Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1301 Absolute suppression

Chapter 1301 Absolute suppression



Gu Lingfeng danced wildly, going forward without hesitation, he had no emotion, no consciousness, his eyes were radiant with blood, and his body was stronger than fine steel, as if he was no longer a body of flesh and blood, no longer a creature of the world, directly using The body resisted the mysterious and endless ancient characters, bombarded the thunder and lightning with iron fists, and the deafening roar resounded through the arena!

The whole audience was shocked!

The heroes who watched were all shocked!

The black mist of the underworld is surging, it is a flaming dead air, crazily eroding the realm of heaven.In a space of more than a hundred meters, the majestic aura that Mo Changge had painstakingly condensed was rapidly wilting, and the power of all the ancient characters was rapidly weakening.

Mo Changge was startled and suspicious. The ancient characters he considered domineering couldn't hurt Gu Lingfeng at all, and the terrible wind, rain, thunder and lightning couldn't split his flesh and blood. What kind of monster is this?What kind of secret method is this?
Gradually, he found in horror that his consciousness could not accurately capture Gu Lingfeng in the black mist.All he could see was a pair of blood-red eyes looking at him coldly through the black mist, looking straight at him.

Like the gaze of death!
Whole body chills!

This kind of scene is very strange, Mo Changge can't feel any life fluctuation in the other party, it seems to be just a cold corpse, an evil corpse from hell!

"Bang bang bang!"

It collapsed into a whole piece, the ancient characters and Tianwei continued to dissipate, and the scope of the field of heaven was rapidly melting.Gu Lingfeng's icy arms and fists kept bombarding the ancient characters around him at an extremely fast speed, leaving behind a series of afterimages.

"I will win! I will win! I, Mo Changge, will never back down!! Yah! Die!!" Mo Changge frantically gathered ancient characters, trying to contain the defeat that had already appeared, but the distance between the two remained at random. Gu Lingfeng's violent bombardment continued to draw closer.

Gu Lingfeng was like a bulldozer, rumbling and attacking endlessly.

Once you get close to him, the consequences can be imagined.

At the moment when Mo Changge was slightly distracted, Gu Lingfeng chopped off ten ancient characters in a row, approached suddenly, his body rose violently, and his clenched iron fist directly aimed at Mo Changge's face.

"It's so fast!!" Mo Changge was startled, spinning into the air, and blatantly bombarded with a sweep of his legs. Instead, at the moment when his fists and feet collided, a strong dead air and biting coldness were instantly aroused, eroding his thighs from the point of impact.

The same malaise happened again! !

Ugh! !Mo Changge screamed, in the darkness and in the chaos, like the wailing of an evil ghost, which made many people in the audience frown.And Mo Changge felt that his entire right leg was about to lose consciousness and was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hiss! Terrible martial arts! You can't touch it at all!" Many spectators in the audience changed their expressions slightly, and they felt creepy from a long distance away, and they were moved when they were not on the battlefield.

"It's not life-snatching, it's the erosion of death! Destroying skin, bones, and flesh!" Zhu Zhuqing's eyes turned green, staring at the battlefield brightly, as if to see through Gu Lingfeng's strange martial arts.

A fight between dragons and tigers, a wonderful duel.

Although Mo Changge's way of heaven is wild and domineering, amazing and infinitely mysterious, but Gu Lingfeng's "five declines of heaven and man" is more weird and powerful, obviously superior!
"Mo Changge is in danger!" On the side of Daqian Dynasty, Su Xiaoyan's heart was in his throat, and the scene in front of him was completely different from what he had imagined.Although the "Five Decays of Heaven and Man" once shocked all directions, it was only a few years since Gu Lingfeng was promoted.

"Mo Changge!" Zhao Kuo suddenly yelled loudly, moving the audience: "Shen Lian is dead, if you lose again, what face will the Arbitration Kingdom have!"

"Wow! I will never lose, never!!" Mo Changge went crazy, screaming suddenly, and his whole body's power soared: "The way of heaven, the way of great destruction!"

However... Gu Lingfeng suddenly appeared on his left side like a gust of wind, and slammed his palm over, forcibly interrupting his big move, forcing Mo Changge to retreat again and again.

"Mo Changge, hold on!!" Zhao Kuo roared again.

The atmosphere in the audience was weird and tense, and the sudden change of the situation was unexpected. Gu Lingfeng turned the situation around little by little with his invincible posture, and rose proudly with his young and heroic appearance, becoming the focus of the audience.

The battle is getting fiercer and more dangerous.

"I can't lose, I can't! I can't! I can't!" Mo Changge held back the severe pain, roaring again and again, with unwillingness, madness, and sadness. He tried his best to squeeze his potential and spiritual power, and maintained his strength. Heaven realm.

Regardless of whether Gu Lingfeng is a human being or a corpse now, he will never take half a step back.

Losing to Tang Yan back then has already left a demon, which is equivalent to setting up a shackle for his martial arts, and it took a lot of hard work to break it. Today, under the eyes of everyone and in front of the heroes of the world, if he loses again, the demon will surely Coming again, tightly choking on my martial arts lifeline, I am afraid that my future self will not be able to improve in martial arts even if I spend my whole life.

He can't lose, he has a hundred reasons why he can't lose.

If you lose today, you will lose the face of the kingdom.

If you lose today, you will lose your future and your entire martial arts career.

If you lose today, you will lose forever.

But Gu Lingfeng would never give him a chance, the offensive became even crazier, the killing intent was fierce, his hair danced wildly, and his shots were like lightning!Every move, every leap, every leap is like a war machine, there is always the sound of wind and thunder, and the vitality of the world seems to be mighty because of him!
This is a fighting spirit from the soul.

"Gu Lingfeng, even if you fall down, I will pull you together! The way of heaven—the way of war!!" Mo Changge's eyes were grim, and he screamed suddenly. All the ancient characters suddenly changed, and the entire field froze. At this moment, Each ancient character looks small, but it emits a dazzling light, like a sharp sword, arousing endless killing power.

Hula!Nearly a hundred people in the audience took a step forward in unison, fixed their eyes on the arena, and stared at the Heavenly Dao Realm like a scorching sun.

"Come on, you zombie!!" Mo Changge's whole body was stiff, his eyes were bloodshot, and he raised his arms violently. All the ancient characters exploded and turned into thousands of swords and weapons, all stabbing at the crazy Gu Lingfeng .

However... Gu Lingfeng shot two strange lights from his eyes, and the offensive came to an abrupt end. The black mist around him surged and spun, forming a black vortex, tens of feet in size, like an ancient evil beast Zhang He opened his huge mouth, and swallowed countless beams of weaponry into it.

It's like opening up a black hole in space, devouring everything.

hum! !

The audience suddenly froze, and all the focus converged on the black vortex.

The final trick exploded with a bang, and the final ultimate move ended in an instant!
Rising and melting, all in one breath.

how's it going?Even Zhao Huan, Qin Minghuang and others frowned slightly, staring intently at the frozen black vortex.

For a long, long time... There was no earth-shattering explosion, no shocking wave of light, the black vortex began to fade and dissipate, and even the swallowed weapon disappeared.

finished?it's over?Mo Changge was slightly absent-minded, spurted blood, and the heavenly space that was already on the verge of its limit collapsed, and he retreated as if struck by lightning, and fell to the ground like a sack, writhing one after another.

He struggled to his feet.

But... At this moment, his heart trembled.

lost?No... no... Whoosh! !The black vortex suddenly dissipated completely, Gu Lingfeng sprang out violently, his eyes were extremely cold, and he rushed to less than three feet in front of Mo Changge in an instant, his right hand shook, and his five fingers were tightly together, like a sword, ruthlessly slashed across , blood spattered, a terrifying wound swept across the chest from the abdominal cavity to the shoulder.

The chest cavity was cut open, the stomach was ripped open, and the internal organs were exposed, dripping with blood.

At this moment, the bright red blood color became the only one in everyone's eyes.

Gu Lingfeng's offensive continued, and the momentum continued. He grabbed Mo Changge's hair and pulled it fiercely in front of him. The whole thing exploded.

He has no emotions now, he is completely a killing machine, and he is stubbornly swayed by the idea of ​​'killing Mo Changge', this moment...he has no intention of holding back at all.

Another tragedy?The atmosphere of the audience froze with Gu Lingfeng's storm. Some people frowned, some were excited, some were angry, and some looked forward to it.

"Enough!!" Han Shaofeng, who was sitting in command, forcibly intervened at a critical moment, a cold light swept across, and suddenly opened up in front of the two of them, and the violent and cold wave of light swept them all away.

Mo Changge fell directly outside the arena, and the guards of the holy land who had been waiting for a long time quickly surrounded him to protect him.

During the fall, Gu Lingfeng tossed in the air, controlled his figure, and landed steadily on the ground. He only took half a step back, his face was expressionless, his black hair was messy covering his face, only two pairs of eyes revealed the blood of death, only The arms and limbs steamed with flaming dead air.

Wow! !Mo Changge vomited blood again, he was in a state of embarrassment, his eyes were full of ferocity, and he stared unwillingly and resentfully at the dead and stiff corpse on the ring.

Gu Lingfeng was stunned for a while, and the light in his eyes gradually recovered. The eight acupoints on his body burst into incomparably brilliant light at the same time, and endless life energy rushed out, covering his body in an instant.

When the light dissipated, Gu Lingfeng returned to his original appearance, except that his complexion became much paler, and there were a few strands of paleness in his black hair, and he was not seriously injured.

Judgment between the strong and the weak!

Confront head-on, without any tricks.

Gu Lingfeng hit Mo Changge hard with absolute advantage!
(End of this chapter)

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