Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1233 Attack on the Holy Land

Chapter 1233 Attack on the Holy Land
They didn't know until now that there were actually 89 kingdoms in the entire Central Plains!

The huge number far exceeds what they imagined in their hearts. Even at this moment, they can't draw a picture of the publication in their minds. The Qitian Continent is really too vast.

Sensing their astonishment, the accompanying four judges couldn't help but smile: "You think too much, not all saint ancestors in the 89 kingdoms, saints are not so easy to be born, how many geniuses will stop at semi-saint forever, until they die of old age, or even Some wizards who were promoted to semi-saints within a hundred years of age struggled for thousands of years but were unable to cross the barrier, and died with regrets.

However, those who can proclaim themselves a kingdom and are recognized by the outside world must have special abilities, and have enough background and strength to dominate one side, so don't underestimate them.Some kingdoms without saints are stronger than those with saint ancestors. "

"What kind of invitation letter is it?!" Tang Yan asked.

The high judge stopped, hesitated a little, turned and looked into Tang Yan's eyes: "Invite the new generation of empires, kingdoms, and forbidden lands to gather in the Valley of the Evil!"

"Gather in the Valley of the Wicked? All?"

"How many people in total?"

"Isn't the Valley of the Wicked a restricted area? Why is it open!"

"Can we participate?"

"What is the purpose of the Three Holy Lands?"

"Are you kidding? After a long time, this is the purpose of the Holy Land to resolve the catastrophe in the Central Plains?"

"By inviting a few new generations, can the war in the Central Plains be resolved?"

"What are you doing in the Valley of the Wicked? Is it possible that you still need the younger generation to discuss state affairs? What mission is there to protect peace? Are you kidding me?"

Crackling voices of questioning sounded at the same instant, almost in unison. Everyone had different expressions, but they all looked at the judge with shining eyes.

The chief judge responded to everyone with affirmative tone: "There is only one invitation letter, with a signature on the front and a map on the back. There is no explanation for the rest."

The four judges shrugged: "No one can figure out the true purpose of the Three Holy Lands now, but let alone that the invitation letter incident is now spreading and attracting the attention of the whole people."

The second judge interface: "With the help of Tianyan's intelligence system and the influence of the three holy places, the invitation letter incident has indeed attracted the attention of the entire Central Plains in just two days. And because they only invite the top powerhouses of the new generation , covering the inheritors of the great saints, the royal family and even the supreme inheritance of the royal family, even including princes like Qin Minghuang, and even mysterious and special descendants of the forbidden land, causing countless conjectures, and the attention of the event is now getting higher and higher .”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay and frowned, but they were all dazed and suspicious.

The chief judge signaled them to continue walking, and said, "Don't worry too much, maybe this is the purpose of the Holy Land!"

"What do you mean?"

The fourth judge lazily said: "It's cloudy and foggy, playing tricks."

The second judge said: "If you think about it carefully, the Holy Land did not specify the purpose, but the people invited are all sensitive identities, and in this special period, the event has become very mysterious and full of expectations, and the attention will naturally continue. Elevate, even to balance the battle of empires.

Some people suspect that the Holy Land is trying to complicate simple events by relying on the hidden means of "clouds and mountains and fog", and give the entire Central Plains room for suspicion and imagination.No matter what it is, as long as it is handed over to the tens of billions of people in the entire general hospital to discuss together, the matter will definitely be extremely complicated. "

Tang Yan frowned again: "Is this the purpose of the Holy Land? Is the reason too far-fetched?"

"This is just a superficial purpose, far-fetched but reasonable. However, some people suspect that the Three Sacred Lands is going to hold a continent-wide martial arts competition in the Valley of the Evil, and make a comprehensive ranking for the young heroes of the Central Plains today. The purpose is also to divert all parties. Attention, in order to ease the increasingly tense situation in the Central Plains, and the gift of ranking may affect the upcoming battle in the Central Plains."

"Oh? That's reasonable. There's such a possibility." Du Yang hesitated and nodded slowly. The rest of the people frowned in thought, some shook their heads and some nodded.

The Grand Judge exhaled, looking a little tired: "No one can figure out the purpose of the Holy Land, but no matter what, the attention of the incident has equalized the tension between the Xingluo Empire and the Dagan Dynasty. It is equivalent to the formation of public opinion. It can divert people, avoid people's despair and panic because of paying too much attention to the imperial war, and also greatly ease the tense and depressing atmosphere in the Central Plains to a certain extent. In this aspect alone, the Holy Land has succeeded!"

Xuanyuan Longli nodded lightly: "Actually, when you think about it carefully, the matter is not far-fetched, but rather reasonable. The Pure Land and the Academy are sacred places, and it is impossible for them to take drastic measures to stop the national war, nor do they have the energy They are preventing it, let alone using the banner of an envoy of peace to announce in a high-profile manner that whoever goes to war will be sanctioned. If you think about it carefully, they can only take a relatively gentle and soft way to reconcile the chaos in the Central Plains."

Du Yang interrupted suddenly: "Wait, what if you don't participate? Isn't the invitation letter from the Holy Land meaningless?"

The high judge shook his head: "Didn't you grow up in the Central Plains, and you can't feel the influence and appeal of the Holy Land. As long as the Holy Land can affect an empire and half of the kingdoms, and take out a forbidden area, the entire Central Plains will take action."

"Why?" Du Yang still didn't quite understand.

"An empire accepting the invitation is tantamount to calling out to the younger generation of the other four empires, I am here, where are you? Accepting the invitation in a forbidden area is tantamount to calling out to other forbidden areas, I am here, do you dare to come?"

oh! !Du Yang was stunned, but in an instant, a strange ardor arose in his heart: "I dare!! Can I participate?"

Matthews rarely opened his mouth, but his eyes were scorching, with sharp sword energy splattering: "The secret creation heirs of the major empires and the forbidden land are some of the top existences today, and will grow into the true supreme existence of the Qitian Continent in the years to come. .They all have a competitive heart, and they all have the blood of not admitting defeat.

Normally, they stay in their own worlds and stand in their own countries. For various reasons, they have almost no chance to contact the descendants of other empires and forbidden lands.But they must have heard of each other, and they must be eager to challenge each other to decide who is the real leader of the new generation in mainland China.

As the top beings in their respective social circles, they are often lonely, longing for stronger opponents, longing for real opponents.

And now, Holy Land gave them a chance!Give the whole Central Plains new generation a chance!
I can conclude that the invitation letter from the Three Holy Lands can only serve as an 'attention-attracting' function in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is definitely a fatal temptation in the eyes of top wizards from all over the world. As long as one of them steps out of his country, the others It will act, one pass three, three pass five, and finally spread to the entire Central Plains. "

Matthews has always been withdrawn, but today he gave a long speech, with fiery eyes and sonorous voice. Not only did he say that he was angry, but he also suppressed the doubts in other people's hearts and bred the same flame of desire.

"Let's go! Go see Boss Ma first, he is waiting for you inside, and listen to his opinion along the way." The judge led Tang Yan and the others into the inner courtyard of the deep house of the city lord's mansion, into the inner courtyard that was specially cleaned up for Jiulongling. in a courtyard.

King Ma Yan was lying on a rocking chair in a loose brocade robe, holding an invitation card inlaid with gold and jade in his hand, and looked at it repeatedly.

In the nearby bamboo pavilion, Nian Wuqing was serving tea sets.

"Boss, the young master is here." The three judges led Tang Yan and others into the courtyard.

"Uncle Ma, Uncle Wuqing." Tang Yan walked into the courtyard.Du Yang and the others were exhausted. After saluting, they walked to different places one by one. Some sat on the rockery, some sat on the stone bench, and some sat on the fence.

They are all a family, very casual, very relaxed, and naturally there is no need to be restrained.

Nian Wuqing admired Xuanyuan Longli's type very much, raised his hand to signal him to sit opposite him, and poured a cup of tea with his own hands.

Xuanyuan Longli quickly took it with both hands, thanked him and sat down.

King Ma Yan played with the invitation letter in his hand, looked at Tang Yan and his party with raised eyebrows, and finally settled on Mu Rou and Ailinda: "Are they two girls from Yan Kingdom?"

"We went to the country of Yan first." Tang Yan roughly explained the matter.

"Huh! The cheap hands have reached out to the country of Yan? Another despicable method! Disgusting guys!" Ma Yanwang snorted coldly, his face was expressionless, but his eyes were so cold that people dare not look directly at them.

"Frost monster? Thousands of meters in size? Young master, come, describe it carefully." Nian Wuqing became interested, and signaled Xuanyuan Longli to take care of himself.

"I suspect it's the third of the four freaks from the Lost Battle Realm." Tang Yan took out five ice crystals and gave them to Ma Yan Wang, Nian Wuqing and the three ministers respectively.

The five ice crystals were the size of peanuts, but the temperature in the huge courtyard dropped sharply. Even the flowers, plants and ponds froze with a crackling sound, and were covered with crystal clear ice.

Feeling the bone-chilling coldness of the ice crystals, the three judges showed strange lights, and after repeated inspections, Nian Wuqing and Ma Yanwang changed their expressions slightly, looked at each other, and said hesitantly: "Bing Yuanli?"

Ma Yanwang stopped the rocking chair and tapped it lightly with his fingertips. The tough ice crystals immediately shattered and turned into scattered freezing points, floating in the air like elves. "That's right!! It's pure ice power!"

"It can be divided into hundreds of thousands of ice beasts, and can be reassembled, that's right, it is it!!" Nian Wuqing seems to have reached a conclusion, but his expression is gloomy: "It's getting more and more difficult to see through, first the ghost mother , and then the Kappa, it appeared again, what kind of combination is this? Who can gather them together and send them to the Holy Spirit Hall as a thug?!"

(End of this chapter)

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