Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1224 9 The Return of the Fierce

Chapter 1224
But...they retreated and fled, and in a blink of an eye, only Tang Yan and Nalantu were left floating in the air in the vast and chaotic battlefield. The sudden change even Tang Yan was stunned, and jumped on the spot: " F*ck, set up the formation! You guys retreated too exaggeratedly, come back! Come back to me!!”

Roar! !The red eyes of the Frost Giant Beast stared at Tang Yan, and it rushed towards Tang Yan without any suspense. come.

"Can we still be brothers?!" Tang Yan angrily scolded them for being unscrupulous, and dodged in embarrassment.

"One harm, hold on."

"Nalan, hurry up and open the formation!"

Everyone cheered again and again, but they all retreated several kilometers away, and could only shout at the top of their voices.

"Listen to my orders, the Heavenly Punishment Formation, all return to their positions!"

"Using the momentum of the eight nebulas, expand the ten-direction Tianyan killing array!"

Nalantu shouted one after another, his voice was sonorous, like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath, the surroundings trembled.

His hands are flying like flying, and he can't stop flipping.

Conclude strange and strange, stimulate mysterious energy.

Buzzing, star-like strange energy brilliance spewed out from Nalantu's body!His long hair danced lightly, his green shirt fluttered, and his handsome face was solemn and solemn.

The strange light is mysterious and mysterious, infecting a field.

Tenaciously propped up one area in the chaotic and cold world.

With Nalantu's smooth hands churning, the stars in the sky are like light elves, flying at the fingertips.

Heaven's Punishment Formation?Tang Yan has been looking forward to this formation for a long time. It is said that the South China Sea battlefield has been unfolded before, and the Taiyin Golden Tiger was hit hard in one fell swoop to seal the victory. It is a pity that he did not experience it personally, so he can't miss anything today.

"Get ready!!" Xu Yan and others shouted in unison to remind each other, and the spiritual power in their bodies boiled, and the secret martial arts were fully deployed, ready to go.

But at the critical moment, the Frost Beast suddenly rushed in front of them, with its two sharp claws bowing left and right, striking from both sides. The claws were not only sharp and tough, but also huge in size, and wrapped around a boiling cold wave.

Attacking from left and right, it was like two huge waves that suddenly rose from the sky, slapping over with deafening roars, completely blocking the escape space on both sides.

Nalantu was fully concentrating, closing his eyes and concentrating, unable to take care of it.

Tang Yan couldn't leave him alone. At the critical moment, his chest surged with fighting spirit, and his aura suddenly rose. He pushed his palms to the sides with all his strength, and screamed loudly at the same time: "Liuli!! Qinglei!!"

Rumble! !Click! !

The ghostly blue fire swept across the gallop, gushing out from the left and right palms, and turned into two huge green fire eagles with a height of [-] meters in the boiling, one on each side, flapping its wings and screaming, the blue fire surged, and then violently struck , Facing the claws and blasting away.

Show the green eagle with one palm!
The transformation of the ghost green fire did bring Tang Yan endless mysteries. He easily performed the Tang family's assault-style tricks, and condensed into a green eagle faster and more fiercely.

And at the same time, Liuli lightning descended, proudly above Tang Yan, and howled wolves. Six wolf tails swept violently, arousing overwhelming black thunder, galloping left and right. At the same time, the black thunder hit the green eagle and re-integrated.

Boom, click.

The green fire is raging, the thunder wave is rolling, and the killing power of the green fire eagle is soaring. Whether it is momentum or energy fluctuations, everyone who is about to rescue in the distance takes a deep breath and is frightened.

20 years ago, Tang Yan cooperated with Liuli to blast and kill the ice sculptures during the daytime jedi.

20 years later, in the holy land of Yaochi, the transformed "strongest partner" reappears the power of Qing Leiying.

The eagle crowed in shock, the thunderstorm was deafening, and the blue thunder eagle hit its claws head-on!
All of them are as large as [-] meters, and all of them are hit by critical strikes.

One is extremely strong and hard, and the space is frozen by cold waves; the other is extremely powerful and tyrant, which is sky fire and black electricity.

Although the level of the Frost Behemoth is much higher than Tang Yan and Liuli, but the combination of Green Fire and Black Electricity, and the use of exquisite martial arts, its critical strike power is absolutely terrifying.

Like four giant trains colliding head-on at high speed, the violent explosion shook the heavens and the earth, stirring up waves in the sky, and the blue thunder eagle shattered and collapsed on the spot, but the green fire defeated the ice and the black electric shattered ice. The sharp claws flicked away, stirring up ice fragments all over the sky, smashing the sharp claws into tatters.

The kilometer behemoth screamed and staggered back out of control, but sat on the ground rumbling because of its size.

"Okay!" Du Yang and others roared excitedly. After being in such a mess for so long, they finally had a head-on collision. This scene made them churn with blood.

"The seat of Dongsu, Du Yang! Use the power of the totem to stimulate the soul of the rabbit!" Nalantu suddenly raised his fingers, and the streamer wrapped around his fingertips shot out in response to the sound. Mans soared.

Heaven's Punishment Formation, Dongsu Formation—open! !
"Here we come!!" Du Yang rushed out at the first time, and ran towards the target direction in the east, with full concentration and piercing eyes, the energy dedicated by the crazy Tuna Tutu stimulated the blood power of Lepus in his body.

"Zhao Zimo, spitting water into the ocean, fishing for thunder in the sea!

"Xu Yan! Spread your bone wings, vibrate your bone veins, and refine your grave with white bones!"

"Niya! Start writing to make Fuyao, Canglong break through the sky!"

"Xuanyuan dragon carp! Use the non-phase to enter the myriad phases, and the heavenly phase is derived from the myriad phases."

"Matthews! With the way of the sword emperor, push away the evil spirits of the seven evil spirits, cut down the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and bring peace to all generations."

"Ren Tian Zan! Open the door to invite the ghosts of the sky, open the way to sacrifice to the ghosts, and three thousand lonely ghosts will go down to Yaochi!"

"Chocolate! A mountain of ten thousand feet presses down three inches, and a three-inch pagoda descends on demons."

Nalantu roared loudly, pointed at the mountains and rivers, and shot out starbursts one after another. The nine directions of the subdivisions lit up the nine points of the Heavenly Punishment Array, and used the most direct way to guide Xu Yan and others who were ready to go. .However, Niya and the others were stunned and inexplicably horrified by the secret techniques they shouted out one after another. This kid is quietly studying us?Otherwise, how can you clearly control your own secret technique? !
In a few words, the essence of the Tao!
"Stop, don't need to command, I'll do it myself!" Tang Yan hurriedly stopped Nalantu from shouting his own secret skills, and rushed to his position with Liuli.

Nalan Tu didn't care about everyone's emotions, he directed the Heaven's Punishment Formation with all his strength, and finally rushed to the center.

The area where the formations were arranged all fell a kilometer away from the east of the frost monster. It was not to encircle it, but to get away from it far away, so as to give one's own side a buffer.

Du Yang and the others also had no time to pay too much attention to it, and set up the formation with all their strength. They had already experienced the power of the Heaven's Punishment Formation. With the addition of the super 'mount' black girl, the combat power of the Heaven's Punishment Formation has definitely more than doubled.

They rushed at full speed, and their spiritual power continued to skyrocket.

While striding wildly, under the venting of spiritual power, under the stimulation of the blood of the formation, there was a sudden drum-like roar from the soles of the feet, and every step fell, the snow trembled wildly, and the roar continued.

Continue to run wildly, leaving behind a continuous roar.

It seems to reproduce the trend of the South China Sea back then!

In the end, when they formed a gathering momentum, before they could fully return to their positions, the strange ancient characters had spread all over the thousand-meter snow-capped mountains along with the space under their feet.

The ancient characters are densely packed, strange and complicated, vast and simple!
A terrifying breath seemed to span endless years, break through the obstacles of the long river of fate, invade the snow field, stir up the power of the sky, enveloped all of them, and aroused everyone's blood to spurt, blood to surge, full of spirit The power was completely boiling, and he wanted to roar up to the sky to show his catharsis.

"What the hell?" Tang Yan was amazed by the strange characters and ancient aura that suddenly filled the space, and even more shocked by the terrifying and ancient aura overwhelming the sky.

Soon, the nine murderers will return to their place!God's punishment takes shape!

The addition of Tang Yan is even more mysterious like the finishing touch.

... Hum... In the thousand-meter snowfield area, the ancient characters are translucent, spreading in the space under everyone's feet.

The dense ancient characters buzzed, and the endless rays of light sprayed out one after another, pouring straight into the sky.

A series of mysterious lines formed one after another, connecting independently on the soles of each person's feet.

They seem to form a whole with each other!
There are also a large number of ancient characters that grow from the space, entangled on their soles.

Not only let them be closely connected with each other, but also connected with the formation between heaven and earth, so that they become one!
However... before they were fully formed, before God's punishment showed their power, the thousand-meter behemoth that had just stood up felt an inexplicable threat, and even made a very weird move. The cold wave continued to surge.

And then... the dazzling rays of light scattered from the giant ice crystal soul, the whole body was translucent and bright, like a dazzling scorching sun, making the whole world bright.

Even Tang Yan and the others who were about to gather couldn't help but raised their hands to block them. At the same time, they felt bad and secretly thought that something bad was going on. Is this strange thing going to make a killer move?

(End of this chapter)

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