Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1132 Upgrade

Chapter 1132 Upgrade
The war in the cemetery escalated sharply, causing chaos like oceans, high-pitched roars and roars that shook the sky, and the manic energy was about to collapse the space, and even space cracks appeared in some areas, tearing some wolves into pieces on the spot. debris.

On the edge of the wolf royal family's territory, the four great wolf kings are coming down at a high speed, and outside the edge, all the wolves from all tribes are sprinting to form an endless ocean of chaos and boiling.

Chaotic, anxious, urgent, it can be called a rare crisis in the history of You Ye Forest's establishment!
In the Youshi execution ground next to the celestial tomb group, bloody and cruel killings were also staged!
After the [-] thunder wolves secretly swept the outside, they directly swept the inner execution ground with the most ruthless means. They were the elite soldiers directly under Grandma Ji.There is also a semi-holy-level black girl Liuli pressing the formation, coercing the entire lava battlefield, so that the jailers in the execution ground are basically powerless to fight back.

In just a few breaths, [-] Thunderwolves swept across the execution ground, and Wo Xue dominated the situation.

The three thousand thunder wolves who had been tortured for decades trembled in rage and roared in vent.Their bodies were emaciated and covered in blood, but they were fierce and fierce... Most of them shed tears... About [-]% of the [-] Leiwolves imprisoned in the Youshi Execution Ground were imprisoned after the wolf royal family punished the Leiwolves. Back then when the Wolf King was humiliated and the Thunder Wolf Clan was suppressed, a large number of Thunder Wolves were so bloody that they couldn't bear the fact that the Thunder Wolf Queen and Princess were being eaten separately. For five years, he continued to challenge the wolf royal family and the giant wolf family, so that some were eaten, and some were escorted to the execution ground to suffer.

But for decades, they have suffered so much and no one cares about them. I thought that the Thunder Wolf King had abandoned them, but I didn't expect... [-] Thunder Wolves broke into the execution ground?
The new wolf princess came in person?

The meaning is self-evident.

"You Thunderwolves want to rebel? Wasn't it miserable enough to be suppressed back then?!"

"Leave Youshi Execution Ground immediately and publicly admit your mistakes to the four major groups!! Otherwise, after today, it will be the end of your Thunder Wolf clan."

"Idiots!! You save them today, and tomorrow you will replace them to enrich the Youshi execution ground!"

"The status of the wolf royal family is definitely not something that you Leiwolf clan can shake! Kill me three thousand today, and kill you three million tomorrow!!"

The guardian wolves from all ministries roared angrily, but no one paid any attention to it. Only thousands of thunder wolves slaughtered frantically, and only the fangs and sharp claws mixed with thunder and lightning were asking for blood and corpses.

The Leiwolves were extraordinarily ferocious, with venting cruelty. They either killed the wolves of the Wolf Royal Clan to death, or directly injured them and threw them into the hot magma.

Moreover, a large number of released wolves from other wolf clans joined the battlefield and began to cull the wolves of the wolf royal clan to vent their suffering.

All of a sudden, howling and screaming, fighting and devouring became the main theme of Youshi Execution Ground.

"Thunderwolves, you will regret it! You will be severely sanctioned by the wolf royal family! You will be punished by the four major wolf clans!!" The head wolf guarding the Youshi execution ground roared wildly, but faced with more than ten thunder wolves Bombarding and bombarding, his roar was quickly drowned in the thunderstorm.

"Since I, the Thunder Wolf Clan, have taken action, I am not afraid of any troubles!! The Wolf Royal Clan?? Huh, after today, the Youye Forest will have five wolves and five kings at the same time, and there will be no self-proclaimed emperor anymore!!" The black girl Liuli said coldly Glance at him.

"Who are you?" In the middle of the execution ground, Xu Yan slowly raised his head, looking at the six-tailed thunder wolf walking towards him.However, due to the excessive damage and weakness, the blood dripped continuously along the blond hair.

Thunderwolves?How could they suddenly enter the execution ground of the wolf royal family?
It seemed to be chaotic outside, even the saint who was sitting in town had left.

Could it be that the night forest rioted?

"Inheritor of the Bone Race, semi-sacred realm, you surprised me." Liuli appeared in the body of a thunder wolf, and naturally she would not be recognized, but looking back at the past and looking at the present, the teenagers who used to roam the wilderness, unexpectedly Carrying such a heavy destiny chess game, they all have such an amazing growth rate.

Xu Yanmeng became wary and looked at each other coldly.

Liuli could sense the energy surging in the depths of the magma. It was obvious that Du Yang was persevering in the high-temperature smelting: "Pull the one out of the magma first!!"

The accompanying Thunder Wolf moved immediately, biting the chains and tearing them apart collectively.

With the sound of chains and the churning of magma, Du Yang, who was entwined on the boulder, was lifted up.At this moment, he has been completely petrified, and his whole body is red, like a porcelain sculpture lifted out of a furnace. Heat waves are steaming all over his body, and bright red and translucent magma is slowly dripping down his whole body.

You can clearly feel the devastation he endured.

"Are you still alive?" The black girl deliberately expressed her coldness.

"Who are you? Why did you save us?" Du Yang weakly shook away the magma, but did not disperse the petrification. The sound seemed to come from a stone carving, hollow.He is even more unaware of the situation and is always on guard.


"Who?" The two raised their eyebrows sensitively.

"A bastard." The black girl spat out a green jade bottle and put it on the ground: "Unlocking the seal shouldn't be a problem for you, right? I don't need to do it. This is left by that bastard, eat it quickly to help, He's making a fuss outside."

"Who the hell are you!!" Du Yang and Xu Yan were secretly surprised.

"Hurry up, it's too late to catch up with the good show."

Um?The two exchanged glances, but when they looked ahead again, the heroic six-tailed thunder wolf had disappeared.

"Thunder Wolf? Him? Niuer!!" Du Yang was slightly taken aback, and a little light flashed in his eyes, but it was even more inconceivable.

"Why has Niu changed? Can she still talk?" Xu Yan was also surprised.

"Never mind him!! Let's talk about escaping! It looks like the entire Thunder Wolf Clan is on the move! I'll untie it for you first, bear with it!!" Du Yang struggled fiercely, and the black and white beams of light that aroused his eyes hit Xu I hate those sealed stone cones all over my body.

His ability was suppressed, and the black and white beams of light looked very weak, but Lepus' inheritance was very powerful. After about ten breaths of hard work, two pieces finally shattered!

"Tang Yan's stinky boy moved very fast, and he directly called out the Thunder Wolf Clan!!" Xu Yan has 39 sealing stone cones all over his body. Removing two of them will not have much effect, but the effect is still there. The spiritual power in his body The flow speeded up a bit, Xu Yan recovered a little, his eyes turned bloody in the red light, and he yelled: "Continue!!"

"Hold on!!" Du Yang was weak, but when he became fierce, he was absolutely crazy. He endured the severe pain in his body and continued to stimulate the black and white columns, while screaming into the distance: "Friends of the Leiwolf Clan, put all the wolf heads Leave everyone to me, and I will avenge myself!"

"Go on, hurry up! Come on!" Xu Yan's urging voice seemed to be roaring, and his whole body began to struggle violently. As the stone cone was gradually pulled out, the terrifying power was recovering, and many areas began to ossify. Standing like a horse, I want to transpire the space! !
"Right now! The tenth piece!" Du Yang became more and more frantic, completely ignoring the consumption, and crazily destroyed the stone pillar on Xu Yan's body, but his consciousness was weakening, he was sweating profusely, and even his face was turning pale rapidly.

"Continue!! Hold on to another six pieces!" Xu Yan's whole body continued to ossify, helping to destroy the remaining stone cones.There are 39 sealing cones in her body, and she only needs to break sixteen of them, and she can dissolve it by herself.

"Two yuan!! Four yuan!! Yah!" Du Yang relied entirely on his willpower.

"Stop them!!" The nearby wolves felt the terrifying stand, and immediately more than a dozen wolves rushed towards them.But there were no other thunder wolves to intercept in the air, and they rushed towards the boiling magma in a scuffle.

"Persevere!!" Xu Yan's bones twisted and cracked, and the wild animal breath left in the bones continued to soar, as if a giant beast was breaking free from its cage.

"Six...six..." Du Yang was hysterical, with blood oozing from his eyes. "The sixth block!!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Yan looked up to the sky, a real lion's roar mixed with stellar energy gushed out, the bones of his body vibrated violently, and all the remaining stone cones still inserted in his body were bounced away.

Then, all the semi-holy aura returned, and the pale stellar energy swept across the execution ground.

Kakaka, densely packed pale bone stubbles emerged in the void and burst out from the rock mass. In a blink of an eye, the execution ground became a world of bones. Looking around, it was full of bones like a jungle of thorns. Shocking, a kind of extremely pale gorgeous.

All the wolves that were still struggling were pierced by their bones. Before the wolves screamed and struggled, the bones devoured their blood frantically, and the bloody wolves shriveled up in howling.

For the first time, Xu Yan showed the power of cruel killing and cruelty, his eyes were blood red, like a real beast.

Clang! !The stone cones all over Du Yang's body were shattered by the stubble, and his whole body's strength returned one after another, the surging spiritual power flowed unimpeded, and his terrible injuries were also recovering.

"Lingyuanye, that's right, it's Tang Yan!!" Xu Yan picked up the jade bottle left by Liuli and threw it to Du Yang.

"It must be exciting outside, it's time for us to take action!!" After taking the spiritual source liquid, Du Yang's whole body was petrified again, and then he rushed directly into the magma layer, roaring in a low voice: "Tutu, don't sleep, open the underground river for me, The magma from the execution ground poured into the tombs!!!”

Aww! !From the deepest part of the underground magma, there was a clear low roar.

It's Tutu, it's a totem beast, Tutu! !Although it was severely injured, it did not escape, but lurked in the magma under the execution ground at great risk.

The most dangerous place is the safest, and it is absolutely necessary to save Du Yang!

(End of this chapter)

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