Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1320 Abyss Tomb

Chapter 1320 Abyss Tomb
"Quick, quick, quick! Keep up!!" Tang Yan and others sprinted at the bottom of the river at full speed, facing the rushing river upstream.

In different directions, Li Baiying and others, Alison's troops, and Zhao Huan's troops who joined later all rushed towards the bottom of the lake.

"I'll take a step first! Pay attention to your safety!" Tang Yan suddenly unfolded the eight lightning seals, which turned into eight chaotic golden lightning bolts, and expanded violently for more than [-] meters.

Affected by the water flow and space at the bottom of the river, the Eight Thunder Seals failed to achieve the astonishing effect of a kilometer, but the distance of 500 meters is still extremely impressive.

"It's so fierce! He knows more complicated things than me!" Nian Youyu was surprised.

"Follow me!!" Xu Yan unfurled a pair of dark bone wings behind his back. With a sudden shake, he tore through the water like a sharp blade, and chased after him at top speed.

Tang Yan cast the eight-phase thunder seal one after another regardless of the loss, and rushed into the lake area in just ten breaths.Without stopping, he dived fiercely and went straight to the bottom of the lake.The size of the lake is huge, but the depth is even more terrifying. All the way down, no trace can be found.

The bottom of the lake is becoming more and more peaceful... dark... and the water pressure at the bottom of the lake continues to surge, a very abnormal and exaggerated way of pressurizing!As a result, it became more and more difficult to cast the eight-phase thunder seal, and the distance of each time was shortened sharply.

When Tang Yan dived more than 50 meters, the expansion distance of each thunder seal was shortened to [-] meters, which was still the limit of his full strength.

"Hey! Isn't the pressure too great?" Tang Yan stopped for a while, calmed down his heavy panting, and swallowed a handful of spiritual source liquid to replenish consumption.The terrible water pressure has soared to tens of thousands of catties, and it is squeezed in all directions, as if to grind everything into powder. It is absolutely difficult for Yaozun to move.

In the abyss at the bottom of the lake, the water pressure is too great, the lake water is a bit viscous, the environment is as dark as ink, and there is a dead silence.

The spread of sound and energy is severely limited.

Tang Yan aroused Sen Luo's eyes and looked carefully towards the bottom of the lake.The sight range of Sen Luo's eyes was also restricted, but after staring carefully for a long time, he found some light faintly at the bottom of the lake, and there were wonderful energy fluctuations, like gentle ripples spreading from the bottom of the lake to the surface of the lake.

"I hope you can surprise me." Tang Yan took a deep breath and dived at full speed.

I don't know how long it has passed, or how far I have rushed, but the light in my sight is getting brighter and clearer.

Finally, Tang Yan landed at the bottom of the lake, where the river course was undulating and messy, like the jagged mountains outside.On one of the protruding rocky mountains, a very ferocious winding crack appeared, about six or seven meters wide and three to forty meters long.

The colorful glow comes out from the cracks.

It looks like eyes opened at the mouth of hell, which makes people feel dreadful.

Tang Yan looked around, but found no other traces, he should have arrived first, observed a little, and rushed over vigilantly.

Just after entering the cave, the scene inside suddenly became clear.

There are caves inside the stone mountain, like a giant palace carved out.It is spacious and magnificent, as high as 30 meters, as wide as a football field, and it is full of ancient and vast atmosphere.

Hundreds of night pearls are dotted on the steep stone walls, reflecting the caves like daytime.

Maybe the cave was always hollow before, but a sudden crack caused the water from the bottom of the lake to flow in, causing the cave to be filled with lake water, and all the furnishings were floating in a mess.

Tang Yan stared at the cave vigilantly. At this moment, an iron sword floated in front of him along with the current. It was already rusted, twisted and broken under the huge pressure of the bottom of the lake.

It might have been a sword once, but age has drained its aura.

A stone bench fluttered with the tide. It was decayed and full of cracks. It kept making crackling noises under the pressure of the water. After a while, it shattered and turned into messy small stones floating in the water.

Tang Yan held his breath, used his spiritual power to keep his body moving, and quickly dived down to the ground of the cave. There were a variety of objects around him, but they were messy and all were broken under the water pressure.

It can be seen that they are very, very old, and the old ones have become decayed waste products, with little utility.

"Who built the cave at the bottom of the lake? Is this a palace?" Tang Yan was vigilant and curious, even more surprised, and walked forward slowly under the pressure of the water.

At this time, there was a violent cracking sound, the crack above the cave was expanding, and the broken stones were floating silently.

Finally... Tang Yan stopped in the middle of the dilapidated cave with a stunned expression on his face.

An old and dilapidated stone platform appeared in front of him, like a high platform used for sacrifices, surrounded by eighteen stone pillars, with black chains wrapped around them. Compared with other dilapidated objects, although the stone pillars were full of cracks, they still Standing proudly, some ferocious beasts were once entwined by the chains, but now there are only messy bones floating in the water with the impact of the current.

Above the stone platform is an ancient stone tomb!

It is only half a meter high and less than two meters in diameter, in the shape of a simple dome.

"Tomb? Whose tomb?! I have a fate with the tomb in this life?" Tang Yan laughed at himself and was surprised, and quickly rushed up the stone platform, but the tomb was smooth and flat, without any markings or records, only a bare tombstone.

whose tomb?Who was buried?
Whose cemetery, who built it?

Tang Yan looked around the entire cave. Although it was created by chiseling a mountain, judging from the scattered objects, they are all very delicate things.The ancient stone caves can fully see the outline and neat decoration in the original words.

"Senior, I've offended you. The world is in chaos, and this junior needs something to save his life. You don't want what you have learned all your life to be buried with you. It's time to find a successor." Tang Yan bowed three times in front of the grave as a sign Respected, then took out the black coffin, and secretly used all his strength to blast it up.

"Stop!!" A sharp howl suddenly came from behind.

Tang Yan ignored it completely, and the black coffin went down anyway.Clang.Sparks splashed, loud noises roared, and the entire cave trembled.Click, click, the crack is expanding at a very fast speed, but it's not that the tomb is broken, but two new cracks have been created in the cave.

Huh? ?

Tang Yan was astonished, the black coffin couldn't break through the tomb?

The tomb was neat and tidy, sitting firmly on the stone platform, without any signs of fragmentation, but on the contrary, Tang Yan's handwriting was sore and tingling.

"I tell you to stop!! Is this a place for you to be presumptuous!" Alison's huge body squeezed into the cave, entrenched intimidation, and the two frontmost hands opened a dark blue bow and arrow. The condensed sharp arrow pointed at Tang Yan's forehead.

Killing intent! !

"Is this your home? Why do you just stop when you say stop?" Tang Yan smiled, shook his head, and suddenly raised his hand in the next moment, Lieyang Dadi bowed and pointed at Alison, and ghostly green fire rolled up from his whole body , quickly gathered in the bow and arrow, and turned into an equally strong sharp arrow, pointing at Alison's forehead.

In the bright stone cave, under the heavy water pressure, the green fire is still shining brightly and arrogantly, gathering power.

"This is the river area, and this is the world of my Naga clan. Water elemental power suppresses all spiritual power. Water can defeat fire. You are not my opponent." Alison snorted coldly, and the other six fingers raised their arms one after another, dancing differently. weapons.

Two blue javelins, two blue long swords, and two blue long sticks, all of which are steaming with surging water energy, greatly increasing their momentum.And the edge of the blue javelin was also pointed at Tang Yan, coordinating with the sharp arrow in his hand.

"Really?" Tang Yan smiled, and before he finished speaking, his smile turned hard. The Lieyang Earth Bow that he tried to pull away was released suddenly, and the stone platform under his feet vibrated violently. .

The sharp arrow tore through the tide and went straight for Alison!And along the way, the green arrow burned the water at such a high speed that a cavity was formed, and the water flow in all directions immediately replenished, forming a slender and extremely fast vortex, extending along with the sharp arrow.

Tang Yan, on the other hand, was faster and more powerful, rotating the black coffin, and blasted down with the force of Mount Tai.

"Things that are beyond their control!" Alison released the sharp arrow in her hand at the same time, and the two javelins violently projected. At the same time, the tail of the snake surged, like a spring that was compressed to the extreme, and it was released in an instant, killing Tang Yan.

The rocket and the water arrow collide halfway!
boom!There was a violent muffled sound, and it froze instantly!
The space at the point of impact swelled up like a balloon, and the two energies and two colors merged instantly, and then... a violent explosion accompanied by an earth-shattering noise exploded in the center of the cave, forming a whirlpool-like twisted zone , Sweeping more than a hundred meters.

Tang Yan and Alison, who were in the impact, were disturbed at the same time, bounced away by the violent energy, and tossed in different directions.

Even Alison's javelin was affected by the energy shock, forcibly deflected, and blasted towards the cave in the distance.Accompanied by a violent bang, a huge hole was violently blasted out of the cave more than a hundred meters away, and the javelin continued to gain momentum, disappearing into the dark bottom of the lake in an instant.

The strength is terrible!
Tang Yan and Alison retreated to the edge of the cave at the same time, both showing expressions of shock.

(End of this chapter)

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