Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1309

Chapter 1309
"You've grown up." The boy's voice was hoarse and low, his face was pale, his eyes were cold, he raised his head like a poisonous snake, and looked at Nalantu: "It's a pity... I don't live long..."

Nalantu tried his best to restrain his emotions, his whole body was tense and stiff, his fingertips pierced the flesh, the tingling mixed with stickiness, touching his mind, but his breathing was messy...he was rough..."Are you angry? You're actually angry!" The child laughed sinisterly, and snorted coldly: "It really surprises me that such a poor, pathetic sissy like you can actually be angry."

"Zhuang Nan!" Panicked Zhai's companion raised his hand to stop his provocation, but the boy slammed his arms away, with cold eyes and wicked lips, he approached Nalan Tu step by step: "You ignore me? You forgot me? Do you want me to help you recall?"

Tang Yan turned his head to look at Nalantu, quietly beckoned to Niya and the others, waiting for his eruption.

The masked man in front of Panshenzhai remained silent, but he seemed to have sensed Tang Yan's intentions, and his thoughts had gradually locked on him.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird.

Nalantu suppressed his emotional fluctuations, his palms were bleeding, his eyes were blurry, his face was pale, and finally he made a sound, but he squeezed out a sentence through his teeth with difficulty: "I don't know you!!"

"Don't know? Haha, what an unfilial son, he even forgot the enemy who exterminated the clan! Back then, Panshenzhai entered your Nalan City and slaughtered them all. I was ordered by my teacher to search for the formation in Baoge. Yes, it actually disappeared, and it was taken away by you, a yellow-haired bastard. I was punished by the master, faced the wall and thought about it for three full years, and endured countless humiliations."

Nalantu gritted his teeth and remained silent, his eyes gradually bloodshot.

The atmosphere continued to be oppressive, almost wringing water out.

"Do you remember? Hehe, you were still young and couldn't remember everything. You walked fast and didn't know much. Let me do a retrospective for you. Do you know who killed your father? It was me! I just did that Tore him alive, torn into seven halves! Do you know who killed your sister? It was me! I threw her into the valley of beasts and watched her be eaten clean! Do you know who killed her? Your mother? Hehe, it's me, or me!" The little baby Zhuang Nan took a few steps forward, and his voice was as low as a mosquito: "By the way, your mother..."

"Enough!!" Nalantu suddenly erupted, screaming like a ghost.

The extremely suppressed atmosphere shattered at the same time. Zhuang Nan had been prepared for a long time, and he clasped his claws towards Nalantu's chest.

too close!Less than half a meter!
The distance between the two is too close, almost close to each other!

Outsiders are powerless to rescue!
Also at this moment, a chaotic storm erupted—— Tang Yan's aura shook violently, and he clenched his fists and bombarded Zhuang Nan.Captain Panshenzhai was ready to go, and a gloomy energy pricked Tang Yan.

However... Tang Yan suddenly changed course at the nick of time, and Iron Fist turned to bombard the dark horse.

As for Nalantu... Clang! !
The iron sword was unsheathed, the sword glow flickered, and a line of blood mixed with four fingers scattered high into the sky... Boom! !
Zhuang Nan's sharp claws clasped Nalantu's chest, but it was no longer a claw, but a palm with all five fingers cut off at the root, dripping with blood.As if struck by lightning, Nalantu was sent flying violently, his chest was overwhelmed, and blood spurted out in mid-air, and was stopped by the rune shot by Niya in mid-air and quickly wrapped up.

Zhuang Nan was stunned for a moment, and fixedly looked at his right hand that was spurting blood. A moment later, sharp stabbing pain filled his whole body, his face was terrified, he staggered back, and let out a miserable scream: "Ah!! My hand!! "

Ten steps away, Matthews slowly withdrew his sword, expressionless: "Next time, cut off your head!"

"Are you looking for death?!" The other two powerhouses in Panshenzhai were furious, and they nearly blasted out with their strong spiritual power mixed with martial arts.

"Try?" Xu Yan and Gu Lingfeng stepped forward at the same time, their murderous aura soaring.

The mutation erupted too quickly and suddenly, Zhuang Nan intentionally stimulated Nalantu, and stimulated him to take the initiative to take action, the intention was to take the opportunity to leave a 'mark' on Nalantu - to cripple some of his ribs!
His companions all showed their vigilance, and secretly prepared to guard against Tang Yan and others, but no one paid attention to Matthews who was more than ten steps away, and it was this lack of attention that made them pay the price.

Matthews' sword, as fast as lightning!

Matthews is as ruthless as a wolf!

With the sword out of its sheath, all five fingers were severed!

Finger bones connected to heart, excruciating pain!Zhuang Nan screamed and knelt on the ground in pain.

Wow! !There was an uproar in the martial arts arena, and tens of thousands of eyes from the audience gathered here, whether it was the teams already in place or the teams entering the arena, all of them were vigilant.

"What are you doing?!" The higher-ups who had just rushed to the Three Holy Lands yelled in unison, and the majestic power swept over, forcibly suppressing the imminent battlefield.

"If you don't die, you won't die. I came here on purpose. If it weren't for the ban on killing people, the boy's head would have been beheaded just now!" Tang Yan winked at the captain of Panshenzhai without a trace, smiled coldly, and turned to Announced loudly: "It's nothing serious, warming up before the game, there was a little misunderstanding, I made everyone laugh."

"Don't be impulsive, stay here." Niya controlled Nalantu, quickly healed him, and calmed his emotions.In the scene just now, Zhuang Nan's withered palm was cut off by Matthews, which was tantamount to stopping the vicious martial arts, so Nalan Tu did not leave any flesh wounds, and did not cause major damage.

"Will you bleed to warm up before the game?" Han Shaofeng walked in the front, standing proudly in the air, his expression darkened immediately after seeing the severed finger on the ground and Zhuang Nan's distorted face.

"They did it first, and it was Matthews who cut off my hand! Justice must be given!" Zhuang Nan knelt on the ground in pain, tightly clutching the wrist of his right hand, his face distorted and ferocious.

"You're not looking for trouble, my brother can do it?" Tang Yan looked at the captain of Panshenzhai with a half-smile, and said with deep meaning: "Right and wrong, we know each other. Right?"

Captain Panshenzhai cast a gloomy glance at Tang Yan, and said to the higher-ups of the Holy Land, "We are discussing each other. Severing a finger is an accident."

"You..." Zhuang Nan has a venomous personality and was about to lose his temper, but was held down by his companion: "It's pointless to keep pestering you, let's take revenge on the field!"

"Did you see it? Let's learn!" Tang Yan spread his hands with a smile, and slowly stepped back to the side. By the way, he gave everyone in Panshenzhai a gesture of wiping their necks. The intention of the war letter is self-evident!

"Tang Yan, I solemnly warn you, and this is the last time I warn you. If you dare to take the initiative to make trouble, I will never forgive you!" Han Shaofeng said heavily, reminding Tang Yan sternly.

The captains of the other teams were puzzled, what happened just now?Is Tang Yan a warmonger?Is it uncomfortable not to make trouble?The feud with the Daqian Dynasty has not yet been resolved, and the two forbidden places of Zhenyao Temple and Panshenzhai have feuded again.He is really not afraid of death, or there is something wrong with his head!

"Can you cut off your finger and connect it again?" Chu Kuangfeng took the initiative to ask the holy monk Liuhe, skillfully disconnected Han Shaofeng and continued to reprimand him.

"You can try it, but you must use it carefully after connecting it, and don't use strong force, otherwise it may fall off automatically." The holy monk Liuhe went to Zhuang Nan and treated him personally.

"Tang Yan, don't cause trouble, the tolerance of the Holy Land is limited." Ling Qingmao looked at Tang Yan and made a clear reminder.

"Brother, can we not be surprised, that's a forbidden place, that's Panshenzhai, your family is big and you're not afraid of death, but I'm a lonely family!" Nian Youyu begged Tang Yan with lingering fear, the scene just now was too scary , almost really fought.

"I've seen blood, a little interest! Our revenge will be avenged after all, don't bear it anymore!" Tang Yan hugged Nalan Tu's shoulders forcefully.I deliberately uncovered the scars of Nalantus, and the method was somewhat cruel, but this was the most direct way to arouse the bloodiness that Nalantus should have.

"I'm going to kill him with my own hands!!" Nalantu turned his head and looked in the direction of Panshenzhai. Zhuang Nan was sitting there, looking at him with cold and resentful eyes.

"That's how it should be!!" Tang Yan hugged him hard again, and led the team to other places. When passing by Zhenyao Temple, he blew a loud whistle at Xue Tianchen. This action once again attracted frequent sideways glances.

Not far away, Du Yang and Zhao Zimo looked at each other, they both smiled wryly and shook their heads, they haven't changed at all, it's really worrying.

"Are you sure Tang Yan's head is fine?"

"It's just a lunatic!!"

"Okay! Very good!! He took the initiative to provoke Panshenzhai, which means that we have a new ally in Dagan. Hmph, we don't know what to do!"

"Madman! Same type as Xue Tianchen from Town Demon Temple."

"Interesting, with such a person, the trip to the Valley of the Wicked is destined to be very lively."

There were sparse discussions among the various teams, especially in the empires.

(End of this chapter)

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