Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1201 Revisiting Yuhua Palace

Chapter 1201 Revisiting Yuhua Palace

"After today, we can be friends, but only friends." Ling Ruoxi didn't know when she woke up, lying in Tang Yan's arms and whispering softly, or recalled the absurdity just now, or felt Tang Yan's absurdity. With forceful kneading, a little blush appeared on the cold cheeks, but the eyes were full of complexity, satisfaction, warmth, and even a little bit of self-blame and confusion.

It's like... like a girl having an affair... "Haven't figured it out yet? Love between men and women is normal, what's so shameful?" Tang Yan stroked her slightly messy long hair and said in relief: " I will personally talk to Niya, she is not unreasonable..."

Ling Ruoxi shook her head and interrupted: "I just want to be alone in peace."

"I've cleared it for you four times, and you still haven't figured it out?"

"You..." Ling Ruoxi pinched him hard.

"Don't worry, it's alright."

But Ling Ruoxi still shook her head: "I want to stay with my sister, I want to stay in Yuhua Palace."

"I respect your decision, but friends before and lovers after. I can't let you down anymore. When you figure it out again and are willing to be frank, we will make it public again. Everything is up to you to decide."

Tang Yan hugged Ling Ruoxi tightly and stopped forcing her, but he began to think silently in his heart, do you want to accompany sister?Then if Zhaoyi is conquered again, won't everything be calm?

"I should go back." Ling Ruoxi stood up and straightened her clothes.

"I'll accompany you back, and take a look at the Grand Palace Master by the way."

"You can't go." Ling Ruoxi refused as if awakened.

"Why? I'm not going to steal, why can't I go?"

A little panic flashed in Ling Ruoxi's eyes, secretly thinking that Tang Yan must not let Nian'er see Nian'er again. "We've been away for too long with no explanation."

"You can't explain clearly when you go back by yourself. I went to explain and said... um..." Tang Yan thought for a while, snapped his fingers, and said with a smile: "Just say that I came to borrow it from you! You should know that the Nalantu brothers and sisters are looking for hidden restrictions recently? Your martial arts skills are proficient in Yin and Yang, and you may help them, so the purpose of my visit to Yuhua Palace today is to ask for your help."

Ling Ruoxi was about to persevere, but suddenly she seemed to have figured something out, fell silent, gritted her teeth, and acquiesced to Tang Yan's decision.

"I'll help you get dressed." Regardless of Ling Ruoxi's objection, Tang Yan quickly helped her put on her clothes, taking advantage of the opportunity to sneak up on her non-stop, until the Bingshan beauty in his arms was ashamed and annoyed, and he almost reacted again.

The taste in it is not enough for outsiders.

"Where are my shoes?" At the end of wearing it, Ling Ruoxi suddenly found that everything was there, except one shoe was missing.

"Maybe I fell on the road. I was walking too fast at that time." Tang Yan gave a bad look on purpose.

Being reminded of the scene in the valley, Ling Ruoxi blushed suddenly.Quickly take out new shoes from the space ring and put them on.Both of them carefully arranged and dressed, checked repeatedly, like a boy or girl having an affair, and after everything was confirmed to be all right, they returned to Yuhua Palace one after the other.

The main hall of Yuhua Palace.

The disciple who got the news immediately went to the main hall to report.

"Second Sister is back? Did you bring Tang Yan back?" Yin Xiyue stood up in a huff, with sullen eyebrows.

"I'm asking to see you in front of the hall." The next female disciple responded respectfully, but she was puzzled in her heart. The third palace master seemed very angry. Isn't Tang Yan the closest friend of Yuhua Palace?He is also the only man allowed by the special order to go up the mountain directly. Why is he annoyed for no reason?
"Second Sister, what the hell is she thinking? How can she bring Tang Yan back! Didn't we make an agreement..." Yin Xiyue stopped in the middle of her speech, and waved her disciple back in a cold voice: "You step back first, just say Dagong The Lord is not feeling well, let them come in later."

The disciple retreated respectfully and left. Luo Xiu's face was calm, but his eyes were strange. He was silent all the time and did not speak.Yin Xiyue has a quick temper and an arrogant temper, and at the moment she is also somewhat inexplicably angry, very irritable.

"It might be something important. Since Ruoxi brought it back, there must be a reason." Zhaoyi chose to believe in her closest sister, and gave Luo Xiu the idea of ​​finally putting her to sleep: "You and Xiyue brought me back to sleep." Think about going to Houshan Garden to stay for a while, and you will come back after Tang Yan leaves."

"I'll stay!!" Yin Xiyue insisted stubbornly.

"Let Third Sister stay with you, I'll take Nian'er myself." Luo Xiu was already entangled in the troubled relationship in the room, so he simply left alone with Nian'er, no longer getting involved.

Zhaoyi gestured to Yin Xiyue with her eyes, but she stubbornly stayed and refused to leave.

Not long after, Tang Yan and Ling Ruoxi walked into the main hall together to meet Yin Xiyue's lingering eyes.

Tang Yan abided by the agreement, behaved normally, and showed no intimacy. Ling Ruoxi remained indifferent, as if she didn't notice the weird atmosphere in the room, she walked to the seat next to her and sat down.

"Grand Palace Master, recently..."

Just as Tang Yan was about to speak, Yin Xiyue took out an embroidered shoe first, looked directly at Ling Ruoxi who was silent, and said nonchalantly, "Where did the second sister go just now? Our sisters searched for a long time, but only found a shoe. It looks like you left in a hurry."

Ling Ruoxi's eyes flickered slightly, but only for a moment, she naturally recovered her composure, and glanced lightly: "You're wrong, it's not mine."

"No? Why do I feel so similar?" Yin Xiyue stared closely at Ling Ruoxi's eyes, as if trying to see through her surface.

Ling Ruoxi was calm and indifferent: "What do you want to say?"

"I just want to ask what caused the second sister to be in such a hurry that she even lost one of her shoes."

"I'll say it again, you're wrong."

"Really? The second sister stretched out..."

"Xiyue, stop making trouble!!" Zhaoyi interrupted their quarrel, ignored the shoe matter, and smiled gently at Tang Yan: "Is the village master Tang coming here today for something important?"

Tang Yan was calm, with a hearty smile: "I invited the Second Palace Mistress to help me with something. After the matter is finished, I will naturally send it back to visit the next Grand Palace Mistress. The meeting at Taiping Mountain was rushed that day, and I hadn't had time yet. Ask if you have the habit of living in Star Battlefield."

"I'm sorry to trouble Village Master Tang, we all like the environment here."

Before Zhaoyi finished speaking, Yin Xiyue had already asked bluntly: "What do you need my second sister to go there in person? It will take three hours to go, a whole half a day!"

Tang Yan looked at her with a half-smile: "Little San'er, you seem to be very emotional."

"Little San'er? You..." Yin Xiyue's delicate body trembled slightly, her phoenix eyes widened. If she couldn't beat him, she would have rushed to a duel.

"I went out to do things with the second palace lord, are you jealous? Or is your heart unbalanced? Why are you so excited?"

"Beautiful thinking! My mother will not eat you if she is jealous of men all over the world!!"

"Hey, I have a big appetite. There are tens of billions of men in the world. Can you take it?"

"Tang, I..."

"Third Sister! Stop making trouble!" Zhaoyi quickly stopped Yin Xiyue, who was about to run away, and signaled her to control her emotions, and bickering with Tang Yan was purely asking for trouble.

Tang Yan gave her an evil look, and explained naturally: "Nalantu encountered some troubles, and thought of borrowing the second palace master's martial arts to try, but he was busy for a long time without any results, so I sent the second palace master back by the way. .”

"Oh, that's it. It's nothing. Village Master Tang, please go back. In the future, if you have anything to do, just ask your disciples to come and ask for instructions, and there is no need for Village Master Tang to come here in person." Zhaoyi got up to see the guests off.

"I still have some personal matters that I want to talk to you about." Tang Yan came here to resolve conflicts, so how could he leave without saying anything.

"What can you do privately?" Yin Xiyue immediately became alert.

Tang Yan glanced at her helplessly: "Sister San'er, do you have a grudge against me?? Did I provoke you?? I don't understand. Could it be that I have harmed you in my previous life, and you have come here with hatred in this life?" Are you looking for me? Why do you have such a big opinion on me? You hurry up, I really have something to talk to the Grand Palace Master, and I don't want outsiders to disturb you."

"Don't even think about it!!" Yin Xiyue glared at him bitterly, unable to argue, but you can't throw me out.

"Grand Palace Master?" Tang Yan could only ask Zhaoyi for instructions.

"Third Sister is not an outsider, so just tell me if you have anything to say."

"Then I'll visit another day." Tang Yan stood up pretending to be helpless.

"You're such a bully!!" Yin Xiyue was furious.

Tang Yan casually brought out a few delicate gifts: "I heard from the second palace master that you adopted a child. I brought some gifts for her. Can I give them to her myself?"

Zhaoyi glanced at Ling Ruoxi quietly, but Ling Ruoxi lowered her eyebrows and ignored her, as if she no longer interfered with anything.

"Thank you for your kindness. Nian'er is already asleep, so I will accept it for her."

Without thinking too much, Tang Yan handed the gift to Zhaoyi, and said with a smile, "I feel that Nian'er and Nian'er are destined for each other, or... let me recognize her as a father someday? A child can't just have a mother without a father, right?"

Yin Xiyue snorted, "Are you planning very loudly, account for four of us?"

"We just want to give her a quiet life. I think our four sisters have done enough, and we don't need to give her any other relatives." Zhaoyi politely refused, but her eyes were intentionally or unintentionally avoiding Tang Yan's eyes, and she took the gift Then return directly to the seat.

Tang Yan felt that the atmosphere was weird, and he could even feel some resistance from Zhaoyi, as if he wished he could leave now, quietly looked at her meeting, and tried to insist again: "Can I invite the Grand Palace Mistress to go out for a walk? "

"Another day, I'm preparing for retreat."

"Oh...then I'll take my leave first." Tang Yan was about to leave when she suddenly noticed Ling Ruoxi coughing lightly, as if reminding herself.It was a little strange, but I couldn't help but think of the only sentence Ling Ruoxi said to herself on the way here - I want to find a nominal father for Nian'er.

He had just made a request to Zhaoyi, but was directly rejected.But after thinking about it carefully, and looking at Zhaoyi and Ling Ruoxi's special and weird performance, I feel even more strange. Could there be something wrong?
Yin Xiyue snorted, "Still leaving? Do you want me to ask you to leave!"

Tang Yan ignored her, closed his eyes, and calmed down. When he opened his eyes again, Sen Luo's eyes had quietly opened, and his gaze penetrated through the curtains, into the bedroom at the back. After searching for a while, he didn't find Nian'er. The figure continued to expand outward, and finally saw Nian'er being hugged by Luoxiu in the garden behind the mountain.

The little girl slept soundly, quietly curled up in the quilt in Luoxiu's arms.

Luoxiu carefully swayed her body, coaxing her to sleep softly.

The picture is very warm, but... look at it...

(End of this chapter)

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