Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1231 The Weird Military Town

Chapter 1231 The Weird Military Town
On March 3th, after six days and six nights of sleepless journeys, Tang Yan and others finally arrived at the southern border of the Xingluo Empire on the morning of the seventh day. Arrange heavy troops to escort Tang Yan and his party to the altar in the space of southern Xinjiang.

For the current Xingluo Empire, Jiulongling is undoubtedly the most respectable ally.Thinking back to the world-shattering battle on March 3, it was precisely because they made a last-minute move that avoided the fate of Renhuang and Beijianghou and others. The greater loss of the Xingluo Empire gave Beijiang Hou and others an extremely precious opportunity to rest.

No matter how notorious Jiulongling once was, and how full of resistance it caused the forces such as Tianji Pavilion, but after that day, Jiulongling's status rose to a considerable height in the entire Xingluo Empire, almost equal to Tianji Pavilion.In the eyes of the major legions guarding the empire, and in the eyes of many passionate soldiers, the status is higher and more trustworthy.

Therefore, the sudden arrival of Tang Yan, the young master of Jiulongling, and the many semi-holy realm powerhouses surrounded by him, made the commanders of the southern border guarding army very excited, and hurriedly dispatched the fastest fierce birds and the bravest guards, Escort them all the way to the space altar, and select elite troops to escort them all the way to the western frontier barracks where Jiulongling sits.

After two days and two nights of trekking and occasional space crossings, Tang Yan and the others finally arrived in Xijiang.But they didn't go directly to the frontier camp, but entered the military town close to the border in the western border - Panlong Town!

Panlong Town has a superior terrain, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and is the most central part of the eight camps in the entire Western Xinjiang.Since ancient times, it has been the seat of the general headquarters of the Xijiang Military Region, an out-and-out military town, and also the largest military garrison area in the entire West Xinjiang.

It is said to be a "town", but the overall scope can be called some of the top ancient cities in the inland, with more than five million troops stationed inside and outside.

"In front is Panlong Town, which is the general headquarters of the Xijiang Camp, and also the garrison field. The number of ordinary reserve troops is about 200 million. Now the situation is special, and almost 500 million have gathered. It can be called the largest military gathering since the founding of the People's Republic of China. .”

A group of golden eagles flew across the sky like lightning, reaching ten kilometers south of Panlong Town. Through the vast clouds, one could see the strange urban structure of Panlong Town and countless military camps.

The special commander of the Southern Xinjiang Military Region who was in charge of escorting Tang Yan and the others briefly introduced Tang Yan and the others.

"Are the ministers and judges from Jiulongling inside?" Tang Yan and his party each rode on the golden eagle of Yingwu Shenjun, and Luo Hu himself fell behind.

"Sorry, I belong to Southern Xinjiang, and I don't know the specific situation in Western Xinjiang. But if there is no accident, you should send two or three people to sit in the remaining camps in Western Xinjiang."

"Thank you, General Li will send it here." Tang Yan clasped his hands together.

General Li smiled slightly: "Bailong Town is heavily guarded and no strangers are allowed to enter. I'd better send you there to avoid some troubles. Mr. Tang, please!!"


The golden eagle let out a loud cry, carrying the crowd and swooped down, heading straight for the southern city gate ten kilometers away.

But just as they appeared outside the southern city gate, a roar full of hostility suddenly reverberated in the western sky. The sound of the waves shook the vast land, and even more terrifying coercion poured down on Panlong Town from the distant western sky, and immediately alarmed most of the ancient city.

"What is that? Who dares to come to Panlong Town to be presumptuous!"

"His grandma's, so fat and courageous!"

"Shut up, look clearly, that's the crown prince coming!!"

"What? Crown Prince? He's really here?!"

"Oh my god, the crown prince is really here!!"

"That's still fake! Look carefully at the tide, it's the Emperor's mount, a real dragon! Half a month ago, the Emperor went into seclusion, and the state affairs were handed over to the crown prince, and he was given a symbol of the royal family, a real dragon!"

"The crown prince is here, doesn't it mean that our Xingluo Empire has decided to respond positively!"

"Liu Qingqing, the genius descendant of Beidou Academy, Mu Zixiu, the young master of Beijiang Marquis, Zhao Wenqing from Fa Lanta, Xia Beilou from Xia's family, and Xiang Wanqing from Xiang's family, they are all here, and now the Crown Prince has arrived, It seems that the empire is ready to accept the invitation."

"There are a total of eight people to invite, and now there are only two people from Tianji Pavilion!"

"The Heroes' Meeting, a rare occasion."

"Hey, when we get to the Valley of the Wicked, that's the real grand occasion!"

"No, how could there be Zhao Wenqing? Hasn't the Falan Pagoda been destroyed by Tang Yan from Jiulongling?"

"Falanta is abolished, but Zhao Wenqing's name is there, and it is reasonable for her to be invited. Besides, isn't she now that or that?"

"Oh! Yes, yes, yes! I forgot if you didn't mention it!"

Discussions spread all over the streets and alleys, teahouses and restaurants. Soldiers on and off the city gates and inside and outside the city gates couldn't help but quietly whispered.

At this time, the guard in charge of the inspection in front of the southern city gate took the token of the southern border guards in doubt, and suddenly exclaimed: "Tang Yan?!!"

The soldiers came back to their senses, and only then did they discover a behemoth with violent and majestic heads squatting outside the city gate, as well as a golden eagle that symbolized the Southern Xinjiang military camp.There were several figures standing on the back of the golden eagle. Since the golden eagle hovered high in the sky, the sky was very bright, and they couldn't see clearly, but the tokens of the Southern Border Guards were infallible.

Tang Yan was the first to jump off the back of the golden eagle, walked towards the city gate, and asked strangely: "What happened? I just heard you talking about Zhao Wenqing."

The general guarding the city must have watched Tang Yan for a long time, and woke up with a breath of cold air, as if thinking of something exciting, he said excitedly: "Young Master Tang, please enter the city, Zhao Wenqing and the others may all gather at the City Lord's Mansion. The Crown Prince has just arrived, and now everything is ready!! By the way, Commander Ma and the others are all there. For the specific situation, please ask yourself, we don’t know everything.”

Zhao Zimo, who came down one by one, asked Xuanyuan Longli in a low voice: "Who are those Zhao Wenqing and Mu Zixiu? They seem to be very popular?"

"The leaders of the new generation of the Xingluo Empire are all the secret heirs of the top families. Mu Zixiu is the heir of the Marquis of Beijiang, Liu Qingqing is the heir of the Beidou War King, and Xia Beilou is the genius of the Xia family, the top family of the empire. These are some great people.

When the Xingluo Empire launched the Star Battlefield, Tang Yan had dueled with most of them, and almost fought with the imperial prince Qin Minghuang. "

"Oh?!" Everyone was secretly surprised, but at the same time looked forward to it.

The Xingluo Empire is one of the five great empires in the Central Plains, and the top heirs in the territory can be regarded as the top geniuses in the entire continent. To a certain extent, even the heirs of the forbidden land are even stronger than the heirs of the forbidden land.

I didn't expect to meet them so soon.

"What state are they in now?" Du Yang asked softly.

"I don't know about this. It shouldn't be worse than us. When the Star Battlefield was unveiled, Mu Zixiu and others were already Tier [-] Martial Venerables, and they were basically stable at the level of Tier [-] Martial Venerables. After careful calculation, the battlefield has ended until now. It has been almost five years. Because the event of Tang Yan challenging the geniuses of the country had a great impact on them, most of them retreated directly afterwards and practiced in different ways.

With their talent and determination after being stimulated, and the cultivation of each family with all their strength, if nothing else happens, a few of them should be promoted to semi-saints. "

"Why are they all gathered in Xijiang?"

"I feel weird."

"Whatever, find some excuses, find an opportunity, and compete with these top wizards of the empire! Experience the top martial arts of the empire!"

Du Yang, Chocolate, and Zhao Zimo were discussing quietly.

It was rare for Matthews to take the initiative to join, and he simply said: "Count me in!"

"Don't rush to learn, I always feel that something big might happen." Xuanyuan Longli reminded softly.

Tang Yan entered the city full of doubts, and was led by the city guards to rush towards the inner city, but Luohu's mountain-like momentum and appearance were really eye-catching, causing an uproar just after entering the city. It was after the ancient beast Luohu who killed the star battlefield back then, it naturally recognized Tang Yan and his party. This time, even more heated discussions stirred up the streets and the southern city.

"Isn't that the ancient beast Luohu? Back then, the wasteland shined brilliantly, leading Tang Yan to break out of the siege!"

"Is Tang Yan here?"

"My dear, Tang Yan from Jiulongling is here!!"

"Look! Let me just say, how could he be missing from important events!"

"Good guy! They're all alive!!"

"Everything that should be there is here, this time things are lively!"

The aborigines of the ancient town and the patrolling soldiers all gathered here one after another, watching Luo Hu, Tang Yan and others standing at close range.

"What the hell happened? It's getting weirder."

"It seems that the matter is not small, but how did it involve Qin Minghuang and the others? Could it be that the larger family still wants to send descendants to the frontier for training?"

"Speed ​​up, I don't want to be viewed as a rare animal."

Zhao Zimo flew straight into the air, heading towards the city lord's mansion in the center of the ancient town.

(End of this chapter)

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