Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1300 The Forbidden Body

Chapter 1300 The Forbidden Body
"Wait! You stop first! What's going on?" Chu Kuangfeng hurriedly landed on the ring, rushed over briskly, and picked up the smirking man.

"Hey...hehe..." The man's eyes wandered, his mouth was full of saliva, his expression was a little dazed, his limbs swayed unconsciously, he looked like a fool, he didn't have the slightest energy, and he didn't have the slightest demeanor of a strong man.

"The Aphonia Curse, gathers the power of the sky, releases the sound wave, cuts off its hearing, and destroys its voice." Zhao Wenqing under the ring responded on behalf of Niya: "The light ones will lose all five senses and lose their perception. The severe ones will lose all five senses. , can shock the soul, shatter its brain, and reduce it to mental retardation and dementia."

"Fuck! Mentally retarded?!" Chu Kuangfeng swears again, although the occasion is inappropriate, but he really couldn't hold back, staring blankly at the thin man in front of him, raised his hand and slapped three times across the face.

He held the thin man by his collar, and he was already wobbly and unable to stand up. Now that he was done, he spun around in circles, opened and closed his mouth, um, huh, saliva flew around, but he didn't intend to fight back at all. Instead, he foolishly became addicted.

"Retarded?" Many people lost their voices on the spot, their faces full of astonishment.

"Stop!!" Chu Kuangfeng threw away the idiot in his hand, and shouted loudly: "I just said clearly, you can't be cruel, you think we are farting? You... you you you... Damn it, I’m stuttering! I said you might as well kill him!!”

"One just died, another stupid one, openly provoking the Holy Land?!"

"Is that Tang Yan's wife? Ha, it's hot enough!"

"It's ruthless enough, I just made a fool of it, I'm an ancestor, what a farce!"

"This woman can't be messed with."

There were detailed discussions below one after another, all full of emotion, retarded?It is simply more cruel than dismembering corpses with swords.

Hula! !Numerous holy land guards surrounded Niya, all of them looked gloomy and cold.

Niya Liu frowned slightly: "I didn't abolish him, and I didn't kill him, did I violate the rules?"

"Of course it's against the rules. What we want is a sparring match, a challenge match, not a life-and-death fight! You've made him a fool, what's the difference from abolishing him!"

"Of course there is a difference. If you are useless, you are disabled, and if you are stupid, you are mentally retarded. You have emphasized that you must not kill people, you must not use people, and you have not emphasized that you must not make fools, right?" The guards dare not approach.

" are picking a loophole in the rules!!"

"You admit that there are loopholes. If I can pick them out, it's my ability, and you are incompetent." Niya's unceremonious counterattack made many people change their faces again. Thinking about Tang Yan, and looking at Niya, they are indeed a couple. Ah, one is stronger than the other, and one is bolder than the other.

Chu Kuangfeng was so choked that he couldn't speak, his face was extremely ugly.

Niya led the Moon Spirit Deer forward, forcing the guards to retreat again and again. Her calm and indifferent tone echoed clearly in the valley: "You have your rules and purpose, but that doesn't prevent us from having ours. Enmity. I am Tang Yan's wife, the young lady of Jiulongling, he is the heir of the Arathi Stone Kingdom, and the eagle dog of the Daqian Dynasty. It is a very simple opposite relationship-enemy!
You expect us to compete normally?Am I too cruel, or are you too naive?
What's more, I have already asked him three times in a row, reminded him three times, and I have not used other heavier curse seals, which has given you enough Holy Land, what else do you want?If the Sanshengdi feels that I violated the rules, this month Linglu can take it back, please rest assured, I will not make trouble and force me to stay. "

Clap clap!Tang Yan clapped his hands and applauded, smiling all over his face: "The weather is good today, I feel refreshed and refreshed, and the game is also very exciting. It's fun to watch, haha."

He laughed happily here, and everyone heard it harshly.

The senior officials of the Holy Land on the high platform were depressed and embarrassed, and the spectators in the audience had extremely strange expressions.

"What should I do?" Chu Kuangfeng gestured to the high platform with his eyes.

The vice presidents of the academy are usually very shrewd, but now they are helpless.

Qiao Ba shook his head slightly towards Chu Kuangfeng, meaning not to pursue it.

"Niya wins the second match!" Chu Kuangfeng announced loudly.

"What about her? No punishment?" Zhongsun Yuechan of Daqian Dynasty immediately questioned, with a high-pitched voice full of anger.Everyone is their ally, who can accept the death of a foolish one in a blink of an eye.

"What is the punishment? My wife has reminded him four times. He wants to die by himself. Who can blame him?" Tang Yan was very happy. The brothers are strong, and the wife is even more powerful. Are you stupid?Haha, I can really figure it out! !

"She broke the rules!!" Zhong Sun Yuechan glared at Tang Yan.

"Violation? What is the violation? The Holy Land didn't say anything about the violation. What kind of law enforcement are you pretending to be?"

"Shut up, this is the end of the matter! We will explain to both kingdoms!" Chu Kuangfeng severely stopped the noise.

At this moment, the descendant of Arathi Stone shouted loudly: "I admit defeat! Stop fighting!"

Everyone followed the prestige and saw that the man was sweating, out of breath, embarrassed and angry, staring at his opponent - Xuanyuan Longli with hatred.

"Concession." Xuanyuan Longli was polite, nodded with a smile, and dispersed his condensed defensive barrier.

Regarding this scene, whether it was the spectators in the audience or the holy monk Wuyin sitting high above, they all shook their heads secretly, full of emotion.

Another pervert!

beat?how to spell!
That poor guy kept using his big moves, and used all his unique skills over and over again, while Xuanyuan Dragon Carp just supported the defensive barrier so simply, no matter what moves came over, it was easy to swallow, and it was back to normal in a blink of an eye. Go back without moving.

How is this played?
There is no need to fight at all!
Either exhausted, or angry, or suffocated, or killed by his own martial arts.

Instead of continuing to be played like a monkey, it is better to surrender directly.

"The winner of the third match is Xuanyuan Longli." The holy monk Muyin announced loudly.

Xuanyuan Longli advanced easily, and the two heirs of the Arathi Stone Kingdom were all eliminated. This result should have been depressing, but the senior officials of the Three Holy Lands on the high platform secretly breathed a sigh of relief—fortunately, they did not die.

Four challenges, only one left.

The audience's attention fell on the same arena one by one. For the time being, no one continued to challenge. They were all paying attention to the fierce battle between Gu Lingfeng and Mo Changge.

The fierce battle between the two was at its climax, and the drawbacks of Mo Changge's all-out development of the Dao of Heaven were gradually revealed-serious loss of spiritual power!
Although the Dao of Heaven is strong, the scene is vast, and its power is domineering, it also consumes a huge amount of spiritual power. Mo Changge wanted to fight quickly, but Gu Lingfeng was as strong as a rock and was never suppressed. As a result... Gu Lingfeng's long hair danced wildly, Shouting sharply: "One cut off the flower, destroy the body! Two cut off the inside, ruin the bones! Three cut off the soul, broken soul!!"

Boom boom boom!

The pure soul storm caused a substantial shock wave, shattering the ruins on the ground, setting off a huge deep pit, and annihilating pieces of ancient characters.

"Four broken bodies, annihilate!" Gu Lingfeng danced wildly, with a high fighting spirit, and pushed out with a palm, the vitality of the world seemed to be mighty because of him.The powerful qi turned into thousands of tiny substantive swords, forming a terrifying storm of destruction, which strongly enveloped the entire field of heaven.

The sky is trembling, and the void seems to be crumbling.

"The way of heaven is vast, endless life!" Mo Changge gritted his teeth, spit out blood, infecting the ancient characters, with the power of vibrating the way of heaven, all the ancient characters radiated bright red, and the energy of the connected heaven and earth boiled, within the way of heaven, Wind, rain, thunder and lightning, mountains and rivers, all gathered together, and it seemed to be a small world of riots.

Intense collision, shocking martial arts!

It aroused many exclamations and caused the audience to be fiery.

"Five Decays of Heaven and Man! The Fifth Attack - Forbidden Netherworld!" Gu Lingfeng's offensive continued, and the steaming death energy became more and more intense, eroding most of the Heavenly Dao Domain, and quickly dimmed the space where the wind, rain, thunder and lightning boiled, like falling forever night.

At this moment, the whites of Gu Lingfeng's eyes disappeared, and his eyes suddenly shone with a blood-red light, as if two terrifying red lights were shining through, appearing extraordinarily evil and terrifying in the darkness.

All parties in the audience paid close attention to the chaotic space with all their strength, catching the traces of Gu Lingfeng and Mo Changge, and looking forward to the possible results at any time.

"Use my soul to sacrifice to the heavens, and my body to sacrifice to the undead! Open the taboo ghost body!" Gu Lingfeng's voice was very low, but very dull, as if echoing in the ghost hell, unspeakably gloomy fear.

The black mist quickly surged from all directions, and surrounded Gu Lingfeng heavily. In the thick darkness, only two spots of blood came out, staring at Mo Changge coldly, without a trace of human emotion, only destruction and dead breath.

It seemed that they were no longer human eyes.

But a pair of eyes of death from hell!

"What's the situation!!" Mo Changge was startled, his whole body was chilled, and his hairs stood on end!
At this moment, the realm of heaven seemed to freeze!
Aww! !Guling Fengmu suddenly let out a low roar, like an evil ghost roaring in hell, moving a cannonball, surging with evil spirit, and rushed towards Mo Changge crazily. are already in absolute darkness.

The black mist billowed violently.

The ancient characters of Boundless are collapsing!
Gu Lingfeng is like a god of destruction, going forward indomitably, all the ancient characters are completely annihilated without getting close, evaporated into mist, and turned into a corpse, completely devoid of human emotions, fear and thoughts, the whole Consciousness is all about killing.

"Ghost Evil Corpse!"

"Forbidden Body!"

"The ancient Xingluo family's taboo secret technique that violates the six realms of reincarnation—the five declines of heaven and man!"

"Gu Lingfeng has just been promoted to the third-rank Martial Lord, and he actually opened the fifth level?! If I remember correctly, the old fellow of the Gu family only opened the taboo secret technique after the peak of the Martial Lord!"

Qiao Ba and the others on the high platform talked one after another, they were both in the Holy Land, so they naturally understood the secret techniques and special features of the ancestors of the ancient family.The Five Decays of Heaven and Man was once called a taboo secret technique, which can fully open the blood of the five decays of heaven and man, and was called the body of taboo.If you cultivate to the extreme, you can transcend the cycle of reincarnation and live forever!

Is Gu Lingfeng the real forbidden body?
Is it simply unique blood?Is it the superiority of martial arts talent?
still is……

(End of this chapter)

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