Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1149

Chapter 1149
On the fifth day after the chaos in the tomb group ended, Yao Yueye and the other four wolf kings all returned to Youye Forest. For five full days, they did everything they could, and the search range extended to the depths of the dead void, but unfortunately they found nothing. .They were also seriously injured due to the life-and-death crisis that filled the empty space, and the consumption was huge, and each one became weaker and weaker.

After returning to the forest, they immediately learned about the situation of the Leiwolves. They were all angry and excited, but it was difficult for them to act immediately because of their weakness.

More and more wolves are gathering on the border of the Thunder Wolf Clan, and the total number has reached an astonishing 500 million. Jessica, Yuan Shitian and other holy wolves have personally been in charge. They are ready to go, waiting quietly The wolf king is here.

The Leiwolf Clan continued to strengthen their vigilance, not letting up for a moment.

The Thunder Wolf Palace gathered the strongest lineup of the Thunder Wolf Clan, including Grandma Ji and the top ten commanders.

Tang Yan also had a premonition of the danger of the war after finishing the green fire smelting, and moved into the palace.

"The four great wolf kings have returned, but it seems that the void space is not simple, and they are all seriously injured. According to reliable sources, they have all retreated and recuperated. It is estimated that they will wait another two days before coming back. If it is delayed for a long time, they may come again Wait three to five days." After receiving the news, Grandma Ji reported to Thunder Wolf King.

Commander Xiong said in a deep voice: "Once the four wolves descend, it will be a lineup of eight holy wolves that will completely suppress our Thunder wolf clan. Although they will not be driven to extinction, they will definitely not give up easily. The worst and most possible way ...At least a few semi-holy-level commanders will be required to vent their anger."

As soon as these words came out, the leaders in the palace hall were a little unnatural, either frowning or looking at each other.The ostensible leaders of the entire Leiwolf Clan are the ten in the palace. If the four major wolf clans want to punish, at least one of each clan must be tossed, and the total is five or six. When the time comes, they must be selected from among them.

Who to choose? ?No one wants to be escorted to other ethnic groups to eat in public!Just like that disaster over 30 years ago!

Tang Yan took a few steps forward and said, "Your Majesty the Wolf King, we can re-discuss a tactful countermeasure. There is no need to be too tough. Anyway, they can't get strong evidence to prove that the Leiwolves participated in the turmoil in the tomb group. As long as you insist that you don't know anything, and then take some tactful concessions, they have no reason to sanction the Leiwolves."

Commander Huayang said: "You are outsiders and don't know the rules of the Youye Forest. If they really want to sanction, they don't need a reason at all. As long as the four wolf clans reach a consensus, they will immediately start a war, just like 37 years ago... "

"Ahem!!" Grandma Ji coughed heavily, interrupting Commander Huayang's words.He glanced at Liuli indiscriminately, meaning not to mention the tragedy of that year in front of the princess.

Du Yang suggested: "We can use other tactics, such as forming an alliance with the Dark Wolves secretly!! We mainly fight against the giant wolves and the blood wolves in this operation. The Dark Wolves have not suffered any harm, and they will not be born with us. Hatred. If we can reach a tacit understanding with the Dark Wolf Clan, even if we pay some exaggerated price, we can break the alliance of the four great wolf clans. At that time, two against three is better than one against four."

Xu Yan was really sorry, after all, the matter was caused by himself, and he said seriously: "If there is anything we can help, please feel free to ask, we will do our best."

"What little brother Du Yang said is a solution." Several commanders began to think seriously.

"It's not as serious as you imagined!" The Thunder Wolf King interrupted their discussion in a deep voice, and said coldly: "The Thunder Wolf Clan is not the Thunder Wolf Clan more than 30 years ago, but now the four major wolf clans have been hit hard. A total of more than a dozen people were lost, and the wolf king was injured. The overall strength was too damaged to withstand any more damage. The Leiwolves don't need to explain, let alone form an alliance. One attitude, let's fight to the death! Let's see if they dare Dare to be presumptuous!"

The command was clanging and the words were cold and harsh, which instantly cleared the oppressive atmosphere in the hall and ignited a bit of heat.

The leaders secretly cheered up, staring fixedly at that haughty back, suddenly felt the oppressive feeling in their chests swept away.The Thunder Wolf King has a unique aura, which always brings them endless confidence. Following the Thunder Wolf King, they never suffer.

Of course, except for the incident 30 years ago, and Thunder Wolf King obviously won't let history repeat itself.

The Thunder Wolf King stood in front of the palace gate with his hands behind his back, his eyes were as bright as torches, and he was as sharp as thunder: "There is no need for any explanation, no need for any tricks, all the Thunder Wolf clan will fight to the death, and the four major wolf clans will not dare to act rashly. Unless they If you think about Youye Forest’s vitality, unless they want to kill all their commanders, unless they want to kill one or two holy wolves!"

Grandma Ji appreciates her majesty's majesty. The tone of these words may be a little extreme, but after thinking about it carefully, it actually hits the center of gravity of the current situation.The Dark Wolf Clan is not damaged, but they have no reason to hate the Thunder Wolf Clan, and they will not "fight to the death" with the Thunder Wolf Clan. The Giant Wolf Clan and the Blood Wolf Clan have suffered too much damage. The number of leaders has been reduced by nearly half, and the number of groups has been reduced. One-fifth, if they really fought again, it would not be as simple as a serious injury to their vitality, but a physical injury.As for the wolf royal family, it may be a little difficult to deal with, but without the firm assistance of other wolf clans, they would not be able to support them alone.

All in all, as long as the Leiwolves are determined to fight to the death, and really want to fight to the death, the four wolf clans will not dare to fight to the death.

"I still have a question." Tang Yan coughed a few times, breaking the heated atmosphere of the hall: "The four major wolf clans may not dare to fight to the death, but they don't have comprehensive evidence that the Thunder wolf clan participated in the battle of the tomb group , but what if it is discovered?"

"Where did they get the evidence?" All the leaders focused on Tang Yan.

Unexpectedly, he was stared at by ten ferocious and violent wolves. Their green eyes were especially penetrating in the dark hall. Tang Yan took a deep breath, and quickly raised his hand to signal them not to get excited. We can respond to the strong questioning with the attitude of fighting to the end. If they want to start a war arrogantly, we can also respond with a fighting to the death, but what if the four major wolf clans simply propose to search the Thunder wolf clan?
The hard ones can't be soft, if they simply want to search, we can't fight to the death, right?Such an extreme attitude will arouse their suspicion even more. "

"That makes sense!!" Granny Ji nodded slowly, and said in a deep voice, "It seems that you need to be transferred to another place."

"The few of us are the key to the incident. As long as we disappear, they will have no excuse to sanction the Leiwolf clan. Judging from the current situation of Youye Forest, they dare not do it if you insist on threatening to fight to the death. Too much."

Commander Xiong said: "But the entire Youye Forest is dominated by the wolf clan. As long as the five wolf kings join forces to investigate, they can rely on the special geographical marking of the forest space to find the breath they want. Unless you stay in the Thunder Wolf Clan Otherwise, once you leave, there is a great chance of being discovered. But if you stay here, the wolf tribes insist on investigating, and there is a chance to find you."

"So..." Tang Yan rubbed his nose unnaturally, and lowered his voice: "Let's leave Youye Forest now!!"

"What??" The commanders stared at Tang Yan again.

"Leave? How can you say leave at this time!!" Du Yang and the others were a little annoyed, they scratched Tang Yan's eyes fiercely, and asked to leave when the Leiwolf clan needed help most?You are not sick are you! !
"What? Isn't it right? Why do you look at me like that? What can we do if we stay? Once we are discovered, that will push the Thunder Wolf Clan into disaster!! No matter where we hide, there is a chance of being discovered, and That is to say, as long as we stay in the Night Forest for a day, we will pose a threat to the Thunder Wolf Clan.

Just taking advantage of the fact that the four wolf kings have just left the empty space and retreated to rest, we can't take care of anything, so let's hurry up and leave, otherwise what if we startle them when we want to leave in the future? "

Tang Yan calmed down a little, and was persuasive. "Now is not the time to be emotional, you must be rational and objective!! It is inappropriate for me to say this, but it is really useless to stay. I actually wanted to say it a few days ago, but the four wolf kings were all In needless space, once we enter, we may be discovered, and now, the timing is perfect in all aspects!!"

What Tang Yan said was very abrupt, but it made sense after thinking about it carefully. What they left behind was really useless. Instead, it just added to the chaos and distracted the Thunder Wolf King.

Of course, Tang Yan also had some personal reasons.

For example... Thunder Wolf King wants to bleed Tang Yan, but now he still needs two and a half bowls, it hurts even thinking about it!
For another example, the Thunder Wolf King wanted Tang Yan to breed, and it seemed that he was going to do it for real!Breeding with a girl? ? ?Are you kidding me! !It's enough for him to play around, and treat it as a joke when he is molested. If he is really asked to do something to Niu'er, Tang Yan can't do it at all.

Another example, Tang Yan has been out for a long time, what is the outside world like?It's only four months before the time agreed upon by Eternal Beast Mountain, what if Yueying wakes up early?He can't take that responsibility.

Another example, are grandpa and the others safe?Is there any movement in the Temple of the Holy Spirit?

Tang Yan never planned to stay in Youye Forest from the beginning to the end, and he just took advantage of today's opportunity. Otherwise, if the matter is over and Tang Yan can't find a suitable reason to leave, the Thunder Wolf King might really let him keep the seeds! !

(End of this chapter)

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