Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1314 Encounter

Chapter 1314 Encounter
After half a day of ups and downs and embarrassment, Tang Yan and his group’s turtle-hunting operation finally took a smooth path. The pheasant can integrate itself into the trees and use natural forces to catch the hidden golden flame turtle. Either he does it directly or locks it After the goal, hand it over to Nian Youyu.And Nian Youyu also took back the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle in different ways, except for two misses, all the others were taken down. His messy martial arts and cunning methods made Niya and others frown and cold, but Tang Yan secretly Call talent.

From afternoon to evening, and then to night, the crowd kept running in the shallows, old forests, lakes, waterfalls, and certain valleys, searching for one golden flame turtle after another.

Tang Yan and others leisurely followed behind.

The spirit pheasant and Nian Youyu continued to cooperate, and continued to hunt successfully. When Tang Yan gave them each a high-level noble spirit source liquid, the two hunted faster, and the eyes they looked at Tang Yan also changed. Variety.

Spiritual source liquid is attractive enough to anyone.Its rapid integration and pure body concentration are enough for any warrior to add a logistical guarantee when advancing and fighting.

From the noon of the first day to the early morning of the second day, after nine hours, they moved to the entire western valley, and they captured a total of 26 Golden Flame Spirit Turtles, among which four were hunted by the first-level Demon Venerable Realm.

Great harvest! !
And during this day-long struggle, there are no more curses from the valley, and there are magical characters in each team. After getting to know each other, there will always be one or two people who stand up and use their special secret methods to hunt down the turtles. , and forcibly subdued.

Although the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle is difficult to catch, after getting familiar with its habits, it won't be so embarrassing anymore.

"This is No. 20 seven. We will work hard for another day and try to get 20. We will take a short rest before we enter the river area." Tang Yan and the others fell leisurely behind the pheasant and Nian Youyu , The two guys became more and more tacit, and rushed out after discovering the No.[-] seven golden flame turtles.

"I can also play a role!" You Zhuo was a little anxious, but he couldn't always be a foil.

"Don't worry, when you enter the river area, it's your world." Tang Yan was about to appease, when suddenly there was a violent explosion in the distance, arousing a raging fire tide that shot up into the sky like a volcano, accompanied by Turbulent air waves swept across the surrounding mountains and forests.

"Is that the direction of the spirit pheasant?" Everyone's expression turned cold, and they all rushed forward.

"Hehe, friends, we caught this turtle first." Nian Youyu smiled and nodded politely, but this time he was a little bit embarrassed, and there was a stunned Golden Flame Spirit Turtle under his feet, not retreating an inch .

In front of him, there were eleven powerhouses in scattered divisions, most of them were blond and blue-eyed, with cold auras, among them there were four in the semi-holy realm, each with strong auras.

"You're mistaken. It's obvious that we discovered it first. We've been observing this area for a long time. It was you who suddenly penetrated and robbed our prey." A handsome blond man nearly two meters tall, carrying The fiery red giant sword, heroic and majestic, moves closer to Nianyouyu step by step, bringing a sense of oppression like a mountain.

"Are you making me happy?" Nian Youyu shook his head with a smile, and stepped on the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle under his feet: "In the mountain forest, a group of wild dogs were watching wild boars, but they were afraid of being bitten by pigs. The cheetah caught the wild boar. At this time, the wild dogs jumped out and shouted, the wild boar is mine, you should return it to me.

Haha, isn't it funny?Killing me!Hey, why don't you laugh?I'm telling a joke story, can't I tell it vividly enough? "

The faces of the 11 people slowly sank. No one was a fool. No one could understand the sarcasm in his words, and even used the word 'wild dog' to describe it.

The reason why they didn't act rashly was because they were observing the surrounding mountains. All the teams acted as a group. It couldn't be that there was only one guy like this. What about the others?

"It's funny, it's funny. I'll give you a sword, and you'll have fun too?" The blond man suddenly attacked, and the heavy sword clanged in his back.

Boom! !Majesticly stomping on the ground, like a tiger plunging down on a mountain, tumbling wildly, the fire sword cuts out a majestic arc, and uses the half-moon fire blade to take the Nianyouyu directly.

The speed is fast, the sword is like lightning, sharper and more violent.

"Woohoo!" Nian Youyu disappeared with a smile, whistled, and retreated in a wrong step.He retreated six steps, each step was short but infinitely subtle, and easily dodged the sword glow and flames.

Huh?The other ten people were slightly moved, and they all landed on Nian Youyu's staggered feet, what a delicate step!

"You can't cut mine, so stop here, how about it? Don't hurt your friendship." Nian Youyu moved six steps by mistake and returned to the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle.

"You are really good at escaping." The blond man was a little annoyed. He missed his sword before, and now he missed his sword again. In front of many team members, he couldn't get off the stage.

"Are you complimenting me? Thank you!" Nian Youyu smiled handsomely, but in the eyes of others, he deserved a beating.

"Try another sword?" The blond man shot into the air with his sword glowing towards the sky, and he danced his sword in the air. A swift vortex of sword energy formed instantly, and the flames exploded, and then the sword glow turned downwards, chopping Nian Youyu with force. , covering a range of more than [-] meters, sword energy and high temperature shrouded the shallows.

"Tsk tsk, good swordsmanship." Nian Youyu was not afraid at all, but kept his head admiring.

At the very moment, a golden figure strikes like lightning, splits the raging flames, and hits the inside!
Clang! !

Matthews' blond hair was fluttering, his eyes were like lightning, and he stared coldly at the strong man in front of him. The iron sword in his hand forcibly held the falling fire sword, and the clanging sound pierced gold and cracked stone.

The eyes of the two people intertwined, their bodies touched, and they collided like lightning, rebounding and falling in an instant.

Rumble! !The strong man fell to the ground, stomping four steps in a row, barely able to stabilize his figure, the terrifying wave of vortex swords in the sky collapsed in response, only pieces of flames fell down.

Gorgeous like fireworks.

After Matthews landed on the ground, his face suddenly darkened, because the iron sword... melted... holding the epee, it melted directly in the next moment!
Although the iron sword is ordinary, but infused with its own sword energy, it will never shatter easily, let alone melt directly!
"You're Matthews? I wanted to compete with you, but you came to the door yourself." Instead of being angry, the blond man immediately regained his energy and was eager to fight him.

Matthews ignored him, threw it to the broken pick, and randomly drew out an ordinary sharp sword from the space ring. He would not summon a fierce sword unless it was a last resort.

At this time, Tang Yan and others rushed in one after another, and Nian Youyu turned around and took a wrong step, retreated into the team with the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle, and explained the whole story to them in a low voice.

Tang Yan's team? !The ten people on the opposite side made a slight signal not to act rashly.

"It's just a tortoise, so it won't hurt the friendship." Tang Yan smiled and took two steps forward, and cupped his hands towards the opposing team: "Prince Houston, I've seen you for a long time. Brother Hao, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The group of blond-haired and blue-eyed young men and women on the opposite side were from the Thomas Fissen United Empire team, and the handsome young man at the head was the captain of the team, Houston, who had introduced himself.And the Hao Shuai inside is the "poet bard" that Tang Yan met once when he first entered the Valley of the Wicked.

"Young Master Tang." Hao Shuai nodded with a smile, quite politely.

"Nice to meet you." Houston also responded.

"The first official meeting, this spirit turtle is my gift to you all." Tang Yan took the initiative to give in a step, of course, purely polite, and retreated as an advance.

Houston smiled silently, and naturally understood, but judging from Tang Yan's performance in recent days, it is clear that he is showing goodwill and does not want to make any grudges if he can have such an attitude now.Naturally, he would not take the initiative to provoke the descendant of the Fire Emperor and the Young Lord of the Forbidden Land. "You're being polite, you guys caught it, and it should belong to you. I'm leaving."

"I have a chance to welcome Thomas Fissen as a guest." Hao Shuai seemed to be very interested in Tang Yan, and took the initiative to show his kindness.But in exchange for the strange eyes of his companions, being a guest?To your home?What a rarity!
With a bit of reluctance, everyone's eyes fell on the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle, reluctant to leave, unwilling to leave.

"Wait, can I ask Prince Houston, how many have your team caught? It's nothing else, just ask casually to understand the situation."

"Before you ask, shouldn't you tell me how much you caught?" The blond man still didn't immediately look at Matthews, who is also a swordsman. He still remembers Matthews' stunning sword in the arena. , I really want to have a real fight.

"Ashamed, including this one, it's twenty."

A few people in Houston's team didn't change their expressions, but there were indeed a few people who looked shocked. Although they quickly hid themselves, they were cleverly captured by Tang Yan and others.

A ruthless boy snorted softly: "Bragging!!"

"It seems that we are going to refuel. We only caught thirteen." Houston didn't stay long, got up and left, and the rest stopped staying and retreated one by one.

But at this time, there was a coquettish blonde in the crowd who stayed for a while, turned her head to look at Tang Yan, showed a seductive smile, and even blew a tempting kiss: "Young Master Tang, do you still remember the slave family?"

"Huh? You are..." Tang Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at the other party.

"That year, that day, was the most unforgettable in my life... the first time... I miss you so much, giggling... giggling...waiting for you..." The coquettish girl left behind a series of silver bell-like smiles , gave Tang Yan a deep wink again, turned around and chased after the team.

Um? !The scene was immediately weird.

"Yan Fu is not shallow! That girl is really hot! I'll be good, she's so delicious!! If it falls into my hands, I'll have to tease her four times a night! No, eight times!" Nian Youyu took a picture of Tang Yan , his face was full of envy, and his eyes were full of fascination as he watched the blonde girl leave.

"Let's go!!" Tang Yan was even more stunned, his whole body trembled, and he immediately explained: "Niya, the conscience of heaven and earth, I really don't know her!"

Niya was cold and glamorous as usual, she didn't pursue anything, and didn't even say a word.

But the more this happened, the more Tang Yan's heart trembled, he turned his head again and again, frowning, the joke was too big, so who is it?Why don't you have the slightest impression?

(End of this chapter)

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