Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1232 The Holy Land of the Wicked

Chapter 1232 The Holy Land of the Wicked
The city lord's mansion is heavily guarded. On the intersecting streets and outside the majestic mansion gate, there are all fully armed soldiers riding beasts, looking around like wolves and tigers.

The judges who got the news in advance are already waiting in front of the city mansion. Except for the third judge who is temporarily not in the city lord's mansion due to busy information, and the fifth judge who is active in other places, the other three judges have heard the news.

Seeing Tang Yan's return, they were both surprised and delighted.

"There are still four months before the appointed time, young master, why did you come back early?" The judge glanced and saw several strange faces.But it doesn't matter, Xu Yan and Ren Tianzhu are here, which surprised him a lot.When the national war is approaching, any high-ranking Martial Lord, any semi-sage, is a top treasure, and can even turn the tide of battle in an area.

And the arrival of Tang Yan and the Nine Great Half-Saints are all veritable freaks, and they may all be able to inspire the royal family.No, the first time they got the news, the three judges went out to greet him, and the staff of the City Lord's Mansion finished writing the information letter on the spot, and sent it to the imperial city in a hurry.

"We left the Eternal Beast Mountain ten days ago, and went to Yan Kingdom on the way, and happened to meet two saints from the Temple of the Holy Spirit and the Temple of Zhenyao attacking the Holy Land of Yaochi..." Tang Yan asked after a brief introduction : "What happened, how did I hear that Qin Minghuang and the others have arrived?"

"Well, it's hard to explain in words. Now the scene in the Central Plains is becoming more and more difficult to see through." The fourth judge sighed heavily, and said, "We were still debating whether to let you come back the day before yesterday, but since you are here, this You really have to have a share in this matter."

"Don't stand at the door, let's go, let's go in first, Boss Ma and the others are already waiting." The judge led Tang Yan and the others into the heavily guarded city lord's mansion, and introduced as they walked: "Master, you should You all know what happened in the Central Plains in the past half month, but you probably don’t know what happened the day before yesterday.”

Tang Yan and others walked into the city lord's mansion one after another, and the patrolling troops frequently cast curious glances. Luo Hu's size was too large, and he could only float in mid-air, but Tang Yan's identity and his The smell of waiting for others brought a lot of excitement to the guards.

The battle is imminent, and there is nothing more gratifying than joining the strong.

The judge said: "The cause of the incident was that we received an invitation letter. To be exact, many people have received the invitation letter."

"Invitation letter? What invitation letter?"

"The Xingluo Empire received eight letters, which were sent to Xuanyuan, Qin Minghuang, Zhao Wenqing, Cang Ming, Mu Zixiu, Liu Qingqing, Xia Beilou, and Xiang Wanqing, the eight top powerhouses representing the new generation of the Xingluo Empire. We in Jiulongling received a letter addressed to you personally, and specially marked as the young master of Jiulongling."

"Who sent it?" Tang Yan and the others became more and more confused as they listened.

"The signature is the three holy places in the Central Plains, the Pure Land, the Zhulu Academy, and the Valley of the Wicked."

"Valley of the Wicked?"

"Holy place??"

Everyone was obviously taken aback, none of them had heard of this name before.But if you think about it carefully, something is wrong, holy land holy land, holy treasure land, how could a villain come out!It completely runs counter to the word 'holy'.

The judge said: "Everyone knows the holy land of the Pure Land. The name of the holy land of Zhulu Academy has existed for tens of thousands of years. However, the existence of the Valley of the Evil is not very clear. People know that there are three holy lands in Central Plains, but they don't know that apart from the Pure Land. And who is the third holy place outside the academy. But at this moment, the Valley of the Wicked may be preparing to come to light."

"Introduction?" Du Yang lived in the borderland all year round and had no idea about the Holy Land.

The second judge gave a detailed explanation: "The pure land is the residence of monks in the world. Its territory is as vast as a kingdom. There are all kinds of temples in it. They are all monks who advocate peace and promote friendship. The number of them is very large. , the pure land heritage is even richer, and it has a great influence in the entire Central Plains.

For a long time, many pure land monks basically never stayed in the pure land. They traveled around the world all the year round, preaching friendship, eliminating suffering, and helping those in need with all their heart, regardless of good and evil, so that monks and pure land enjoy the same status throughout the continent. Holy Name, revered and loved.

Zhulu Academy is also a holy place, but its nature and way of existence are quite special. They don’t focus on people’s livelihood and suffering like the Pure Land, they preach peace and friendship, and even sacrifice themselves to save people. The characteristic of Zhulu Academy is that they govern the country and the people!
It is the supreme sanctuary in the hearts of literati all over the world, and it is also the sanctuary in the hearts of the prime ministers' offices, Imperial Academy, and colleges of various countries. It is the supreme existence.There are all kinds of books in the world, the art of war, national policy, everything that one expects to find. They never train warriors, nor do they train their minds. They train students who are well-read in history books, capable ministers who govern the country, and recruit students continuously every year , There is a steady stream of talents sent to various countries.

Looking at the five great empires and kingdoms in the Central Plains, almost [-]% of the admonishers, prime ministers, Hanlin scholars, state ministers, and even some important farming officials are from Zhulu Academy. "

Everyone's spirits were highly concentrated, and they listened intently with bated breath.Except for Xuanyuan Longli, it was probably the first time for everyone present to hear a detailed introduction to the Holy Land, and some even heard of Zhulu Academy for the first time.

At this moment, my heart is full of emotion and a little shock.

One is a holy place in the hearts of ordinary people, and the other is a holy place in the hearts of students all over the world.The name of Pure Land has been known for a long time, but is Zhulu Academy a bit too scary?It is simply the birthplace of civil servants from all over the world. To exaggerate, it is the entire processing and production factory for civil servants and students.

"What about the Valley of the Wicked?" Du Yang became even more curious.

"The Valley of the Wicked is even more different from the Pure Land and the Academy, but they do wear the hat of a holy place, and it is a holy place recognized by the mainland. But the name of this holy place is not a holy place in our normal sense, because it is a holy place. The Holy Land in the heart of the wicked!"

Everyone frowned slightly and listened carefully.

"The Valley of the Wicked divides the people of the world into three simple and extreme categories: good people, bad people, and ordinary people. There are very few types that can be classified as good people. Except for the Pure Land and some special organizations, I am afraid that no one dares to call themselves a good person. , but there are actually fewer people who can be classified as bad guys in the true sense, and these people basically gather in the Valley of the Wicked. The rest of the types can all be counted as ordinary people. You, me, and everyone present are all ordinary people. Simple explanation It is a person whose animal nature is not lost, a person who is entangled in the world.

To put it simply, the Valley of the Wicked is very mysterious, even more mysterious than the Forbidden Land. They never accept anyone's voluntary refuge, but they will attract or protect certain people by themselves. A 'villain' judged by his own standards!
For example, if they have a crush on someone, they will definitely grab it back at any cost, but if they don't like it, no matter how sinful you are, you will never want to step into the Valley of the Wicked.

There is also a very important point, as long as you enter the Valley of the Wicked, no matter how heinous crimes you commit in the outside world, no matter which force you provoke, the other party will no longer pursue it, and dare not offend the Valley of the Wicked.This is an unwritten rule, and it is also an agreement that countries and forces always abide by. As for how strong the Valley of the Wicked is, perhaps even the Emperor of the Empire doesn't know, anyway, it can't be messed with. "

There is such a place?Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to tell what was in their hearts.

The judge continued: "It is undeniable that the three holy places have a terrifying influence in the entire Central Plains. Their status in the hearts of the people is even equal to that of the empire. They are sacred and inviolable holy places of peace."

"Am I considered a villain?" Zhuge Liang smiled and asked Du Yang beside him.

"You?" Du Yang looked him up and down, and snorted, "At most, you're just a person!"

"Don't mess around." Xu Yan glared at them, took a few steps forward, and asked, "Was the invitation issued by the Three Sacred Lands? Only for the Xingluo Empire?"

"No!! It covers the entire Central Plains."


The Grand Judge said: "After the incident on March 3th, both the Pure Land and the Academy remained calm for the time being, as if they had given up on persuading the two empires and allowed the situation in the Central Plains to be chaotic. To be criticized is that the Holy Land has given up the common people.

But at noon the day before yesterday, the Sky Eye intelligence organization sent an invitation letter to the entire Central Plains, an invitation letter from the three holy places.To be precise, the Three Great Sacred Lands entrusted Sky Eye to send invitations to the Five Great Empires, the Seven Great Forbidden Lands, and the 89 Great Kingdoms. "


"Covering the entire Central Plains? What a bold move!"

Everyone was shocked and stopped involuntarily.

"Oh my god, how dare you come here, all the countries in the Central Plains? Including the forbidden areas?" Many people opened their mouths, their faces filled with indescribable shock.

(End of this chapter)

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