Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1234 Dragon Carp Controversy

Chapter 1234 Dragon Carp Controversy
Tang Yan was surprised by their reaction: "Do you know, who is it?"

"It is a special existence in the Lost World, known as the Son of Heaven."

"Son of Heaven?" Everyone almost bit their tongues, what a name!
"The child conceived by the sky, the son of the sky." Nian Wuqing beat the ice crystal to Tang Yan casually, and introduced: "Simply speaking, it is not a living body, but a spirit body conceived by nature itself, roughly the same type as a kappa.

It is a freak formed by the self-gathering of the ice power between heaven and earth. It takes 3 years to form, 3 years to grow wisdom, and 3 years to grow and grow. It is a spiritual son shaped by the sky after 10 years.

It usually exists in different ways, sometimes it is a mountain, sometimes it becomes a giant monster, and sometimes it splits into countless ice beasts or icemen, but it is basically in the snowfields of the lost battle world, rarely in the outside activities.The few times in history that it has appeared, it is because somewhere there is something it desires.

Because it was born and nourished by the heaven and the earth, it is almost immortal. As long as the ice crystal lasts forever, its life will last forever, and its strength is very strong. Even I may not be able to suppress it in its entirety.

And because it never actively interferes with the struggles of any forces, nor does it harm anyone for no reason, most of the time it is sleeping, so people generally do not actively provoke it.

In the Lost Battle Realm, it is one of the very few independent species, and it is also one of the very few freaks that can not be affected by the killing storm of the Battle Realm.Live by yourself, live by yourself, play by yourself. "

Ma Yanwang said: "Its intelligence is not sound, but it hates being used the most, and it also hates war. I haven't heard who he has taken refuge in. How did it appear in the Qitian Continent? It was also used by those bastards in the Holy Spirit Hall?"

The more Nian Wuqing and Ma Yan Wang thought about it, the more headaches became more and more confusing. Who is cooperating with the Spirit Race?Why are all the freaks thrown here!

"It's really lucky that Yaochi can avoid the disaster." Ma Yanwang looked at Mu Rou more, Mu Rou seemed to be afraid of him, Nuonuo lowered his head, and shrank behind Niya, not daring to look directly at his face Eye.

"It's weird, how could it obey the orders of the Holy Spirit Hall?" Nian Wuqing couldn't figure it out.

"Don't worry, the four freaks are not easy to deal with, but since they are enemies, they must be fought and killed! They are all legends, and we will destroy the legends!" Ma Yanwang snorted and snorted coldly. There is always a domineering spirit without fear of the common people in evil intentions.

"My idol!!" Du Yang suddenly touched Zhao Zimo beside him and winked.

Ma Yanwang shook the invitation letter in his hand: "You know everything, right?"

Tang Yan sat at the stone table: "It's almost there. I think Qin Minghuang and the others are here. It seems that the Xingluo Empire is ready to accept it?"

"It must be accepted! We are the ones who benefit the most from this scene directed by Sanshengdi. Of course we have to pass it." Ma Yanwang lay on his back in the rocking chair, swaying leisurely, looking very leisurely, but his eyes were always flickering strangely, As if thinking about something.

Nian Wuqing skillfully played with tea ceremony skills, and explained: "The purpose of the Holy Land is to attract the attention of all parties and reconcile the tense atmosphere in the Central Plains. Take a look at the list of people invited by the Holy Land, one by one, all of them are from the new generation of each region. The top representatives are all future stars, the hope of the family, the hope of the empire, they are covered with countless auras wherever they go, and they are the treasures of various countries and families."

A series of compliments came out, causing Xuanyuan Longli on the opposite side to smile and shake his head.

Nian Wuqing sipped tea leisurely: "As long as these new generations agree and enter the Valley of the Wicked, the Three Holy Lands will choke the lifeblood of all countries! Unless they think their babies will face death threats, they will be drawn attention, let alone dare Go to war easily.

What the Xingluo Empire lacks most right now is time, and they wish the Holy Land could make some noise to distract them.The royal family was the first to respond, and all eight invitees accepted, saying they would arrive at the Valley of the Evil within the stipulated time.

Now that you are back, young master, let's go together too. This is a rare opportunity to meet the descendants of the five great empires, meet the descendants of the seven forbidden lands, and meet the new generations of the great kingdoms and secret lands.An unprecedented large gathering, if I were a thousand years younger, I would definitely join in the fun. "

King Ma Yan suddenly sent an invitation letter to Tang Yan: "If the successors of Zhenyao Temple dare to enter the Valley of the Evil, don't let them come out alive."

Nian Wuqing smiled softly: "Suppressing the Demon Temple destroyed our home, so they will cut off their children and grandchildren to pay for it! Young master, do it beautifully, and kill it clean!"

Tang Yan flipped through the invitation letter, and did not express his opinion in a hurry, but asked instead: "What is the purpose of the Three Holy Lands?"

Nian Wuqing said: "Don't think too complicated. The purpose of the existence of the Three Sacred Lands is to prevent the outbreak of the war in the Central Plains. But in the unavoidable situation, what they can do is to reconcile, and the other is to delay the outbreak of the war."

"That's not necessarily the case. Don't underestimate the Holy Land, and don't underestimate the influence of the invitation letter incident." Ma Yanwang lay back on the rocking chair again, swaying leisurely, but his eyes were fixed on Xuanyuan Longli.

Xuanyuan Longli looked at himself strangely, is there something wrong?

King Ma Yan looked at him for a long time, and suddenly asked: "Little guy, what's wrong with your eyes?"

"Huh? Eyes?" Xuanyuan Longli felt a little strange.

Tang Yan and others followed the prestige, but found nothing unusual.

Ma Yanwang still looked at him deeply, and asked again: "Who is your master?"

Xuanyuan Longli met Ma Yanwang's gaze strangely, remained silent for a while, and said truthfully: "I have never met my master, and there has always been a voice guiding me in my mind."

"Oh? There is such a strange thing?" Zang Ba and others looked at it strangely.

oh?Nian Wuqing raised his eyes, and his evil snake eyes fixed on Xuanyuan Longli.

Ma Yanwang also stared at him for a long time, smiled strangely, and continued to lie on the rocking chair: "Tell me what is the magic of the invitation letter incident?"

"Me?" Xuanyuan Longli asked.

"Yes, say everything you can think of."

Tang Yan and the others were a little puzzled, why did King Ma Yan suddenly become interested in Long Li?But I was more or less used to his unpredictable temperament, so I didn't think too much about it.

But Zhuge Liang asked Du Yang next to him in a low voice: "Master Du, does he like men?"

Boom! !A flash of light suddenly appeared, like a bolt of lightning, from Ma Yanwang's hand to Zhuge Liang, and it passed his throat in an instant, and a muffled sound blasted on the stone wall behind him, shocking everyone.

Zhuge Liang froze in place immediately, and in a blink of an eye, cold sweat broke out all over his body.Trembling, he touched his bleeding throat, grunted, swallowed hard, and almost collapsed.

"Fatty, come here and rub your legs." Ma Yanwang didn't even look at it, closed his eyes and rested, the old god was there.

"I..." Zhuge Liang almost cried.

"Come on." Du Yang stomped on his butt and forced him to go.

Zhuge Liang crouched tremblingly beside King Ma Yan, stretched out his hand with a mournful face.

"This guy's IQ is as high as yours." Zhao Zimo said to Zhu Guli in a blink of an eye.

"None of my business?" Chocolate rolled his eyes.

Xuanyuan Longli thought about it seriously for a while, and then said while everyone was waiting: "The Three Sacred Lands have been silent for six days, and the director of the invitation letter incident must have been a deliberate decision, and it was a clever plan jointly made by all the powerful people. It will be that simple.

We can't figure out what their real purpose is, and we can't see what happened after entering the Valley of the Wicked, but based on the existing news, we can see that the invitation letter incident is very simple at first glance, it couldn't be simpler, there is nothing shocking It's a brilliant place, but if you think about it carefully, it actually has the beauty of returning to the basics, which is very in line with the low-key and indifferent style of the Holy Land. "

"Analyze carefully and try your best." Ma Yanwang seemed to be encouraging him intentionally.

Xuanyuan Longli nodded slightly, and took a sip of his tea: "First of all, the holy land may use confusing methods to arouse the imagination of all parties, and use the energy contained in the joint efforts of the three holy lands to form influence, and strive to divert the public's attention to the upcoming The attention of the battle of empires.

The invitation letter is just a means, just a method. The most direct purpose of the event is to use an 'event that has attracted wide attention' to attract the attention of the public and reconcile the tense situation that the Central Plains is about to collapse.So far, they've done it, successfully.

The second point is that the entry point they choose is very subtle, and all of them are top heirs from various countries, who are representatives of the new generation.These people are topics in themselves, and giving them a chance to gather is a hot topic that cannot be hotter.

With the help of the competitive psychology of the younger generation, they were prompted to accept the invitation, and the whole incident gathered the prototype of countless topics by itself.With a little more reconciliation, the influence of the whole incident will be infinitely magnified, and once again offset to a certain extent the tension and depression brought by the national war to the Central Plains.

The third point, and the most important point, is where is the source of the chaos in the Central Plains today?It lies in the Xingluo Empire and the Daqian Dynasty!What caused the outbreak of war between the two countries? ?A crucial reason is the imbalance in the strength of the two empires today.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that after the March 3 battle, the national strength of the Xingluo Empire was greatly damaged. Not only did the two saints sacrifice, but Renhuang and the other eight saints were severely injured, and they even did not hesitate to go into seclusion during the national war.If it weren't for the strong intervention of Jiulongling and the threat of the Eternal Beast Mountain, the Dagan Dynasty would have driven straight in, and the national war might have broken out on March 9th.

However, although the national war has been suppressed, the incident continues to ferment. The Daqian Dynasty will not sit back and watch the Xingluo Emperor and the eight saints recover, and will definitely launch a war while the Xingluo Empire is weak. The more Human Sovereign recovers, the more comprehensive the Xingluo Empire prepares, and the more difficult it will be for the Dagan Dynasty to attack later.

So to make an overall analysis, the fuse of the entire Central Plains war lies in the two great empires of Xingluo and Daqian, and the key point of the imperial war lies in time!The Daqian Dynasty had to start a war within a month to be more likely to win, and the earlier the war broke out, the less price they paid. "

Everyone listened carefully, nodding their heads and frowning from time to time, thinking while listening, only Xuanyuan Longli's crisp voice echoed in the huge courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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