Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1310 Golden Flame Spirit Turtle

Chapter 1310 Golden Flame Spirit Turtle
"Congratulations!" Qiao Ba's voice suppressed the discussion of the audience, and drew everyone's attention: "Congratulations on successfully forming a team, eighteen teams, and living up to expectations!! Whether you are a voluntary team or a deadline Hastily forming an alliance, once the team is established, it will be a whole, and it must advance together, otherwise everyone in the team will suffer losses!!

The first game—the team battle game officially begins. First of all, the captains of the [-] teams are invited to stand at the front of the team, announce your names loudly, and report the number of teams! "

"Dagan Dynasty——Zhao Huan! There are 11 people in the team!"

"Xingluo Ancient Country——Qin Minghuang! There are ten people in the team!"

"Thomas Fison United Empire - Houston! There are 11 people in the team!"

"Holy Empire—Book of Witch Commandments! There are 11 people in the team!"

"Ancient Kingdom of Heavenly Power—Murong Zixuan! There are ten people in the team!"

"Suppressing the Demon Temple—Xue Tianchen! There are 11 people in the team!"

"Ghost and God Horn—Luan Che! There are ten people in the team!"

"Jiulongling—Tang Yan! The whole team, ten people!"

"Huangshenzhai——Li Baiying! The whole team, ten people!"

"Wudi City—Ke Yutong! The whole team, ten people!"

"Kui Binglou—Tuobagui! There are ten people in the team!"

"Pure Yang Realm—Chen Chang'an! There are 11 people in the team!"

"The place where the hammer falls is heavy—Dong Qingniu! There are 11 people in the team!"

The captains of the five empires and the eight forbidden areas all announced loudly, which aroused discussions among the spectators around them. They knew more or less about the princes of the five empires.But there is very little knowledge about the forbidden area. It is the first time I have heard the name officially, and I am looking around in novelty.

After that, Du Yang took a few steps forward and announced on behalf of his team: "The casual repair team——Du Yang! There are ten people in the team!"

Ervanino and Shi Ruyun, who are also among the second batch of thirteen outstanding players, also reported forward on behalf of their own team, followed by the semi-sacred princes of the two top kingdoms who made the announcement.

Qiao Ba nodded slightly: "If you can be selected as captains, you must be trusted and have a certain degree of prestige. I also hope that you can be worthy of that trust. I will give you two promises, which you must always abide by throughout the team battle. agreement.

First, the safety of the team members must be ensured. If there is a death in the team, the captain of the team will take the primary responsibility and deprive them of all rights to follow-up matches. There will be no mercy. The perpetrators will be expelled from the Valley of the Wicked immediately; For group actions, you, as the captain, must ensure the integrity of the group. If one person voluntarily withdraws during the operation, the captain will be held accountable. Afterwards, two points will be deducted from the captain's total score, and five points will be deducted if more than two quit.Those who voluntarily quit, no matter what the reason is, will also deduct one point! "

These two simple agreements require you to strictly implement them and work hard to maintain your team. "

Points deducted?

What points are deducted?

Isn't it team fighting?
Each team pays more attention to the meaning implied in Qiao Ba's words.

"Let's stop talking nonsense, you may not be able to wait." Qiao Ba motioned behind him, and the guard handed over a palm-sized spirit turtle.The turtle body is lush and dark green, the ghost shell is thick, full of jagged spikes, and the turtle head is ferocious like an eagle, with a slightly ugly appearance, resembling the very common social turtle in the swamp—the snapping turtle.

"Its name is the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle. It is ferocious by nature, brave and aggressive. It looks similar to ordinary snapping turtles, but there are obvious golden threads on their tortoise shell lines. Once angry, golden flames will burn all over their bodies.

They are solitary monsters that live on land or at the bottom of rivers.

Like the one I'm holding in my hand, it's a juvenile Golden Flame Spirit Turtle. Its realm is very low and it doesn't have much defense. Once it matures, it will grow to about half a meter, and it can transform into a demon king in one fell swoop. The longer it lives , the realm will increase accordingly, until it reaches the demon realm, or even the semi-holy realm, it is a fighting turtle with unlimited lifespan and unlimited potential. "

Tang Yan and the others were secretly surprised. Could it be that the team fight is all about catching turtles?The previous assessment was to catch deer, but now the assessment is to catch turtles?What the hell is going on with the Three Holy Lands?

"Maybe some people have already thought of it. The team battle is not about catching and killing each other. It's about capturing the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle as a team! And the ranking is evaluated by the score! We will distribute the corresponding prizes according to the final ranking !
The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle you capture must be above the level of the Demon King. A Demon King level will add one point to the team, a Wu Zun level will add two points, and a high-level Wu Zun level will add four points. The existence of the environment directly adds eight points!

When you first came to the Valley of the Evil, we set up a competition for you to "race for the deer", which was to warm up and familiarize you with the environment of the mountains in the Valley of the Evil. The capture of the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle this time is the official start.Don't blame me for not reminding you that the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle is ferocious, fierce, aggressive, and very good at camouflage. Its skin color will change with the environment.

In addition, it has a very strong temper and will not give in easily. Once captured, it will soon die of anger, or explode itself immediately.What we want is alive, dead turtles are invalid! "

What a turtle catch! !While everyone was surprised, their expressions were a little weird.

Someone raised a question: "How many Golden Flame Spirit Turtles are there in the valley?"

"What I can tell you clearly is that there are not a lot of Golden Flame Spirit Turtles living in the Valley of the Wicked. It is conservatively estimated that there will be more than [-] adult turtles scattered in different valleys of the valley.

However, the battlefield of this team battle is not limited to the Valley of the Wicked. You can leave the Valley of the Wicked and head east all the way, deep into the world of rivers and rivers outside the eastern border of the kingdom.

There are rivers and rivers criss-crossing and groups of river beasts. It is a well-preserved landform of rivers and rivers, and there will be thousands of golden flame turtles inside.However, the environment inside is ancient, and the number of ferocious river beasts is unimaginably large, including some terrifying ancient bloodlines, which are extremely dangerous! "

"Eastern Jiangchuan World? The field has expanded so far!"

"It is said that the area there is so huge that it can't see the edge. It is conservatively estimated that it can surpass a kingdom!"

"Because of the Valley of the Wicked, no one sets foot there all year round, and it's almost a forbidden area."

"There are rumors that the existence of the Valley of the Wicked is to protect the Jiangchuan world."

"Really??! The source of the news is true?!"

"There is a well-preserved ancient landform world, with many dangerous shoals and hidden caves! It is said that there are some ancient bloodlines, even ancient bloodlines, which are very abnormal!"

"My dear, there is really a problem in the Three Sacred Lands, no wonder you have to form a team, and going to the Jiangchuan world by yourself is simply sending you to your death!"

"It's the river beast's paradise, and it's also the river beast's territory. Anyone who trespasses will be regarded as an intruder. Even if they enter in a group, it may be very dangerous. If someone is killed, how will the Three Holy Lands be accounted for?"

Sparse discussions suddenly sounded in the martial arts arena, but everyone who had heard of the Jiangchuan world in the east was shocked.

Those who have never heard of it listen with pricked ears.

Qiao Ba continued: "Whether to stay in the valley and search for the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle step by step, or go deep into the Jiangchuan world to search for it is all up to you. We just provide you with a battlefield and don't interfere with your action choices.

Before the start of the team battle, we will distribute a signal stone to each of your teams. Once you encounter an irresistible danger in the Jiangchuan border in the east, or your life is in danger, you can inject spiritual power into the signal stone. All the monsters will sell to Evilman Valley for a favor, so as not to kill you.But each person's signal stone can only be used once, and [-] points will be deducted once!Having said that, do you all remember clearly? "

The captains of the Eighteenth Team expressed their opinions one by one and accepted the agreement.

Han Shaofeng took two steps forward, and glanced at Tang Yan intentionally or unintentionally: "The rules are all set, you all know it well, I don't want any phenomenon of taking advantage of the rules again, and I don't want you to mix personal grievances in it." In the team battle, I would like to reiterate that the Three Sacred Lands have a bottom line of tolerance and will not allow you to provoke one after another. Once there is a special accident, the Three Sacred Lands will never forgive you!"

Tang Yan touched her head with her fingertips, flicked it skillfully, and saluted.

"Excuse me, can we only search for the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle by ourselves step by step, or allow the teams to fight among each other?" A semi-saint of the empire asked proactively.

"The rules formulated by the Holy Land are very broad and not strict. We allow you to act according to your own intentions, but the bottom line of death and serious injury must not be touched." Qiao Ba gave everyone a vague reply.

oh! !All the teams are aware of it, and many teams have begun to secretly accumulate energy, looking at each other with malicious intent.

Let them catch turtles in a regular manner?It's so boring!But it would be wonderful if private fights were allowed, or to make trouble for others.

"The original Jiangchuan world that has been preserved for tens of thousands of years? The existence of the Valley of the Wicked is to guard that river area? Desolate beasts?!" Desolate beasts, a strange type different from ancient beasts.

Will there be more strange existences inside?Will there be some other gains?

"Jiangchuan World has been a forbidden place in the Valley of the Wicked since ancient times. How can it be opened to the outside world today? Can we explore and hunt for treasures at will?" Nian Youyu was thinking in a wrong way, muttering in his heart, rolling his eyes again and again.

Qiao Ba's voice suddenly mentioned: "We set a time limit of ten days. After ten days, all return to the first martial arts field to gather, present your prey, and determine the ranking! Now...I announce...the competition officially begins ..."

(End of this chapter)

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