Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1140 Thunder Wolf Conspiracy

Chapter 1140 Thunder Wolf Conspiracy
Empress Luan?more vigorous! !

Lei Langqun was a little restless, the two brothers' mouths were more tricky than the other!Is it to make Master Luan angry to death? ?

Mr. Luan put away his feather fan suddenly, with a cold and handsome face: "There is no impenetrable wall in the world. There is not much that I, Mr. Luan, want to know. I can't hide much. Listen clearly, the background of ghosts and gods is much stronger than your Jiulongling. Don't use your country bumpkin's head to think about the magic weapon of our nobles."

"Huh? Why do I dislike your gesture?" Tang Yan curled his lips, but he didn't intend to make a move.

"If you die, you won't feel disgusted. This matter can just end satisfactorily." Ming Shang couldn't stand it anymore.

But...Xu Yan spread his hands suddenly, woke up from prayer, raised his eyelids coldly, and the corners of his eyes slanted in mid-air, Ming Shang: "I will be your opponent."

"Who do you think you are!!"

"Put down your ignorant attitude." Xu Yan motioned to Tang Yan, stepped up step by step, and walked towards Ming Shang: "The Youye Forest is covered with the blood of my Bone Race. Interest!!"

Done?Tang Yan immediately looked back at the altar of the senior Bone Race, concealing his murderous intentions, carrying the black coffin and bombarding the altar.

"You are the Bone Race?" Ming Shang was about to give chase, he was startled when he heard this, and looked at the blond woman in front of him again, is she the woman who was arrested for trespassing in the tombs mentioned by Mr. Luan?How did you come out of the execution ground?
"Please enlighten me!!" Xu Yan spread out his bone wings behind him, and the golden light shone across the world, like a war god lying in front of him.

"The Demon Spirit Clan join forces with the Bone Clan? Huh, interesting!!" Ming Shang snorted coldly, and immediately triggered a group of thunders to bombard him, but the target was not Xu Yan at all, but Tang Yan, and his voice was like a dragon, and his steps were strange and twisted. The thunder and lightning wildly bypassed Xu Yan and went straight to Tang Yan.

But he was fast, Xu Yan was even faster, his bones and wings vibrated, and he intercepted in mid-air.

"Get out of the way!!" Ming Shang roared angrily.

"That depends on your ability!" Xu Yan was like a tiger, and took the lead in launching a fierce attack.

"Master Luan, let's fight again?" Du Yang pointed at Master Luan.

"That's exactly what I meant." Young Master Luan took the initiative to attack, and the two fought together again.

"Please explain to me clearly, why do you save seeds? What did you say to my father?" The black girl suddenly chased after Tang Yan angrily.

"It's important, we'll talk about private matters when we go back." Tang Yan rose from the ground and smashed the altar with the black coffin.

At the moment when the battlefield situation is fully unfolding and has evolved to the most eager moment, the Thunder Wolf Clan, the Blood Wolf Clan, the Giant Wolf Clan, and the Dark Wolf Clan, a total of 600 million troops from the four major wolf clans rushed into the territory of the Wolf Royal Clan from all directions, like a galloping Boom, flooding the mountains, trembling the world.

600! !What a huge number!

Enough to catch up with the entire army of a powerful kingdom!
The pack of wolves is running endlessly, the black pack of wolves can't be seen to the edge, the billowing dust and mist are transpiring in the sky and the earth, no matter where you stand in the wolf royal family, if you look around, there are all dark green eyes, all the black pack of wolves, you can't see to the margins.

The four major wolf clans were originally advancing side by side, advancing from different directions. Due to the urgency of the situation and the frequent urging of the chief wolves, there was no time delay between the four major wolf clans, and there should be no signs of converging. Waiting to be picked up at the Sifang border, the number is three to 40, which is equally huge. The wolf royal family is not only for picking up, but also for vigilance and preventing accidents.

However... not long after the various wolf clans rushed into the territory of the wolf royal clan, the elaborate plan of the Thunder wolf clan was launched.

The Thunderwolves were originally advancing from the east, but after entering the territory, the advancement trajectory of nearly 300 million Thunderwolves was obviously deviated. Among them, a million Thunderwolves were advancing towards the north, aiming at the giant wolf tribe, and a million Thunderwolves were heading towards the north. Off to the south, the target is the blood wolf clan, and nearly a million thunder wolves in the center flooded the 30 wolf royal clan responsible for leading the way in the roaring gallop! !
The purpose of the Thunderwolves is to swallow the target, but they will not be stupid enough to challenge them head-on, but deliberately create friction during the gallop, not too big or too small, but intermittently.Because the wolves are hot-tempered, war-loving and brutal, all of them are like explosive kegs, and they will naturally go berserk without too much provocation from the Leiwolves.

As a result... the Giant Wolf Clan, the Blood Wolf Clan, and even the Wolf Royal Clan were the first to attack the Thunder Wolf Clan.

They are attacking with anger, and the Thunderwolves are "please enter the urn"; they are the counterattack of a small number of teams, while the Thunderwolves are in tens of millions.

The Leiwolves continued to provoke, and tens of thousands of wolves from various tribes were constantly surrounded, and thus suffered and perished, and the number continued to soar.

When the Blood Wolf Clan, Giant Wolf Clan, and Wolf Royal Clan discovered the problem, their team had already lost more than 20 people, and the leaders of the various ministries were furious, but their anger was rewarded by the Thunder Wolf Clan waiting for an all-out blow!

In this way, under the ingenious arrangement of the Thunder Wolf Clan, the Zhengeast, Southeast, and Northeast directions of the Wolf Emperor Clan became bloody battlefields. The army entrapped and culled the three major wolf clans including the wolf royal clan.

The number of giant wolves and blood wolves is very large. Even if 10,000+ were killed in the early stage, there is not too much difference in the number of the two sides. Listed, and those "evil dead men" of Thunder Wolf King are also listed.

As soon as the fierce battle broke out, it foreshadowed an extremely miserable disaster. The Leiwolves suppressed for too long, exhausted all the strength of the whole clan, used their minds to calculate the unintentional, prepared to calculate the unintentional, and used the "back arrow to accompany the butcher's knife" to deal with the hasty melee. From beginning to end, they immediately invincible.

Just like that, when the four wolf kings in the area of ​​the tomb group gradually took control of the situation and forced the black coffins to fall to the tomb group one after another, on the battlefield in the east, the million thunder wolves completely devoured the wolf royal army led by 30 people. It was clean, with only bones left. Afterwards, the soldiers were divided into two groups, advancing towards the southeast and northeast battlefields in an all-round way to support the two major battlefields.

When the Black Coffin of the Human Emperor on the battlefield of the Tombs of the Sky was thrown back at the Tombs of the Sky, the fleeing actions of the Black Coffin Group finally failed. The sight of other wolf kings.At this time, the millions of troops of the Giant Wolf Clan and the Snow Wolf Clan gradually fell into a predicament of extinction, and it was difficult to break free.

When the million troops of the Night Wolf Clan advanced into the Sky Tombs from the west, the battlefield of the Sky Tombs was coming to an end, but the other three wolf clans that should have appeared together in the Sky Tombs did not appear.

When the human emperor's black coffin was repressed into the Cemetery of the Three Emperors in grief and anger, the dark night wolf clan assisted the wolf royal clan with a total of 200 million evil wolves to completely surround the mountain where the celestial tomb group is located. The black coffin was pressed into the tombs reduced to the magma tide.At this time, the battlefields in the southeast and northeast were also drawing to a close.

The fierce and fierce battle surrounding the chaos of the celestial tombs lasted for nearly two hours from the beginning to the end. When the last black coffin was driven into the ground again, the four wolf kings teamed up with Grandma Ji and Jessica to fight forcefully. The ultimate ban on the celestial tombs was activated, and the guarding position of the celestial tombs was regained.

In this way, the cemetery became quiet, the magma receded, the dwarf mountain was reshaped, the altar reappeared, the black coffin was imprisoned, the remains of the corpse were covered with mud, and the sky tombs returned to darkness and coldness.

The situation of repression is irreversible!

Only the unwilling growls of the Emperor and the others echoed in the cold ground!

A catastrophic escape came suddenly and violently, but it was finally suppressed by the joint efforts of the five wolf clans.

Youye Forest showed their due strength, and with absolute suppression, announced who is the master of this prison world.

Although the characters in the black coffin are powerful, they have been sealed for too long and are limited by the black coffin. They are not opponents of You Ye Forest at all. They are actually very clear, but they all do their best, because the desperate fight from the beginning to the end is actually luck , can run away one by one, they all have expectations, the one who can escape is me! !
But when the battlefield ended, Yao Yueye and the other wolf kings couldn't be happy. They were all seriously injured, and the injuries came from Hei Coffin's desperate counterattack.And the whole chaos caused the situation to be chaotic and impatient, and they tried their best to fight hard and brought huge consumption.

Fortunately, the battle ended and they succeeded, but they were all in a cold sweat.

"It's finally suppressed! But who can tell me how the altar that sealed the Emperor was broken?" The back of the giant wolf king was bleeding profusely, which was caused by the sword master's natal sword energy. In March, I'm afraid it will be difficult to recover, which makes it extremely annoyed.

"It's Tang Yan! Tang Yan from Jiulongling!" Jessica had already received news from some of the surviving wolves in the Three Emperors' Mausoleum.

"How can a little half-saint break the restriction of the Three Emperors Tombs! Hmm? How is it possible!! Fortunately, he didn't break the other two emperor-level tombs, otherwise the foundation of Youye Forest's existence would be destroyed!!" Blood Wolf King With a violent temper, he blamed him in a disregard for his feelings.

"I want to know how Tang Yan sneaked into the Tomb of the Three Emperors without making a sound. Is the warning line of the five wolf clans just a display?" The Dark Wolf King also said accusingly, without showing mercy.

The disaster happened so suddenly that they still have lingering fears. If the Emperor really escaped, the prestige that You Ye Forest had just erected among the top ten ancient clans would collapse immediately, and a series of chain reactions would be triggered.

More importantly, the Human Emperor is bound to make a comeback and take revenge by force, and Youye Forest will surely face disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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