Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1316 Kappa Invasion

Chapter 1316 Kappa Invasion

At this moment, a team rushed directly into Jiangchuan District, or one person rushed in first, followed by a second person, and then all eight figures chased after them.

A whole team rushed into the chaotic and dangerous area.

"Hey, look, there's a guy who doesn't know how to live or die." Nian Youyu was happy, looking at the team in the distance across the dark sandy beach: "How did such a captain become a leader, leading his own team to die? "

"That's... Du Yang?!" Tang Yan glanced with Sen Luo's eyes. He was acting casually out of curiosity, but what caught his eyes was Du Yang and Zhao Zimo!
The two of them rushed directly into Jiangchuan District with their team!

"What??!?" Niya and the others were slightly moved, and looked together, but they were too far apart, and couldn't see anything clearly. They only saw a few 'reckless' people rushing in.

"Nonsense!!" Tang Yan frowned and rushed over immediately.

"Let's go!!" Xu Yan and the others followed without hesitation.

"Eh?? Who?" The three of Nian Youyu were a little strange. They looked at each other, hesitated for a while, looked at the riot scene in the distant river area, and secretly took a breath, but finally summoned up the courage to rush forward.

The other teams are staying, but they are obviously a little moved, wanting to rush over to check the situation, or pick up a deviation.

But at this moment, a blazing light shot out from the depths of the Valley of the Wicked, and reached the depths of the river area at the speed of light, like a rushing blazing river, illuminating the heavens, the earth, and the rivers through the heavy night, and slammed there fiercely .

Boom! !

Darkness and light intertwine and wreak havoc, making the area even more chaotic. The roaring sound is earth-shattering, and the large river world is boiling. Countless ordinary hidden river beasts appear one after another, rolling in heavy waves and attracting mighty thunder groups. Rush towards the battlefield.

In the chaotic area, there seems to be more intense fighting, and the scene of doomsday is terrifying and spectacular.

"Bold Kappa!! Dare to invade my Valley of the Evil!" The powerful voice shook the distant river area, and spread in all directions, making Tang Yan, who had just rushed into the river area, stop abruptly.

Kappa? !The son of the river - the Kappa? !

How could it be here! !Could it be that the Temple of the Holy Spirit has infiltrated? !Tang Yan's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and Niya and the others also forcibly stopped, and no one could keep calm.What does the Temple of the Holy Spirit want to do?Why did you send the Kappa here? Is it possible that you still want to take the opportunity to swallow and kill the heirs from various countries?

"Nine-colored's are you still alive, 10 years..." A cold voice responded, far away, the voice was illusory, and it has entered the river intermittently with the gust of wind Tang Yan's ear in the district.

But when he listened hard, the boiling chaos gradually calmed down, only the blazing light filled the sky and the earth, like a scorching sun falling on the river, dispelling all the rage and darkness.

After that, no sound came through.After all, it's too far away.

The restless river beasts from all sides stopped halfway one after another, and soon sank to the bottom of the river one by one, without continuing to attack.

"What's going on? What was that white light just now?"

"It stops fighting!"

"Is there any sacred object hidden in the Valley of the Wicked?"

All the teams on the shore were shocked.

After a while, the sky became quiet, the river leveled off, the thunder died down, and the wind stopped.

The clouds spread out, revealing the gorgeous stars under the dark night, spreading the misty starlight to the world of Jiangchuan, creating layers of waves on the river surface. The scenery is so beautiful that it is not as wild as it was before.Even the valley behind gradually quieted down, and all the herds retreated one by one.

Tang Yan and Long Li exchanged shocked glances, but Du Yang and Zhao Zimo who were locked by him had already disappeared, instead of retreating, they rushed into the depths of the river without stopping.

"Go! Don't rest, enter the river area!" Tang Yan worried about Du Yang, whistled loudly towards the valley, and rushed into the river area with his team.

"Who are you teasing?" Nian Youyu looked back strangely, then was dragged by Gu Lingfeng and rushed into the river area.

Ren Tianzan, who was stranded in the valley, signaled Ke Yutong a little bit. Ke Yutong didn't want to worry about it, but the vaguely heard word "kappa" made her vigilant, hesitated for a while, and led the team to go deep into the river area ahead of time.

Teams one after another moved ahead of schedule, and the rest of the teams couldn't hold back anymore and started a temporary meeting.In the end, except for three or four teams who continued to stay in the bushes, the rest of the teams violated their own plans and launched an early investigation and sweep of the Mystic River area.

At this moment, back to the depths of the calm river area, the Nine-Colored Deer hangs in the air like a full moon. Du Jue, Qiao Ba, Liu He, and Han Shaofeng, four nearby saints rushed over one after another.

"Terminate the match immediately and transfer the arena back to the Valley of the Wicked!"

"Why? The Kappa has retreated, what are you afraid of!"

"How did it break in? I said that the Temple of the Holy Spirit couldn't wait for the result quietly. It must have tried every means to infiltrate it, but I didn't expect to send the Kappa directly!"

"What does the kappa want to do? Lurk in the river area and wait for an opportunity to devour the powerful from all over the world? If this is the case... Hey! Damn guy! Fortunately, we discovered it early, otherwise the whole team battle will definitely be chaotic. Once there is a large-scale death phenomenon, All countries must hate the Three Holy Lands. We will also become public enemies of all countries immediately and be vilified by the people! What a vicious Holy Spirit Temple, what a vicious move!"

The four saints spoke out again and again, including Dujue and Liuhe, all of whom had gloomy faces and the slightest bit of fear.

The Nine-Colored Deer stared at the direction in which the Kappa retreated: "It is much stronger than the Sky Eye information. It seems that it has recovered too much in the past two years. If it is given some more time, it will be enough to restore its heyday."

"Why didn't you grab it? With your ability, you should be able to control it." Han Shaofeng was a little annoyed, but as soon as he said the words, he immediately realized that he was impulsive, and quickly bowed his head to express his apology.

"This is the River District, which belongs to the Kappa's battlefield. As long as it wants to escape, no one in the entire Valley of the Wicked can leave it. Besides, we will not fight against the Temple of the Holy Spirit, and we must not openly intervene in the mainland war. Order to go on, strengthen vigilance, Strictly prevent the Holy Spirit Temple from invading, you saints must sit in the river area, and the kappa can't be allowed to come back."

"Don't worry, we won't be negligent." Qiao Ba pointed slightly at the calm river surface under his feet, and asked hesitantly, "Do we need to visit the person below..."

"No need, I have already communicated with it. They have some hatred for Kappa in ancient times. It will continue to explore the river area and prevent Kappa from continuing to be unrestrained. This time it can find Kappa because it has captured the familiar breath. Otherwise...the consequences will be unimaginable." Nine-colored deer withdrew its staring gaze and enjoined: "This alliance event will not be stable, no matter what the kappa's purpose is, it means that the Holy Spirit Palace has already set its sights on this place."

Du Jue and the others nodded one after another, their frowns lingering for a long time.

"I would like to make a suggestion. You can shorten the match schedule by one or two games, finish it as soon as possible, select as soon as possible, and enter the final stage as soon as possible. Of course, follow your own arrangements. I'm just offering advice."

"We will carefully consider it."

"I'll go back to the Valley of the Wicked to stay in town, in case the Holy Spirit Hall is watching." The Nine-colored Deer didn't stay too long, turning into a wave of blazing light, and retreated back to the Valley of the Wicked.

"Damn the Temple of the Holy Spirit!! If I didn't take into account the name of the Holy Land, I really want to fight with them!!" Han Shaofeng gritted his teeth fiercely. He was really shocked just now. Fortunately, he discovered it early, otherwise... ...The Valley of the Wicked will be blamed.

"The kappa, the mother of nine sons, the ice element, the other monster has been hiding and refuses to show up, but it is already certain that it is the murderer who killed the thirteen kings of the Xingluo Empire!" Qiao Ba took a deep breath and exhaled long: "They're all tricky things!! The hateful Holy Spirit Palace lured them out, completely ignoring the common people in the Qitian Continent!"

Du Jue said: "Let Jiulongling and Xingluo Empire fight with them first, we just do our own thing well."

Qiao Badao: "Let's spread out, the beasts in the river area have been awakened, they can't let the eighteen teams explore the river area unscrupulously, those princes and princes are also a little arrogant, conflicts may break out at any time, we have a lot of work to do busy."

(End of this chapter)

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