Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1133 Human Demon Recovery

Chapter 1133 Human Demon Recovery
At the crossing line between the Giant Wolf Clan and the Thunder Wolf Clan, a fierce battle had just ended. More than a dozen mountains were all smeared with sticky blood, and the ground was covered with corpses.

In the middle of the ten high mountains, a bloody 'demon' stuck tightly to a giant wolf commander. It was purely controlled by the limbs. The emaciated body was transpiring violently, and the sharp claws like iron pincers wanted to strangle the giant wolf commander to death. , his bright red eyes swallowed endless killing desires.

"Xue Tianchen! The giant wolf clan has no grievances against you!!" The leader of the giant wolf was struggling, but his eyes were full of horror. Fifty thousand wolves were torn apart by him?have eaten?Is he a man or a beast! !
"Why did the Giant Wolf Clan suddenly riot, and why did the Thunder Wolf Clan advance the Wolf Royal Clan across the board!" Xue Tianchen's voice was low and panting, like an ancient beast crawling out of the corpse sea, with a murderous aura, trying to suppress the blood in the mountains .

"It's a group of tombs!" The leader of the giant wolf resisted to the death, his throat was about to shatter, and he was almost speechless. "Humans trespassed on the tombs! The Lord of the Night asks for help from the four wolf clans!!"

"What happened? Who is it??"

"No...don't know..."

"Say!!" Xue Tianchen lowered his head suddenly, his forehead resting heavily on the head of the giant wolf commander, his ferocious and terrifying appearance scared even wild animals.

"really do not know!!"

"Is it Tang Yan?"

"I don't know!!" The giant wolf leader almost roared.

Xue Tianchen raised his head slowly, looking in the direction of the wolf royal family. "Tang Yan?"

Aww! !The leader of the giant wolf struggled fiercely, twisting his waist like a giant python, trying to break free from Xue Tianchen's extremely humiliating suppression.

But... Xue Tianchen's eyes turned cold, his bloody head suddenly slammed, and he bit the giant wolf commander's throat, clicked, his sharp teeth were sharper than sawtooth, and he pierced through: "Your blood, it belongs to me!" .”

"...Xue...Tian...Chen..." The leader of the giant wolf was dying, but his strength was 'losing' at an alarming speed like a balloon with a hole in it, and in the end even his tiger-like body was drying up rapidly .

In just a short moment, Xue Tianchen sucked up a semi-holy giant wolf. In addition, he killed tens of thousands of beasts all the way here, and his demonic aura has skyrocketed to the strongest in his life.

"The last one." Xue Tianchen let go of the body, gasped heavily, and took out a palm-sized 'door', simple and gorgeous, with strange runes engraved on it, it was an extremely precious space seal, he only had Two, one was used in the battle between the giant wolves and Tang Yan, and the other was used when they planned to escape from the Night Forest.

But now, killing Tang Yan is more important than life.

"Tang Yan, you are mine!!" Xue Tianchen resolutely clenched the space symbol tightly!
...In the depths of the Thunder Wolf Clan's Clan, Ming Shang woke up from a coma.

"Your Majesty knows everything!" The remaining ghost of his mount knelt half-kneeling in the void, no longer having the face to face his master.

With a blank expression on his face, Ming Shang strolled towards the gate of the palace: "Continue."

"All of our [-] Thunderwolves were imprisoned in Qingshi Mountain. The king arranged for Commander Xiong to go to the border of Julang to meet Tang Yan, and met him alone. The details are not very clear, but Tang Yan then moved into the princess's palace. "


"Less than half a day after Tang Yan lived in the princess palace, the king suddenly brought Commander Ji and other high-level officials into the palace, and then... the entire Thunder Wolf clan took action. The specific tasks and equipment are not clear." The phantom of the mount About to crawl to the ground, it couldn't stand Ming Shang's silent performance, and was even more ashamed of its betrayal.

"Continue." Ming Shang stood in front of the hall, his long and narrow wolf eyes gloomy.This is the palace of the clan, but the surroundings are desolate and lonely, and there is not even a thunder wolf guarding it.

" more..." I couldn't even hear the voice of the mount, and I lay down hard, trembling, and my soul was fluctuating.

"Tang Yan messed up the tombs!" A cold voice suddenly sounded from the top of the hall.

"Who! Come out!!" The mount immediately sprang up and rushed to the sky, only to find that it was an acquaintance: "Mr. Luan? Ah, how could it be you?! Why are you in the Night Forest!"

"Tang Yan messed up the tombs in the sky." Mr. Luan stepped down from the sky, and came to Ming Shang while repeating the narration. "Tang Yan woke up the human emperor of the ancient country in the Mausoleum of the Three Emperors, released the black coffin of the human emperor, and is now facing the Lord of the Night and Jessica the holy wolf.

Tang Yan used the chaos to break the seals of other holy realms again, and released the black coffin including Empress Wu.At present, the celestial tombs are in chaos, the wolf royal family has surrounded the area with millions of wolves, and all the leaders have entered the celestial tombs.

The four major wolf clans started to act at the place where the emperor's black coffin was born, Leiwolf clan seem to have 'premonitioned' the disaster in advance, and the whole clan took action long before the turmoil in the celestial tomb group. "

Ming Shang raised his head slightly, staring at the pale sky, his bright wolf eyes flickered with remorse for the first time: "I should have killed him back then! Never trouble again!!"

"Tang Yan has messed up the tombs and was attacked by the leaders of various ministries." Young Master Luan lowered his head slightly and smiled silently: "It's an opportunity."

"Take me there!!" Ming Shang's eyes turned cold.

"Of course!! I came here to take you there, but if you arrive at the tombs within half a stick of incense, you should be able to catch up with the show, but you must think clearly, killing Tang Yan is easy, but killing Tang Yan in front of the Thunder Wolf Clan Tang Yan, it's difficult!! Besides, the relationship between Princess Leilang and Tang Yan is unusual!"

"What do you know?"

"My abilities are limited, and I don't know much. Only..." Mr. Luan's smile deepened, he spread his feather fan, and turned to stare at the distant mountains: "The Thunder Wolf King promised Tang Yan to leave a son for the wolf clan!"

...The tombs of the sky, the ocean of riots!

In the mountains, in the Guangchao, and the pack of wolves, Tang Yan's eyes were blazing, he clasped his fists in the air excitedly, and roared loudly: "Welcome to the rebirth of my mentor, War Demon! The villain is incompetent, but today I promise to take you out of the Night Forest!!"

Under the tension of the wolf and Tang Yan's anticipation, the black coffin rubbed against the gravel and gradually rose up, but... it only broke away halfway, and the other half was still stuck in the pile of rocks, showing no signs of continuing to rise, but The sound of the chains echoing in the black coffin also gradually slowed down until it disappeared without a trace.

Tang Yan's fanatical expression froze slightly, and he tried to wait for a while again, but there was still no movement.

"What's going on? Why did it stop!!"

In the new world, Tang Yan's phantom frowned and questioned.

"It's weird inside, and it's different from other holy black coffins. Looking at his original altar and ghost fire, I have a hunch..."

"What do you foresee?"

Xie Zu just shook his head, but did not answer.

"Old Ancestor, how do you break open the black coffin?"

"It can't be broken, even You Ye Forest can't be broken!!"

"But how did you get out back then? The seniors of the Bone Race also escaped from the black coffin!"

"Back then, Dukong Bald Donkey pried me out. Taking advantage of my weakness, he pestered me for three days and three nights. He felt that he couldn't beat me, so he stuffed me in again. Fortunately, I was prepared, and finally dragged him in too. "Xie Zu's mouth curled up, talking nonsense.He really didn't want to talk about the old things back then.

"Old Ancestor, what time is it, you..."

"Blood sacrifice!!"

"Humans, you are enough!!" The two giant wolf leaders entrenched in the sky roared in unison. Seeing that the black coffin did not respond, they collectively went into a frenzy, and powerful black flames surged from their bodies, sweeping through the sky in shock, and turned into hell evil in a blink of an eye. The terrifying giant shadow like a dog exudes a ferocious might that burns the sky and melts the earth.

"Roar!!" Tens of thousands of giant wolves all around screamed in unison, all spewing out fiery black flames, converging into a submerged force, and launching a powerful impact on Tang Yan's green fire domain.

They no longer advance blindly, carrying the green fire with black flames!

Blood sacrifice?Tang Yan frowned and raised his head, and suddenly reached out to hold his hands in the air, and the entire green fire domain was recovered, allowing the terrible black flames to swallow it.

"Ghost dog! Destroy!!" The two giant wolves in the sky roared suddenly, and the two terrifying dogs that had gathered into shape swept through the raging fire, galloping through the air, and bombarded Tang Yan with all of them.

Rumble! !The high temperature of the black flame surpassed the magma, and the momentum of the impact became even wilder. With the two leaders, fifty thousand wolves were gathered together to lock the battle situation in one fell swoop.The powerful and violent impact caused the valley to roar, thick white mist evaporated, and the mountain collapsed and melted. The shocking scene was ready to compete with the holy battles in other places.

But... "Restore the world of ancient warfare, reshape the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood." From the depths of the tumbling black flames, Tang Yan's voice suddenly came out, suppressed for a moment, and the murmur turned into a roar: "Blood Sacrifice War Demon!"

Ah ah! !

The stellar energy around Tang Yan suddenly exploded, like a bursting mushroom cloud, or like a giant tornado, sweeping across and dispersing all the black flames, the black coffin of its body rotated and shot out, blasting towards the wolves indiscriminately.

He wants to use the wolf's body and blood to restore the ancient battlefield and reshape the disaster scene in the ancient war world.

ah! !The wolves screamed, flesh and blood flew, Tang Yan came down the mountain like a tiger, galloping out of shadow martial arts, rotating the black coffin to start an indiscriminate bombardment.

"Stop, your opponent is us!" The two giant wolf leaders howled in unison.

Tang Yan stomped on the mountain with one step, rose from the ground, and slammed into it amidst the roar.

The fierce battle broke out in an instant, and the three great saints collided fiercely. However, under Tang Yan's deliberate construction, the battlefield flickered among the mountains, constantly affecting the surrounding wolves, causing screams and casualties.

The blood flowed horizontally, converging into a stream, and the bones were in pieces, paving the way for a sad and tragic scene.

But with the sharp increase in killings and the formation of the sea of ​​corpses, there was movement again from inside the black coffin. gather.

And then... the black evil spirit appeared on the surface of the black coffin again, and it became thicker and thicker, and it became more and more viscous. They stopped transpiring, but spread along the surface, and the scope of expansion became wider and wider. Annihilation of all the corpses, but also those wolves who were injured and survived.

In just half a cup of tea, when Tang Yan defeated the two evil wolves forcefully, the black evil spirit permeating the black coffin had spread out to an area of ​​800 meters, and the area covered by the black fog, all the corpses, All the injured wolves... sank... They seemed to be in a swamp, gradually sank, gradually disappeared, and disappeared without a trace.

It's War Demon! !He is devouring!He is recovering!

(End of this chapter)

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