dare not be careless anymore.

The black girl ran up to Tang Yan, licked his face pitifully, moaned softly, and even squeezed out two tears, her acting skills are top-notch!have a future!
Tang Yan couldn't help feeling that at critical moments, he had to rely on his relatives.

"I can't play anymore, I can't play anymore, my brother, let's go home." Du Yang got up out of breath, and came to Tang Yan, with a sad face on his back, and staggered forward step by step.

The Blood Soul Tree finally lost its composure, and walked over to follow, scurrying back and forth on both sides, as if observing them.

"Hold on! It's been fooled!" Du Yang reminded Tang Yan in a low voice.

Tang Yan bit the tip of his tongue, blood oozed from the corner of his mouth, and the black girl squatting on him suddenly let out a sad wail.

The Blood Soul Tree stopped for a while, then rushed up with one stride.

"Coming?" Tang Yan lifted his spirits and buckled it.

Whoosh!The Blood Soul Tree was more flexible than expected, and escaped by wiping his palm.Standing more than ten meters away, jumping up and down, shaking the leaves, as if scolding them for their despicability.

The three of them stared blankly at the young sapling waving its leaves, some of them were big-headed, and even a little absent-minded, this girl is too flexible!

The Blood Soul Tree scolded for a while, probably because he was tired, and slowly straightened his body, a faint circle of light diffused leisurely, red and white, red like blood, white like jade, the brilliance is so beautiful that people are intoxicated.

Du Yang and Xu Yan gradually became obsessed, and Tang Yan gradually lost his mind.They seem to be in a river valley full of mountains and flowers, with lush ancient trees and green grass, and cranes, spirit birds, and jade horse horned gazelle can be seen indistinctly. It is peaceful and beautiful, just like a fairyland.

The three of them began to lose themselves, their pupils began to slack, and their flesh and blood gradually shriveled. The rich blood energy drifted out and gathered towards the blood soul tree. The cherry-like scarlet fruit swayed slowly, absorbing the blood energy like enjoying it.

"Tang Yan!" The blood baby's complexion changed drastically, and he roared sharply, trying to awaken Tang Yan's consciousness.This blood soul tree is really terrifying, not only can it form illusions, but it can also automatically suck human blood!

But Tang Yan's consciousness was sluggish, immersed in the beautiful illusion, and gradually lost himself.

(End of this chapter)

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