Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1141 It's lost

Chapter 1141 It's lost

"The five wolf clans joined forces for vigilance. There is no need to question the strength. Tang Yan can sneak in. There must be some unknown secret method." Jessica looked around the messy mountains, her face was the most ugly, after all, she was the closest to the celestial tombs The holy wolf is also the guardian of the tombs in name.

She couldn't absolve herself of the blame for such a big incident.

"A secret method prevaricates all responsibilities. It is indeed the guardian holy wolf Jessica! Then how did Tang Yan break open the altar of the emperor? It is also because of the secret method? What kind of secret method can break the prohibition created by the joint efforts of the ancient gold clan!! "The blood wolf king glanced indifferently, and his words were full of sarcasm.

"The Emperor's Mausoleum is difficult for me to break open easily, how can Tang Yan succeed?" The giant wolf king's voice was gloomy, with strong doubts in his words.

Yaoyue Ye said coldly: "That's enough!! We will pursue responsibility after the fact. There must be many strange things about today's disaster. It is enough for us to deliberate and analyze for half a month. If there is a problem, we will not let it go lightly!! But the key now is First check to see if there is any missing black coffin, let me check carefully!!"

"Huh? Where's our clan's million giant wolves?" The giant wolf king suddenly found that his million troops didn't show up as promised.

"Where's the army of our blood wolf tribe?" The blood wolf king also noticed something strange.But after careful inspection, the million giant wolves of the night wolf clan have already arrived, and the other three clans seem to have not arrived.

"Check the black coffin first!!" Yao Yueye repeatedly reminded, and returned to the Mausoleum of the Three Emperors to check the seal status of the altar.

The three wolf kings, Jessica, and Grandma Ji all dispersed after some adjustments. The troops of the various wolf tribes were also ordered to disperse into the celestial tombs, and jointly searched the seals of the altars to check if any black coffins were missing.

After just half a stick of incense.

Suddenly there was a horrified roar from the celestial tomb group: "Why didn't the underworld fire on the Bone Race Altar be lit? Inside... there is no black coffin inside at all! Damn, he escaped!"

The roar was like thunder, shaking the mountains, and it immediately attracted attention.

Bone Race?Sensitive words touched the hearts of all the high-ranking wolf tribes, and for a moment, black shadows flashed among the mountains, and immediately gathered at the source of the sound, which was the area where the elders of the Bone Clan were imprisoned.

"He escaped, he's not inside the altar!!" The giant wolf king turned into a wolf body, as strong as a giant elephant, filled with manic strength inside and out, and was staring at the altar in front of him angrily.

Due to the restart of the general prohibition power of the celestial tomb group, all the altars were automatically rebuilt, and the black coffin was suppressed inside. Everything in the tomb group was restored to its original state.

But... the altar that once suppressed the black coffin of the Bone Race did not have any life fluctuations, and there was not a single bit of will-o'-the-wisp on the top of the altar that symbolized the strength of the energy inside the black coffin.

In other words, an empty grave! !

There is no black coffin inside the altar, it is an empty tomb!
"Open!!" The Lord of the Night descended and shattered the altar with a palm of his hand with special vigor.As a result, the inside was indeed empty, and there was no trace of the black coffin at all. His face sank on the spot, and an ominous premonition spread in his heart.

Half a day ago, two thieves broke into the Heavenly Tombs to rescue the Bone Race's black coffin, but now, after the Heavenly Tombs' turmoil, the Bone Race's black coffin has disappeared! !

Why did Tang Yan disturb the Tomb of the Three Emperors?Why did other black coffins break out?
Jessica woke up suddenly, and looked back at Youshi Execution Ground: "Not good!! Tang Yan is making noises, his goal is to rescue his companions and the strong Bone Race!"

The scene was a little quiet, and the faces of all the wolves present were extremely ugly.

None of them are fools, and they quickly figured out many doubts.

Such a big commotion almost destroyed Youye Forest just to save people?
The five wolf clans joined forces, but Tang Yan cleverly took advantage of it?

Tang Yan even tricked the entire Youye Forest, the five wolf clans, and all the wolf kings! !
They couldn't accept it, and felt a heavy humiliation at the moment.

"I still don't understand how Tang Yan could break open the altar!!" The blood wolf king was furious, almost unable to suppress the erupting blood in his body.

"Compared to the loss of the black coffin of the Bone Race, we have another problem. Maybe it can also explain why Tang Yan was able to break open the altar." The Dark Wolf King appeared in the valley like a ghost, covered in black mist, and his expression could not be seen clearly. , but one can feel ominous from his tone.

"What??" It was rare to see the Dark Wolf King so cautious, and the rest of the wolf kings felt a little ominous.

But after waiting for a long time, the Dark Wolf King never spoke, as if he had some concerns.

"Speak!! What the hell is it??" The giant wolf king growled.

The Lord of the Night pondered for a while, raised his brows slightly, and said suspiciously: "Tang Yan is only in the semi-holy realm, and it is impossible to break the restriction, let alone the imperial tomb area, which is the core of the restriction, unless..."

"That's right!! It's lost!" The Dark Wolf King's voice was hoarse.

"What the hell is it? I don't have time to accompany you in dumb words!!" Both the giant wolf king and the blood wolf king were a little annoyed.

"It's lost!! It's not in Silent Valley!!" The black mist around the Dark Wolf King slowly receded, revealing a thin and pale face.

"It? Silent Valley?" The Blood Wolf King and Giant Wolf King were puzzled at first, then their expressions changed drastically, and they immediately thought of something secret.

"It's lost! Tang Yan rescued it? How is it possible!!" Yao Yueye's face was gloomy, her brows were furrowed, and she walked towards the top of the mountain step by step, staring at the Silent Valley in the distance.

It seemed that he could still remain calm, but... the hands under the purple sleeve robe were tightly clenched, and the fingertips even pierced the skin. Scarlet blood seeped through the fingers, showing his suppressed anger.

"Is it Tang Yan's real purpose of disturbing the sky tombs?"

"How could Tang Yan know of its existence! If you hadn't mentioned it, I would have forgotten that it is still in the celestial tombs! It's almost... 4 years old!"

"Not right, how could Tang Yan easily enter Silent Valley? Is it a coincidence, or..."

The faces of the three wolf kings were all different, but there was seriousness between their brows, and even a bit of fear, which was the fear after thinking of the consequences.

Grandma Ji and Jessica were at a loss.

What silent valley?Is there a special place in the celestial tombs?

What 'it'?Is there any superstition in the Night Forest that they don't know?

Yaoyue Ye's voice was gloomy, even with a bit of involuntary depression: "Whether Tang Yan intends to or not, it disappeared, and it was probably taken away by him. Once it awakens and returns to the Forgotten Battle Realm, it will definitely cause an uproar. ,The consequences could be disastrous."

The Dark Wolf King took a deep breath: "Something is going to happen!!"

Jessica was even more stunned, and Grandma Ji was also different.What kind of thing could make the four wolf kings so cautious and fearful that they even forgot the scene at this moment and the anger they had accumulated just now.

it?what is itWhat did Tang Yan take away from the Heavenly Tombs!
Yao Yueye's eyes were firmer than ever before: "Whether Tang Yan intends to or not, whether he took 'it' or not, Tang Yan cannot be allowed to leave the Youye Forest alive. This matter is the negligence of my wolf royal family. It is the last instruction left by the ancestral wolves. It has been too long and almost forgotten.

But its status is really special, everyone's ancestor wolves must have mentioned it, and given the current situation of being left behind in the war world, once it is allowed to awaken, it will definitely have disastrous consequences, and even affect our Youye Forest.

Dear wolf kings, we should join forces, temporarily cast aside barriers, and gather the strength of the whole clan to hunt down Tang Yan.Be sure to dig him out in the shortest possible time, and bring him back to the tomb before he wakes up! ! "

"There is also the black coffin of the Bone Race, which cannot be lost anymore." The Dark Wolf King said in a deep voice.

They thought that after the suppression of the Emperor, the matter was over, but they didn't expect that the real trouble had just begun.

At this moment, at the end of the distant line of sight, there was a sudden explosion of earth-shattering collision sounds, extremely violent, shaking the space, and then something seemed to shatter.

The sound was very chaotic and weird, and it passed through the vast and boundless space for a long time, until it reached the ears of the wolf kings of the Sky Tomb Group.

"Is it Thunder Wolf King? His battle is not over yet?"

"The Thunder Wolf King is fighting against the Tianjiao War Demon! Why haven't you finished fighting yet?"

"He is also a troublesome person, get him back first."

The four wolf kings immediately set off and rushed towards the source of the sound.

(End of this chapter)

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