Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1202 Three Fire Blue Patterns

Chapter 1202
"Why are you in a daze? I said Mr. Tang, don't you think it's impolite to stare at other people's boudoirs?" Yin Xiyue stopped in front of Tang Yan and stared at him aggressively.

Tang Yan was indifferent, with a blank expression on his face, his eyes stared straight ahead, as if he had been immobilized, but in fact the bottom of his right eye was flickering, and he was scorching for something.

"Tang Yan?" Zhaoyi sized Tang Yan sideways, and gradually discovered some abnormalities. The abnormal part was his right eye.There were some golden light spots faintly exuding there, like some thin golden powder lingering in the area in front of the eyes, spreading towards the front silently.

If it weren't for her high level and sensitive detection ability, she might not be able to find anything.

"Hey! This girl is talking to you! Don't pretend to be deaf and dumb!!" Yin Xiyue was annoyed, and said angrily: "We have already seen off the guests, do you need me to speak directly!"

Tang Yan was still indifferent, his right eye began to condense slightly, and his fingertips involuntarily drew a little flame, as if he was sensing something at the moment.

Zhaoyi began to doubt, feeling a little flustered, and suddenly said: "Tang Yan!!"

Tang Yan finally recovered from his concentration, but slowly glanced at Zhaoyi, his expression gradually complicated.

"I'm not feeling well and I need to rest. If you have nothing special to do, you can leave. Third sister, see off the guests for me." Zhaoyi collected herself, maintaining her temperament and etiquette.

But Tang Yan stared at her for a long time, then turned to the boudoir in front of her again, and checked the furnishings and objects inside through the heavy curtains and the door.

"Tang, are you deaf?" Yin Xiyue also felt that something was wrong, and raised her hand in front of him and shook it again and again.

Tang Yan's expression was weird again and again, and he took two steps back suddenly: "Excuse me, I will take my leave first and visit another day."

Yin Xiyue was even more surprised, why she seemed to be a different person all of a sudden.

But when Tang Yan was about to walk out of the palace gate, he suddenly turned and looked at Yin Xiyue.

"What do you want to do again?"

Tang Yan looked her up and down: "Third Palace Master, I give you a piece of advice."


"Baihu Kefu." Tang Yan turned around and disappeared without a trace.

"What do you mean?" Yin Xiyue was at a loss, unable to understand the meaning of the words.

Zhaoyi didn't even think about it, but looked at Ling Ruoxi, hoping to get a response and explain what was going on.

But Ling Ruoxi remained silent, her eyebrows lowered indifferently.

Yin Xiyue didn't want to understand, so she just didn't want to, stood in front of Ling Ruoxi, and said in a slightly serious tone, "Second sister, why did you bring Tang Yan here? We agreed to keep a secret, so you brought it here quietly to let the eldest sister embarrassing!"

"He insisted, I can't refuse, I can only bring it." Ling Ruoxi responded calmly, but felt a little lost in her heart.

The reason why she acquiesced in Tang Yan's coming in the end was actually to facilitate the meeting between Tang Yan and Nian'er. As for whether they recognize each other, it can only depend on God's will and fate. If they can recognize each other, everyone will be happy. If not, she will not force it.

Ling Ruoxi has always understood her sister's heart, and she kept the child purely for a thought, and she also used this to completely break her relationship, and no longer have any close ties with Tang Yan.

A child, but a lifetime.

She respects her sister's decision very much, agrees with her sister's decision, and even regards Nian'er as her own thought, and taking care of Nian'er in this life is like commemorating the "flash in the pan" love.

But Wanwan didn't expect that today's scene would appear. After that indulgence, after that calm intoxication, her once dead heart involuntarily came back to life.She got the love that she dared not imagine and never imagined. Naturally, she hoped that her sister would also be relieved, so that the family that should be most dependent on each other could be reunited, so that Nian'er could get mother's love and even father's love.

So... She brought Tang Yan here amidst entanglement and hesitation, but she didn't dare to make it clear because she was worried that her sister would resist, so she could only keep silent and keep silent.

Unfortunately, Tang Yan was unable to see Nian'er, and the third sister's resistance surprised her even more.

"Ruoxi, you have nothing to tell me?" Zhaoyi said directly, waiting for Ling Ruoxi's response, including why Nian'er met Tang Yan in front of the mountain, why Ling Ruoxi disappeared for three hours without reason, including Why did Ling Ruoxi bring Tang Yan back to Yuhua Palace, and how to explain the embroidered shoes picked up by Yin Xiyue!

Ling Ruoxi stood up indifferently: "There's nothing to say, I'm tired today, I'll go back and rest first."

"Second sister, you..." Yin Xiyue was upset, but Ling Ruoxi really got up and left, and walked out of the main hall without looking back.

Tang Yan left the main hall of Yuhua Palace, but did not go all the way down the mountain. Instead, he turned a corner and went directly to the back mountain. He walked leisurely and naturally passed through the patrol team and came to a peaceful garden.

Luo Xiu, who was about to leave with Nian'er in his arms, was blocked head-on.

"Tang Yan?" Luo Xiu was startled, and subconsciously hugged Nian'er who was still sleeping soundly in his arms. "Why are you here?"

"I said I was visiting the Yuhua Palace, do you believe it?" Tang Yan smiled slightly, and walked forward: "The Lord of the Ninth Palace is very elegant, and brought the children to enjoy the flowers?"

"The child is asleep, and I'm about to take it home. You go shopping first, and I'll take my leave." Luo Xiu didn't want to spend too much time with him, so she walked away quickly while protecting the child.

But when they passed each other, Tang Yan suddenly raised his hand to stop him: "Don't rush away, it's been a long time, I have something to talk to the Lord of the Ninth Palace."

"Another day, another day I will visit personally."

After Luoxiu finished speaking, he stepped forward again, Tang Yan went sideways to stop him firmly: "There is no need to change the day, today is just right. Either we can talk about it here, or you can go back to Wagang Village with me, and we can find a place to have a good chat."

"Master Tang, don't you think you're being rude?" Luoxiu was a little annoyed, but afraid of waking up Nian'er, she lowered her voice again and again, and tried to distance herself from Tang Yan.

"Who adopted Nian'er first?" Tang Yan smiled, but stared at Luo Xiu with burning eyes, and asked bluntly.



"Dayan Mountain Range."

"Where exactly?"

"In a valley in the Langya Mountains."


"The specific place is not very clear, is there any problem?"

Tang Yan smiled silently, and walked around her: "Why did the Grand Palace Master go back to the deep mountains for no reason, and how could he go to the valley to pick up children!"

"Fate! Encounter!"

"Encounter? Fate? Hehe, what a encounter! What a fate! The Dayan Mountains are full of monsters and beasts, and a newborn baby is full of blood and can cry and make noise. How could she not be discovered by the monsters? After being put into the valley, it is a miracle to be able to persist for ten breaths! How can you still persist until the Grand Palace Master comes to meet you by chance?"

"That's the fact. Believe it or not. It's up to you. I don't need to argue."

"With all due respect, even if the Great Palace Mistress really encounters a newborn baby in the mountains, with her character, she may ignore it or may feel unbearable, but the most benevolent result is that she brings the child back to Yuhua Palace. Give it to other people to raise it, but it will never be raised by yourself! Not to mention that the four palace masters will not take turns to take care of it!

Or, because the child is lovable, Omiya took the initiative to care for her and was willing to take care of her herself.But with the character of the lord of the third house, and with your disposition of the lord of the ninth house, will you do your best to guard and take care of an unknown wild child? "

Tang Yan looked directly into Luo Xiu's eyes, his voice was sharp and cold, and his voice was raised layer by layer.

Luo Xiu protected Nian'er who was sleeping soundly in the quilt, avoiding Tang Yan's eyes, and said indifferently: "I don't know what Village Master Tang is talking about, but please lower your voice so as not to wake up the child."

"Let me ask another question. The child is less than two years old, so she should not be weaned. How do you four palace masters feed her?"

Luo Xiu blushed slightly, and said angrily: "Master Tang, you are going too far!!"

"You should bring a feeding bottle with you, but I have looked all over the room of the Grand Master, and all baby products should be available, but the feeding bottle is missing, how do you explain it?"

"Master Tang, are you really bored? We have a nanny in Yuhua Palace!"

"Nurse? Do you really think I don't understand physiological knowledge? Who can be a nurse? They are pregnant women. Yuhua Palace is full of women, and no man has set foot here in more than ten years. Where did the pregnant woman come from? Where did the nurse come from?! "

"What on earth are you trying to do? If you do this again, I'll call someone out." Luo Xiu thought he was shrewd, but at the moment he was suppressed by Tang Yan's harsh words and was speechless.

"I just want to ask who is the child in your arms?"

"The little princess of Yuhua Palace—Missing!" Luo Xiu said with a serious expression, and finished speaking every word, holding Nian'er and quickly left.

"She really picked it up? Then what happened to the fire lines on her forehead?" Tang Yan slowly turned around, looking coldly at Luo Xiu's back as he walked away quickly.

"No comment." Luoxiu flew faster after turning the corner.

But... Crack! !A heavy blow hit the back of her neck suddenly, followed by a sharp force that swept across her whole body through the back of the neck, Luo Xiu's whole body trembled, her eyes went dark, and she fell directly from the sky, holding Nian'er tightly in her arms. Let go and fall.

Tang Yan caught it steadily in mid-air, and remained silent for a while, with a complicated expression on his face. He slowly reached out and lifted up the wrapped quilt, revealing Nian'er's sleeping face. Her fair little face is ethereal and holy.

Nian'er, who was in a deep sleep, twisted her body, opened her misty eyes, saw Tang Yan in front of her, stared at it for a while, and smiled with her mouth open, but then continued to sleep soundly. good smell.

Tang Yan covered the quilt, frowned and looked at the main hall on the top of the mountain, but did not go again, but turned and left, and returned to Wagang Village with Nian'er!
(End of this chapter)

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