Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 128 Full Training

Chapter 128 Full Training
So from the next day, the palace where Niya lived became the focus of the Rao family. First of all, Isaac personally selected a nutritionist, a masseur, and a sensible and clever maid for this place.Secondly, the family's Treasure Pavilion was opened for the convenience of Niya Palace, and all kinds of precious medicinal materials were continuously sent in.

Up to the family's worship, down to the family's children, they all feel envious and jealous.

But because the incident happened in Niya's palace, they naturally thought that it was Isaac who wanted to welcome Niya's sister back home, so they just expressed a few words and no one got emotional.

But only a few people know the real situation, all this is actually prepared by Isaac for the three children under the order of his father!

Niya really felt that there was no need to be so extravagant, almost to the point of exaggeration, but Isaac obeyed his father's request and opened the "fast track" for the cultivation of Tang Yan and the three of them.

To use the best medicinal materials, to meet all the requirements!

The Rao family has a heritage of 2000 years, and because of the huge wealth accumulated by the Jinghuo Mine, it is no exaggeration to say that they are incomparably rich. As long as money can buy things, they have everything here!Not only has a large amount of precious medicinal materials been hoarded, but also there is no shortage of martial arts. There are even two prefecture-level martial arts books!

"Thousand-year-old ginseng, the best lotus crystal, the snake gall of the fourth-level monster winged fire snake, and this Jingxinzhi? What is this for?" Looking at the precious medicinal materials on the table, the taciturn Xu Yan was a little uneasy.

Each of these medicinal materials is very precious, and selling them in the market will cost at least hundreds of thousands of gold coins!
Thousands of gold coins are enough for an ordinary family to spend a lifetime!
But now, such precious medicinal materials are delivered to their rooms like snacks, two or three every day, and the same is not repeated every day.

Du Yang was a little strange. He looked at the medicinal materials and then at Tang Yan: "What did you tell them? Or did you just sell yourself? Are they planning to raise you as a son-in-law?"

Tang Yan was also puzzled, how valuable was his identity?Will it play big!
"I think it's very possible!" Xu Yan deeply agreed!
"Son-in-law? Or the son-in-law who came to the door! What's the difference between this and prostitution? By the way, boss, which girl are you planning to marry? We can't wrong ourselves." Du Yang persuaded earnestly, but his hands didn't move. When I was idle, I quickly selected the medicinal materials, and stuffed them into my arms vigorously.

"Think long-term in everything. It's understandable to sell your body, but don't sell your dignity." Xu Yan also enlightened Tang Yan, but his eyes were fixed on the medicinal materials in front of him, choosing the one that suits him.

Tang Yan called to the maid who was about to leave: "Little girl, can you tell me what's going on?"

The maid saluted respectfully, and said: "The lord has ordered that all your requirements be met, whether it is medicinal materials or martial arts, as long as you need it, we will try our best to meet it."

"You mean, we can bring any medicinal materials we want?"

"As long as it can be done, do it as much as possible."

The three of them looked at each other, what is this for?play for real

"Can you tell me why?"

"Sorry, we are only responsible for delivering things, but it is said that it was specially ordered by the old Patriarch."

After stopping for a full 5 minutes, Tang Yan jumped up: "Is there any blue spirit fruit?"

When communicating with the blood doll in the psychedelic forest, it once mentioned that the growth of the ghost green fire can not only rely on the spiritual source liquid, but also certain natural materials and earth treasures can also have an effect, and sometimes the effect will be even better , among which the effect of the blue spirit fruit is very good.For Ghost Qinghuo, a blue spirit fruit is no less effective than the spirit source liquid of a fourth-level monster!

Because the blue spirit fruit is mild in nature, it can appease the evil and tyrannical evil spirit of the ghost green fire, and produce the effect similar to nourishing and nourishing.In the stage of Qinghuo's deep sleep, you can give it blue spirit fruit to wake it up early.

"should have."

"Bring it, the more the better!" Tang Yan was not polite!
"Uh, I want the shell of the stone turtle!"

"I want the bone spirit black lotus!"

Du Yang and Xu Yan hesitated slightly, and reported what they needed one after another, adding in unison: "The more the better!"

The shell of the stone turtle has a very good nourishing effect on the petrified blood, which is beneficial for Du Yang to better integrate the origin of the rabbit, and the bone spirit green lotus is a precious medicinal material for refining body and bone, which is very helpful for Xu Yan's refining ancient The animal arm bone has a very good auxiliary function.

The maid smiled and said, "I will mention it to my lord."

Tang Yan said again: "From today onwards, I will take a medicinal bath every day, the kind of medicinal bath that nourishes the body and refreshes the mind."

"How shameless!" Du Yang and Xu Yan seriously despised Tang Yan, but they turned their heads and straightened their faces, and said in unison: "We want too! Every day!"

In Niya's bedroom, after receiving the maid's report, she couldn't help laughing: "These three little babies have quite a lot of demands. Don't they know how precious these medicinal materials are? There are at most two or three in the family's treasure house, but Can't stand them eating like this. Do you want to take a medicinal bath to refresh your body? Do you really regard this place as your own home?"

"My lord, do you need me to refuse?"

"Forget it, try your best to be satisfied, inform the Medicine Pavilion, buy these medicinal materials in large quantities, and earn at a high price!" After learning about Tang Yan's deeds that night, Niya didn't seem to hate him so much anymore.A man who is ruthless, crazy, yet smooth and dexterous is the real man in Niya's heart. Of course, you must have enough strength and talent!

The Rao family is buying precious medicinal materials in a big way!

The news once again aroused everyone's suspicion.First, triggering the vision of heaven and earth, and then buying medicinal materials, and they are precious and scarce medicinal materials. What is the purpose of this?Could it be that Odin really got the secret treasure and is going to make a breakthrough in a short time?

All of a sudden, the royal family and major families became tense, and more and more spies were sent to Odin City, eagerly collecting information about the Rao family.

The Rao family is already strong enough, if the old patriarch Odin makes another breakthrough, his status will inevitably rise several levels again.You must know that it is difficult for a venerable person to leap to the sky at each level. Some venerables will stay at the first level for hundreds of years, until they die of old age.To make a breakthrough, it depends not only on talent and hard work, but also on chance.

Once the bottleneck is broken through, there will be an essential leap in strength, and the prestige of the forces to which it belongs will greatly increase!

If Odin really breaks into the second level, the threat level will be greatly increased for the royal family and the major families. If you really want to suppress the Rao family, you need more detailed planning.

The Rao family did not expect that such an unintentional move would aggravate everyone's suspicion and fear.They didn't know it, and continued to increase the purchase of medicinal materials. Tang Yan saw that the Rao family was really about to bleed, so he was naturally unceremonious. Anyway, they have money, so they don't feel bad if they spend a little.

In addition to the blue spirit fruit, Tang Yan also asked for some supplements for the black girl. Every time the little guy has a full stomach, and black lightning is lying on the ground twitching all over his body, but every time he wakes up, there will be a little bit of it. The change.

After a month of intensive nourishment, the three of Tang Yan seemed to have undergone reborn changes. There was a faint brilliance flowing in the skin, and the medicinal fragrance was exuded from the inside out.

But the three of them are not reckless men without restraint. Although the medicinal materials are good, excessive consumption will be harmful. So after a full month of retreat, the three of them left the palace and immersed themselves in the martial arts arena, constantly exchanging ideas and fighting. , constantly honing his perception, to thoroughly absorb the essence of the medicine that he swallowed for a month.

Tang Yan sometimes stays awake for days and nights, sometimes the Buddha's seal surges, sometimes the golden elephant roars, and sometimes he is immersed in the enlightenment of the ancient sword and goes crazy; , destroyed the luxurious martial arts field to such an extent that no one dared to approach it; Xu Yan was the most straightforward, carrying a huge tripod of several thousand catties and running wildly all over the courtyard every day, even the ground was trembling, or rushed into the 'breeding field' The fierce scene of fighting with monsters and beasts often caused the guards to be dumbfounded.

The performance of the three of them was a bit exaggerated, and it became the focus of discussion among the whole family at one point, saying that Niya brought back three monsters!

Odin and the others have been quietly observing. At first they were worried that the three of them would be immersed in the medicinal materials and could not extricate themselves, but now it seems that their worries were unfounded. The will of the three of them was far stronger than expected, and the scene of the training in the martial arts field made them even more excited.

Such a young man is worthy of their focus on training!

Odin discussed with Isaac in private, considering how to keep the three children in the Rao family forever.

While the Rao family was concentrating on assisting Tang Yan and accumulating power in secret, the outside world changed one after another. First, the huge changes in the Taiwu mining area caused a strong sensation, and soon spread throughout the three empires in the south. More and more people rushed to the Taiwu mining area, among them there were many superpowers and hidden monsters.

The information about the underground ancient city and the super sacred artifacts were naturally excavated, and people could no longer calm down, and boldly rushed into the [-]-meter underground.However, in view of the disaster in the cemetery in the deserted city some time ago, many people became wary and formed temporary alliances in twos and threes to form individual teams to carry out joint investigations.

The frequent appearance of these people has aroused high tension in the Delos Empire.First of all, the royal family wanted to monopolize the treasures in the ancient city, so they naturally didn't want outsiders to investigate privately; secondly, they were worried that some of these people would be strong from the enemy country, who would take advantage of the chaos in the Taiwu mining area to destroy it.

After a series of debates and deliberations, and considering the actual battle situation on the border, the Delos Empire finally decided to suspend the national war and concentrate on stabilizing the internal situation of the empire.

The Salo Empire and the Delos Empire hit it off, and quickly formed an alliance, which eventually forced the Great Zhou Empire to accept the peace.

After two months of urgent negotiations, the Delos Empire and the Sala Empire both cede land in exchange for a peace agreement with the Great Zhou Empire. Among them, the Delos Empire ceded three-fifths of the Taiwu mining area.

Now the mining area has collapsed, what the Great Zhou Empire wants is not spar, but the right to explore the underground world!

In this way, the vigorous melee of the Frontan Empire gradually subsided, and the Delos Empire re-strengthened its border defenses while concentrating its efforts on exploring the ancient underground city in the Taiwu mining area.

In addition, some leisure people began to concentrate their spare energy on rectifying the Rao family.

(End of this chapter)

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