Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 114

Chapter 114
hum!Bright golden brilliance suddenly erupted from the depths of the sea of ​​qi. Tang Yan regained consciousness suddenly, and the seal of Buddha appeared. The fire bursts out with intense blue flames.

Du Yang's slack eyes burst out with black and white brilliance, and a phantom of a rabbit emerged in the sky, swallowing the aura of heaven and earth, and emitting a terrifying petrified brilliance.

Xu Yan's right arm began to wrap around Lei Mang, and the golden runes spread across his body, vaguely forming a majestic figure with a lion's head and an ape's body around his body, exuding a terrifying majesty like a mountain.

Whether it's Tang Yan, Du Yang, or Xu Yan, the powerful source in the body has shown its power. It's not awakened, but a defense formed by itself when it feels a great threat.

With their appearance, mighty majesty surged out, blocking the escape of blood energy.

The three of them staggered a few times, knelt heavily on the ground, panting heavily.

Foyin, Qingyan, Lepus, and Jinying all broke away from the main body, gathered into a dazzling pillar of light and blasted towards the Blood Soul Tree. The Blood Soul Tree radiated red and white brilliance, forming a protective shield that seemed to be there.

Colliding with each other, a terrifying energy fluctuation instantly turned all the gravel within a kilometer into dust.

When the dust and mist dissipated, the Blood Soul Tree stood where it was, without being affected in the slightest, but stopped moving, as if a little confused.

Tang Yan's pale cheeks were bloodless, and his body was terribly weak. His body, which had just improved due to his experience in the mine, was as thin as a stick, and his internal vitality was exhausted. All his efforts during this period were in vain.

"Get out before it reacts." Du Yang crawled to Tang Yan's side and helped him up with difficulty.This little sapling is too terrifying. If it weren't for the vision that appeared in the body just now, they would have only bones left.

But the body vision cannot continue to appear. At that moment just now, I almost sucked myself clean.

"Can't go!" Bloody Baby scolded again, this sapling is too important to him, whether it can break the seal of the old bald donkey, whether it can take Tang Yan's body, whether it can be reborn again, it is absolutely the key!

Tang Yan stared at the Blood Soul Tree, panting weakly, secretly thinking about gains and losses.

"Don't hesitate, this kind of fetish is not something we can have, quickly withdraw it, if it gets aggressive again, we won't be able to leave even if we want to." Xu Yan expressed his attitude. The horrible scene just now made his whole body cold, as if even his soul Being sucked out, I really dare not try again.

"I'll try again, the last time." Tang Yan adjusted his state slightly, trying to show a kind smile.

The Blood Soul Tree was a little distracted just now, as if it was reminiscing the aura emanating from the three of them, but now it was startled suddenly, and took two steps back vigilantly, the two leaves stood straight up, as if it was defending, it was very funny , but no one laughed out loud.

"Ahem, child, we"

The young sapling straightened up immediately, and the small leaves turned slowly, facing Tang Yan straight.

"Eh, don't like that title? That friend? Dude? Brother? Boss?"

The white jade-like little leaves pointed at Tang Yan, as if reprimanding him, dissatisfied with these messy titles.

Tang Yan was a little speechless, and quietly asked the blood baby: "In that era, what was the general use of honorific titles?"

"You can try 'Grandpa'!"



The corners of Tang Yan's eyes twitched, and he called out with a smile: "Master?"

no response.

"Master? Auntie?"

Still no response.

"Little ancestor?"

The crystal-like jade leaves finally softened, and the little fruit nodded, as if approving the title.

Damn you!Tang Yan cursed in his heart, and smiled on the surface: "Little Ancestor, I know you have lived here for hundreds of millions of years. You are very bored in front of some ancient temples and chains every day. You want to go out, but you have nowhere to go. Let's play, no one to accompany, no one to talk to, lonely, lonely and helpless, alas, I have suffered for you all these years"

Du Yang and Xu Yan stared blankly at the suddenly sad Tang Yan, the corners of their eyes twitched slightly, what is this?Ready to abduct?
The little sapling seemed to resonate, and slowly lowered its head. The two little leaves were stirred together. If this was a child, the expression now must be very sad.

Uh, Du Yang and Xu Yan's eyes widened, it's all right
Tang Yan thought secretly, with a sad face: "Little ancestor, I really can't imagine how you have survived these years. To be honest, I admire you and sympathize with you. You live in this cemetery-like world every day. If you stare at some broken stones in a daze, those little bugs and beasts don't understand the mood, let alone play with you.

If you have never been out, you may not be able to imagine the outside world. There are thousands of miles of ancient cities, rushing rivers, various races, countless forests, fairylands, and many handsome men and beauties. All in all, novelty There are too many things to do, and there are too many fun things to do.Look at me, I have lived for hundreds of years, and I have not traveled to one ten thousandth of the place. "

The little sapling was fascinated by what he heard, and even leaned forward, turning his head towards Tang Yan.

Du Yang and Xu Yan were completely speechless, well, they were really going to be cheated.Xu Yan stared at Tang Yan with weird eyes, and looked him up and down. Now he is beginning to hesitate. Is it a little ill-considered to choose to follow him?Also, how many hundred years old has this girl lived?Really cheating

Tang Yan continued to be sentimental: "Xiaozu, you have grown up, you really should go out for a walk, look at the great mountains and rivers outside, and look at the magical and gorgeous world. Here, there is only gray and white, but outside, It’s colorful and beautiful.”

The Blood Soul Tree leaned forward again, and stood straight in front of Tang Yan, as if resonating.

"I remember when I was five years old." Tang Yan sat on the ground, crossed his legs towards it, and began to tell a story.

In the depths of the sea of ​​qi, the blood baby kept rolling his eyes, cursing her for being shameless; Du Yang rubbed his ears, unable to listen; Xu Yan looked at the sky and the ground, admiring the scenery boredly; On the ground, drowsy.

But the Blood Soul Tree listened with relish, and finally squatted in Tang Yan's arms, listening carefully.

Tang Yan tried his best to combine the current situation of this other world with the adventure experience of the previous life, and told each story with gusto, and even himself was a little bit immersed in it. : "I have a suggestion, how about we find a way to go out together? With your supreme power, I can definitely feel that my two brothers and I are somewhat special. Maybe they are not the strongest now, but they have great potential. In the future His achievements are certainly extraordinary.

Just like the story I just told, what we are after is stimulation and process!How boring is it to be the strongest and most powerful at the beginning?I have a suggestion. Wouldn't it be more exciting for you to just follow me and watch our brothers explore and grow, and finally we stand at the top of the world together?
Let me take the liberty to say that you are still young and have not yet fully grown up. There must be more room for improvement and you can grow stronger.But the ancient city here has been exhausted, it is difficult to help you anymore, but it is fresh outside, the blood and soul you want, there are plenty of them, let's collect them slowly, it will definitely help you. "

Tang Yan persuaded the little sapling earnestly, with a sincere face, Xiaozhi moved with emotion and reasoned, and thought of all the ways he could think of, so he was almost seductive.

The little sapling seemed a little dazed, stuck in Tang Yan's arms, and remained silent for a while.It was born here, and grew here again. After countless years, it gave birth to wisdom again, but it lived in such a dead environment for a long time. Although its wisdom was opened, it did not grow, just like a newborn child , only joy, anger, sorrow, joy, and no palace and scheming.

Unexpectedly, someone told him so many novel events, and he was very curious subconsciously, but if he left here and went to a strange world, he would still be a little wary and a little flustered.

"Xiaozu, you just have to put a hundred hearts on it! I am upright, kind, pure, friendly, respect the old and love the young, I will definitely treat you 100%, never leave, and will definitely respect you well, I will take you to the most interesting places, see the most amazing scenery, drink blood in big bowls, and eat meat with big mouthfuls, only using the freshest." Tang Yan guessed the scruples of the Blood Soul Tree, and patted his chest to promise.

It's just that after saying these words, Du Yang and Xuewa couldn't stand it anymore, it was so shameless!

"How about it? Do you want to see the wonderful world outside, do you want to enjoy a beautiful life, do you want to witness miracles with your own eyes, do you want to have a companion? From now on, I will be your best partner!" Tang Yan After some sincere words, he tentatively picked up the Blood Soul Tree, but this time, it didn't struggle.

"How about it? It's done." Du Yang and Xu Yan recovered their spirits and looked nervously at the Blood Soul Tree.

Tang Yan kept smiling, tried his best to avoid all distracting thoughts, and just looked at it straightly, without evasive eyes or impurities.

The delicate atmosphere lasted for a few minutes, and the Blood Soul Tree suddenly shook Tang Yan's hands away and appeared ten meters away.

"Failed?" Du Yang and others shrugged, a little disappointed.

"Do you want to try again?" Xuewawa hurriedly urged Tang Yan.

Tang Yan refused to give up, came to Xiaoshu, and stretched out his hand sincerely: "Xiaozu, I promise, we will become the best partners! The outside world is really exciting, and it is definitely worth your while. Also, I I can swear that I will never want to use you, let alone absorb you, please believe me."

(End of this chapter)

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