Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1319 Naga Clan 1

Chapter 1319 Naga Clan

Nalantu stared coldly at the enemy in the distant team - Zhuang Nan.

Zhuang Nan also noticed Tang Yan and the others, snorted coldly, and cast a resentful look at Nalantu, this time taking Matthews by the way.He is a vengeful person, every bit of hatred will be engraved in his bones, and he will never die.Matthews broke his finger in public, which of course cannot be easily forgiven.

Matthews ignored it, but focused on the strange sea beast in front of him.

Out of provocation, Zhuang Nan blew a loud whistle suddenly, a sneer appeared on his pale face, and then... his body slowly lifted, the river under his feet first swelled and then dispersed, first a giant monster appeared, dragging him Up to ten meters in the air.The monster is very huge, more than [-] meters long, with the head of a cow, but the body of an octopus, wriggling more than a dozen thick tentacles, which are powerful.Its whole body is covered with dark green scales, which are extremely slippery and permeable.

This is the river beast that Zhuang Nan surrendered with the help of everyone. Firstly, he can use it to understand the situation in the river area, and secondly, let Zhuang Nan take good care of his hand injury.

"It's a ghost cow?! A monster that lives alone in the abyss of rivers and rivers! When it matures, it will have the realm of a high-ranking warrior, and it can be called invincible in the abyss! Panshenzhai actually subdued such a monster!" Nalantu recognized it immediately after reading ancient books. That monster, but its expression also became ugly. A Zhuang Nan is already perverted enough, coupled with an invincible ghost cow in the bottom of the sea, it will definitely be one against three in this sea area!

"They still have three and a half saints! Handle them carefully! Another point, they may just follow the movement, and it is impossible to know the situation underground, so please try to ask them." Long Li reminded everyone, and comforted Nalantu by the way: " There are many opportunities!"

"There may be a great treasure under the river, we can't give it away!" Nian Youyu quickly reminded Tang Yan that he was almost in danger just now, and he finally found a treasure, so he couldn't back down.

Tang Yan glanced at the panic-stricken team and walked into the lake, approaching hundreds of weird river beasts.

Xu Yan and Matthews were only half a step behind and activated their martial skills one after another. Xuanyuan Longli and Niya fell behind Tang Yan, and they also accumulated martial skills.

"Tang Yan took a quick step forward, the first attack was with green fire, Matthews moved seven steps to the right, and used the fierce sword Moyu, Xu Yan moved three and a half steps to the left, and struck with bone wings..." Nalan His lips and teeth moved, reminding them with a small voice that a small formation was deployed.

Nian Youyu and the others followed quickly, but the pheasant stopped for a while, looked back at the empty lake and the nearby stone road, as if they had noticed something, but they didn't find any obvious traces, so they ignored it and followed.

"Back!! Get out of here!!" The group of sea beasts guarding the lake immediately concentrated all their murderous aura on Tang Yan and the others.Two six-armed monsters stopped in front. The upper body was all female. The six arms and figure seemed slender, but they gave off a sense of toughness and strength like steel.

"We were invited by the Holy Land to explore the river area. This is also a part of it. Why can't we come in?" Tang Yan spread his hands, expressing that he did not use martial arts and showed no hostility, but the people behind him were already gathering momentum, ready to kill.

"If it weren't for the Holy Land's visit in advance, we wouldn't be talking politely to you now!" The six-armed monster's voice was very high-pitched, and the words were hesitant, revealing a strong sense of danger.

Tang Yan stopped ten meters away from them, glanced at the eight-armed river monster headed by the team, and said with a smile, "Is this your territory?"

"The entire river area is our territory! Allowing you to use it as a competition field is a request from the Holy Land, but it does not mean that you are lawless. Now, back out of this lake, and you are not allowed to step half a step, otherwise... don't blame me for not giving the Holy Land face!" The eight-armed river monster is relatively more beautiful in appearance, but it is also covered with scales all over its body, its eyes are vertical pupils, and the chill is splashing, extremely fierce.

"Oh? You are..."

"The River Clan! The Naga Clan! Entrusted by the Holy Land, guard this river area!"

"Naga?" Everyone was unfamiliar with this word, and had never heard of this race, but... each sensitive word slightly suppressed their already sprouting killing intent.They should belong to a huge ethnic group, and they are entrusted by the Holy Land, I'm afraid... "Don't act rashly." Long Li reminded, and immediately dispersed his martial arts.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, so let's say goodbye." Tang Yan didn't break through forcefully, he cupped his hands and stepped back, pushing him directly to the edge of the lake.Sending a smile again, retreating at full speed until it disappeared at the end of sight.

The Panshenzhai team in the distance also didn't move forward, but they didn't leave either, staring intently at the group.

"The Naga tribe is the guardian river tribe in the river area! There are hundreds of thousands of people in the tribe. The branch is in the central river area, guarding nine seats, and usually does not move around the periphery. The eight-armed Naga headed by Alison is strong. It's very scary." Gui Niu responded to Zhuang Nan's inquiry.

"How many powerful people are there in the Naga clan?" The person who asked was the number one genius of Panshenzhai, the masked captain Li Baiying.

"Very strong! As far as I know, there are at least thirteen six-armed Naga and at least four eight-armed Naga. The patriarch of the Naga clan is an ancient holy land that has existed for tens of thousands of years! They guard the entire river area, It dominates the central region." When Guiniu mentioned the Naga tribe, he was a little apprehensive, but even more hostile.

There are a huge number of river beasts in the world in the river area, and most of them are rare and heterogeneous. The ghost cow, which is also an ancient beast, has infinite potential, but in reality it stops at the high-level demon venerable. , was expelled from the area with abundant spiritual power.

"The situation before was not normal. I was able to capture a very wonderful energy. Right under this lake, the energy is increasing." Luo Qiannian, the semi-saint of Panshenzhai, continued to explore the surface of the lake. She has a unique secret method. It was she who rushed over with the team to search for the treasure's breath.

"Why did Tang Yan come here? It seems that he has noticed something." Li Baiying's voice was gloomy and hoarse, gloomy and cold: "He can't retreat easily, Ghost Cow, find us a new passage to avoid the Naga clan .”

"The nature has changed now. I only promise to lead you in the river area, but if I offend the Naga clan..."

"We promise you that as long as you do your best, we will take you out of the river area afterwards, and you can stay in Panshenzhai." Zhuang Nan valued the potential of ghost cows. If these strange beasts are well cultivated, they have a great chance of being promoted. .

"Remember your promise!!" Guiniu looked at the Naga clan in the lake with resentment, more than ten tentacles engulfed Li Baiying and others, and quickly left along the water.

"They may have discovered something, and they won't give up easily. Send the news back immediately, we need reinforcements." The eight-armed Naga Alison's green vertical pupils flickered with eagles, her eight arms spread like spiders, and her whole body was covered in water. Yuanli was surging and boiling, and the vast and fierce power shook the lake.Soon, the sharp claws condensed four sharp weapons, and the huge body plunged into the lake. The tail of the snake vibrated, and it blasted towards the abyss at the bottom of the lake like a shell.

One six-armed naga quickly withdrew to deliver a message to the group. Three six-armed naga and ten four-armed naga followed Alison into the dive, and the rest stayed in the lake as a deterrent.

"Follow the river and return to the lake, hurry up! You must win before them!" Tang Yan would not really leave, but suddenly dived into the distant river, and rushed towards the target area at full speed along one of the ten tributaries.

Not long after, on Shidao less than five kilometers away from the lake, the hidden transparent body reappeared, stopping in a translucent state, strangely like some kind of spirit.She stared at the lake area, her eyes and expression were as rigid as stone carvings, exuding coldness and arrogance from the inside out.

At this time, a series of figures rushed towards them like lightning, and they turned out to be the Xingluo Empire led by Zhao Huan.

The translucent woman is none other than An Lingxi from the Seven Great Geeks! "Tang Yan used Nian Youyu's secret method to awaken a treasure deep in the lake, but the movement shocked Panshenzhai and a group of strange river beasts. It seems...the underground treasure is not simple."

"You have tracked Tang Yan all the way, can you be sure how many Golden Flame Spirit Turtles they found?" Su Xiaoyan asked.

"At least fifty!"

"Oh??" The spirits of the people were lifted. The heirs of other kingdoms in the team showed their greed. They managed to catch [-] of them, but Tang Yan managed to get [-] of them?

Grab it! !They coincidentally became cruel! !

"Treasure...spiritual turtle...we all want it!!" Zhongsun Yuechan sneered, besides these two, she hated Tang Yan even more, and being able to cheat Tang Yan once was definitely more enjoyable than anything else!
"Huangshenzhai has a grudge against Tang Yan, so we just take advantage of this opportunity. Let's follow up first, sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and then take the opportunity to take down Tang Yan!!" Zhao Huan looked at the rest of the team, and his attitude was a little slow: "Everyone Do you have any comments?"

"Prince Zhao is very polite, we are very happy!!" The other five people all agreed. Fifty Golden Flame Spirit Turtles alone are enough for them to take risks. If they can get another treasure, they must go all out! !

"Listen to you." Chocolate also nodded with a smile, and twisted his hands indiscriminately. He acted casually and had no spiritual power fluctuations, so he didn't attract any attention.

"Only by cooperating with all our strength, advancing together and retreating together, can we obtain the greatest benefit." Zhao Huan simply reminded them and rushed out first.

(End of this chapter)

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