Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1230 Arms Race

Chapter 1230 Arms Race
At noon the next day, Tang Yan and his party bid farewell to the holy land of Yaochi, and took the reluctant Mu Rou and Ailinda on the northbound journey.

The saint of Yaochi is also full of unbearable. It has been 39 years since she was adopted. She raised Mu Rou with her own hands. She placed all her expectations on her and treated her as her own daughter. Others, after all, feel a little awkward in their hearts.What's more, all the women in Yaochi, especially the women above the elders, are the type who dislike men very much, and the saint is no exception!

The patriarch of Yan Guo was quite open-minded, and he was 'ninety percent' relieved to hand Yan Yuhan over to Tang Yan.After all, the "Yan Yuhan" used to be a fierce and courageous type by nature, suitable for court struggles with conspiracy tracks, and more suitable for war-torn frontier battlefields, but for various reasons, now the real Yan Yuhan has retired and replaced it with a brand new Ai Yuhan. Linda, if they want to integrate faster and better, achieve a perfect fusion, and reproduce the heroic appearance of Yan Guo Tai Tuo back then, the more cruel the environment, the better.What's more, the Central Plains may involve a national war, a real imperial war.

He was so excited just thinking about it, he wanted to rush over to feel it.

The only worry is that Ilinda, who has been forged by Tang Yan, will grow into an existence that cannot be retained by the Yan Kingdom.

"Xiao Luoluo, try to keep your fastest speed. We will arrive at the southern border of the Xingluo Empire within six days. Once we enter the Xingluo Empire, they should arrange someone to receive them." Tang Yan was worried about the situation in the Central Plains. , eager to know the latest developments.I was even more worried about the emotions of Boss Ma and the others, for fear that they would not be able to suppress their anger and make radical moves.

Although I can't help much, the joining of the nine half-sages including Unicom Luohu is enough to greatly relieve the pressure on the western frontier and give Xingluo Xijiang a dose of reassurance that is in a tense state.And after the Battle of Yaochi Holy Land, the successful trial of the Heaven's Punishment Formation to severely damage the frost monster also gave them a lot of confidence.

"Look." Luo Hu was always in a state of excitement, wishing he could rush to the battlefield immediately and turn him upside down.

"Yue Ying, that's your sister Mu Rou." Tang Yan whispered to Yue Ying. "Here's a small task for you. She's in a bad mood recently. Go over and coax her."

Maybe it's because they have similar temperaments, and they are both innocent and friendly types. Yueying usually doesn't like to get close to others, but today she walked to Mu Rou's side obediently, and called out sweetly: "Hi sister, my name is Yueying, please give me your advice." .”

Mu Rou was a little flustered, and quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes: "You... hello, I'm Mu Rou..."

"Hee hee, have a smile." Yue Ying was innocent and joyful, with a smile, her two big eyes became crescent moons, very cute, as if it brightened the surrounding space.

Mu Rou couldn't help but relax, showing a faint smile.She is kind by nature and friendly to others. She can feel the innocence of Moon Shadow, and she is naturally close to her heart.Subconsciously, she glanced at Tang Yan who was not far away, Tang Yan gave her a comforting smile, Niya and the others smiled kindly, Mu Rou's heart warmed, and her eyes were slightly hazy.

"Sister, just smile, my brother said he wants to be happy every day."

"En. Thank you." Mu Rou couldn't help but smile softly.

Yueying clapped her hands happily, and turned around and shouted: "Brother, she smiled."

Everyone present couldn't help but smile and smile knowingly, what a pure and innocent girl.

When Tang Yan and his party headed northward at full speed, the chaos in the Central Plains continued to heat up.

Since the upheaval ended on March 3, first the Pure Land monks returned to the monasteries, and then the Imperial Academy of various countries remained silent. The two holy places seem to know that they have no power to control the situation and choose to retreat, and they seem to recognize that it is about to happen. The chaos in the Central Plains.Their abandonment and acquiescence have invisibly made the royal families of certain kingdoms tense and worried, and exacerbated the speed of the chaotic evolution.

In the vast Central Plains, the heroes of all countries are paying close attention to the development of the situation, are highly nervous about the war of empires, and are secretly speeding up secret operations. All kinds of behaviors make the chaos continue to ferment.

nervous!depressed!Tie Ge contends!It is the most authentic and comprehensive summary of the situation in the Central Plains today!
On March 3, a special event sounded like a heavy hammer over the already chaotic Central Plains.

On the fifth day after the upheaval ended, in the northeast region outside the Holy Empire, the three major kingdoms suddenly announced in a high-profile manner that they had formed a strategic offensive and defensive alliance. The intention is obvious-preparing for the upcoming chaos in the Central Plains.

The alliance of the three kingdoms, the alliance of the three saints, and the powerful alliance of thousands of troops suddenly twisted into a powerful force that cannot be ignored, attracting the attention of all countries and the attention of the Holy Empire.

On March 3th, at noon, another shocking event pushed the already turbulent situation to a new height—the Arathi Stone Kingdom and the Arbitration Kingdom, two powerful kingdoms joined the Dagan Dynasty!

The Arathi Stone Kingdom and the Arbitration Kingdom are powerful kingdoms that are located in the adjacent areas of the Dagan Dynasty and the Xingluo Empire. They can survive in the gap between the two empires. Their folk customs are fierce and their strength is strong enough to be recognized.Their ability to join suddenly at such a critical moment is equivalent to adding two ferocious hounds to the front of the giant chariot of the Dagan Dynasty, and it will greatly increase the pressure on the borders in the northwest and southwest of the Xingluo Empire!

First, the three major kingdoms joined forces to form an offensive and defensive alliance, and then the two major kingdoms joined the empire, willing to be the eagle dog of the empire. The attention of the five major kingdoms immediately rose to a new level. And the kingdom in panic showed the way.

Those kingdoms and forces who are eager to protect themselves and do not want to go deep into the quagmire of war began to form alliances spontaneously. Countless fierce birds carried advisers from various countries to travel between different countries. Noisy and chaos; those royal families who nourished the blood of war in their bones, could see farther, and yearned for a bigger vision, began to wait and see what happened, and secretly made a secret agreement with a certain empire.

The reactions of the various kingdoms immediately turned the already nervous Central Plains into a disaster breeding ground, as if countless fuses appeared, and they were clearly exposed in everyone's sight.Once it is ignited, it will definitely be of a chain nature, and it also indicates that the chaos in the entire Central Plains will stop if it does not move, and it will shake the world if it moves, and it may even reappear the era of great destruction!

As the source of the disaster, the Dagan Dynasty and the Xingluo Empire reacted even more vigorously and intensively.

The Dagan Dynasty first openly accepted the relocation of the headquarters of the Holy Spirit Temple to the empire, and then issued a conscription order in the name of the royal family, striving to form ten legions, with a total of 800 million troops, as the general reserve for the battle of the empire.With such a large number and such actions, it seems that they are ready for a protracted war.The royal relatives even wandered around, persuading all neutral families and forces in the empire to step on the imperial chariot, and the borders continued to send more legion troops, and even gathered a large number of secret weapons to the western frontier.

All the saints of the Xingluo Empire went all out to take care of them, and almost took out all the treasures in the bottom of the box, just to restore their eyesight in a short time.

In the name of 'revenge', a wave of conscription was set off in the territory, and ten legions were formed without compromise!
Also in the name of 'revenge' mobilize the major families and hidden forces to the battlefield to maintain the glory of the empire and guard the territory of the empire!
During the military preparations between the two countries, the crown prince Qin Minghuang secretly appeared in the Kingdom of Strong Attack, and he successfully forged an alliance between the two countries on his own!The Strong Strike Kingdom is one of the three kingdoms in the adjacent area of ​​the two empires. It is as famous as the Arathi Stone Kingdom and the Arbitration Kingdom, and it is dominated by berserk warriors.

In fact, on the day when the two sides formed an alliance, the Dagan Dynasty was also trying its best to lobby the royal family of the Strong Attack Kingdom, but the Strong Attack Kingdom offered an unacceptable price, which made Da Qian hesitate, and sent a request to the Da Qian Royal Family while appeasing.However, Qin Minghuang's sudden appearance and ingenious means made the Qiangjian Kingdom fall into the embrace of the Xingluo Empire in just half a day.

The time is the second day after the two kingdoms of Arbitration and Arathi Stone announced to join the Dagan Dynasty in a high-profile manner, and staged a bloody scene of killing Dagan's envoys in the territory of the Strong Attack Kingdom!
This incident can be called a miracle, and it is more than enough to be recorded in the annals of history forever.

Qin Minghuang's actions caused a sensation in the territory of the Xingluo Empire, which can be regarded as bringing back a little face for the empire, so that the three major kingdoms will not all fall into the arms of the Daqian Dynasty.Moreover, the deployment of the legion launched by the Strike Kingdom that night, and the old king 'King Mengtai' personally sitting on the frontier, contributed to the alliance between the defense line of the legion and the Xingluo Empire.

The two empires tried their best to mobilize the available power, so that the 'energy' at the source of the storm continued to grow.The other three empires are also gearing up to absorb power and make preparations for deployment. Each kingdom is also working hard in its own way in order to better survive the coming chaotic storm.

But at the critical juncture when the situation was about to get out of control, in the special period when the melee in the Central Plains was about to begin, a sensational news exploded in the sky over the entire Central Plains. The director's big play has poured cold water on the situation that continues to heat up in the entire Central Plains, awakened various kingdoms and empires, and attracted the attention of major hidden forces and forbidden areas.

(End of this chapter)

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