Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1185 Killing the Saint

Chapter 1185 Killing the Saint

"Ten years later? Leave the empty space?" Tang Qing held the jade altar in his hand, but smiled wryly.

Young master, it's not that we don't work hard, it's that we really can't catch up with you.

We have been running wildly day and night, but you have grown wings.

In ten years, you may be infinitely close to the holy realm, can we advance to the noble realm?How much can Huben improve?
Can follow you out of the void?Ten years later, will we be your burden or your help?

Snapped! !Tang Bayi slapped Tang Qing on the back of the head, and said sharply: "Why are you venting! What about the pride back then? [-] pieces of spiritual source liquid, hard squeeze will squeeze out [-] high-level martial kings for me!"

Tang Jun's expression was serious: "One Martial King can't help, three thousand Martial Kings, three thousand demon kings and three thousand black water leeches, all of them are high-ranking Martial Kings, and with the cooperation of a distinguished captain and formation, they are enough to kill any Martial Master. It is impossible to resist superpowers for the young master, but at least he must ensure that the little minions will not harass him.

Let Du Yang and the others fight against the peak powerhouses. The role of our Huben is to clear all obstacles for the young master and them!If we set our goals clearly, we can grow faster! "

"That's right! We can't compete with superpowers, but we strive to not get close to the young master under the semi-sacred realm! Hand over to Du Yang and the others above the semi-sacred realm, and hand over to us the tiger and iron cavalry below the semi-sacred realm!" Tang Hao They must also muster up their pride, saying these words in the realm of a high-ranking Martial King may be ridiculously arrogant, but they must achieve that step in order to be worthy of the young master's repeated sacrifices, and to be worthy of the bold words of the past.

Tang Jun couldn't help clenching his fists: "[-] spirit source liquid! Eternal Beast Mountain! Weapon metal! Countless spirit grass, countless strange beasts, countless life and death dangers! The young master prepared everything for us, and the rest The only thing we can do is work hard!"

"Did you hear that!! Get your spirits up!" Tang Hao put his elbow on Tang Qing's ribs, and shouted, "If you really don't have confidence, quit Huben by yourself, and don't hinder the development of the second brigade!"

Tang Qing took deep breaths one after another, and said in a deep voice: "Have confidence!!"

"Daddy! I want to join Huben!" Tang Ying suddenly looked at Tang Mingzhong firmly.

"Nonsense!!" Tang Mingzhong's heart trembled, and he glared at Tang Ying fiercely.

"I want to join Huben!" Tang Ying's tone was strong, and despite Tang Mingzhong's repeated hints, she resolutely stood beside Tang Hao: "Sister Hao, I want to join the third brigade!"

"" Tang Mingzhong was anxious and annoyed, what is Huben?Huben is actually the army of dead soldiers trained by Tang Yan!He has lived most of his life, and he can see clearly! !He is just such a daughter, but she never wants to be a dead soldier!Besides, Tang Yan's future journey must be full of blood, and the tiger and ben cavalry are also facing destruction anytime and anywhere.

Tang Hao didn't make a direct decision, but looked at Tang Yanshan.

Tang Yanshan was very straightforward: "Respect the child's own decision, I don't want Yinger to be a little princess in Beast Mountain forever!"

"How about... Let's go home and discuss with your mother first?" Tang Mingzhong whispered to Tang Ying.

But Tang Ying's attitude was firm and she ignored it. She must join the Huben Iron Cavalry, she must do something for Tang Yan, and she must prove that the Tang family is a hero regardless of male or female!

Tang Bazheng was clenching the ring tightly, even piercing the palm of his hand, causing blood to flow. After the atmosphere was quiet for a while, he took a deep breath, turned around suddenly, and looked at Tang Yanshan and Odin with shining eyes: "We need the full cooperation of Wagangzhai!"

Tang Yanshan and Odin looked at each other and nodded in relief.

"Tang Yan is now going farther and farther, higher and higher. As a family member, we can't always watch him suffer outside, and we can't always be a burden. At least we have to help, big help can't help, small help It must be perfect.

From today onwards, Wagangzhai will do everything in its power to serve the tiger and ben iron cavalry and provide you with assistance in all aspects. Your goal should not only be limited to the King of Martial Realm, not just group combat, but more importantly, to cultivate leading soldiers. "

"Tang Yan gave you the materials, and Wagangzhai will help you. As the head of the Tang family, I am giving you a limit-no matter what time or method I use, all the records of the tiger and ben cavalry must be filled with 'strike' If you can't kill a saint, all of Huben will never be buried in the Tang family's ancestral grave!"

Kill the saint? !Niya was taken aback.

The three Cang brothers smiled wryly in astonishment, they could really say anything, saint?Think it's a cat or a dog!

The five brothers of the Pang family touched their bald heads unanimously, and didn't hold back a word for a long time.

Tang Ba and the others were also startled, but looking at Tang Yanshan's firm and fiery eyes, it didn't seem like they were joking at all. They nodded slowly under the difficulty and determination, and pounded their clenched fists heavily on their chests: "Hu Ben Everyone, accept the order!!"

The 'accepting order' and the 'response' at this moment were obviously lacking in confidence, or even a little naive, even Tang Yanshan herself encouraged it on purpose, and Niya didn't take it to heart.

Everything and everything are incentives and empty talk.

But in the world of Lost Warfare in the future, in a certain era in the future, when the tiger and ben cavalry killed the ancient holy beasts at the cost of almost annihilating the entire army, when the name of the tiger and ben really resounded throughout the world of the lost war, when the tiger and ben The moment when all the loyal bones were buried in the Tang family's ancestral grave, Tang Yanshan finally remembered today's agreement, and finally understood that the oath at this moment itself doomed the future tragedy. He knelt in front of the grave and wept bitterly in pride and desolation.

... Tang Yan chose a quiet valley, coaxed Moon Shadow to live there, and then strictly ordered Luo Hu to guard him, and carefully opened the jade bottle. Suddenly, a colorless but pungent blood energy rose up, filling the narrow valley.

Luo Hu took a deep breath, enjoying it greedily, almost falling to the ground.

Yue Ying was also attracted by the wonderful feeling, stopped messing around with Luo Hu, took a deep breath, and savored it slowly.

The flowers and trees in the valley began to grow wildly, and even the old vines wrapped around the rocky peaks were revived, and the entire valley was revived at an astonishing speed.Blooming flowers, ancient trees and green vines, infinite vitality!
Tang Yan could clearly feel that his old and stiff body was awakening silently, like rain after a long drought, awakening from the inside out, and even the activity of the meridians increased a bit.

"Brother? Are you still alive? Let's share it?" Luo Hu was trembling with excitement, and even his voice sounded like a moan. Its eyes were burning hot, and its four paws were eagerly rubbing. He has already jumped on it.

Tang Yan measured the spring of life in the jade bottle, smiled, carefully dripped two drops from it, and handed it to Yue Ying and Luo Hu: "There is only so much for you, enjoy it, don't waste it."

"Aww!!" Luo Hu suddenly let out a wolf-like howl, took the spring of life and squatted at the entrance of the valley, raised his head, slowly put the spring water into his mouth, and then... Luo Hu was trembling all over, his face full of happiness , with stars shining in his eyes, like wandering in a fairyland, and like stepping into the climax of life.

After swallowing the spring liquid, Yueying lay obediently among the flowers, like a curled up kitten, sleeping soundly, concentrating on refining.The whole body is constantly shrouded in a thin mist, and it vaguely turns into a snow-white and flawless white cat shadow, which is its real life body.

Tang Yan adjusted his posture, calmed down, rolled up a drop of the fountain of life with the green fire silk thread, and put it carefully into his mouth. The entrance of the spring liquid was endlessly soft, just like the entrance of a sweet and warm clear spring, without any intense pressure. It feels that there is only endless vitality, only the continuous stream that turns lightly.

It seems to have swallowed a forest full of vitality, and it seems to seize the eternal vitality. It is beautiful and clear, which makes Tang Yan's tense body relax infinitely. Like brocade flowers, looking up at the vast white misty sky, it seems to embrace the whole world.

The spring of life flows throughout the body, and a small drop of it triggers a river of vitality, nourishing old muscles, moistening stiff blood vessels, washing dead bones, and soaking inactive internal organs.

The whole body is recovering.

The vitality contained in a drop of dose made Tang Yan smelt for a full day and night. This is because his body is extremely old, and he absorbed it like the sea.

And Luohu and Yueying need to spend at least five or six days or even longer to digest.

In the second and third drops, Tang Yan's body continued to recover. Although he failed to regain his longevity, his body was moving towards the younger generation. When the fourth drop of life spring liquid entered his body, he began to have some vitality to nourish the sea of ​​​​qi, making the lifeless The world of Qihai regained a little light.

The cyan ocean, life blood baby, and even the sleeping fire spirit and blood soul tree all showed signs of recovery.

Tang Yan is immersed in infinite vitality, and he doesn't need to operate by himself. The life spring fluid wakes up his body by itself. He silently feels the changes in his body, and looks forward to a reborn transformation.

(End of this chapter)

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