Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1335 Violent Cute Girl

Chapter 1335 Violent Cute Girl

"We've been tricked!! Throw away the babies in your hands! Hurry up!" Zhao Kuo yelled suddenly, and his intuition told him that all babies have problems, which is a huge hidden danger.

It's a trap, and they've fallen for it! !

"This..." Everyone was obviously hesitant, including Zhongsun Yuechan!No matter who it is, once you get something, if you want to throw's hard..."Throw it!!!" Zhao Huan suddenly roared, his mighty aura exploded, and a domineering aura that overwhelmed all living beings suppressed the audience. Clenching it, the aura of domineering and domineering trembled the space.'s too late...on the top of the mountain two kilometers away, Youzhuanmu, who was closely guarded by Longli and Gu Lingfeng, suddenly opened his evil pink pupils, moved his lips quickly, and silently chanted some spells, with both hands Flying like the wind, complicated and confusing.

"Capture your soul, condense your essence, dissipate your body, and return to heaven and earth!" When the final handprints are concluded, when the lips are tightly pressed together.When the pink eyes turned into swirls, an erratic and hollow word resounded between the sky and the earth—explosion! !
Buzz buzz!In the depths of the dense forest, more than forty treasures all erupted with endless and gorgeous brilliance, and even more amazing energy accumulated inside them. The treasures that were still attractive a moment ago, this time seemed to be cannonballs with a fuse, and the internal energy continued to skyrocket , There are even dense cracks on the body surface of many weapons.

"What's wrong?" Everyone looked at each other in shock, and an extremely bad premonition grew in their hearts.

"Throw!!" Zhao Huan and Zhao Kuo roared violently, and quickly evacuated at the same time.

"Throw it away!!" The descendants from all over the world shouted in horror, but when they subconsciously wanted to throw away the treasure and retreat... a disaster happened... Boom! ! !

The energy inside more than forty treasures reached the extreme, and the result—explosion! !
They didn't contain any strange things inside, but completely and completely detonated their own bodies!It was drawn by Youzhuan with a secret method, releasing all their power.

Each treasure requires extremely surging spiritual power in the process of tempering and forging, and also requires a huge amount of medicinal materials, and even the master of the palace who is the essence of heaven and earth.

At this moment, what Youzhuo did was to release the vitality that they had robbed the world and return to the world, that is - to detonate from the inside out.

Release all the energy locked in the whole body.

If the treasures are compared to a monster or warrior, their explosion at this moment is completely equivalent to self-explosion! !

Boom! !

The glaring light shone on the mountains and forests, and terrifying energy suddenly erupted. Each one was like a erupting volcano or an out-of-control torrent, causing a devastating explosion with a destructive gesture!

The self-explosion power of one is terrifying enough, so what about more than 40 pieces?
There were all powerful fighters present, and they activated their spiritual power to protect their bodies when they were in shock, but after all, the explosion of the treasure was unexpected and sudden, and the energy it triggered was even more terrifying.Except for Zhao Huan and Zhao Kuo who escaped like being electrocuted and narrowly escaped the catastrophe, the other six people including Zhongsun Yuechan were all swept away by the violent explosion wave.

A total of more than 40 treasures!

A real treasure! !

They are all the treasures that Tang Yan looted from the treasure house of the Judgment Kingdom and the homes of the nobles in the royal city. They are incomparable spiritual weapons, but they are better than the huge number.

At this moment, the energy and space of this woodland expanded violently.

Ugh! !The shrill screams were completely submerged in the sound wave of more than forty consecutive explosions. A huge pothole exploded on the spot in the mountains and forests within a radius of hundreds of meters. The giant mushroom cloud shot straight into the sky centered on Zhongsun Yuechan and others.

Hundreds of meters tall, thousands of meters high, trembling, shaking the river area, at this moment, it almost became the focus within a radius of tens of kilometers! !

If a treasure is compared to a junior martial master, then... the collective self-destruction of more than 40 junior martial masters... is enough to trigger the rebellion of the energy of the world... Zhong Sun Yuechan and others were drowned in panic and anger!Be devastated!
Zhongsun Yuechan and the others were all from kingdoms and nobles, with powerful strength, exquisite martial arts skills, and special protection. Even in this extremely dangerous and sudden moment, they tried their best to protect themselves.But... when they tried their best to stimulate their spiritual power, when they tried their best to summon their guardians, an indescribable sense of weakness rushed straight to their foreheads.

Toxicity strikes! !
At this moment, they were at a loss, at this moment, they were terrified, at the next moment...they were completely devastated by the shock wave of the explosion...scarlet blood, tattered limbs, all mixed in the huge column of dust and mist rushing into the sky.

Even Zhao Huan and Zhao Kuo were swept away by the extremely violent impact, and at the critical moment, they also felt poisoned and dizzy, causing the defense to collapse.

"What's the situation?" Houston and the others rushed out of the magma area, staring there in astonishment.Before Browning and the others had time to inquire about the situation underground, they all stared at the huge pillar of dust and mist that violently flew into the air with shocking eyes.

The power contained in it made them gasp!

"My God!!" On the top of the mountain, both Gu Lingfeng and Xuanyuan Longli lost their minds for a long time, their eyes tremblingly fixed on the giant mushroom cloud rising into the sky in front of them.In this short moment, the shock wave swept by the explosion swept through the dense forest like a wave, and directly blasted towards the mountain where they were, causing violent tremors.

It was like a raging wave hitting the shore, crashing on the mountain, splashing a chaotic tidal wave of rocks.

The herds of beasts and hunting teams nearby were also alarmed by such a violent momentum, and even the Saint Chu Kuangfeng who was patrolling nearby was shaken all over his body, and charged with all his strength like lightning, and his angry roar resounded across the river area: "Who is presumptuous! You are so tired! ?!"

He had already attracted his attention when the volcano erupted before, but at this moment, the eruption directly made him panic, afraid that something might go wrong.

bang bang bang!Zhao Huan and Zhao Kuo landed in different directions, their luxurious clothes were in tatters, large parts were turned out of flesh and blood, even their faces were covered with blood, their breath was messy, and their eyes were red and angry.

The shock wave of the explosion was too terrifying and made them all suffer.

"Poisoned?!" They had doubts as soon as they fell to the ground. The moment they retreated, they obviously felt that the spiritual power in their bodies was suddenly chaotic. As for the wreckage of the explosion.

When did you get poisoned?Who poisoned it!

In the end what happened?
puff! !Zhao Kuo vomited blood, his head felt a sharp pain, and his eyes were cold: "Who is it? Who is poisoning!!"

Just at this moment, two sharp rays of light broke through the air.

One took Zhao Huan, and the other took Zhao Kuo.

One dark green, one pale.

Buzz buzz!The green rocket originating from Lieyang Earth Bow rolled the vast wave of old green fire, broke through the chaotic storm, tore apart the solidified space, and went straight to Zhao Huan's chest.

"Tang Yan? It's you bastard! You came at the right time!" Zhao Huan murmured, endured his weakness, and made a violent fist attack. Meet the blue rocket.

But... Kacha... Tang Yan himself turned into a golden lightning curtain and suddenly appeared in the sky, and it was the turn of the black coffin to blast down!

On the other side, Xu Yan dismantled the bone into a spear, and shot quickly from a long distance, locking onto Zhao Kuo.And the bones and wings of the back vibrated, and the latter came first, also bombarding Zhao Kuo.

The two teamed up to make a surprise attack, inspiring the most powerful secrets.

Zhao Huan and Zhao Kuo were frightened but did not panic. They all roared and attacked, shaking the momentum with their voices, roaring like thunder without any fear.

But... Boom!Zhao Huan's fist blasted the green fire, but was lifted off the ground by the collapsed green fire, and was thrown into the air, and Tang Yan took the black coffin and blasted him to the ground in a blink of an eye; Zhao Huan was pierced through the chest by the bone spear, Then he was punched in the head by Xu Yan!
With a crackling sound, the battle came to an abrupt end!

The entire assault process only took a short moment. After Zhongsun Yuechan, Zhao Huan and Zhao Kuo were all killed, and they were severely injured by Tang Yan and Xu Yanhong to the end. Blood everywhere became the most distinctive feature of their defeat.

bang bang bang!As soon as the two of them landed, the ground under their feet aroused green vines, entwining Zhao Huan and Zhao Kuo tightly. The vines were covered with sharp poisonous thorns, entangled them tightly, and poisoned them thoroughly. .

"Ugh! Let me go!!" Zhao Huan and Zhao Kuo struggled crazily, their canthus tearing apart, and their aura almost shattered the vines that entwined them.

"I'm a good boy, it's too scary, she's just a violent and cute girl!" Nian Youyu rushed over with emotion, and stomped on Zhao Huan's face.

"You dare to stomp my face?" Zhao Huan was furious, this was simply a great shame.

"Do you want me to sit with my buttocks?" Nian Youyu was not afraid of anything, he laughed, taking advantage of the moment when Zhao Huan was extremely angry and unconscious, his hands dexterously twirled and rolled out ten silver needles, It slammed into Zhao Huan's head fiercely, and at the same time roared: "Great search method!!"

(End of this chapter)

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