Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1317

Chapter 1317
Tang Yan chased Du Yang's direction and rushed into the vast and endless world of rivers and rivers, but lost traces of Du Yang's team after only a few kilometers.

The entire world of rivers and rivers is full of rivers that intersect vertically and vertically. The large rivers are hundreds of meters wide, and the small rivers are also tens of meters wide.Some are galloping endlessly, like tens of thousands of horses are silent, trampling the river, roaring and shaking the sky; some are quiet like soft silk, floating on the river, which is too beautiful to behold.

Some places are directly vast lakes, like giant glass paving there, reflecting the stars in the sky; some places are dense waterfalls, magnificent.

The world of rivers brings people a completely different feeling and impact.

But the river beasts and dangerous shoals and culverts that come and go from time to time bring a dangerous atmosphere to the "beautiful scenery", and sometimes make people creepy.

"Du Yang is not a reckless person, he can't do stupid things, did he find something?" Long Li was always wondering about Du Yang's overreaction.Du Yang's character tends to be casual and evil, and he hates evil like hatred. Sometimes he does things in extreme ways, but unless it is an exaggerated thing, he will never cause such weird behavior.

what is itWhat drove Du Yang crazy!
what is itWhat made Du Yang ignore the danger!

what is itWhat made Zhao Zimo go with him!

Nalantu comforted: "Don't worry, this place is full of rivers and rivers, with Zhao Zimo and the three-legged toad guarding them, there will be no major danger."

"Du Yang is not a child, so he must have his own sense of propriety. Now that we are here, why don't we start exploring this ancient river area?" Gu Lingfeng spread out his thoughts, and suddenly found a lot of astonishing auras, all of which were ferocious beasts , or dormant in the depths of the river, or wandering in groups in the rushing river tide.The vast river area gives people a sense of infinite openness and comfort, and they can't help but want to release themselves.

Spirit Pheasant said: "I can't explore the river, there's nothing I can do to help."

Tang Yan withdrew his gaze from searching for Du Yang, and asked Xiang Nian Youyu: "What about you? Is there a way to explore the underwater river?"

"I can't help it either. If there are beautiful women hidden under the water, I can think of a way, but for bastards... there is no way..." Nian Youyu is leisurely, cheerful, and very cunning.He has worked hard in the valley for more than two days, and he doesn't want to continue to be busy in the river area.

Niya suggested: "Since the Golden Flame Spirit Turtles can survive in large groups in the valley, it means that they are amphibious and cannot stay at the bottom of the river for a long time. Not surprisingly, most of them will exist in rivers and shallows. We can go to those places Look for it, and find some treasures by the way."

Tang Yan led the team to go deep into the river area. During the period, he found many strange river beasts, about [-]% of which were ancient relics that the outside world did not have. Even the Xizai area of ​​​​Wangu Beast Mountain is rare, which shows the ancient world of Jiangchuan.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles and deter those violent beasts, both Tang Yan and Xu Yan released their semi-holy aura, and Matthews and others were no exception.

Taking advantage of the night, everyone continued to go deep.

However, not all the river beasts in the Jianghe area were afraid of their aura, there were still groups of some unscrupulous ones passing by them, and even spitting water provocatively.There are also some powerful and ferocious beasts that are far down the river and directly throw out the breath of exploration without any scruples.

This is their territory, their world, and they can wantonly enslave the river and the energy of the river area. If there is a fight, the foreign intruders may not be able to get benefits.

This is not a question of strength level, but a geographical advantage!

"Damn it! Is this a treasure?!" Nian Youyu suddenly found a giant treasure. He couldn't resist his arrogance. He swears and squatted on the water, shaking with excitement.

On a reef protruding from the river, a white turtle is lazily crawling. It is only the size of a palm, but its whole body is crystal clear. .

"Xuanwu?" Tang Yan was startled, but when he looked carefully, he didn't even reach the realm of the Demon King.

Long Li couldn't help but strike and said: "Don't get excited, it's a snake tortoise, and it's three points similar to the ancient beast Xuanwu, that's all, the rest is completely different."

Everyone rolled their eyes, this guy's head was kicked by a donkey, Xuanwu is an ancient demon emperor, even if he is an heir and a cub, he must be extremely terrifying, he will be captured by the Wicked Valley as soon as he is born, how could he bask in the moon here.

"I'm just joking, to liven up the atmosphere." Nian Youyu had a thick skin, and straightened his clothes as if nothing had happened.

The snake tortoise lazily basked in the moonlight, its whole body glistening and translucent, and rolled its eyes at Nian Youyu disdainfully, without any embarrassment.

Everyone moved forward again, searching carefully, and found different types of strange beasts one after another, each with its own characteristics, and there were many rare and precious types among them, but they were no longer interested in their realm.

Until the sky was bright, they didn't find the cub they wanted, and they didn't meet the treasure that aroused their interest. As for the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle, they didn't even find a trace.

"Impossible! After searching for most of the night, I found nothing! Will the Valley of the Wicked take away all the treasures in advance?" Nian You landed on a small island with beautiful scenery, and never wanted to leave again.

"Please be patient, please? Although the world of Jiangchuan is old, it is not full of treasures. You can touch them with your hand! Any treasure depends on chance and hard work." Long Li couldn't help shaking his head to teach.

Nian Youyu didn't follow him. He sat propped up on the beach, looked up at the rising sun, rolled his eyes, and said lazily: "I have never been a person who waits for opportunities step by step. There is a side trick here, do you want to try it?"

Tang Yan was thinking about where to catch the river beast and ask about the situation, when he heard this, he frowned: "There is a good way? Why didn't you say it earlier? We've all been wandering all night!!"

"I didn't know it would be so hard to find a baby." Nian Youyu simply lay on the soft sand, crossed his legs and said, "My method is a little special, called Xunhuawenliu. The name is a bit frivolous, but it's not what you imagined."

"Tell me, don't make a fuss." Tang Yan firmly believes that this guy must have many secret methods, which can harm more than 1000 women in a row, steal more than 400 treasures, and kill more than [-] people without being caught once. There must be countless miscellaneous abilities.

This person is full of secrets, and his whole body is full of eyes.

"Xun Hua Wen Liu means that if you give me a treasure, I can attract another treasure. The higher the level of the treasure used as an introduction, the greater the possibility of attracting a big treasure."

"Oh? What does it mean to be brought over..."

"No matter how secret it is hidden, I can make it respond, and we just follow the movement to find it. I used this ability to find those treasures back then."

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and try!!"

"There is no such thing as a free banquet in the world. The so-called treasures contain some illusory 'spiritual energy', such as those treasured spiritual weapons! The 'spiritual energy' inside is very rich, and they all have a part of self-awareness, which is terrifying! What Xunhuawenliu borrowed is the spiritual weapon The "spiritual energy" hidden inside produces the same resonance, but after using it once, the "spiritual energy" of the spiritual weapon will be a little less. As for how much less, it depends on the situation. 'Drain it directly, and the treasure spirit weapon becomes a treasure without spirituality! Which of you has a treasure? Are you willing to let me try it?"

"I found that your words are very unreliable. This is not nonsense. Who would want their treasure to lose their spirituality!" Gu Lingfeng realized that he was completely different from this guy.

Tang Yan asked, "Are you sure you can trigger a reaction 100%?"

"Two hundred percent!" Nian Youyu promised with a smile.

"Which one of you is willing to contribute? It's actually quite cost-effective to consume part of the aura to attract the treasures buried in the river area. With our ability, as long as we find it, there is an [-]% possibility of taking it for ourselves." Tang Yan looked at everyone. , but including Niya and Longli, no one paid attention to it, and turned their eyes slightly.

Spiritual artifacts are treasures at the top of the continent. Even a monster as huge as the Gu family has at most five or six pieces, all of which are treasures of a powerful side. It loses its aura?
What's more, Nianyouyu is very unreliable, what if it is all drained?What if the summoned baby is not suitable for me?What if there is a fierce beast guarding it, and it can't be snatched back?Don't you have to cry to death?

Tang Yan's eyes turned and fixed on the white jade radish on Niya's shoulder, and there was a cunning flash in his eyes.

Nian Youyu also followed his gaze. The reason why he mentioned this sentence was because he felt that the ginseng on Niya was extremely aura!If you smoke twice, it should be fine! !

Baiyu Luobo was dozing off, when he suddenly felt a dangerous aura, he stood up abruptly, was taken aback for a moment, pointed at Tang Yan and Nian Youyu, and started cursing, of accused vividly, mouth blah blah blah , but still no sound as before.

Tang Yan persuaded: "Niya, think about it? There is no way for us to go on like this. This is a rare treasure, and we can't waste this opportunity."

"Don't even think about it!!" Niya replied very simply. After two or three years of getting along, she has already developed a deep relationship with Baiyu Luobo, and she has obtained infinite benefits from it. It was sold.

Bai Yuluobo was immediately agitated, hugged Niya's fair and delicate face and kissed it fiercely, and swaggered at Tang Yan with two leaves on her head.

oops?This guy is molesting my wife!Tang Yan responded with a sharp look.

"That can't be helped." Nian Youyu shrugged.

"I have a baby, you try it?" Tang Yan touched his chin, hesitant.

"What? Is it enough?"

"It should be." Tang Yan smiled silently, and directly recruited the black coffin with the golden lock! !
(End of this chapter)

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