Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1150 Escape from the Night Forest

Chapter 1150 Escape from the Night Forest
Thunder Wolf King turned his head slowly, and his bright eyes were fixed directly on Tang Yan.

Tang Yan scratched his head embarrassingly, and said in embarrassment: "Think rationally, are you right?"

Granny Ji and the others thought about it seriously, and they all nodded at the same time. It's really not good for them to stay, and it's better to leave forever.Of course, if they knew that Thunder Wolf King and Tang Yan had agreed on 'breeding' and 'bloodletting', they probably wouldn't agree to their departure.

After thinking about it for a while, Du Yang and the others felt relieved, but Xu Yan said, "Where will my family's grandfather be housed? Do you want to leave together?"

The Thunder Wolf King continued to stare deeply at Tang Yan for a while, and said silently: "I will throw his black coffin into the void space as a bait. He himself stays in the Thunder Wolf forbidden area. I have a special secret room to hide him. People are fine.

As for you... Tang Yan is right, the most suitable time to leave is now, just taking advantage of the weakness of the four wolf kings, and they all concentrate on retreat and don't care about other things. "

yeah! !Tang Yan was so excited that he almost jumped up.

"But..." Thunder Wolf King suddenly changed the subject and stared straight at Tang Yan.

"Tell me!" Tang Yan felt terrified, thinking something was wrong.

"Two! Not one less!! In terms of time, you can control it yourself. I just want the result, but don't delay too long!" After all, the Thunder Wolf King still took Tang Yan's face into consideration, and did not say things too bluntly .

But Tang Yan's complexion became bitter on the spot, is your old man really thinking about it?
"something wrong??"

Tang Yan immediately stood up and said solemnly: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I promise to complete the task!!"

"What two?" Du Yang and the others were surprised.

Liuli looked at Tang Yan and then at her father, feeling weird.

"This is the first one, don't even think about coming back if you can't complete the mission! The second one is to refill the bowl with blood, if you lack a little, don't even think about leaving!!"

"Ah?!" Tang Yan was on the spot.

... At the edge of the dark plain, one step back is boundless darkness, and one step forward is the desolate Gobi Desert.At the junction of black and white, a distorted space vortex slowly formed in the rotation, and a cold breath escaped from it.

When the vortex expanded to a width of one meter, one after another 'objects' were ejected one after another, hitting the lonely and desolate Gobi.

Bang bang bang! !

The 'objects' tumbled at high altitude, and all fell firmly to the ground.The high-altitude space vortex appeared suddenly, and the recovery was faster. When all the 'objects' were shot out, the space returned to calm, except for six figures in black cloaks, scattered among the gravel Gobi.

"Seeing the sky again, refreshing!!" Tang Yan raised his cloak and looked at the undulating lush mountains at the end of the Gobi. Although he was bleeding and looked weak, he was in good spirits.

It was a vigorous adventure, passionate and heroic, from leaving Biannan to escaping the void space, it took several months without knowing it, but overall the harvest was huge.

"I haven't seen colors other than black and red for more than ten years." The black girl Liuli appeared in the human form, looking around the vast world, an indescribable sense of freshness and openness penetrated her body.

In the more than ten years in Youye Forest, there is no other color to speak of except black and blood, and the dull paleness of the sky. The whole world is full of depression and killing. It has been too long since I have seen green Books and blue sky, not to mention colorful flowers and brocade.

"Uncle, I hope you are safe." Xu Yan held the jade bone hanging on his chest. It was made by his uncle after five days and five nights of sacrifice. It contained his soul power and thoughts, and he could communicate with Xu Yan and guide him. her growth.

Just like Xie Zu treated Tang Yan back then!

"Farewell!" Mr. Luan who came out with him turned around and left without any nostalgia.

"Mr. Luan, we will have a meeting later. I hope we can all have a smiling face when we meet next time." Tang Yan didn't stop him, and shouted, feeling refreshed.

Du Yang raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and said in a loud voice: "You have to step up your cultivation, otherwise I will completely abuse you when I become a semi-saint!!"

Mr. Luan didn't stop, and disappeared into the sight of the Gobi Desert.

"Where are we going now? Are we going back to Jiulongling directly?" Du Yang asked, winking at Hei Niu by the way: "Jiulongling is his family, let me take you to meet him. It is said that there are five saints, Oh, by the way, there is also a demon sage eating dragon loach."

Xu Yan took out the 'Space Jade Bead' left by Chocolate, and played with it a few times: "How does this thing work? Can I call Chocolate to pick us up after activation?"

Du Yang also took it out, and tried a few times: "I remember that it seems that he can give him our position, and he can find us accurately through the space."

"It's just a simple positioning, inject spiritual power together, and let him know that we have come out. There is no special situation, he will create some empty marks as soon as possible to pick us up." Tang Yan injected his own spiritual power into the space jade beads, which are like eyeballs Immediately, a jade-like luster bloomed, and the pupil-like vortexes inside swirled silently, like a compressed mysterious starry sky. "However, from the Dayan Mountains to here, with his realm, it will take six or seven days at the fastest. During this period, I want... to go somewhere."


"Zuojia!!" Tang Yan was silent for a while, feeling the need to pay a visit.

"You mean the Miss Zuojia in the prison?"

"Well! I want to do a verification! The verification of Xiahou tea." Tang Yan always felt very awkward, and wanted to give himself a positive answer.Although he couldn't figure out why he was skeptical, how could he doubt Xiahou Cha.But instead of keeping yourself in doubt, it's better to do a verification directly, so that you can accept him calmly in the future.

Du Yang and Xu Yan were at a loss, and they didn't know about Zuo's abilities, but they had plenty of time and it was good to go shopping.

"Where's Xue Tianchen? Are you awake?" Hei Niu asked. This person's identity is sensitive and needs to be dealt with properly.

"Still unconscious." With a thought, Tang Yan released him from the golden lock.

Xue Tianchen's whole body was covered with blood, he was seriously injured and fell asleep, and it seemed that he would not wake up for a while.Before leaving, Tang Yan also poured a large amount of secret medicine into him to ensure that he could continue to sleep.Otherwise, with the stability of the golden lock space, once it wakes up and rises up to resist, it may really shatter the space.

There are no other sundries in the golden lock now, only two black coffins and a jade bottle filled with spirit source liquid, which are regarded as Tang Yan's treasured possessions, so naturally they cannot withstand Xue Tianchen's torture.

"His body is tougher than a monster." Du Yang repeatedly checked to make sure that he was still in a severe coma.

Tang Yan withdrew Xue Tianchen back to the golden lock, pouted and said, "I'm really worried that the Town Demon Temple is full of such lunatics."

"Suppressing Demon Temple has been punishing monsters all the year round, and fighting against the group of ancient beasts in Eternal Beast Mountain. It's neither barbaric nor crazy. How is it possible?" Xu Yan was talking, and suddenly noticed that Tang Yan's expression was not right.

"What's wrong with you?" Hei Niu and Du Yang also noticed that Tang Yan's face had turned pale, as if something frightening had happened.

"Don't be surprised all the time, sister is timid! Talk quickly!!" Xu Yan pushed Tang Yan violently.

The corners of Tang Yan's eyes twitched, and he came back to his wits, forced a smile and said, "I'm worried that Grandpa and the others will not be rescued."

Xu Yan said unhappily: "That's it?? How could Xianggong and the others not even be able to do this? They are smarter and stronger than you. They must have been rescued long ago. Why worry about it. "

"It's okay, it's okay, I just thought of it suddenly, and I'm a little worried." Tang Yan relaxed on the surface, but in fact his heart was cold and cold. He deliberately mentioned grandpa to change the subject. What really made him feel cold was—— s face! !

The Leiwolf Clan was busy refining the spirit source liquid, and had no time to communicate with the Thunder Wolf King. After the spirit source liquid was refined and the four wolf kings returned, they were so busy that they forgot the devil face on their right hand! !
I forgot to ask Thunder Wolf King what this thing is! !

You can't let yourself run around the world with it in a daze, right?

The water fuck with the left hand and the magic face with the right hand, what rhythm is this? ?

"Are you all right?" The black girl noticed something was wrong.

"It's all right." Tang Yan wrapped a strip of cloth on his right hand indiscriminately, so as not to worry if they saw it.After winking at the black girl Liuli, he released Xia Houcha, Aunt Po, the barbarian Zang Ba, Miss Zuojia and her three guards in the new world all at once.

"This is..." Ms. Zuo looked blankly at the desolate Gobi Desert, and then at Tang Yan and the others in black cloaks in front of her, her gaze flickered slightly, and immediately burst into surprise and eager light. "We came out?!"

"Ahead is the dark plain, where we were taken into. Here"

"We came out? Haha, did we really come out alive?"

"That's right, it's out, leaving the dark plain!!"

The three guards were all surprised and excited, their eyes were unconsciously dim, and they almost couldn't restrain themselves from roaring.

"Leaving Youye Forest? Leaving Cangshan Mountain?" Auntie was in a daze, as if everything was not so real.I used to look forward to getting out of that hell, but now... looking at the strange world around me, my heart is actually empty.

Hei Niu noticed her mother-in-law's confusion and said, "I promised you that after Tang Yan, I will give you back your freedom. You can leave now and pursue your own life."

"I..." The mother-in-law was at a loss for a while, looking around, it was all strange, where to go?Where can I go?
Tang Yan said: "If you have nowhere to go, you can follow us. We have a big family named Wagangzhai. You can live there, and you can usually do a favor and leave when you have other goals. Don't worry, Wagangzhai is very loving, and there is no dirty place.”

"Then... it's troublesome..." Auntie did not refuse, and a knowing smile appeared on her face that had been indifferent for more than ten years.

(End of this chapter)

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