Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1304 Proud Stubbornness

Chapter 1304 Proud Stubbornness
Outside the first martial arts arena, in a secluded corner, a woman was hugging a boy tightly, her eyes were dim with tears, she was agitated and choked up several times.

The woman has an extraordinary temperament, with a unique classical beauty, her face is not stunning, but she is definitely good-looking. She does not wear makeup, but carefully trims her temples, showing a meticulous seriousness and heroism. The purple skirt is embroidered with blue patterns, which set off a A sense of mystery and dignity.

It was Lei Nu from the Valley of the Evil—Ling Qingmao!

The young man in her arms is the young master of the villain Valley who has run away from home for more than 20 years and has completely cut off contact with him—'Tianleizi' Zhao Zimo!

27 years ago, Zhao Zimo, who was only 16 years old, stole the only nine space scrolls in the Valley of the Wicked, avoided all tracking, a series of space crossings, far away from the Valley of the Wicked, and randomly passed to the unreached land.

He went very thoroughly, only taking away the cub of the mysterious desolate beast three-legged toad, leaving only a short letter-"I don't want to be a 'pet' raised by you, I don't want to be raised in a greenhouse, I want to be alone To grow up and explore the world. I don't rely on the sky, the earth, my parents, or my background. I only rely on myself and my blood.

Even if I die, I will not waste my life.

Please respect my choice, unless I return on my own, don't monitor or search for me.If you find out, you will definitely abolish your blood, and you will never step into the Valley of the Wicked for eternity. "

His departure brought endless uproar and shock to the Valley of the Wicked, and the sonorous and powerful letter won the sincere sigh and appreciation of the "wicked people".

The sentence "Even if I die, I will not waste my life" made Chu Kuangfeng's generation applaud again and again.

The Valley of the Evil does not raise pets, and the Valley of the Evil does not raise arrogant and arrogant people. Iron can only be forged into steel through hard work. This is the faith that many unruly people in the Valley of the Evil abide by. admiration? !
Afterwards, the owner of the valley personally ordered that no one should be followed, leaving Zimo a free and open martial arts journey and giving him a chance to prove himself.

Since then, Zhao Zimo's existence has gradually faded in everyone's memory, Zhao Zimo's appearance has gradually been blurred by the years, only occasionally remembered, only occasionally mentioned, people will whisper in their hearts: "Young master, is he still alive?"

As a mother, Ling Qingnuma is proud of her child, proud of this stubbornness and tenacity, proud of this blood and dream, proud of this bravery and understanding, gritted her teeth and refused to send people to investigate, endured Be careful not to send someone to ask.

But in the dead of night, why not wash your face with tears.

In the end, he directly pretended that such a child had never been born.

It's been 27 years. It's been 27 years. If Zhao Zimo's boyhood portrait hadn't been hanging in her room all the time, she would hardly remember what her child looked like.

"You are finally back, child, mother is proud of you!!" Ling Qingzhao hugged Zhao Zimo tightly, not wanting to let go for a moment, and the hazy tears in her eyes still flowed down after all.

In just 25 years, he has been promoted from a junior Martial King to a high-ranking Martial Venerable!

The three-legged toad that he carried with him was actually promoted to the semi-holy realm!
Don't rely on the sky or the earth, don't rely on your parents or your background.

He does not have the guardianship of the Valley of the Evil, so naturally he will not have the treasures of heaven and earth as 'snacks', he will not have spiritual liquid and medicine to soak the body, he will not have noble saints to personally guide him, and he will not have precious The environment is used to temper and run-in.

He is not like the secret successor of any force, unlike the prince of the kingdom and the treasure of the ancient clan, he walked step by step, in the wilderness and between life and death, firmly and truly.

How not to make people excited, how not to make people proud!
If it weren't for the fact that the event of this alliance was so important, Ling Qingma might have announced it to Quangu and celebrated wildly.And Chu Kuangfeng also carefully arranged for his cronies, only notifying himself, so as not to cause unnecessary sensation.

"I'm not coming back, I'm here to compete." Zhao Zimo remained indifferent and calm as always, slowly pushed his mother away, took two steps back, and opened the distance.

"What?" Ling Qingnuma gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"I changed my name to Zhao Zimo! My current identity is a loose man in the mountains, not the young master of the Valley of the Wicked, nor the child of a saint. Standing in the Valley of the Wicked today, I am just a contestant from the wilderness." By.

I'm just me, I'm still me, I don't need any assistance, let alone a little bit of charity from you, no matter now, or in the future, or that sentence, if you really treat me as a son, please respect me choose. "

"You are now a high-ranking martial artist, you have completely proved yourself, you have proved yourself very well, no one will question your ability anymore, you can come back.

You are now in a high-level Martial Venerable Realm. From Martial Venerable to Semi-Saint, it is a crucial hurdle in your martial arts journey, and it even determines your chances of becoming a saint in the future.I will contact your father, your uncles, and even the Pure Land Chenyuan Pavilion, and we will gather all our strength to help you pass this hurdle. "

Ling Qingnuma finally looked forward to her child's return, but she would not let him go so easily.

Zhao Zimo frowned, his face was slightly gloomy: "Do you know why I left? I just don't want to see you like this, I'm afraid to see you like this!! I just want to rely on myself, I don't want to rely on the background , I hope that I can fight for everything by myself, relying on my own hands!! Even if I lose, I will admit it, even if I die, I will admit it. Does the sanctification have to rely on the family? There must be a saint to guide Is it? I don’t believe it!! I believe in myself!”

"then you……"

"If you still treat me as a son and expect me to grow better, please let go, please don't put any shackles on me, don't let me have any burden." Zhao Zimo said calmly, but his words were very firm.

Ling Qingmao opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything.

"I don't care for a semi-saint or a saint cultivated by a secret method!! I would rather use my own efforts and opportunities created by myself to win treasures for myself. Even if I stop at a semi-saint forever in this life, I am proud of it." Accept! I'm proud of myself!!" Zhao Zimo looked calm, took two steps back, and bowed deeply towards Ling Qingmao: "Please... let go..."

Staring for a long time, silent for a long time, Ling Qingmao's heart trembled, his eyes dimmed, and all the complicated things turned into a wry smile: "If you tell your father what you said, he will be very happy."

Zhao Zimo straightened up and looked at her calmly: "I will make you proud, make you prouder than today, you are my mother, please believe me."

Ling Qingmao suddenly felt a little tired, and waved her hands weakly: "You...then...then when will you really come back?"

"When I really want to come back, when the Valley of the Evil needs me, I will come back, I promise." Zhao Zimo couldn't bear it, but he was firm in his martial arts, and he never wanted to become a flower in a greenhouse.

"Okay, it's up to you." Ling Qingmao looked at the bustling No. [-] martial arts field in the distance: "Are you friends with Tang Yan?"

"You investigated me?"

"No, don't get me wrong. Just now, Chu Kuangfeng sent someone to inform me, and I asked a person in charge of Xia Tianyan by the way, and he said a few words. Don't worry, I won't investigate you too much, stop here, Not going any further."

"Thank you."

Ling Qingmao hesitated for a while, but couldn't help asking: "That Tang you understand?"

"He has a bit of a rascal character, he is cunning in his handling of things, he is very casual in laughing and cursing, but he is trustworthy, so he can be a good friend." Zhao Zimo showed a slight smile, although it was fleeting, it was already very rare: " Tang Yan, Du Yang, Longli, Chocolate... many people, we are all friends, we share weal and woe, I cherish this friendship very much, really...I cherish..."

Ling Qingmao finally saw a smile on the corner of Zhao Zimo's mouth, she smiled too, and nodded vigorously: "Okay!! Okay!! I'm actually satisfied to see you alive. I'll give you some more time, you take care of yourself Work hard and continue your journey, before you really come back, the Valley of the Wicked is the Valley of the Wicked, you are you, we have nothing to do with each other, and we will not deliberately provide you with any help, even today's meeting does not exist."

"Thank you for your understanding!!" Zhao Zimo expected exactly this.

"Come on, let mother hug me again." Ling Qingmao sighed quietly, hugged Zhao Zimo, and patted him on the shoulder lightly: "Take care, come on, at the moment you left, you were the hero in mother's heart , me and your father are proud of you! Really!! Son, we are proud of you!"

Zhao Zimo's heart trembled slightly, and he held back the warmth and haze in the corners of his eyes.

"Okay, let's go, let's experience this event well, and you will gain something."

Zhao Zimo collected his emotions and turned to leave, but after walking a few steps, he suddenly remembered something and looked back at his mother: "You just..."

Ling Qingnuma turned her head to wipe away the tears at the corner of her eyes: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"My father isn't in the Valley of the Evil?" Zhao Zimo remembered that his mother had just mentioned "what would happen if my father was there?" Thinking about it carefully, the taste was not right.

"Oh, he's not here, he's been away for a while."

"Where did you go?"

"To a place far away."


"Don't get excited, it's not what you think. Your father, the owner of Chenyuan Pavilion in Pure Land, and the guardian of the academy went to a special place together to make preparations for this alliance in advance."

special place?Is it worth the three Lords of the Holy Land to go there in person?Zhao Zimo frowned slightly, but didn't ask any further questions. He said "precious" again, and left quietly. After several twists and turns, he returned to the first martial arts arena.

(End of this chapter)

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