Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1184 Life Fountain Liquid

Chapter 1184 Life Fountain Liquid
Tang Yan gathered Tang Yanshan, Zhaoyi, the chief of the monkey group, etc., and introduced: "The land under our feet is the new home I mentioned to you! It stops in the void space and is connected to the Eternal Beast Mountain. I can now The safest place I can think of, no one should come here to cause trouble in a short time.

There are dangerous lands, treasured lands, countless exotic beast spirit grasses, and many special places. In short, whether you want to enjoy it with peace of mind, or want to grow through experience, everything here is enough for you to squander. "

Odin asked: "Have you negotiated with the Eternal Beast Mountain?"

"I recognize Holy Master Nanhuang as my adoptive mother, Xu Yan is the adopted daughter of Holy Master Dongkui, and next to me is Dongkui's little princess Yueying. In short, we have a very close relationship with Dongkui and Nanhuang. Don't have any worries.

But intimacy belongs to intimacy, everyone must first understand one thing, pay special attention, this is the beast mountain, not the kingdom of humans, there are not so many people who are so sophisticated, it is impossible for the herd of beasts below to treat us just because the topmost holy master is intimate with us. We respect you.

Eternal Beast Mountain is a world of monsters, full of ferocious and ferocious monsters, they only have one concept in their heads - food, killing, and growth.The monsters at the top level are divided into spheres of influence, but they will not impose any substantive restrictions on the monsters in the territory. Unless something is particularly serious, the higher-ups will not intervene.

Especially in the undeveloped land of the Star Battlefield, be as careful as possible. If you want to live with peace of mind, you must stay in the camp. If you want to practice, you must choose the right place. "

Tang Yan introduced it to everyone solemnly, lest they relax their vigilance and cause trouble.The monsters are not human beings, so it is impossible for you to show mercy just because you are holding a sign of Wagangzhai. Once you break into its territory, you can still eat them.

"We will all restrain our disciples. In short, we need an adaptation stage, and it will get better." Tang Yanshan looked around the vast mountains like the primitive world, and felt a long-lost pride in his heart: "We should be regarded as imitating the ancient ancestors. In a world full of monsters and beasts, break into the territory of human beings!"

Odin also smiled heartily and said: "I never thought that I would be able to venture into the world in my later years. I am crazier than when I was young, and I am more passionate when I am old."

The rest of the people have pride and smiles, but they all understand that Tang Yan worked hard for all of this, and they must cherish it.

Tang Yan nodded to the three palace masters and said: "Let me introduce to you, there are a hundred treasure mountains in Star Battlefield, the two most precious mountains are Taiping Mountain and Xinghui Peak. We are standing at Taiping Peak, from here we go straight to the north. , about ten kilometers away, the towering giant peak is Xinghui Peak, I think Yuhua Palace is built there, the environment there is more beautiful, like a fairyland, suitable for your life."

"We're not welcome." Zhaoyi smiled gently, but as if avoiding it intentionally, she never looked Tang Yan in the eyes, said a few words of politeness, and led everyone from Yuhua Palace to leave first, heading for a new home.

Huh? ?Why do you feel weird?

Tang Yan watched the three palace lords leave strangely. The graceful backs were all fascinating, but there was always something wrong, the eyes?atmosphere? ?

After thinking about it, it might be the incident that happened on the isolated island in the South China Sea. Ling Ruoxi... Zhaoyi... oh... the constant cutting and messing up, maybe that's the feeling?
If I have a chance in the future, I should really talk to them. It's not a good feeling to always bury my heart.

"We will choose the nearby mountain!" The leader of the monkey group did not dare to leave too far, so he chose a giant peak less than four kilometers south of Taiping Mountain as the future habitat of the monkey group.They are beasts at first, so they don't think Beast Mountain is unfamiliar, but they are full of expectations. However, they only have three dignified states in total, and the number is huge. They are easy to be spied on and attacked by powerful beasts. It is better to be closer to Wagang Village. Insurance.

Tang Yanshan said: "We brought a total of 33 disciples, including 20 disciples from Wagangzhai, [-] from Yuhua Palace, and [-] monkeys. They are all voluntary followers. For long-term development, more than [-]% of the disciples are younger generations. .”

"20 people." Tang Yan looked up at the majestic peak that pierced into the sky with a height of two thousand feet: "Almost enough."

Tang Ba stepped forward and asked: "Can we enter the Eternal Beast Mountain? Or can we only limit our activities within the Star Battlefield?"

"As long as you have the confidence to ensure safety, you can go anywhere." Tang Yan took out five jade altars and handed them to Tang Ba: "This is a gift for Huben."

"What?" Tang Qing and the others snatched it one after another.

"It's all spiritual source liquid, the total number is almost [-]! Only a lot more!"

"Fifty thousand?" Tang Ba and the others looked up in astonishment, staring at Tang Yan in disbelief.

fifty thousand?Luo Hu, who was twisting his neck in boredom, almost popped his eyes out.

Tang Yanshan and the others were all taken aback, [-] pieces of spiritual source liquid?What a great deal!Where did you get it?Just hand it over to Huben so casually?

"I hope to bring Tiger Ben out of the void space in ten years." Tang Yan can be said to have spent all his money. The spiritual source liquid in it was all obtained from tempering wolves in the Youye Forest. At that time, a total of more than [-] were refined. Take out half of it!
Tang Ba was about to open the lid, but all of them froze in place, feeling as if his heart had been stabbed severely by something.

"There is also the harvest from the search of the Arbitration King's King City. These rings are full of weapons and precious metals. Myna, I leave it all to you!" Tang Yan kept all the weapon rings. He didn't know what treasures were inside. But it can be confirmed that there are at least two spiritual weapons, and hundreds of thousands of weapons.

Tang Ba took it mechanically, but didn't say a word for a long time.Looking at the jade altar and the ring in his hand in a daze, his eyes gradually became hot...and turned red...Tang Mingzhong and the others sighed secretly, courtesy is important enough, and responsibility is even heavier! !

"By the way, this is what Xingluo Renhuang asked us to hand over to you." Tang Yanshan handed a jade bottle to Tang Yan, with a strange expression on his face, Renhuang, that is the most peak existence in the entire continent, The emperor who ruled the destiny of mankind actually talked to him!

"What?" Tang Yan took the jade bottle, round and cold.

"At that time, Human Emperor and Commander Ma opened the passage together in the wasteland. At the beginning, only the two of them came in first. After a while, they brought us in, and then the Emperor gave it to us. Commander Ma Please entrust us to hand over the things to you with your own hands, and wish you a speedy recovery and enjoy two years in Beast Mountain with peace of mind."

Um?Could it be... Tang Yan's spirit trembled slightly, and his eyes suddenly became eager.

Niya was also a little excited: "Could it be the spring of life? The star battlefield was discovered by Emperor Xingluo himself. Could it be that he didn't conduct a comprehensive investigation? With his ability, it is impossible not to find the spring of life.

If it really exists underground in Taiping Mountain, he might use secret methods to cover it up, let it continue to exist and continue to breed, and then use the Youth Battlefield once every 50 years to secretly take away a drop, but now that the Star Battlefield is going to be handed over to Beast Mountain, he will not Handing over the fountain of life together is likely to take it away in advance and leave some for you. "

"It makes sense!" Tang Yan gave Niya a thumbs up, slightly opened the gap in the jade bottle, and suddenly... an extremely pungent blood qi rushed to his face, but when the blood qi entered his body, Tang Yan suddenly felt his whole body tremble, The incomparable refreshing feeling quickly spread from the nasal cavity to the whole body, and there was a wonderful feeling of being ecstatic like smoking marijuana. The subtle blood flowed like warm water flowing through the whole body, nourishing the dry and old muscles and bones.

Tang Yanshan and others around him also trembled slightly like an electric shock, and suddenly fell into a fairyland, just like wandering in a wonderful sea of ​​flowers, surrounded by boundless vitality.

"You guys prepare the camp, I'll leave for a few days!" Tang Yan gripped the jade bottle tightly in surprise, and rushed out, but under the excitement, he forgot his weakness and fell to the ground ten meters away.

"Brother!! Brother!! And me!! My little brother is willing to do my best for you! Brother! You are my own brother!!" With a loud voice, Luo Hu rushed forward, holding Tang Yan in both hands, and disappeared in a hurry in sight.

"What baby? Can you be so excited?" Isaac looked around strangely, with a smile on his lips. It has been more than 20 years since he met Tang Yan, and his childlike innocence remains unchanged.

It's rare, it's rare that he can stick to himself in the constant suffering.

Niya rarely showed a faint smile: "Good thing, see you next time, he can regain his youth."

(End of this chapter)

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