Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1131 3 Knocking to Invite Demons

Chapter 1131

War Demon Tomb? !

Tang Yan thought he had read it wrong, but after rushing over, it turned out to be the War Demon Tomb.

The slightly low altar, the shaky will-o'-the-wisps, the dilapidated stele, and the simple "Tomb of War Demon" on the stele all looked so bleak.

"Why is War Demon's tombstone here? Didn't he fall in the Lost Battle Realm?" Tang Yan touched the old stone tablet with a solemn expression: "Youye Forest? Golden Ancient Clan? Could it be that War Demon was killed by the ancient tribe? ! Which family?!"

The tomb is simple, the altar is low, and even the flame that symbolizes burning life is intermittent, as if it may be extinguished at any time.

"Most black coffins are alive. Could it be that War Demon is still alive?" Tang Yan swung the black coffin in his hand and was about to smash it down, but stopped halfway.

Bang bang bang!More than ten wolves found Tang Yan's trace, immediately called other companions, and rushed towards Tang Yan.

"Green fire, domain!!" With Tang Yan's thought, led by Huo Ling'er, the ghostly green fire spread out immediately, sweeping across the 200-meter area with the momentum of the river, burning the attacking wolf, and forming a forbidden area like a domain. Deter other wolves from attacking.

The green fire field disperses the evil wolves, and also dissolves several low mountains!

"Master, War Demon." Tang Yan put down the black coffin heavily, summoned and raised the ancient sword, and solemnly moved towards the tomb of War Demon.

From the Giant Elephant City to the cemetery of the deserted city, from Dross to the Dayan Mountains, from the Canglan Ancient Land to the Eternal Beast Mountain, and then to the Xingluo Empire, the ancient sword is always accompanied by the ancient sword, and the eternal "war spirit" ' and 'Crash the sky'.

When I was young and frivolous, I only knew that the winner was king. It was the domineering ancient sword that gave me the confidence to stride forward, and it was the towering black shadow in the world of ancient warfare that gave me tenacious belief.

The most loyal partner, the ancient sword; the most revered teacher, the war demon!

Tang Yan was solemn and solemn, holding the ancient saber flat, facing the cracked tomb, he knelt down with a slam, his eyes were firm.

Don't worship the sky or kneel down, but remember the teacher's kindness as heavy as a mountain.

"Master, please be respected by your disciples!!" Tang Yan raised his saber high, bent over, and put his head on the ground, paying homage to the master and apprentice.

The surrounding wolves are like moths to the flame, rushing forward to attack the green fire field, one after another being melted and burned until they turn into spiritual source liquid, the scene is tragic and tense.The continuously increasing number of deaths not only did not suppress their anger, but made more and more wolves lose their minds. They are not afraid of life and death, bloody and brutal, and do not believe in defenses that cannot be broken by green fire.

Until the leader of the giant wolves rushed here, roaring angrily, summoning the giant wolves to attack the main target, while he himself rolled up black flames like ink, eroding the green flames of the ghost.

The blue fire ball circled an area of ​​200 meters and extended tens of meters in the air, like a giant fireball surrounded by green and clear, dazzling eyes, but outside the green fire were all black packs of wolves.

Tang Yan didn't pay any attention, and after knocking once, he knocked a second time, still solemn and reverent, still holding his saber high.

Boom! !

There was a clear beating sound coming from the ancient sword, like a lively and powerful heart!

The bloodline on the knife body was scarlet, flowing like a resurrection, filled with strong blood!
After being together for 30 or [-] years, Tang Yan felt for the first time that the ancient war knife seemed to have life. It was not a war knife, but had flesh and blood and soul.

When Tang Yan knocked down the second time, when the ancient war knife sent out surging blood energy, there seemed to be some kind of movement in the tomb, very faint and hollow, like chains touching the cold coffin.

Tang Yan's spirits vibrated slightly, is there any movement? !
Could it be that War Demon is really still alive?

"My dear teacher! Disciple Tang Yan, bow three times!" Tang Yan raised his saber again and bowed heavily.And under the control of the mind, all the spiritual source fluid obtained from burning the wolf gathered towards the ancient sword.

Although it was only a short period of time, the culling of the wolves gave Tang Yan more than 900 pieces of pure spiritual source liquid. When they all gathered, they almost covered the entire body of the knife.

Tang Yan himself didn't know what to do, but since he wanted to pay homage to his teacher's grave, the sacrifices and gifts must of course be respected, and at this critical moment, spiritual power was undoubtedly the best choice.

The ancient war knife has been devouring blood since it followed Tang Yan, but today, in response to the call of the owner of the black coffin, it unexpectedly began to accept the spiritual source liquid without hesitation.

Tang Yan bowed heavily, unable to kneel for a long time, his expression became agitated in respect, and even shone brightly like a fiery fire.

Because... the body of the ancient war knife is getting heavier and heavier, from the initial gravity of ten thousand catties to a more exaggerated level, and the traces of blood on the surface of the ancient war knife and the beating sound of the heartbeat inside are more intense.

Whoa! !

The sound of the chains colliding began to echo in the tomb, not psychedelic, but real! !
Under the tomb and inside the black coffin, there is really something moving!
Is it a war demon?War Demon is still alive? ?
The low altar of the tomb was gradually covered with cracks, emitting a strange black aura.

Tang Yan knew them and could feel them, they were evil spirits! !It is the evil spirit that erodes all things. I had an experience in the Dongkui Holy Mountain of the Eternal Beast Mountain, and almost ruined Du Yang and the others! !
"Three salutes, please benefactor!!" Tang Yan stood up suddenly, holding the ancient saber in both hands and thrusting it heavily into the rock formation in front of him. With a violent roar, the black coffin was rotated and smashed towards the cracked altar.

At this time, the black coffin of the Emperor of the Ancient Kingdom had already formed a confrontation with Yao Yueye and Jessica, and no one could do anything to them. The terrifying energy vibrated the dense sealing chains, and even aroused the true power of the phantom left behind by the ancient golden clan .

After a short period of silence, all the black coffins emanated a mighty majesty that overwhelmed all living beings. There were saints who once dominated one side, such as Wu Niangniang and Juggernaut, as well as terrifying holy beasts imprisoned from the dark place.Although imprisoned for thousands of years, the power of the holy realm still remains, which cannot be underestimated, at least it is definitely not something that ordinary half-sages can easily suppress.

They finally got out of trouble, each reacted differently, some fled directly to the void, intending to break the space to escape, some directly vented the killing hatred to the wolves, baptized the black coffin with blood, and even devoured the blood to restore themselves , and some violently collapsed more tombs, completely disrupting the entire Youye Forest.

And Empress Wu rushed directly to the trapped Emperor of the Ancient Kingdom, this is the most powerful existence, as long as the Emperor of the Ancient Kingdom escapes, the chaos will be hard to suppress, the Youye Forest will be beyond redemption, and they will have a greater escape Chance.

The celestial tomb group was in complete turmoil. The four major wolf clans that got the news were all rushing to support the celestial tomb group, among which the Thunder Wolf King and the Thunder Wolf Clan were the fastest.But the matter is of great importance. The giant wolf king, the blood wolf king, and the dark wolf king all crossed the boundless mountains and territories of various races at an astonishing speed, approaching the sky tombs at full speed.

At this critical moment, the arrival of the four wolf kings will definitely form an overwhelming control. With the power of the wolf kings, it is no problem to destroy the black coffin.

As the strongest wolf clan in the Youye Forest, the wolf royal family also showed their strength in times of crisis. Whether it was hidden or on the surface, all the wolves at the commander and deputy commander levels all reached the sky as quickly as possible. Tombs.

The black coffin appeared suddenly, and the characters inside the black coffin were all legends, but the wolf clan who were the guardians were also not good at it.

But... will the riots really end soon?The arrival of the major wolf kings and wolves really suppressed the black coffin?The real chaotic storm has just been unveiled! !
Nether Stone Execution Ground!

Jessica's departure and the chaos in the celestial tombs also inspired the chaos in the execution ground of hell. All the imprisoned wolves and beasts struggled vigorously, roaring and resisting, making the vast execution ground resound with roars and chains. clatter.

The guarding wolves and wolf-headed soldiers were in a hurry, constantly suppressing, and calling guards from the outside one after another, but the more brutal the suppression, the more the prisoners resisted, so that the chaos in Youshi execution ground surpassed that of the sky tomb group.

But it was at this juncture that the stone gates on all sides of Youshi Execution Ground suddenly fell and closed, and the heavy gate of more than ten meters hit the ground, causing the mountain at the gate to tremble continuously, and the dull sound echoed for a long time in the chaotic execution ground.

The weird sound waves first aroused the vigilance of the guardian wolves, and then attracted the attention of the prisoners.

"Thunderwolves? This is not where you came in!!" The leader of Youshi Execution Ground fell to the main entrance area, looking solemnly at the large number of Thunderwolves that suddenly appeared, especially the Thunderwolves in front turned out to be six-tailed Thunderwolves. It is the semi-holy realm! !

But at this moment, the outside is already quiet, what does that mean?
All the guards outside the execution ground have been controlled?Or did misfortune happen?

"Youshi Execution Ground, guarding three thousand members of my Thunder Wolf Clan. It has been decades, and you have suffered. I, Liu Li, the princess of the Thunder Wolf Clan, is ordered by the Wolf King to take you home!!" Walking forward It was the black girl Liuli!

And as she moved forward, thousands of thunder wolves appeared in front of the four gates one after another, and there were actually fifty thousand of them, all of which were elite troops secretly brought by Grandma Ji.

The sound echoed clearly in the vast execution ground.All the more than 3000 Thunder wolves who were imprisoned were moved: "Princess??"

"Belongs to the wolf royal family, don't leave any one behind, kill!!!" Liuli's eyes turned cold, and Liuwei stirred up a terrifying thunderstorm, sweeping all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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