Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1305 Officially Unveiled

Chapter 1305 Officially Unveiled
The challenge matches are carried out one after another, and continue round after round. Each round is extremely fierce, different exciting, different styles, but the same exciting and infinite, bringing the martial arts arena a unique experience. The waves of cheers and exclamations made the high-level officials of the Holy Land on the high platform nod their heads frequently and discuss and comment several times.

Since there were no particularly serious casualties after Shen Lian's death, the attitudes of all parties gradually changed, and they followed the fierce battles with appreciative eyes, observing the genius successors one by one.

I have to admit that neither the challengers nor the defenders have lived up to their reputation as geniuses, except for a few who were quickly defeated because the gap between them was too obvious and did not show their true strength, about [-]% On the battlefield, both the defending side and the challenger side showed their 'genius' to the fullest.

No one wants to be eliminated, everyone wants to win the promotion spot, everyone wants to show a strong and tenacious self in front of hundreds of talents, and no one will be slack, so every challenge, every round of strong confrontation, Without exception, all of them are bursts of passion and displays of stunts.

Full of passion!Keep it hot!

Wild, gorgeous, sad, bloody!

Roaring and spiritual power are boiling together!Light dances with weapons!
It's a hormonal surge!It's a splash of blood! !

Every scene has different wonderful and different feelings. Whether it is the Three Holy Lands on the high platform, or the disciples of the Valley of the Wicked looking in all directions, or even the geniuses waiting in the audience, they are all paying attention intently, for fear of missing any one. Details, for fear of missing any exciting scene.

From the scorching sun at noon, to the evening glow all over the sky, and then to the flocks of torches at night, the high arrogance of the battle continued unabated, one battle after another.

Until late at night, the last round of competition was settled under the passion and roar, and the last collision ended with heroism and sorrow. A total of 34 rounds of fierce fighting finally came to a successful conclusion.

A new batch of 180 finalists were all selected.

Some families are happy and some are sad. The losers are full of unwillingness and grief, and even more melancholy and depression. The winners are full of pride, and have infinite pride and expectations.

And the whole fierce battle is also accompanied by continuous variables—for example, some descendants of the forbidden land were defeated by the prince of the kingdom, causing uproar and commotion, and for example, the descendants of the hidden world strongly suppressed the descendants of the empire, causing shock and excitement.

As for the Xingluo Empire, Liu Qingqing, who was wounded herself, was unfortunately eliminated, and Xiang Wanqing, who returned again, returned as she wished, leaving and staying, which means that the Xingluo Empire's team lost a vanguard, but more comprehensive scouts .

On the Daqian Dynasty, Zhongsun Yuechan and Su Xiaoyan all successfully defended the ring with their wonderful performances, which did not disappoint Zhao Huan, and did not let their already weak team weaken their strength.

The rest of Panshenzhai, Kuibing Tower, Chunyang Realm, and the three holy places each eliminated one descendant. This result is somewhat dramatic, but it proves that the descendants of each kingdom are not absolutely behind the forbidden land.

"Thank you for your wonderful performance, for presenting us with an unparalleled feast." Du Jue left the high stage in person, and announced loudly: "First of all, I have a message for all those who failed to challenge and defend. Yes, but in view of your wonderful performance, you can stay in the Valley of the Wicked, follow up the future competitions, appreciate the excitement of each competition, and also receive a gift jointly issued by the Three Holy Lands after all the competitions - a special martial skill, A martial skill that you have never seen before, a martial skill that can save your life in the future."

oh?The prize is martial arts? !
Never seen it?Save your life? !

The special description made the atmosphere of the audience quiet again and again, until the needle drop could be heard, and even those who were about to leave angrily because of the defeat stopped one after another, looking up at Du Jue in the sky strangely.

"What martial skill? Can you reveal it in advance?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"For the time being, it will be announced later! Including those inviters who were rejected from the valley, they will stay for the time being, and they will also get similar but different martial arts. The guarantee from the Three Holy Lands is that you will never dislike them That martial skill will definitely be regarded as a treasure." Du Jue made a fool of himself a little, not on purpose to whet his appetite, but because the timing was not right.

"How long is the whole game?" The eliminated people are more or less depressed and irritable. They are all proud people, so naturally they don't want to sit here dryly and look at other people as eliminated keep fighting.If it takes too long, they would rather not have any broken martial arts.

"It's not that I can't say, it's that the whole process needs to be constantly adjusted. If you really want to determine a time period, you can estimate it within 20 days to [-] days. During this period, you can stay in the Valley of the Wicked and recuperate the pain you just suffered in the arena. injury."

"What if I insist on leaving?" Some people have a lot of self-esteem, maybe they haven't suffered setbacks since childhood, and some can't bear the humiliation of coming all the way to be a spectator.

"Of course, we are just suggesting, but you are probably all seriously injured now. It is a long journey from the Valley of the Wicked back to your own country, and there are many variables. I am afraid you will not be willing to take your injuries on the road, right? Dear benefactors, please calm down , Look at the next game with a learning perspective, and you may have unexpected gains."

The atmosphere fell silent for a while, and those who were angrily about to leave frowned and remained silent. If they were in their prime, they would be confident that they could return to the country with their companions, but now they are all wounded, and if something happens, they could easily lose their lives. .What's more... It's a bit embarrassing to go home empty-handed. If you can bring back a prize, it might be a psychological comfort.

Du Jue waited for the meeting, saw that no one raised any objections, and continued: "All the invitees who have successfully advanced, a total of 180 seven people, you are very honored, you are excellent, but please don't be proud, be prepared to continue to suffer , because you are not here to travel, you are here to fight for opportunities.

In the next period of time, Three Sacred Lands has prepared a series of competitions for you, involving different aspects and each with different assessment methods.First of all, the situation of the first round of formal assessment is a team battle! "

"Team battle?" Tang Yan and the others cheered up. After two rounds of solo battles, they finally had a chance to show their strength as a team.

"The team battle is divided into 11 teams. Each team has at least ten and a maximum of [-] people. Those who have an excess number will be randomly cut off by the Holy Land during the match. Those who are not enough will be deemed to have automatically abstained and will not be allowed to participate in the team battle. As for how Forming a team, who will be the leader, and how to share the duties within the team are all up to you to decide.

The Holy Land will give you three days of preparation time. During these three days, you can rest assured to recuperate from the injuries left in the ring, find suitable teammates along the way, cultivate a good sense of team, and determine your position and leader.

For the sake of fairness and to avoid the appearance of too strong teams, it is hereby stipulated that no alliance between forbidden areas, no alliance between empires, no alliance between forbidden areas and empires, that is, forbidden areas and empires must be divided into different teams, and there must be no alliance Overlapping is allowed, otherwise it will be regarded as a violation and judged to be a waiver. "

The atmosphere of the audience fell into a strange, slightly embarrassing situation.

random combination?Form your own team? !It really is a novel assessment method!

Forming different teams in three days means that different countries and forces will cooperate and form alliances to advance and retreat together.But most of the audience are strangers, and they are all unruly people, how to recruit teammates?And how to determine the primary and secondary relationship in the team?

In most teams, there may be more than two crown princes, or the leaders of the forbidden area. They all represent different countries, are lonely and noble, and they are usually the ones who lead others. Who would be willing to be led by others?
Who would admit that they are worse than others, and who would be willing to become a thug?
"One of the purposes of holding the League Competition in the Holy Land is to strengthen the connection between all parties and deepen the exchanges between different regions. This is why we set the first game as a team battle. In three days, you can play as much as you want. Use your own abilities, whether it's lobbying, admiration, or hitting it off at first sight, in short, you must use your own methods to gather ten people and form your own groups.

Let me emphasize again that the team battle is an action that everyone must participate in. No one can refuse to participate for any reason. After three days, if anyone does not find a team, it will be deemed as giving up all the games automatically. We will start from more than 100 players The spectators select newcomers to supplement. "

Du Jue made a rather strict restriction, which made those lonely and arrogant people frown.

Tang Yan frowned and thought for a while, then gestured to Xu Yan and Nalantu who were in the distance, and the two had also looked over, met each other's eyes, and nodded tacitly.As for Du Yang and others, they remained silent and did not return in a hurry.

The reason why Xu Yan and Nalantu are needed is that Tang Yan's team can't only have himself as a semi-saint, otherwise it will be too disadvantageous, and the identity of Xu Yan's bone clan can't be exposed too much, and her combat power is extremely terrifying. The combination of the two is considered a perfect match, which is equivalent to securing a chance of winning, but how can Nalantu be missing in the team battle?What's more, Nalantu was in a panic because of grievances, and he couldn't let him stay outside by himself, otherwise it would be too risky.

As for Du Yang, Ren Tianzan, Zhao Zimo, and Chocolate, it would be more appropriate to stay in other teams, so that they could make new friends and learn about new situations.What's more, Tang Yan's relationship with them has always been friends, not subordinates, everyone is here to experience, not to be a thug for himself.Based on this respect, Tang Yan will not easily summon all the nine murderers to return.

In this way, Tang Yan's lineup had six people including himself.

Fighters: Xu Yan, Matthews.

Shield plus military division: Xuanyuan Dragon Carp.

Formation division plus military division: Nalantu.

Almighty Warlock: Niya.

"The rules and requirements have been clearly explained to you. Next, please go back to your respective valleys to rest. Three days later, at Yinshi in the morning, we are still gathering in the first martial arts field. As for the occasion and rules of the team battle, we will announce it later. Now ...Let's go away..."

(End of this chapter)

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