Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1313

Chapter 1313

In a messy valley, dilapidated and devastated, the once lush trees have been burned away, leaving only dust and black dead branches.The ground is full of potholes and cracks, cracked by gravity.Scarlet blood and corpses were everywhere in the valley, which was horrible.

On this bloody and tragic battlefield, on top of the piled corpses, a ferocious Golden Flame Spirit Turtle was proudly raising its head, roaring towards the sky, venting its blood-stained victory.It was huge, like a calf, with surging golden flames steaming all over its body, and its sharp claws trampled on the corpse of a black wolf.

It slaughtered the wolves in the entire valley!

It has defended the dominance of this area!

The corpses all over the ground are a symbol of its glory, and the scars all over the valley are the proof of his victory.In the surrounding mountainsides and woodlands, there are a large number of monsters dormant. They have been lurking for a long time, but they all retreated silently after seeing this scene.

Aww! !The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle let out a thunderous roar, looked around the audience proudly, crushed the wolf king's head with one paw, and the brain was splashed with blood, which was shocking.

But just as it was about to devour wolf carcasses all over the ground and enjoy the fruits of victory, footsteps suddenly came from the entrance of the valley.

Nian Youyu walked into the valley with a steady gait, waving a folding fan, gracefully and unrestrainedly, swaggering, without any hesitation.

On the top of the mountain in the distance, Tang Yan and the others had already hidden themselves, observing through the thick trees.

"How did he do it? In a blink of an eye, he became a high-ranking Martial King?"

"It's such an exquisite camouflage technique, even I can't tell the truth! It's rare to be able to hide two levels of camouflage technique, but he actually directly hides one level! From a high-level Martial Master to a high-level Martial King!"

"What does he want to do? Lower his status and get in touch with that old turtle?"

"The spirit turtle's aura is very chaotic. It should be between the demon king and the demon master. It is at the critical moment of breakthrough, so it is bloodthirsty and brutal, constantly challenging and killing, looking for opportunities. If our group of people Surrounded by the whole body, the spirit turtle must immediately set itself on fire and avoid humiliation, but if it encounters an evenly matched strong man, it will only develop a fighting spirit instead of despair. Nian Youyu can just take advantage of the opportunity and successfully approach It, hold on to it."

"And then? How to deal with it?"

Under the discussion and attention of Tang Yan and others, Nian Youyu had already walked into the valley, smiling and extremely handsome, the folding fan in his hand was slowly fanning, blowing a breeze, blowing his neat long hair, a kind of dusty A sense of elegance.

"Roar!" The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle found the provocateur, its glass ball-like eyes immediately turned cold, the golden lines on the tortoise's shell shone bright red, and its figure was extremely heroic.It will not be docile because Nian Youyu is handsome and stylish, if he dares to challenge his comfort, he will die! !
"Don't worry, don't worry, I didn't come to hurt you. Seeing my sunny smile, don't you feel that the world is filled with love instantly?" Nian Youyu continued to fan his folding fan, and approached Jin Yanling with a smile on his face turtle.

The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle stared at him coldly, its sharp claws fixed there like tree roots.

"Very good, very good, that's it, we are calm..." Nian Youyu tried to appease.

Boom!The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle suddenly exploded, and the ground below it exploded. It blasted up like a cannonball, its fangs opened wide, screaming harshly, and its sharp claws swung like eagle claws.

"Hiss, it's fierce enough!" The eyes of Tang Yan and others in the distance lit up.

"Do you want to eat me? It's a pity that it was too close." Nian Youyu took a step back without haste, but it was at this step that a strange sense of dislocation suddenly appeared on the ground under his feet and the surrounding space, and he easily walked around to the turtle Next to the bombardment trail, out of the way entirely.

Rumble!The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle bombarded the ground in front of it, leaving a big hole immediately, and the gravel mixed with dust and mist flew fiercely, but it exploded again the next moment, and bombarded Nian Youyu without any hesitation.

"My meat is too tender to chew." Nian Youyu walked sideways again with a smile on his face, and the same weird scene appeared, a simple step with infinite mystery, so he easily avoided it, and appeared beside him, looking at it with a smile The turtle passed by.

The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle was furious. After falling to the ground, it turned around abruptly, planed and roared, and rushed over again with an extremely wild momentum, and its appearance and eyes were even more frightening.

But Nian Youyu was at ease, as if teasing a mad rabbit, shaking the folding fan in his hand again and again.Finally... when the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle launched its fifth pounce, Nian Youyu suddenly retreated at full speed, ten meters away, and raised his hand: "Stop!! It's almost there!!"

The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle was aggressive and murderous, but when it was about to pounce, it was startled that the golden flames all over its body were rapidly weakening.The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle was a little startled, it didn't know why it had to retreat, but it was during this trance that the golden flames went out directly, and even the golden lines dimmed.

"Hey! Down!" Nian Youyu snapped the fan shut.

The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle fell down in response, and remained silent in the mud.

Tang Yan and the others were silent for a while, then rushed over immediately: "What's the matter?"

"I advise you to hold your breath, there is poison in the air." Nian Youyu shook the folding fan in his hand, the poison was diffused from the fan.He smiled and said: "This is my unique poisonous gas. It is self-made. It is colorless and odorless. It melts into the air. It will not produce any effect after inhalation. It will slowly melt into the blood and flow to every organ in the body. When the amount of inhalation reaches a certain level, it will burst out suddenly in an instant. First, the meridians will be sealed, the spiritual power will be solidified, and then the muscles and bones will be sealed, causing the limbs to lose control, and then a coma.

Sealing the meridian is to cut off the chance of self-immolation and self-explosion, and then seal the consciousness to prevent the possibility of him dying of anger. It's easy, it's done! !

Small meaning, please put away your admiration eyes!Self-confidence is so chic!Success, what you play is elegant! "

"The poison you prepared yourself? Can it affect Wu Zun?" Tang Yan became interested and touched the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle. He was still alive and not dead, and the effect was fully achieved!
"Under the Martial Master, you will never miss. The first-rank Martial Master can generally seal the left and right spiritual power. The second-rank Martial Master can have some influence, and it will cause a certain amount of interference, but the effect will not be great. The third-rank Martial Master Well... reaching this level, there will always be thin spiritual clothes on every part of the body surface, and the poisonous gas can't get in at all."

Nian Youyu is already very proud, the poison that can affect Wu Zun is enough to be regarded as the best, the key is that it is prepared by himself, and the sense of honor is doubled!

"How long can it be unconscious?"

"If you don't give the antidote, it will be in a coma forever." Nian Youyu glanced at the spirit pheasant skill, although it is not as clean as yours, but I played very well, not worse than you.

"Okay, I'll leave the job of catching turtles to the two of you from now on. Start working immediately and try to sweep the valley within two days." Tang Yan looked at Nian Youyu and Spirit Pheasant, before waiting for their conditions and rejections, He said directly: "As long as we can control enough spirit turtles in the valley, we have the capital to squander. We don't have to rush to catch turtles in the later stage, we can do some adventures. After two days, we will enter the river area. By then, The baby you explore and the cub you catch will be chosen by you first, and..."

Before Tang Yan finished his sentence, he waved his hand and shot out a stream of green fire, which covered more than [-] scattered wolf carcasses. These wolf carcasses were all below demon kings, and there were only four wolf kings, who couldn't stand the green fire.

The green fire swept away, and all the wolf corpses were burned up in an instant, leaving only a drop of spiritual source liquid floating in the air. Following Tang Yan's move, all of them floated over: "I will not treat you badly, even if it is a river beast that was killed. , can turn waste into treasure. Don’t forget my identity, Ghost Green Fire——Sky Fire!”

Spirit Pheasant, Nian Youyu, and You Zhuo all looked at the floating cyan liquid hesitantly, took a little hesitation, put all of them into their mouths, and then they were all mentally charged.

"Deal!" Spirit Pheasant rushed out directly, walking neatly.

"Good brother! Forever!" Nian Youyu lined up Tang Yan's shoulders, and also hurriedly chased after him: "Hey, Brother Ling, let's work together, you are looking for a tortoise, I am a poisonous tortoise, we are a perfect match!"

"I... I too... I'm also useful..." You Zhui tasted the sweetness and offered to make recommendations.His voice stuttered, but his eyes were firm.She didn't come here as a foil, but to experience and explore. If she didn't show some skills, she wouldn't be able to get anything in the end.

"You haven't introduced your abilities all this time, let's start now?" Tang Yan was quite curious about this girl's abilities. She could be as famous as Nalantu, so she wouldn't be too weak.

You Zhuang pursed his lips, pulled Tang Yan's clothes and walked to the side, tiptoed to his ear and whispered something.

Tang Yan stared suddenly: "Really?"

"Really!! As long as you can afford it, I can do it."

Tang Yan stared at her for a while, twitched the corners of his mouth, and slowly burst into a weird smile. He looked up at Nian Youyu and Lingzhi, who had gone far away, and then at the cute and cute girl in front of him: "You three ...Perfect match..."

(End of this chapter)

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