Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 129 The Imperial Life and Death Struggle

Chapter 129 The Imperial Life and Death Struggle

"Bastard! Beast! Bullying me that there are no descendants of Odin? It's a dream to drive our Rao family to extinction!" In the study room of the main hall of the Rao family, there were hysterical roars and the chaotic sound of crazily smashing things. Outside, all the guards were terrified and knelt directly on the ground.

The quaint luxury has been messed up all over the place, and even the walls have been blasted with dense cracks by iron fists. The old patriarch Odin is murderous, and even his eyes are bloodshot and red. Isaac and other family elders are in the study, but all of them are pale and revealing. With a heavy killing intent.

"Life and death? It's a good thing they can figure it out!" Niya was relatively calm, but her face was also very ugly.

Isaac gritted his teeth in hatred: "We have been preparing for four months. We have thought of everything we can think of and deployed everything we can deploy. We thought it would be safe, but we never thought that the royal family would be so vicious! We aimed at our family child!"

Venerable Huoying closed his eyes in pain: "This is to make the Rao family last forever!"

Odin's old face was ferocious and terrifying, and his eyes revealed a terrifying murderous intent: "The royal family is testing my reaction! Let's see if we dare to accept this killing game! You bastards, if they really dare to go too far, I will Dare to turn his Delos Empire upside down!"

When the Delos royal family sought a truce at the cost of ceding the Taiwu mining area, Odin had a premonition that the royal family would look for opportunities to find trouble with the Rao family, but at first it would only be minor troubles or tricks. Only after the domestic situation is completely stabilized will there be energy to fully liquidate the Rao family.

Odin has made the most comprehensive preparations to resist the 'trouble' and 'shady tricks' that may come at any time in the early stage.

But never expected the royal family's counterattack to come so quickly and so sharply!
Fight to the death of the empire!
Also known as Life and Death Bureau!It is a death competition game formed in the early days of the Delos Empire, where voluntary participants or slaves fight for the nobles to watch and set up a gamble.

This kind of competitive game has been inherited for 2000 years, and it has evolved into more interesting categories up to now. Some are survival competitions in specific areas, some are fighting in fighting arenas, and some are thrown into a movie where monsters are raised. A brutal fight in the dense forest.

The final winner will receive a high bounty, and some slaves can win freedom from here.

Because of passion, brutality, blood, and the ability to open high-stakes games, it has always been a very popular event in the empire; because of the rich rewards and generous treatment, it has always been the bloody place that some warriors and slaves most yearn for.

But since ancient times, outlaws or slaves have always participated in the competition, and there is basically no precedent for nobles to participate.

The royal family of Delos suddenly announced today that it will launch the largest scale, the strongest lineup, and the richest rewards in history in one month.

The contestants are no longer slaves and outlaws, but the royal family, princes, and the top [-] families of the empire.

All families on the list must participate in the competition, and ten people are selected from the family members under the age of 25, regardless of gender, regardless of strength, and weapons are not limited, but there must be ten people, and they must be family members.

This was not a big deal at first, and with the strength of the major families, even if they could not win the final championship, they could still win some other honors, but for the Rao family, this was an out-and-out disaster!

Because the younger generation of their family has not produced outstanding talented heirs so far!And the older ones are too big, and the younger ones are too young. Among those under the age of 25, counting all the direct and collateral tribes, there are no more, no less, exactly ten, including the five-year-old little Becky. kids!

No more, no less, exactly ten!Men and women, big and small, exactly ten!This is a coincidence?Still a conspiracy!

Since the royal family planned this way, they must have made preparations to specifically target the Rao family in the competition. In other words, their ten descendants did not go to participate in the competition, but to die!
This is to make the Rao family last forever!Completely cut off their hope!

Niya was deep in thought: "The royal family should not just target our Rao family this time. I am afraid that several other families will be counted and eliminated one by one in the competition. This move is vicious and vicious. Except The second prince, who is cruel by nature, I can't think of anyone else who can make such an opinion."

Isaac said: "You guessed it right, it was the second prince who proposed that he will be fully responsible for this event."

A family elder looked worried: "What's the use of saying this now? This event has been passed and will be implemented in a month. If any family abstains, it will be automatically included in the loser lineup. The losing family must allow the victorious The family asks for one thing, whether it is a person or a thing, no matter what grade! Even if it is the hammer or Niya that the royal family asked for last, we have to give it away!"

Another clan elder sighed: "There are only a few people in our family under the age of 25, including little Betty, there are only ten! Either the strength is too weak, or there is no actual combat experience. In short, there is no chance of winning! The second prince is Get ready to catch them all!"

Isaac hesitated, and threw out bad news again: "The venue has been confirmed. It is just in the wild forest east of the Kexia Plain. The area is not too large, but it will take at least six days to cross it on foot. The environment is very complicated and chaotic. Although there are no too scary monsters, it is said that there are five monster kings who have reached the fifth level, and there are many ferocious social monsters. The environment inside is very harsh, and these alone are enough Let many contestants die!
The royal family has sent an army of only 8 people to station in the wild forest, and is in charge of preparing for the construction of the arena. It is expected to be completed within a month. At that time, all the contestants will be randomly discarded in various directions, and they will fend for themselves.Those who can persist for 30 days will be regarded as the first victory!Survivors will gather in the central area, with the family as a unit, to fight in groups and make the final ranking. "

Niya said: "I've heard of the deserted forest, but the monsters there are not particularly scary, but the number is very large, and they often come and go in groups. If you act alone, even a third-rank martial artist may die .”

A clan elder said very firmly: "Our Rao family cannot participate in this life-and-death struggle!"

Isaac frowned: "Not participating? Not participating is abstention, and it is the last place in name. The rules clearly stipulate that the top five teams will freely ask for prizes from the bottom five teams. If the top five teams are all What about the people from the second prince camp? The top five will definitely choose to ask for it from our family! At that time, our earth-level martial arts, super weapons, and Niya will all be among their choices!"

The clan elder argued resentfully and helplessly: "So what if you participate? If it's not a disastrous defeat, it's better to keep the children, at least you can save some blood for the family."

The atmosphere in the study was silent for a while, and Odin was full of annoyance, but he still couldn't think of a way.accept?Defeat!do not accept?It also indicates failure!The second prince is too ruthless, it's like sealing his throat with a sword!
Niya shook her head and said: "The royal family will not let us go. This competition is just a test. If they taste the sweetness, they will intensify their efforts to attack us in other ways. We can't retreat. If we take one step back, we will lose everything."

Isaac said, "You mean the opposite."

Niya didn't speak, and silently calculated the pros and cons. After a long while, she shook her head again: "Since the second prince dared to do things so badly, he should have expected that we would be judged. What if he was waiting for us to rebel on our own initiative? Isn't it just what he wanted! Let's all calm down and don't get confused, this matter has to be carefully calculated. "

"Wait!" Venerable Huoying suddenly remembered something.

Everyone's eyes were on him. Venerable Huoying has always been calm and resourceful. He is not only the chief priest of the family, but also Odin's powerful arm. Did he think of a good way?

Venerable Huoying pondered: "The competition rules must be a family member?"

Isaac said: "This is a prerequisite. You must be a family member and be under the age of 25."

"Must be a direct line?"

"This is not specifically stated. The reason why the second prince specially limited ten people may be because all the members of our direct and collateral lines under the age of 25 add up to exactly ten people!"

"Our nominal family members are only ten, but what if we temporarily add a few more family members?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't forget, we have three children here!"

Everyone's spirits were slightly lifted, and they naturally thought of Tang Yan and the others, but when they thought about it again, they showed embarrassment.

"They are not from our family, how did they change?"

"Acknowledge son!"

"Yezi?" Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and soon realized that this was undoubtedly a bold and shrewd move, taking advantage of the Second Prince's loophole.But the problem is that in the past, if the Rao family accepted a adopted son, it would be a great honor for anyone, but now the situation is different, the Rao family building will collapse, and the three of them are not fools, they will easily take the bait

Isaac hesitated: "This is a life-and-death struggle, and there are always threats of death. The royal family and princes have super geniuses who have been promoted to the king level. If they deliberately target us, they can definitely kill anyone easily. Although the three Tang Yans are talented, if they attack, they have no chance of winning."

Venerable Huoying continued: "Although it is true to say so, what Niya said just now is correct. We cannot retreat, we must face up to difficulties, and let the royal family realize our toughness. Although it is difficult for the three children to win, But we still have a month to prepare, and we should be able to figure out a way to help them."

Isaac still couldn't bear it: "This is not going to the competition, this is going to die! How could they accept it?"

"If they don't accept it, we'll offer them the terms they accept!"

(End of this chapter)

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