Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1330 The Underworld Opens

Chapter 1330 The Underworld Opens

"Huh?" Huston and the others were vigilant one after another at the corresponding position hundreds of meters away. The distance was too far and the environment was too chaotic. They didn't pay attention immediately, but they could vaguely feel that something was wrong.

Aww! !There was a deep roar from the magma deep in the mountain, rumbling, the ground shook, the loud noise was deafening, the magma that had just fallen back surged violently, and spewed out from the bottom hundreds of meters, with terrifying momentum Like a galloping river, or like ten thousand horses galloping together, they wildly hit the messy arch bridge and the jagged stone ballast, drowning Tang Yan and others.

The thick magma tide of hundreds of meters reached the crater in a blink of an eye, and with a loud bang, it rumbled toward the high altitude, reaching an altitude of tens of meters.

The momentum is earth-shattering! !
It shook the whole building, and even shocked the beasts and hunting teams in the Sifanghe area.

At this moment, the entire interior of the volcano was completely reduced to a magma world. The terrifying high temperature and terrifying magma continued to surge like a wave.

Everyone was terrified, the sight range was full of hot and dazzling magma, and the high temperature of hundreds of degrees brutally destroyed everyone's spiritual body protection.

"Hurry up!!! Come in!!" Miranda immediately greeted Houston and the others, and led them into a nearby cave, hiding her breath with all her strength.

"What's going on?" Hao Shuai and the others were still in shock, frowning.

Miranda inhaled secretly, marveling at the sudden momentum, and then smiled: "I found someone chasing in, it might be the Unknown team, I just stimulated a few cubs, and the position is across from us.

Don't panic, the old tortoise in the volcano is startled, it will probe over there and deal with the intruders with all its strength, ignoring us.Let's wait for a while, how about sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight? "

"Oh? There are intruders? Whose team?" Hao Shuai frowned slightly.

"What the heck!! Miranda did a great job!!" Browning highly praised, with fiery eyes: "It's just a matter of using them to play with the old turtles first, this is the territory of the old turtles, it's hard to deal with, and both sides will lose! At that time, the opponent will soon run away, or be seriously injured, and the old turtles will also be injured. Let's find the right time to attack with all our strength and take it down easily!"

"Good idea! It's beautifully done!" The rest of the people thought about it for a while, and gave Miranda a thumbs up as well. If you use a little stimulation, you can reap the benefits!

"That's it, get ready!!" Houston was a capable and decisive person, his eyes lit up, and he affirmed Miranda's actions for the first time.

The smile on the corner of Miranda's mouth widened slightly, and a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes!

Tang Yan and the others were shocked and angry, and had nowhere to hide.Because the source of the screams of the cubs was behind them, the monster at the bottom of the magma immediately extended its thoughts to them when it got angry.

So... found out... what's going on?Screaming?Could it be that the Houston side is framing it?Tang Yan shook his head slightly, his face was extremely ugly.

Roar! !A hard roar came from the abyss, extremely brittle, like the roar of steel, shaking the volcano and making the already raging magma completely boil.

The old turtle is angry!How dare you trespass on your lair! !
Roaring and clanging, deafening, the boiling magma became extremely hot at this moment, the temperature soared hundreds of degrees in the blink of an eye, and the dazzling magma wave was filled with strange golden flames, densely packed.

"Ugh!!" Nalantu and the others screamed, and even Gu Lingfeng and the others were terrified. The temperature was too high, and their spiritual protection was melting rapidly. The terrifying high temperature seemed to burn them to the ground !
This is the old lair of the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle for thousands of years, here is the source of magma in the river world, and here is its territory and its battlefield.It... With the help of the long life of a turtle, it has survived for 7 years, and it has been promoted to a semi-sage for more than 5 years... a [-]-year-old semi-sage!The old monster who stepped into the holy land with half a foot!
This anger, it will melt everything!
But also at this sudden change, when the old turtle in the abyss was venting, Tang Yan and Xu Yan almost rushed down like an electric shock, facing the gushing magma directly into the abyss.

At the first moment of the accident, they had a premonition of the crisis, so... Hurry up, Hurry up... The fastest... The most urgent... "I am the descendant of the Fire Emperor! The Fire Emperor—the ghost green fire!"

"I am the descendant of the Bone Clan! The Bone Clan—the Ancient Gold Clan!!!"

Tang Yan used all his strength to cast the sky fire, and the mighty green fire swept across the impact with an explosive force. As Tang Yan swept across the abyss, although the golden flame was strong and domineering, it could not hold up to the half-holy sky fire, and Huo Ling'er appeared in response to the call, sitting upright. Tang Yan raised his head, and personally controlled the green fire.

About [-]% of the ancient animal bones in Xu Yan's body were fully aroused, and the terrible bone tide swept out like a crystal rock, and filled with an incomparable ancient atmosphere, trembling the already boiling abyss magma.

"It's death! It's surrender! It's chance!"

"Death, the whole volcano is buried for you! Surrender, become a prey, humiliate the beast! Chance, with the power of the Fire Emperor and the power of the sky fire, will help temper the body, refine the god, transform and advance. You are a semi-holy, your IQ is extremely high... ...respond immediately..."

Xu Yan and Tang Yan roared one after another, whether it was aura or power, each was more terrifying and heavier than the other, and it was the first time that the two had completely released their aura.

At the same time, Houston and the others in the cave above were also shaken.They were startled by the mixed golden threads in the magma. Except for the semi-holy ones, the rest of the dignities were all pale and screamed. At this moment, they felt the coming of death, so direct, so clean and neat, as if to They melt directly into slag.But they were even more shocked by the other two shocking auras that followed, which made them extremely uneasy!Dare to threaten!

Whoosh whoosh!Tang Yan and Xu Yan descended straight into the abyss, gathering their strongest combat power. Green Fire and Bone Forest had already spread out behind them, covering an extremely large area.Once the entire abyss was full of golden magma, it was the only one, and it was the master. At this moment, the forced insertion of Tianhuo and Bone Forest are fiercely resisting!

At the bottom of the abyss, four huge elephant-like old turtles were entrenched in the magma tide, with a ferocious body and bony bones, exuding a very majestic sense of strength. With a stone-clad eagle head and dark green eyes full of hostility and murderous intent, it stared coldly at the intruder.

And in the middle of the four old tortoises, they jointly guard a golden old tortoise like a hill. It is golden in color and burning with golden flames, which almost burns the surrounding space. It made Tang Yan and Xu Yan feel hot.

It should be the owner of the volcano, that old monster that existed for tens of thousands of years, a semi-holy with endless life.It is a bit older, but its power is more prosperous.Although Golden Flame is not superior to Skyfire, after tens of thousands of years of repeated forging, Golden Flame is superior to some extent!
"Ghost Blue Fire...the descendants of the Bone Race..." The golden old turtle restrained the anger of the four high-level demon-venerated guards. The four high-level demon-venerated old turtles also survived for thousands of years, and their strength was no better than those of the blessed imperial descendants. , Their experience and background make up for all the lack of martial arts and talents. They...the four of them resisted the's no problem..."Open the gate of the underworld...the way of the underworld...please..." Tang Yan directly opened the eyes of silence, Endless dead air mixed with a pitch-black ancient road, leading directly from the eyes to the old turtle.

There is a great urgency, and every second cannot be delayed!
"It's death! It's surrender! It's a chance?!" Xu Yan roared angrily, the power stemming from blood and ancient animal bones filled every corner of the magma abyss.

"Sky fire, hell, new opportunities... new world..." Tang Yan opened the eyes of silence to the maximum, and only had to wait for three seconds. If they didn't follow, they would start fighting immediately.

At this moment, there is no need to worry too much about the old turtle's self-destruction, is a has survived for endless years. Although its temperament is violent, it has more opportunities to wait and shrewd wisdom.

"Aww!!" The golden old tortoise suddenly raised its head and let out a sharp roar. The sound was sonorous and thunderous, and it shook the bottom of the abyss without showing any signs of aging.

At the same time, the four ancient giant tortoises also roared.

"Are they calling their companions?" Tang Yan and Xu Yan's expressions suddenly changed, and they subconsciously wanted to attack.Be sure to win before Houston and others make a move, or take control of the situation!
But... the golden old tortoise suddenly raised its sharp claws like a millstone, and rumbled towards the dark and vast ancient road to Huangquan... This movement... The earth shook and the mountains shook... This movement... The rock tide surged... This movement ... All the more than a hundred Golden Flame Spirit Turtles in the entire volcano rushed out of the cave, no matter how big or small they were, and swam towards the abyss at full speed.

Tang Yan and Xu Yan were pleasantly surprised. This trip was originally a panic-stricken and intense response without any consideration, but the result turned out to be so shocking.

Rumble! !The golden flame old turtle stepped on Huangquan Road, and the raging magma wave seemed to have found a pouring hole, flooded the ancient road, and rushed towards Tang Yan's left eye.

Tang Yan growled in a muffled voice, fully aroused the eyes of Mie Mie, and ordered Huo Ling'er to guard them with all his strength.

Xu Yan immediately guarded the left and right, and the pale bone stubble spread across the abyss like a spider web.

"The spirit turtle clan...stayed in the Newborn Realm of Hell..." The old golden tortoise murmured lowly, stepped on the ancient road, and walked into the Newborn Realm of Hell with golden magma.

The pain in Tang Yan's left eye was unbearable. The impact of the golden magma made it so hot that half of his head turned fiery red. The terrible pain made him growl in a muffled voice, and his whole body tensed up.

(End of this chapter)

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