Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1306

Chapter 1306 Super Ultimate Trio
The challenge has come to an end, but the team battle that followed has brought a long-lasting aftermath to the challenge. The five empires, the eight forbidden areas, and people with great ambitions in certain kingdoms have begun to recall the entire challenge. Recall the abilities of the best 13 players, recall the strength of each winner, and recall the dispositions revealed by each strong player, in order to make choices for your own selection of players!

From the early morning of that night, all parties began to take active or covert activities, went to different valleys, visited the favorite strongman, and intended to form a team battle alliance.

It is better to act first, everyone understands this truth!

In the eyes of princes and princes, being able to get acquainted and form alliances with different strong men is not just for the sake of team battles. If the relationship is really good, and even the relationship between each other's countries after deciding to leave the Valley of the Wicked, maybe it will be possible. There will be a series of subsequent unexpected gains.

After all, these people somehow lead the country!
"Why are you back?" In the early morning, Tang Yan was about to leave the yard when he saw Gu Lingfeng return again by accident.

"Why, aren't you welcome?" Gu Lingfeng smiled.

Tang Yan's eyes lit up: "You want to join our team?"

"I personally mentioned it to Qin Minghuang. Counting Cang Ming who just returned, he already has four semi-sages on his side, plus Mu Zixiu, Huo Sheng, and Xiang Wanqing. There are already seven people. They are all strong and there are no shortages. I am one of them. He listened to me, and without any hesitation, let me come over directly. It happened that my spot was vacant, and he could recruit descendants from other kingdoms."

"What about the Holy Land? They agree?"

"I've visited Master Juejue. The reason why the Three Sacred Lands decided not to allow the Forbidden Land to form an alliance with the Empire is because they are worried that too many half-sages will gather in one team, but I'm just a Martial Lord, and they won't care." Gu Lingfeng thought about it before doing it. The decision he made was not a flattering person, and he had always had a bad relationship with Qin Minghuang. He always felt uncomfortable staying in the imperial team, so he might as well join Tang Yan and the others for freedom and briskness.

"Okay!! Haha, welcome! Of course you are welcome!!" Of course Tang Yan welcomed him 100%, and hugged him vigorously: "You go to rest first, and I will find a few people."

"Have a goal?"

"With seven or eight, it's better to strike first. I'll come as soon as I go."

"How do you persuade them?"

"Persuade? Do you need to persuade?" Tang Yan was stunned for a while, while Gu Lingfeng was startled by his blank expression: "Uh... don't you need to persuade?"

"You think it's complicated, but it's actually very simple. Unless you want to be eliminated directly, everyone must join a group. If you don't add me, you must add others. After all, you have to add one, right? This thing is about you and me I hope, it's not a gift promise to play tricks, for the type who tilts his head and eyes sideways, I can't afford to serve you, and I can't afford it. For those who see the right way, I will naturally follow and come over!" Tang Yan left a sentence The words disappeared in a flash.

Gu Lingfeng was stunned for a while, then shook his head and smiled: "What a weird person."

In the courtyard, the lanterns were hung high, and it was full of fire, against the background of the old trees and flowers, dotted with the stars and the sky, there was a different kind of warm atmosphere, which was not found in other places, and it was exactly what Gu Lingfeng appreciated.

Xu Yan, Matthews, Niya, Xuanyuan Longli and Nalantu were all waiting in the yard. The good friends Longli and Nalantu were drinking tea and chatting, very leisurely. Matthews sat Wiping their iron swords beside them, Niya and Xu Yan sat alone in the corner and meditated.

Gu Lingfeng got acquainted with them as early as on the way to the Valley of the Evil, and they are very familiar with each other.He just said hello and integrated into the team, so he didn't feel alienated.

"Who is Tang Yan eyeing? I think he looks very excited." Gu Lingfeng sat at the stone table and took the teacup from Long Li.

"He has his eyes on a few, and we recommended a few. Those who come here intentionally, we welcome them with both hands. Those who are cold and arrogant, don't worry about it. Team battles are all about unity and cooperation. Once there is an uncoordinated factor, the team will change. It tastes good." Xuanyuan Longli enjoyed the tea in the cup, which was forcibly scavenged from Tang Yan just now.That guy had raided the Arbitration King City back then, looted countless treasures, and wandered around the treasure house in Jiulongling. Not only were there a lot of weapons and treasures, but also good wine and tea.

"Aren't you going to help recruit?"

Both Nalantu and Longli laughed: "He's the captain, so it's more satisfying to recruit him personally. Didn't you see? He's very excited, and he likes to go out and wander."

Nalantu asked: "Who does Qin Minghuang like?"

"I have selected a few semi-saints in the second batch, as well as the princes of the three kingdoms, and I am going to lobby in person. He only has three or four places left, and he needs to think carefully. I can leave just as he wished." Gu There was some conflict in Ling Feng's words, he shook his head, stopped talking about him, and asked instead: "Are there any demi-saints among the targets you selected? The five empires are basically equipped with more than four demi-saints. It won't be less than three, we only have two here, will it..."

Long Li waved his hand: "Show the enemy weak, only then can the enemy be strong."

Nalan Tuo said: "Tang Yan and Xu Yan are both top three, they are both cheating tools, Matthews' sword, Niya's talisman, Brother Longli's Jinxiu Shanhe, and a little bit of formation to reconcile , the power is equally unrivaled."

"What about me?" Gu Lingfeng looked at Nalantu again. Being able to enter the most luxurious lineup of the world's heroes with a low-level martial master is by no means weak and weak as seen on the surface.

In fact, think about it carefully, who is not a freak around Tang Yan?

He sometimes thinks he is a freak, but he seems to be a little bit worse when he is mixed in. This is another main reason that attracted him to come here.This is a special team, a team full of variables and expectations.

"The harmony of the formations, the victory lies in adapting to the situation. If you encounter a battle, I will let you maximize your strength." Nalantu will have infinite confidence only when talking about the formations.

Tang Yan left for a whole hour and a half, and didn't come back until dawn when the sky was getting dark.However, all the valleys are brightly lit. The princes of the five empires, the captains of the forbidden areas, and the top figures of certain kingdoms are all busy recruiting their teammates.

Tang Yan brought back three people, and the atmosphere in the courtyard immediately became weird.

Obviously a big surprise.

The first one is the most unique and the most anticipated - Spirit Pheasant!
The semi-spiritual species, which is as famous as space fighters, is a special species that is separated from normal creatures.

His breath is very cold and gloomy, especially in the dark night when the lanterns are dyed red, the inconspicuous features on his pale face are creepy, and it makes my heart shudder when I look at it.

Standing in the yard, not speaking, eyes downcast, air-conditioned.

Tang Yan was able to invite him, which was somewhat beyond everyone's expectations. After all, he is a strange life body that is as rare as the space warrior Chocolate. There, anyone would take the risk and try, looking forward to being recruited into their team.

Before Tang Yan, several people had already visited, and they were all forced to retreat by the cold silence. Tang Yan didn't say anything, but turned his arms, knees and other limbs into monster claws in front of him. .

The meaning is simple and clear - we are the same kind of people!We are not normal human beings!Follow me, no discrimination!

The spirit pheasant is even simpler, leave the room and follow.

The second one is a girl, a fragile girl——Youzhuo!
Belonging to the special family and bloodline of Nalantu, it is one of the seven monsters independent of the 180 people who have advanced, and it is recommended by Nalantu to Tang Yan.

"Big...big...cough cough...Hello everyone, name is Youzhuo...please give me a lot of pointers...advice..." Youzhuo stammered a little, and when facing so many strangers, he stuttered even more. His thin cheeks were flushed red, he lowered his head vigorously, and twisted the hem of his clothes, feeling very cramped.

She is only 1.5 meters tall, short and delicate, very thin, with ordinary looks and temperament. If she is thrown in the crowd, she will definitely be the type of village doll that will be forgotten at a glance, but her eyes will occasionally flash a little strong and stubborn. A spirit of not admitting defeat makes her a little bit unique.

"Hello, you are welcome to join." Gu Lingfeng and others all showed sincere smiles, so as not to embarrass You Zhuang.

"Those are your two sisters, they will protect you." Tang Yan patted the little girl on the shoulder, pointing to Niya and Xu Yan.

"Oh." You Zhuang pursed her thin lips, twisted the corners of her clothes, trotted a few steps, and came to Niya and Xu Yan, but still lowered her head vigorously, looking very shy.

"Hello." Niya offered to extend her hand.

Youzhuan raised his head, met Niya's eyes, his expression flickered, and then he wiped his clothes vigorously with his small hands, and then took Niya's hand: "Hello, sister, you are so beautiful. Pretty as purple orchids."

Niya showed a smile. It could be seen that the little girl was not the scheming type, but a very simple child. I don't know how the family would trust her to come here to compete.

"Hello everyone, all beauties and handsome guys, hello, next year there will be fish." The third is a handsome and messy boy with a bright smile and polite manners. Every year is full of peace and happiness. Haha, this is a symbol of joy, please give me more advice, more advice.”

who is thisWhere did it come from?It seems that there is no impression?
Everyone muttered secretly, but out of politeness, they all responded enthusiastically.

"Welcome everyone to join us. From now on, we will be a team. We will help each other and work together. We don't want to win, but just to have fun." Tang Yan applauded and said with a smile: "It's getting late, everyone has worked hard , There are still three days left, let's take a good rest, get in touch with each other more, and strive to have an understanding in advance, so that the game will be more tacit."

(End of this chapter)

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