Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1229 Hidden Chance

Chapter 1229 Hidden Chance

Watching the saintess leave with Mu Rou, everyone's faces were filled with unresolved depression.

I was really afraid that something would come, that I actually encountered the Holy Spirit Palace to attack the Yan Kingdom, and chose the holy land of Yaochi as the target.If they hadn't been so lucky to rush over, the current Yaochi would have been razed to the ground, and one hundred thousand disciples would be buried with them.

Mu Rou and Ai Linda will become the new bargaining chip of the Holy Spirit Temple, and will firmly suppress Tang Yan in the future.

And without the ancestors of the Yan State and the sacred land of Yaochi, the State of Yan will be in chaos, and the surrounding countries will be the first to beat the drums of war and send troops to attack until the State of Yan is torn apart. That is to say, after the turmoil in the Central Plains, the ancient land of Canglan will fall A turbulent and turbulent situation in many countries.Destroying the Yan Kingdom is not only an easy way to stir up chaos, but also to avenge the past, and to add a lot of color to the rise of the Holy Spirit Hall.

Attacking the holy land of Yaochi is actually a plan to kill four birds with one stone!
"Don't be depressed. Fortunately, we have arrived. Mu Rou and Ailinda are still alive, and the Kingdom of Yan is still prosperous. The Holy Spirit Hall also lost the best chance to directly destroy the Kingdom of Yan. It can be regarded as part of the plan of the Holy Spirit Hall A failure." Niya comforted Tang Yan, breaking the oppressive atmosphere in the room.

"We are also lucky to have shattered a big plan of the Holy Spirit Hall. Thinking about it carefully, I still feel a little refreshed in my heart. I really want to see the face of the Holy Spirit Hall right away." Zhao Zimo began to tease lukewarmly again.

"Hey? That's right. I just made a series of events. It seems that the relationship between the Temple of the Holy Spirit and the Temple of the Demons is not harmonious." Du Yang pursed his lips, squinted his eyes, and smiled darkly: "According to the ancestor, the troll She attacked the witch in anger, and then the witch felt that the energy fluctuations on our side were very strong, so she retreated directly. After thinking about it clearly, she retreated directly, instead of meeting the ice monster along the way and retreating together. Troll in desperation?
Fortunately, the giant monster escaped in time, otherwise, given its condition at that time, when Patriarch Yan and the Holy Maiden rendezvous with us, it might really be planted on this holy mountain.

Haha, I think what will happen when the two of them meet on the way?Will there be a fight?When we return to the Central Plains, the two parties will still be fighting more fiercely! "

After everyone thought about it, it was really possible, and the more they thought about it, the more interesting it became. Thinking of the scene and consequences of the two playing tricks on each other, there were some weird smiles on their faces, and their depressed mood eased a little.

Nalantu said: "First it was the Nine Sons Ghost Mother, then the kappa, and now there is an ice monster. The other one hasn't appeared yet, but I'm afraid it's not that far off. It seems that the saints from the Lost War Realm are all normal. They are not only powerful, but also eccentric.

The most direct result of their eccentric temperaments is that they may accept the arrangements and tasks of the Temple of the Holy Spirit, but they are all extremely self-conscious, and they will not take the overall situation into account, let alone cooperate with anyone. If we have the opportunity in the future, It can be put to good use. "

Their analysis was correct. The Bingfeng of Zhenyao Temple did retreat on purpose and deliberately framed her.She first noticed the abnormal energy in the distance, as well as the angry roar of the frost giant. It was obvious that she had encountered a strong enemy, and she was in a hard fight on her side, which indicated that today's attack would be declared 'bankrupt', and it would be meaningless to persist. , the most correct choice is to retreat!

But when he thought of the attack by the frost giant, he was very angry. Instead of going to rescue him, he retreated silently, leaving the frost giant alone to suffer, and borrowed the hand of Yaochi Holy Land to vent his anger.

However, the Frost Giant is not a fool. It did not continue to fight back after being destroyed by the thunderstorm, but retreated decisively because it noticed the sudden departure of Bingfeng.

So, when Tang Yan and the others met in the temporary living room of Yaochi, when they were discussing the whole incident, in a mountainous area in the far north of Yan Kingdom, the Ice Phoenix and the Frost Giant Monster fought!
Supplemented by the ice hockey, its traumatic injuries were obviously recovered, and in anger, it crushed Bingfeng and gave a shocking blow.Bingfeng didn't want to fight to the death here, lest they both hurt each other and be taken advantage of by Yan Guo, so they fought and retreated.

Fighting and chasing each other, leaving behind a fierce cold wave, all the way out of Canglan Ancient Land!
"Brother! I found a baby, why not?" Chocolate's head was suddenly exposed in front of Tang Yan, and it was almost stuck together. It looked naked, just like a big corned egg.

"Move away, aren't you afraid that your sister-in-law will be jealous?" Tang Yan pressed his head and pushed him away: "What treasure can you have?"

"Do you want it? In exchange for ten spirit source fluids, I'll give them all to you!"

"I don't have time to fool around with you, what's the baby first." Tang Yan was depressed, how could he be in the mood to tease B with him.

"Don't worry, it's definitely worth your money." Chocolate winked, very cheerfully, leaving everyone in the room quite speechless.

"Don't talk! Don't talk about pulling down!"

"I'm a big treasure! In exchange for ten spirit source fluids, all of them must be of high-level dignity! Pay with one hand and deliver with the other!"

"Ten? You rob, don't talk about it!"

"Ten! I can't do without one."

"One! Don't do one more!"

"One??!! Are you kidding me! Ten!!"

"Find someone else to go, just one!!"

Chocolate looked anxious and gritted his teeth: "Eight!!"


Chocolate put on a fight pose: "Don't go too far, seven! It can't be less!"


"Five! Brother, I really can't be less!!"


"Ye... four! Ouch, my little one!"


"Three! Brother, I really can't..."

"Deal!" Tang Yan leisurely took out three spiritual source liquids: "The money has been paid, let's inspect the goods!"

"Huh?" Chocolate was stunned for a moment, scratching his head: "There seems to be something wrong."

Everyone's face was covered with black lines, rubbing their heads depressed and painful, Zang Ba was dumbfounded, this IQ is hopeless.

Chocolate finally came to his senses and almost cried: "Brother, are you bargaining like this? It's immoral to bully people!"

"What baby? Hurry up. Honesty is the key to doing business. I've given you the Lingyuan liquid. Bring it here, baby!" Du Yang added fuel to the side.

"Hey! That's it!" Chocolate reluctantly stretched out his hand. In an instant, the temperature in the room suddenly dropped by a full ten degrees. Everyone was unprepared and shuddered suddenly.

The tea cups that were steaming just now were all frozen in a blink of an eye.

The beams, wooden pillars, tables and chairs were all covered with thin ice.

In his hand, he was holding a peanut-sized hockey puck, exuding a biting cold temperature.

"Oh? Where did you get it?" Tang Yan stood up in surprise, what a treasure.

"In those ruins, many ice cubes can be found after melting, but almost all of them are like millet grains, and there are very few drops in my hand." The chocolate quickly threw it to Tang Yan. I got frostbite on my hands.

"There are many more?" Tang Yan rushed out, and Long Li and the others left the hall one by one.

They had already calculated in their minds that these ice hockey balls of different sizes were likely to be the origin of the activity of maintaining the "life" of the ice crystal monster!
In other words, they should be some kind of energy essence stripped from the frost troll.

Frost trolls are tough and 'survival' because of them.

I thought they were all taken away by the giant monster, but I didn't expect to find them! !
Tang Yan came to a ruin and directly covered it with green fire.The ruins are full of scattered ice beast remains, some are fragmented, and some are still intact. Under the cover of the ghost green fire, the ice beast remains melt quickly.

But when the green fire dissipated, there was only one freezing point the size of a grain of rice left in the audience, exuding the cold temperature of the frozen soil. There were nearly a hundred ice cubes of the size, but only one grain of ice appeared, which disappointed everyone.

However, there were too many ruins all over the mountains and plains. Tang Yan did not give up and reappeared in the nearby ruins. After cleaning up, there was nothing left.Tang Yan changed locations one after another, from the top of the mountain all the way down, constantly melting the ice beast cruelty, but in some places small ice particles can be found, and in some places there is no trace at all.

When I rushed all the way to the bottom of the mountain, I melted more than 700 places, including hundreds of thousands of ice cubes. Until dark, I found nearly a thousand small ice particles, and about [-]% of them were the size of rice grains, or smaller, only two It is barely the size of a peanut.

No ice ball as big as the fist that appeared when the [-]-meter Iceman was destroyed was not found.

"It seems that the frost giant left in a hurry and did not take back all the ice sources of the ice beasts."

"More than 2000, which is already very good."

Seeing the small ice particles piled up in front of them, everyone unanimously took out one and studied it carefully.

Tang Yan pulled them all into the new world, scattered them near the two big ice hockey pucks, spread them out scatteredly, and inlaid them on the black ground like diamonds. Although they were small, they were in large numbers. The volume can be barely comparable to two large hockey pucks.With their addition, the temperature in the frozen area dropped again, and the coverage area fully doubled from the original ten kilometers.

Tang Yan's conscious body drifted in the frozen space for a while before evacuating. The temperature was so low that even he couldn't stand it.

At this moment, I suddenly thought of the purification altar, one of the two candidate cemeteries mentioned by Xie Zu!
It seems to be an extremely cold place!
(End of this chapter)

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