Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1225

Chapter 1225
as predicted!

What the thousand-meter giant shot was not ordinary light, but a terrifying frozen beam of light!

Its strongest killing move!
In an instant, all the objects shrouded in dazzling light were completely frozen, without suspense, and irreversibly frozen thoroughly, from the outside to the inside! !

Tang Yan and the others had just landed in their position, and the big formation was about to be activated, but... light shrouded, cold and warm, and swept them all!Up to Tang Yan and other semi-sages, down to Nalantu and other Wu Zun, they were instantly frozen in ice.

They all maintained their respective expressions and movements, all of them froze in place, and even the spiritual power and arrogance surging in their bodies were frozen in response.

Between the sky and the earth, the temperature plummeted to the extreme!
Absolutely frozen!

The light beam continues to expand, and the enveloped range extends.

In just a short moment, within a radius of more than ten kilometers, no matter whether it is a mountain or a mess of ruins, they are all covered by a thick layer of ice, and the thickness of the ice layer is still growing.

Tang Yan and the others were buried directly under the ice layer, completely frozen.

In one rage, everything was frozen!
The horror of the frost troll is undoubtedly revealed!
If it were really put on a huge battlefield, or a national war battlefield, its big move would be enough to wipe out all living beings under the holy land, and there would be at least a hundred thousand soldiers within a range of more than ten kilometers.

If it is in its prime, it can even suppress the Holy Land.

After all, it is only half of the power now, and the other half of the power has been dispersed into hundreds of thousands of ice beasts and ten half saints.If they return completely and restore their true strength, maybe the ice layer at this moment can freeze Tang Yan's souls to death, and they will die tragically.

However... after the catharsis, the frost giant showed weakness and fatigue, and its kilometer-long body quickly melted, fully compressed by half, and became 500 meters.Although it is still as majestic as a mountain, it is no longer as frightening as it used to be, and you will faint from shock just by looking at it.

It accepted the arrangement and came to Canglan Ancient Land. Originally, it was just a very easy battle, so Cai had the idea of ​​massacre, to completely destroy the holy land of Yaochi, so at the beginning of the war, it directly separated its body Half of them turned into 30 monsters, countless monsters comparable to the monster king, and ten semi-sacred freaks were differentiated, for the pleasure of deterrence and slaughter.

The effect of this is that it is very refreshing, you can swing your pen to your heart's content, and slaughter wantonly, but its own strength will drop by half.Because the differentiated ice body is all part of its own ability!

In particular, the hockey puck that formed the semi-holy iceman ice monster is the original essence of the ice element inside its body.

However, it expected that no one in the ancient land of Canglan could stop him, and today's battlefield would be very easy, so there was a 'differentiation' without any scruples.

But... Yan Guo's patriarch's performance exceeded its expectations, and he couldn't even win the attack, and even tried to hurt himself several times.After a fierce battle, it consumed a lot of power, forcing it to recall its own "little pawns", but the disciples of Yaochi Holy Land fought back frantically, preventing them from returning, so that their strength could not be effectively replenished.

Just when it was about to go crazy, unexpected changes happened outside the snowfield, it encountered a strong enemy, and even exposed the existence of the ice puck, and it was frightened and ran over, abandoning the ancestor of Yan Kingdom.

Then there was the 'chaotic' collision with Tang Yan and others.But from the beginning to the present, after tossing for a long time, I didn't catch any of them, and was hurt by Tang Yan's last rebound.

The Frost Giant was furious at the moment, and today's attack was not smooth from beginning to end, which made it extremely irritable, so it directly used its big move regardless of the loss, and wiped out these ants.

Although his own strength has been halved, the big move he used at this moment is its strongest secret technique, and it is no problem to obliterate a few semi-sages and warriors.It has this self-confidence, so it has a slight buffer, panting heavily and growling towards the outside of the snow field, venting its dissatisfaction, reprimanding those icemen for not living up to their expectations, and then rushed over with strides.

He wants to end the battle himself, and attract all the clones to return to fill his body. It doesn't like the feeling of weakness very much, it doesn't like it very much!

But... before the giant ice monster took a few steps, there was a sudden cracking sound from the frozen ice layer behind it, which was quite ear-piercing in the dead and cold space.

Not dead yet?

The ice monster was panting heavily, then stopped for a while, its claws were slowly clenched, and its scarlet eyes were gradually converging.

At this moment, it was really angry!

Also at this moment, in the thick ice layer and under the absolute cold temperature, Tang Yan and others who were frozen in ice all moved their eyes a little, and the sluggish pupils due to ice regained a little light.

are they alive?

With the ultimate ultimate move of the Frost Giant, let alone a half-holy, even a saint would be seriously injured or directly suppressed.But among Tang Yan and the others, there are half-sages and more martial venerables, but at this moment, not only Tang Yan's eyes recovered, but even Nalantu's eyes regained their light.

They are all alive!

That's right, the frost troll didn't kill them!
Because they all returned to their positions one second before the frost giant released its ultimate move, and they all landed on the corresponding array positions. The Heaven's Punishment Formation had actually been activated.

It was only temporarily suppressed because of the sudden freezing and freezing.

At this moment, they don't distinguish between Wu Zun and half saint!

They don't distinguish between you and me at this moment.

At this moment, they are a whole, a powerful and terrifying whole! !
Nalantu's bright eyes shone brightly, his lips parted lightly, and his voice was like a thread: "Use the power of the law of heaven to punish the evil of all things! Heavenly Punishment Formation, start!"

Tang Yan, Xu Yan, Ren Tianzan, Niya, everyone's eyes flashed brightly, their expressions returned to solemnity, and they all opened their lips and teeth in unison, and all said softly, "Use the power of the law of heaven to punish the evil of all things! The Great Formation of Heaven's Punishment, start!"

The next moment... Aww! !

Roaring like a beast, like the wrath of a god!
Like waves, like mountains moving!
The dull voice echoed in the depths of the ice layer, and it seemed to vibrate between the sky and the earth. It was very deep and low, but it resounded clearly in every corner, shaking the sky and mountains and rivers. A breath beyond the 'cold' - hot!
The interweaving of ice and fire, the mixing of cold and heat.

The atmosphere began to change drastically.

The frost giant didn't turn around, and still turned its back to the ice behind, but the anger on its expression was unstoppable. The sharp claws on the right side slowly raised horizontally, and it was gripped in the air. , huge, tenacious, straddling the sky, like a divine soldier descended from the sky, and like an ax for punishing the sky, it can split the sky and break the earth, bringing oppression to the sky and the earth.

The air is oppressive as if it is about to freeze!

The whole space is full of danger and cold factors!

Buzz!Tang Yan and other ten people and three beasts were translucent and glowing all over their bodies one after another, like night pearls in the dark night, shining brightly, illuminating hundreds of meters of ice.The formation runes that had been 'extinguished' due to freezing were rejuvenated, causing the light to become more and more blazing, and to surge out manic energy fluctuations, and the ancient killing momentum returned again.

The scene seemed to freeze at this moment.

The giant frost monster stands proudly in front of the sky, holding an ax in one hand, the cold air is transpiring, and the killing intent is overwhelming; Light, reaching to the sky, wants to reach the heaven and the earth, as if forming a space of its own.

Thunderclouds gathered in the vast sky at this moment, thick, irritable, and electric lights interspersed, the wind began to howl, the sky and the earth began to darken, forming a shocking spectacle like a natural disaster, and the scope continued to expand.

Within a radius of several kilometers, two extreme confrontational energies and scenes are formed.

Half of the area is cold and dead, centered on the frost giant; half of the area is manic and dazzling, centered on the strange formation.

The two energies are skyrocketing and gaining momentum, and the two types of phenomena are intertwined and resisting.

After a long period of repression, the frost giant was the first to burst out: "Death!"

The gigantic body piercing through the sky turned violently, and the mountain-like huge and tough ice ax slashed back with all its strength. At the same time, the beast tail full of thorns and ice thorns spun around violently.

call! !The entire area exploded wildly, and the hurricane boiled, destroying the rear space with the axes and beast tails.

"God's Punishment—Nine Heavy Strikes—First Heavy!"

In the depths of the boiling vast tide of light, Nalan raised his hand and roared, and the Azure Cloud Spear reappeared, and he pointed at the front.

Boom! !

The entire ocean of light tide exploded, and the ten-meter-thick layer of ice was shattered into pieces. With the surging light tide bombarding all directions, it lifted into the sky.

The Heavenly Punishment Formation is fully activated!
The area of ​​bright light poured straight into the sky, submerged the clouds, and swept across a thousand-meter radius with a whirlwind.

At this moment, Shanhe paled.

At this moment, the world lost its sound.

At this moment, Luo Hu and the others who were fighting fiercely raised their heads in shock.

At this moment, the distant Yaochi Holy Land was silent for an instant, and more than a hundred thousand pairs of eyes were directed towards the distant sky.

The tens of kilometers around is as quiet as death, and an unspeakable sense of oppression arises in the hearts of all living beings.

Aww! !Roaring and shaking the sky, the mountains and rivers trembled, and the image of an indomitable demon god appeared proudly, as if coming from across the space. It was huge, towering and domineering, and its body and aura were almost balanced. .

It is vague and hazy as a whole, all of which are piled up with mysterious ancient characters, shrouded in endless light, with the power to overwhelm the world, and the sternness to look down on the common people, just like the descending of the gods, and the rebirth of the god of war.

But it can be seen that there are no legs, no left arm, only a majestic right arm, which seems to be incomplete, but it can't hide the godlike coercion.

And compared to the original South China Sea battlefield, its head has already proudly appeared! !
(End of this chapter)

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