Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1332 Safe Evacuation

Chapter 1332 Safe Evacuation
As early as when Tang Yan and Xu Yan were diving, Gu Lingfeng and others protected Nalantu and Youzhuo and fled to the sky. Houston and others also evacuated to avoid being destroyed by the magma.The golden magma is too terrifying, and the semi-saints can't bear it at all. No matter how talented you are or how good your martial skills are, it will completely destroy you. They are afraid that they will be forcibly melted.

After rushing out, both sides felt a little lingering fear.The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle is really domineering. The old turtle on the ground probably has been promoted to the semi-holy realm for a long time, otherwise it would not have such power.

But Gu Lingfeng's side was purely withdrawing, Tang Yan and Xu Yan were able to control the situation, and their going down would only add to the chaos.Houston's side retreated in shock and hesitation. He was shocked by the old tortoise's bully, hesitating that he retreated too arbitrarily. He should go down to see the situation, lest Tang Yan get the upper hand.

So... the moment the two sides escaped, Gu Lingfeng and the others stood firmly in mid-air, waiting and watching patiently, while Houston led the rest of the semi-saints to turn and kill.

But...the volcano collapsed...the magma spread in all directions, over the dilapidated mountain, and rushed to the surrounding forests.

The momentum and scene were too huge, causing a sensation in the whole building!

"I don't feel right! Tang Yan and that half-sage are missing from the team over there!" Hao Shuai was full of doubts, premonitioning that something was wrong.

Houston said: "Look at the momentum... Could it be that Tang Yan and the others went straight down to fight the old turtle?"

Browning drew out the flaming broadsword, and frowned: "Could it be that Tang Yan wants to forcefully control all the old turtles in the ground?! It's broken, we must not let them succeed!

How about... we go in now?If Tang Yan really succeeds, there is an old turtle from the semi-holy realm inside!A full ten! "

Miranda smiled and said: "Everyone, don't be nervous. The volcano is the battlefield of the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle, and there are several high-ranking monsters to assist. Tang Yan and the others only have two semi-sages, and it is impossible to control the situation immediately. Looking at the current situation, the underground The abyss is fighting fiercely, and it is estimated that neither side will be able to do anything to the other in a short period of time."

Everyone remained silent, frowning, focusing on the collapsing volcanic body and the powerful energy surging inside, trying to sense the fluctuations below.

Miranda continued: "My suggestion is to wait until they lose both sides of the fight, or when one side is about to retreat, then we will find an opportunity to make a move. By then... Wouldn't it be a good thing to reap the benefits?!"

Hao Shuai was expressionless, but a trace of disgust flashed across his brows: "I guess if the two sides really fight, Tang Yan and the others should have a slight upper hand. Instead of running away, they will go all out to take it down. If we force it at that moment It is immoral to rob them, which is tantamount to robbing them of rations, and it may even anger them. In this way... don't we want to have a grudge against Tang Yan?"

Miranda giggled coquettishly: "What is this called? Is it possible that Mr. Hao is afraid? Competition on the battlefield is a competition between you and me! Soldiers are not tired of deceit and mantises catch cicadas and orioles are behind. Everyone understands these principles.

Besides, what if you messed up?What Tang Yan is most afraid of now is multiple enemies, especially the other empires, otherwise Jiulongling and Xingluo Empire will be over.Even if we slap him twice, he can only swallow his anger, Prince Houston, what do you think? "

"I'm afraid he's a bird! You're right. Team battles are all about fighting for each other. As long as you don't die, it's not an enemy! Do it!!" Browning couldn't bear it anymore. The momentum of the volcano was too great. Long's formation was more exciting than the frontier battlefield, as if an invisible big hand was provoking his fighting spirit.

"It's still Mr. Browning's pride." Miranda didn't hesitate to praise her.

Houston is a decisive and wise prince, and he has already decided to attack, but at this moment, Miranda's seeming agitation makes him slightly disgusted, and he also has inexplicable vigilance.

What is this woman's intention?
First she seduced Tang Yan, saying that she missed him, but now she wanted to kill him.

At this time, the volcano that had boiled for only ten breaths gradually stopped, leaving only the out-of-control magma spreading towards the surrounding forests with gravel, igniting a raging fire, and thick volcanic ash also falling down like a torrential rain.

"It's over? It's too soon! Will Tang Yan die?" Someone in the team muttered.

"Impossible, if I die like this..." Miranda's eyes flickered, and she whispered to herself, "That would be so boring..."

"Be careful, isn't it the calm before the storm?" A half-saint reminded everyone, and also opened up the defense to defend the whole team.

Miranda looked into the distance and muttered, "Don't die, don't die, don't die, I haven't had enough fun yet. But...if I really will save me some trouble..."

Gu Lingfeng and others in the distance glanced coldly here, and fell back to the collapsed crater one after another. Now it is simply a magma lake, which is constantly being used for magma gurgling and exuding terrifying heat.

After a long while, the collapsed volcano gradually calmed down, and there was no more boiling and surging of magma, but there were signs of gradual recovery.

The two sides gradually couldn't hold back, and the scene became even more silent.

The Houston side was even more hesitant. It seemed that Tang Yan and Xu were bored to death?Otherwise, why didn't you come out for so long!If this is the case, will the old turtle in the ground be so strong and perverted?Or was it seriously injured?
Gu Lingfeng's side was also eager to move, and the situation was obviously not normal. They were all a little worried about Tang Yan and Xu Yan's situation.

But... Quiet... Quiet... Quiet... For a long time, it was still very quiet... Except for the raging fire in the surrounding mountains and forests, there was no movement.

"Go down!!" Houston couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed into the magma tide with the other three half-saints. Browning and other high-ranking half-saints hesitated for a while, and then fell into the collapsed crater one after another, frowning nervously. Watching.They wanted to go down very much, but they didn't dare to try blindly after experiencing the power of the golden flame in the magma.

"Should we go down and have a look too?" Gu Lingfeng asked hesitantly.

Xuanyuan Longli shook his head slowly: "Tang Yan is the descendant of the Fire Emperor, the emperor of all fires in the world, and now he has been promoted to the semi-sacred realm with Tang Yan, and he can be called the No. 1 fire attribute in the semi-sacred realm!
If there are other types of semi-holy old monsters here, we can worry about Tang Yan's safety, now...we should consider whether Tang Yan is playing tricks..."

At this moment, an extremely small and blue fireball floated over from a distance, flickering, sneaking, and rushed into Gu Lingfeng's team.

"Huh?" Everyone was startled, just as they were about to catch it, the cyan fireball immediately returned back the same way like a bolt of lightning, rushing towards the end of the road.

"He escaped?!"

"I knew he wouldn't die so easily."

"Good people don't live long, but evil will last for thousands of years. The eternal truth!"

Everyone understood immediately. After looking at each other, they retreated unhurriedly, and immediately rushed to evacuate immediately after the volcanic area.

"Why are they all gone?" Browning looked at it strangely: "Just ignore it like this? Don't worry about Tang Yan's life or death?"

"It can be seen that Tang Yan is very unpopular in the team!! Hmph!!" Miranda snorted lukewarmly, and continued to stare at the volcano body with a frown.But although the words were a little harsh, an ominous intuition made her feel that something was wrong.

Somewhere eight kilometers away, Gu Lingfeng and others arrived one after another, where they saw Tang Yan and Xu Yan smiling.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but smile: "Successful?"

"A semi-holy old tortoise, four high-level demon masters, five elementary demon masters, and more than a hundred cubs, all of them will be taken!" Tang Yan was the most surprised at this moment. They hunted down their prey and expanded their new world.

Not as rebellious and unruly as the Lord of the Fiends, the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle might be able to help at critical moments, just like the members of the Ren family.

"Beautiful job!!" Xuanyuan Long couldn't help applauding.

"How did you do it?"

"How did you get here?"

"Where is the old turtle??"

Everyone asked one after another, full of doubts.

"We left through the underground magma tunnel. We will talk about other things slowly on the way. First find the pheasant, and then come here immediately. We have cheated Houston, and he may not give up." Tang Yan blinked and led everyone away quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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