Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1331 Fire Hell

Chapter 1331 Fire Hell
Booming... In the southern part of Hell's new world, the sky and the earth suddenly became bright red, and the temperature rose sharply. A galloping magma washed down from the dark sky like a torrent. It was more than a hundred meters wide and roared across thousands of meters. The vast sky hit the equally dark ground with a swift and wild gesture.

It's like a gigantic beam of light piercing through the sky and the earth!

Most of the southern world was 'lighted up', countless lonely souls were startled, and ghosts everywhere appeared in a trance. The huge momentum and power also alarmed the Ren family members in the central region.

boom!boom!Wow!The magma hit the ground, and the terrible high temperature immediately melted the ground and the mountains, and the wild impact force also cracked the ground and shattered the mountains.The magma was viscous and hot, spreading in all directions, and everything that passed along the way was melted and turned into new magma.

This feeling and this scene are really like boiling soup and Wo Xue! !

Aww! !The golden old tortoise with a golden body struggled to climb out of the dark sky, like a scorching sun, exuding terrifying power, and even more scorching high temperature, it rushed down on the wave of golden flames, roaring loudly and tenaciously The sound was so loud that it shocked most of the new world.

The semi-holy ancestors of the Ren family, the vicious mermaid banshee, Spike Fang, and the evil ancestors all stared at the sky. Even if they were very far away, they could feel the heat and redness there, and even the roar contained in the howling sound. The stock is wild and vigorous.

"Another new race has come in! I don't know which monster it is!" The cold eyes of the ancestor of the Ren family implied a bit of complexity. Tang Yan's successive actions destined him to make hell his own hell, not A place of death that formed purely spontaneously.

First, the sea area of ​​Jijian in the north, then the Nightmare Mountains in the east, then the ghost town of Renjia in the middle, and now there is a new Jedi shape.He didn't know if it was appropriate for Tang Yan to do so, but his hell was destined to be even more terrifying.

The golden old tortoise crashed down, stirring up hundreds of feet of dust, its huge and heavy body swayed violently, and the area with a radius of several kilometers collapsed in an instant, and a huge deep pit appeared, which became its temporary foothold.

high temperature!Red! !

It became the focus of the entire southern hell!
And the impacted magma gathered here for the first time.

In the volcanic abyss outside, Tang Yan persisted, and the Eye of Mie Mie continued to swallow the surging and hot magma, forming an endless wave of magma pouring back into the new world.

The Golden Flame Spirit Turtles that swam down from the sky gathered one after another. The big tortoise carried a group of small tortoises and came to the end of the ancient road to Huangquan. They all looked at the scene in front of them in amazement. With the elders here, they will not explode in fright.

"By the ancestor's own order—from now on... my clan of spirit turtles will enter a new world..." Four high-level demon-level golden flame spirit turtles with a lifespan of ten thousand years let out a deep roar, leading the guardian Follow more than a hundred Golden Flame Spirit Turtles stepping one by one, following the magma and ancient roads into the new world.

This is a new road, leading to an even newer world.

They are slightly apprehensive, but full of anticipation.

The old turtle in the new world let out a continuous high-pitched roar to welcome the coming people.

Tang Yan also released dozens of golden flame spirit turtles captured in the golden lock, and then included them in the new world.

As for coma or poisoning, just leave it to those old turtles to deal with it!
The subsidence of the magma and the departure of the old turtle seemed to have touched the foundation of a giant volcano. Accompanied by the loud cracking sound, ferocious cracks appeared in the volcanic mountain, and the hot magma rushed out of the crack, splashing and impacting. Suddenly, the entire volcano collapsed.

The magma mixed with the boulders and rushed in all directions with a force of destruction.

Tang Yan and Xu Yan didn't show up right away, they still stayed at the bottom of the magma abyss, intertwined with bone stubble to form an excellent defensive nest.Tang Yan sits cross-legged deep in the magma, continuing to swallow the magma in the new world, and letting Huo Linger devour the rich golden flame power in the magma.

The old turtles have all left, but there is a huge amount of golden flame power remaining in the abyssal magma tide that they have devoted themselves to creating for tens of thousands of years.They are pure and peculiar, and they are definitely rare and great supplements for Ghost Green Fire. Although it is not so exaggerated to directly advance, it can definitely greatly improve its ability.

For Tang Yan, this opportunity is also a rare one in his rough half life - easy, smooth and huge harvest!
"...Golden Flame Spirit Turtle...Southern Fire Grave..." Xie Zu floated in the south, away from the raging flame area, staring side by side with Tang Yan's conscious body.

The amount of magma absorbed by Tang Yan was quite large, and it was swallowed continuously, so that a giant magma lake of nearly ten kilometers was formed. The high temperature of more than a thousand degrees melted the earth and scorched the air. The scorching sun shines in all directions, dispelling the darkness.

The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle in the Semi-Holy Realm and the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle in the High-level Demon Venerable Realm are leading their people to open up territories and expand the width and depth of the magma lake.

It was beyond Tang Yan's expectation that it agreed to come in, but since it came in and showed enthusiasm, it was tantamount to submitting.

"You decided to use it as the third ominous tomb? Could it be too hasty." Xie Zu stared and asked, the expression of the soul body showed no tendency to joy, anger, sorrow or joy.

"It's not too hasty, it's too pleasantly surprised!! You should be able to feel that the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle family is not a mortal creature, and careful cultivation can definitely play a big role. Maybe there will be unexpected things in the hell space created by the Fire Emperor. Growth. If we really advance to the next level, we will really make a lot of money!"

Xie Zu said lukewarmly: "If you really advance to the next level, your new world won't be able to tolerate him anymore."

Tang Yan hesitated for a while, and said truthfully: "I didn't expect it to agree easily, but its joy shows that it longs for the nourishment of the green fire, which is an opportunity for it. Just like the master of the fierce world, the three life stone Like, they are not perfect, and there is a lot of room for improvement.

But it will not be that simple to advance to the bible, the power here is not enough to promote them.This is my new world, and the power in it depends on me.If I don't get promoted, if I don't get promoted, they can't get promoted either. "

"I've recommended a forbidden place to you as a candidate for the Fire Grave's evil place before. You don't plan to go there?"

"Thousand Fire Field?!"

"That's right! It's a land of lava! There are no normal creatures in it, only spirits, similar to the Ominous Sea."

"This is just the beginning. Let the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle come in and develop it first. In the future, we will go to the Ten Thousand Fire Field. At that time, depending on the situation... either unite or coexist in the south." Tang Yan waved his hand as he spoke, controlling A large number of green fire powers in the new world gathered towards the south.

The east is Nightmare Hell, the north is Wangyang Hell, and the south is located—Fire Grave Hell!
Wouldn't it be more perfect for a Golden Flame Spirit Turtle and a Ten Thousand Fires Field to guard the Southern Hell together? !As for whether the two will coexist in the future, or who will annex the other, it is not up to them to decide, it has to be decided by themselves and the development of hell.

What's more... With the assistance of the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle and others, it will be easier to enter the restricted area of ​​the Ten Thousand Fire Field in the future.

"You decide for yourself, I'll meet this old turtle first." Xie Zu seemed to dislike this guy who suddenly broke into hell and woke him up.

"The turtle's life is exaggerated. It may have lived for tens of thousands of years. Be careful, don't be fooled by it."

"That's it?! Hmph!! I have to let him know what kind of place it is and what rules to follow!! Don't be lawless and don't know what is good or bad!" Xiezu snorted coldly, jumped forward, and said a voice halfway: " Turn that boy Langya over to me!"

Tang Yan rubbed his forehead and reminded: "Be careful of their flames, they are not much worse than the current green flames."

A quarter of an hour later, the evil ancestor landed in the southern magma lake, sweeping down with green fire and soul power overwhelming.

The magma surged in the middle of the magma, and the old tortoise in the semi-sacred realm popped out like a golden hill, staring at it coldly with green eyes: "How dare lonely ghosts come here to play wild?! Get out!!"

"Hey! You bastard!! This is the new world of hell, the ancestor is the first generation master, just missing a mount, it's you!!"

The old turtle stared at Xie Zu coldly, and suddenly laughed coldly: "Xie Zu, Xie Zu, you are so downcast that you are neither human nor ghost!"

"You want to control?! Surrender!" The evil ancestor roared angrily, swirling green fire and soul power and rushed down.

"When you asked for help from the Valley of the Wicked, the old man read a joke. At that time, I thought you were in a mess, but I didn't expect that after many years, you were even more embarrassed! There is an old saying that goes well, evil is rewarded with evil, you deserve it right! !" The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle rose from the ground like a cannonball, rolling up raging magma, pouring down into the sky.

"Eh...they know each other? No wonder the ancestor doesn't want to see it." Tang Yan was slightly stunned. It turned out that the evil ancestor came to the Valley of the Wicked for help?It turns out that the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle has seen the excitement?
(End of this chapter)

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