Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1333 Wait and see

Chapter 1333 Wait and see
Somewhere, Zhao Huan found An Lingxi who was lurking through a special contact method.

"It was the volcano that Houston's team entered by mistake, causing a shock, and it is estimated that they will rush out soon. Tang Yan and the others have been lurking until now, and have not taken any action." An Lingxi showed a translucent body, and turned to Zhao Zhao. Huan reported the situation.

"It seems that there is a lot of noise! ​​Is there anything in the volcano?" Zhao Huan looked at the distance where the flames were raging, but he had no intention of probing forward.He has grudges with Tang Yan, but he doesn't want to have grudges with Thomas Fissen United Empire, so he can avoid it as much as possible.

"According to their own conversation, there is a high-level demon venerable inside, but the volcanic environment is very complicated, they may have encountered some trouble."

Zhao Huan nodded slowly, without further questioning.

"Where's the poison I gave you? Why didn't you do it?" Su Xiaoyan questioned An Lingxi, with a bad tone: "It's been almost an hour, and you haven't been able to find a chance to make a move? As long as you make a move, we can easily take it down." Tang Yan. Are you worried about the Houston side? Use your head to think about it, they will not take the initiative to fight against us, so even if there is a war between us, they will not easily intervene."

"Shut up! I should be the one to question!" An Lingxi's voice suddenly rose, and she stared at Su Xiaoyan coldly: "The anti-poison you gave has no effect at all! I released it on the island a long time ago, but it is not at all It had no effect, and I was almost discovered."

"Impossible!! I know my poison myself! If the poison doesn't kill me, it can destroy [-]% of it! Have you really released it? Where is it?"

"When Tang Yan and the others first came to the island, I was released on the river beach."

"Idiot!! It's windy outside, it must be blown away immediately, don't you even have this common sense?" Su Xiaoyan was very annoyed, and angrily said: "That is my strongest poison, very precious, just like this You've been wasted!"

An Lingxi stared at her coldly for a while, then suddenly said: "Give me some more, it's best to give me all your poison, and I'll find another chance."

"What do you want to do?" Su Xiaoyan frowned.Poison is one's own magic weapon for self-defense and foundation, so how can you give it to others easily, let alone all of it!
"The spirit pheasant next to Tang Yan is weird. He is very sensitive. He is not easy to deal with when there are fish in the year. He has some research on poison. Give me all your poisons. I will try them one by one. There is always one that can avoid their vigilance. , and be poisonous again!"

"Why didn't you try it? Are you not afraid of frightening the snake?" Zhao Kuo was a little skeptical.

"I have my own way!"

Zhongsun Yuechan immediately denied: "No!! Your approach is too risky. Once they find you, they may even risk your life."

An Lingxi suddenly laughed, the smile was a bit cold, everyone who laughed felt uncomfortable, and many people who laughed frowned, showing unkindness in their eyes.

"Why are you laughing?" A kingdom heir said angrily.

"What am I laughing at? I'm laughing at you! Laughing at your cowardice, laughing at your shame! The dignified imperial team does not dare to attack openly, and can only play tricks of sneak attacks. There is nothing wrong with sneak attacks, which can be understood as tactics, but the problem is you Even if you choose to sneak attack, you are afraid of the head and the tail, afraid of this and that!!
I, a weak woman, dare to bite the bullet and take risks on the front line. Instead of supporting me, you are cowardly, afraid of this and that!Just like you, are you still worthy of being the heirs of the empire and the kingdom? "

An Lingxi made some sarcastic remarks, unceremonious and extremely sharp.Especially when it fell into Zhao Huan's ears, it was extremely harsh and stimulated his self-esteem even more.

Zhao Huan originally wanted to take this opportunity to become famous all over the world, and playing the prestige of the Daqian prince in front of the heroes of the world is tantamount to giving the current majestic Daqian Dynasty a chance to add to the cake.But from the beginning to the end, I have suffered humiliation. First, Zheng Ming and the others were eliminated in the first round for no reason, causing the team's strength to be greatly damaged. Then Tang Yan's friend eliminated Mo Changge and other powerful assistants, and now he was ridiculed by a woman !
"Su Xiaoyan, give her all your poison!!" Zhao Huan stared at An Lingxi coldly: "I understand your purpose of approaching me, and I will give you a chance to prove yourself, but you only have half an hour. At that time, Tang Yan and the others must be poisoned, otherwise your thoughts will never be satisfied!"

"I..." Su Xiaoyan was very hesitant.

"Here!!" Zhao Huan's tone was immediately severe.

Su Xiaoyan's expression was gloomy, and he hesitated for a long time before taking out the poison from the interspatial ring. Although it could not be all the poison, he took out a total of thirty bottles, which was considered unprecedented generosity.

"Be careful." Zhao Kuo reminded repeatedly.

"Wait and see, everyone, I will give you a surprise, a big surprise." An Lingxi left a meaningful sentence, put away the poison and immediately became transparent, disappearing from everyone's sight.

Zhao Huan and the others didn't notice anything unusual from An Lingxi from the beginning to the end, because they hardly had much communication with An Lingxi.And even in the few short meetings, An Lingxi kept a cold face, so today's 'you're welcome' feels normal.

Putting aside other concerns, Zhao Kuo showed a burst of pride: "Cheer up, everyone. This time, Tang Yan's team must be completely defeated. Revenge for those who have hatred, and revenge for those who have resentment! After this is done, we can roam the river as much as we want District, treasure hunt and secret exploration!"

"Good!!" The heirs of the other kingdoms were also in high spirits.

Su Xiaoyan said: "Don't be careless, the poison will not have a significant impact on the semi-sacred and high-level martial arts. It is lucky to be able to cancel their three or four achievements. So... we will have a fierce battle!"

Zhongsun Yuechan took a deep breath and exhaled long: "I hope An Lingxi can succeed! Tang Yan has treasures in his hands, and more than 50 golden flame turtles. If we can get them all, this team battle will be a success." Even if you win more than half!"

"I'm afraid that An Lingxi is too radical, which will cause Tang Yan and the others to be vigilant." Some people don't quite believe An Lingxi as a 'weak woman'.

"The poisons I gave are all domineering types. If An Lingxi is found out, just throwing them all out will poison them enough!" Su Xiaoyan was very confident in her poison.

Chocolate asked: "Is there any antidote? If it is really a last resort and An Lingxi throws all the poison out, the place must be full of poisonous fog. Will we be poisoned when we rush in at that time?"

"...giggle..." Su Xiaoyan couldn't help laughing, and his depressed mood was swept away: "My good brother, you are so stupid and cute. Are Tang Yan and the others fools? If you really find out that you have been poisoned, They must have fled in a hurry, will they stay where they are and wait to die? We can wait for them to escape before taking action."

"Oh!!" Chocolate came to a sudden, pinched his fingers again when people were not prepared, and sent out a signal.

"Brother Pig, don't worry, even if you are really poisoned, my sister will cure you to ensure that there will be no hidden dangers." Su Xiaoyan smiled and pinched Chocolate's chubby face.

Five kilometers away from here, Tang Yan and Xu Yan were vigilant at the same time.

The ethereal beads hanging on their collars lit up!Through induction, the location of Chocolate is just five kilometers away to the east!
"Has Zhao Huan really followed?" Tang Yan looked at the east with a half-smile.

"Chocolate has been reminded for the second time, this time it is on the island, should we take action?" Xu Yan asked.When Chocolate reminded them before, the distance between the two sides was too far, so they ignored it, but this time... on the island... "Who? Do you know Chocolate?" Nian Youyu's ears are very sensitive, and his head turns faster.

Suddenly, a human face appeared on the trunk of the old tree in front of him, and it was the spirit pheasant that manifested: "I controlled An Lingxi and dug a trap. Prepare yourself."

"Trap? For whom?" Nian Youyu looked at the face on the tree in amazement, and couldn't help but want to go up and touch it twice. This guy is really a tree man!
"Zhao Huan and his party!"

"What trap?" Tang Yan cheered up.

"A trap that can trap them once!"

"What do you mean by controlling An Lingxi?" Xuanyuan Longli asked.

"An Lingxi is for our use for the time being." Lingzhi didn't explain too much, his nature was cold and hard, and he didn't like to show off. "I will guide you with a goal, listen to my signal and act. You Zhuo, you follow me first, you need to play a role."

"I'm going too!! How can the deceitful things leave me behind!" Nian Youyu was excited.

"How do you know my ability?" You Zhuo was surprised.She just revealed her secret to Tang Yan, what others know is just superficial.

"Stop dawdling, let's go."

You Zhuo hesitated for a while, then slowly looked at Tang Yan.

Tang Yan handed a space ring to You Zhuan, and said: "There are treasures you need in it, don't worry about using them. From now on, I will be responsible for all the materials you need, and I will not use your own. You only need to Just use your abilities."

You Zhuo nodded vigorously, his eyes flashed with courage and determination: "Go!!"

(End of this chapter)

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