Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1311

Chapter 1311
"Should we go directly to the river area, or stay in the valley for a while?"

"According to Qiao Ba, there are more than 500 of them distributed in the mountains. The number is huge and cannot be wasted. The team battle lasts for ten days, which is enough for us to squander, and we cannot be blindly aggressive!"

"But there are tens of thousands of people scattered in the river area, and it is easier to find the first player. If other teams get the first player, we will fall into a passive position, and the gap will widen and widen."

"Don't worry, there are many crises in the river area and the environment is complicated. The team that rushed in in the early stage will definitely fight fiercely with the river beasts, and will not have the energy to search for the golden flame turtle. Let them toss first, we will be quiet in the valley Two or three days."

"Qiao Ba repeatedly mentioned that the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle has a weird personality. It is definitely not that simple to choose them as prey for such an important team battle. I suggest you get two to try the situation while you are active in the valley now."

After Tang Yan's team left the Evilman's Valley, they stayed in a mountain depression to discuss tactics, but the opposite proposal appeared immediately.

The opinion of Gu Lingfeng and Matthews is to go directly to the river area, while Niya, Longli, Nalan and others mean to stay in the valley to adapt.

"What's your opinion? You are the team leader, and you are the one who makes decisions throughout the process." Niya wondered why Tang Yan was so indifferent.

"Hush!!" Tang Yan was stimulating Sen Luoyan to search the valleys and ravines, focusing on the corners and corners, looking for traces of the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle.

Lingzhi, who was always at the end without saying a word, raised his slit-like eyes slightly, and looked at Tang Yan who was standing still, as if he had discovered his unusualness.

Long Li pointed to the bottom of his feet and smiled at everyone, meaning... It seems that we will stay in the valley for a while.

"I found it!! Walk around, follow up quietly, and get the first point immediately." Tang Yan kept his breath, tried not to make a sound, and rushed towards the north.

"He..." Gu Lingfeng didn't know about Tang Yan's 'secret technique' and the situation, so he wanted to ask strangely, but Long Li made everyone shut up with a 'shh'.

Nian Youyu and the others didn't pay much attention at first, but as they walked, they felt something was wrong. Tang Yan led them straight for nearly five kilometers, and finally landed in a Xitan area.

"Eh?" Nian Youyu looked around, then looked back, his expression became extremely weird.What is this guy looking at?Across the mountains and forests, you can directly see five kilometers away?
"Look! There's one over there, a high-level Martial King Realm! Spread out, don't disturb it." Tang Yan gestured with his hand, and everyone held their breath and concentrated, and dispersed one by one.

More than a hundred meters ahead, a two-foot-long Golden Flame Spirit Turtle was dozing off drowsily, basking in the sun with its head raised and its eyes closed, very leisurely, unaware of the approaching danger.

Its realm is already comparable to that of a high-ranking Martial King. In the eyes of Tang Yan and others, it can be instantly killed, but Qiao Ba has repeatedly reminded that this little thing is very sensitive and has a strong temper. He moved very carefully, trying to restrain himself.

Take it as an experiment.

call! !The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle suddenly opened its eyes, its eagle-like head suddenly turned to the side, its majestic body like a miniature tank straightened up, and its spirit was highly tense.

Um?Found? !Tang Yan and others all stopped, quietly lurking in the dark, and after a little hesitation, each of them began to accumulate strength, ready to use martial arts to directly control.

However... the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle looked at Tang Yan's direction, then at Xu Yan's direction, fluffy turned around, and then looked at other people's directions, looking extremely flustered, nervous and annoyed.

suddenly! !The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle screamed strangely, and the golden silk curtain all over its body was blazing, igniting a raging golden flame—dead! !Self-immolation! !

"I %¥%...&! What's going on! The golden flame is for self-immolation?" Nian Youyu jumped up directly, his eyes widened.The tortoise that was alive a second ago was burnt to ashes in the blink of an eye?This is too easy to die!

Tang Yan and the others were maintaining a violent posture and froze in place.

"Jin Yan is so domineering! Isn't it worse than your green fire? It burns too quickly and cleanly." Xu Yan didn't even come to his senses.Does it sense the danger?And then set himself on fire?You should at least make a resistance!

It's too hot! !
The character is too tough! !

"It's too violent, high-ranking Martial King, you can still make soup after death, and the turtle shell has a special effect on strengthening the yang." Nian Youyu walked over, and there was only a pile of black dregs left on the ground, which made him cry. Sorry.

Tang Yan twirled the black ash on the ground, frowning: "One breath, one breath, it burns itself to ashes."

Gu Lingfeng said: "No wonder Qiao Ba reminded us repeatedly, it seems that catching the turtle is not an easy task. In our state, it was discovered in advance, and it was still dozing off just now, the vigilance of the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle Sex is kind of rare."

"Even I can burn myself to death, the golden's terrible..." Niya thought of the golden flame spirit tortoise of the respected state or a high-level respected state. If it really fought, its golden flame would definitely bring a fatal threat.

"Interesting. I also found two other Golden Flame Spirit Turtles, and I will use them as an experiment." Tang Yan stood up and said, "It seems that catching turtles requires some skills. We can't just do it blindly. and ability to find out."

Soon, after a cup of tea.

Everyone appeared in a dark canyon. Tang Yan jumped up from a distance of [-] meters, moved and made a surprise attack with the eight-phase thunder seal, grabbed the golden flame spirit turtle, surrounded and suppressed it with green fire to avoid self-immolation.

However... the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle just looked straight at Tang Yan, its small eyes widened, staring... its head tilted... its eyes rolled... its four paws stomped... dead!
Mad! !Really mad!
Then, Tang Yan found the third one on the beach by the river, Xu Yan attacked it with all his strength, and knocked it unconscious with a bone stick before the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle was startled.But it... is still dead!At the moment it fainted, all the golden patterns all over its body spontaneously burst into golden flames, enveloping itself, and burning it in a blink of an eye!They didn't even have a chance to save them, so they died directly.

"What the hell is this thing!! I don't take life seriously! If you say you die, you will die?!" Tang Yan was a little annoyed, seeing the ashes in his hand falling silently, feeling annoyed in his heart.

"Have we encountered a special case? Or are all the Golden Flame Spirit Turtles like this? It's simply unbelievable. If we go all the way, if we catch one, we will die. After ten days, the Golden Flame Spirit Turtles in the Valley of the Wicked will still be extinct?" Nian Youyu was deeply impressed, this one died too quickly.

If all the women in the world were as staunch as it is, wouldn't my own secret art of harvesting and nourishing be abolished?
"Obviously fainted, why are you still dead?" Xu Yan believed in his own ability, and was absolutely stunned at the moment it was alert, and it was impossible to become conscious again.

"Either it made the decision to set itself on fire shortly before it fell into a coma, or there were other types of secrets in its body, such as... the sub-brain!" Long Li looked at the ashes on the ground with a slightly weird expression on his face.

"Deputy brain?" Gu Lingfeng was surprised.

"There is a second brain. I'm not sure where it lives, but some weird monsters really have a sub-brain in their bodies. When the brain is in a coma, the hidden sub-brain immediately comes out to 'host the work'. This kind of monster is very Rare, almost extinct, I saw it in the family's strange records of monsters when I was very young."

"Look for it again!" Tang Yan became stubborn, and Sen Luo's eyes were aroused again, and he went around many mountains and searched every corner carefully.

After all, the mountains are too big, too wide, and too complicated, and the thing is too small and too good at disguising, which seriously tested the school's eyesight. After carefully searching for a whole stick of incense, Tang Yan's tired eyes hurt and consumed a full [-]% of the time. finally found one in a damp bush.

But this time, Tang Yan was far away from the team and descended like lightning. Before the spirit turtle was alerted, he forcibly pulled it into the New World and threw it directly into the Sansheng Stone Mountains.

Once inside, it should be silent in a dream.

However... dead! !It screamed for a while inside, maybe because the dream was too real, it felt hopeless, and it also burned itself to death.

Tang Yan almost went crazy, and acted again, moving to different areas, searching for new prey.

The fifth one - dead!
The sixth one - dead!
The seventh - dead! !

After tossing Tang Yan enough, Sen Luoyan consumed a lot of energy, and the three that were finally found, all died in the end, and they all died for different reasons.

During this period, there were frequent angry roars in the valley. Apparently, all the teams had encountered similar situations, and each of them started to go crazy.

Die like this, die like that, and it was noon in a blink of an eye, all the teams found nothing, some couldn't find it, and all the ones they could find died.There is no shortage of brains in every team, and they have tried their best, but... "Valley of the Wicked, are you fucking sincere?" Suddenly there was an unstoppable roar in the valley, which echoed among the mountains for a long time. The strong man of a certain empire went crazy.

"Please don't hurt them anymore!" You Zhuang couldn't stand it any longer, watching the ghost turtles committing suicide one after another, she couldn't bear it in her heart.

"Sister, do you think I'm willing?" Tang Yan shook his head and smiled wryly, it was too much trouble to play like this.

Nian Youyu coughed a few times, avoided the eyes of the girls, and asked Tang Yan in a low voice, "What's wrong with your eyes? Clairvoyance? Can you see several kilometers away? Can you see through?"

Good guy, what about my fellows, if I give this martial skill to myself, why not add wings to a tiger?In the future, before choosing a target, you should have a thorough look at your figure. Is it accurate to pick flowers? !
Tang Yan raised his head and looked at him: "By the way, you can trap people with secret techniques? Why don't you try it instead?"

"I know a lot of things, you teach me a few tricks, and I'll take care of the turtle for you." Nian Youyu smiled and came over, winking, very ambiguous.

(End of this chapter)

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