Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1336

Chapter 1336

Zhao Huan was so aggrieved by the defeat, he was so defeated that he had no strength to fight back, his consciousness was lethargic, and he was dizzy.At this moment, the body was stabbed again with silver needles, piercing through the skull and piercing the acupoints, the pupils shrank suddenly, and the whole person froze there.

"Tang Yan, you will die!!" Zhao Kuo screamed and struggled in the distance.

"Spraying is all nonsense!" Xu Yan stomped on his handsome face, squeezed it hard, and pushed the whole body into the ground, rudely and violently, burying his roar.

"Listen to my order and spit out all the Golden Flame Spirit Turtles!!" Nian Youyu's handsome face was unprecedentedly cold and ruthless, and his ten fingers squeezed the silver needle tightly, staring at Zhao Huan's constricted pupils for a moment. .

Zhao Huan's interspatial ring suddenly emitted a faint light, and one after another the golden flame spirit turtles were released, all of them were stunned by Su Xiaoyan's poison, there were sixteen in total.

"Hey, it's in my hands, Nian. You have to be obedient even if you are the prince." Nian Youyu withdrew the silver needle, smiling coldly and treacherously.

"Let's go!" Tang Yan was amazed at Nian Youyu's methods, and could feel the approach of a terrifying Wia. After urging, he took Xu Yan and others to evacuate.

After a few breaths, Chu Kuangfeng rushed over angrily, and dispersed all the dust and mist with a wave of his hand.Just at this moment, Houston rushed over with his troops.

"Stand far away from me, and no one wants to attack without my permission, otherwise don't blame the old man for being rude!!" Chu Kuangfeng directly regarded Houston as the source of the war, and after a roar, he landed on the island.

Houston and the others were stunned for a while, but they didn't have time to pay attention to Chu Kuangfeng. They all looked at the scene in front of them with shocked eyes, and there were even a few gasps in the team.

When the dust and mist dissipated, a deep pit the size of a football field appeared in front of my eyes. Six people were miscellaneously lying on the rubble pile inside the pit. on a stone.

They were all bloody, unconscious, and couldn't see the appearance of people clearly.

The scene is shocking!

Clearly showing the power of the previous violent explosion, it almost blew them into pieces.

Not far from the pit, Zhao Huan and Zhao Kuo were lying on their stomachs dripping with blood, also unconscious, looking miserable.

"Damn it!!" Chu Kuangfeng roared, glaring at Houston and the others fiercely, and almost roared out: "You are allowed to fight, but it's just a competition. Is it necessary to be so cruel? Think about the imperial identities you bear, Every move may lead to a national war! I warn you, if Zhao Huan and the others have an accident, you Thomas Fissen will never feel good."

After some venting, Chu Kuangfeng didn't even investigate the situation on the battlefield carefully, so he pulled Zhao Huan and the others to evacuate, and needed medical treatment as soon as possible.

"'s none of our business?" Browning was annoyed, as if he had been blamed for some unknown reason?

Houston frowned, his face was ugly, and he said nothing.I was already angry for a while, but now I was pointed at the nose and scolded by others!
"By the way, what's going on under the volcano?" Miranda asked suddenly.

"There's nothing, it's empty!!" Houston's eyes changed from cloudy to cloudy, and he felt that he had been cheated, and he had been cheated more than once.

"Empty?" Everyone looked at each other, confused for a moment.

"Check the surroundings and find out what happened." Hao Shuai put away his folding fan and walked into the messy battlefield.

"Why do you need it?" Someone frowned.

"Chu Kuangfeng now suspects that we have killed Dagan's team, so we didn't check the situation. If Zhao Huan and the others don't wake up, if we don't investigate clearly and collect some evidence, we will be blamed." Hao Shuai is cautious , considered comprehensively.

"Damn bastard, if you let me know who did it, you'll have to slap him twice!" Browning and the others felt annoyed, and no one would feel comfortable taking the blame for nothing.

On the shoals of the river far away.

Tang Yan and his party stopped one after another, looked at each other, and laughed passionately.

"Cool!" Gu Lingfeng yelled with pride.The collision between the Daqian Dynasty and the Xingluo Empire at the saint level ended in Xingluo's complete defeat, but on the battlefield of the younger generation, Tang Yan successively restored face to the Xingluo Empire, and Gu Lingfeng felt the heat from his heart.

At first, I just felt that I owed Tang Yan, so I came to help, but now I have more and more affection for Tang Yan, this person is worth making friends with! !
"Girl, it's not bad!" Nian Youyu patted Youzhuo's shoulder. The scene just now shocked everyone and caused a sensation in the entire river area.

The cute little girl turns into a violent girl in a second.

An explosion caused a sensation in the river area, directly destroying six high-ranking warriors.

Niya and the others were also shocked, the little girl gave them a shock without saying a word, a [-]% shock! !No wonder she was as famous as Nalantu, this girl turned out to be a rare bloodline of the Jilian class, able to detonate the weapon and release all the power inside.

Tang Yan looked more and more delighted, this girl is simply a bomb maniac!Cute appearance, violent blood!It's so exciting! !

"I don't could it powerful..." You Zhui couldn't bear the fiery gazes of the crowd, and he murmured in his heart, even if forty treasures were detonated, they wouldn't be able to hurt Zhao Huan and the others. Like that?Based on their abilities, those who can at least hold up the defense will halve the effect of the explosion, but... they don't seem to be able to hold up the defense. Could it be that something else happened during the process?Interfering with the timing of their defense?
"Don't be modest!" Nian Youyu touched Youzhuo with a bad look.

Youzhuo forced a smile and didn't think about it any more. She was sweating all over her body and was so tired. In order to show her ability, she released her ability beyond the limit this time.

A full 45 treasures were detonated.

Theoretically speaking, she can only detonate thirty now, and this number is an estimate given by the elders of the family.As for why it is 'theoretically' and 'estimated', it is because...there are only a few treasures in the world, all of which are treasures, and they will be regarded as lifelines in anyone's hands. ?Still dozens!
Only Tang Yan, the 'prodigal son', unceremoniously gave her more than 40 treasures!
The strength of Youzhuan is directly proportional to the detonated weapon.

"Here is a treasure for you, it should be a spiritual weapon." The pheasant emerged from the river beach like a ghost, first it was a mess of intertwined vines, and finally turned into a human figure carrying a sickle, and handed a glove to You Suo: " Can you detonate the spirit weapon?"

"Spiritual weapon? Is this a spiritual weapon?!" You Zhuo's eyes lit up, extremely hot.

"My dear, spiritual weapon? Where did you get it?" Nian You fished out his eyes, without even thinking about it, he just walked over with his hand, and his movements were very skillful.

"You..." You Zhuo glared angrily.

"Eh... Habitual movements..." Nian Youyu smiled coyly, returned the gloves to You Zhuo, and continued to poke his head to look.It looked like a very ordinary steel glove, without any energy fluctuations.

"It was just picked off from Zhao Huan's hand. His fist is very domineering. It can collapse the space with one punch. It should be with the help of the glove."

"Ah? Haha, I'm starting to like you!" Nian Youyu pointed at the pheasant and smiled wickedly.

"Eh...would it be too wasteful?" Gu Lingfeng felt distressed for a while, this girl's ability is abnormal, but she is really wasteful, too wasteful.

It's good for deceiving people, it's good for life-saving, and it's good for breakthroughs, but it directly detonates... It hurts to think about it.If those misers saw this, they would definitely vomit blood and die.

If these weapons are used to arm the troops, they can also play a greater role.

"I leave it for you to save your life, and use it at critical moments." Tang Yan gave the gloves to Youzhuo generously. The self-detonation of a spirit weapon, or the spirit weapon on the prince's body, might kill a high-ranking Wuzun, or use it to his full potential. Unexpected breakthrough effect.

Now that you have decided to keep You Chuan, you must be generous when you should.

"I'm not welcome!" You Zhuo put it away happily.

"We have almost 100 spirit turtles now, which is more than [-] points. It is not the first or the second. In the next stage, we will start searching for treasures in the river area!" Tang Yan handed You Zhuo a jade bottle, which is full of spiritual source liquid : "You deserve it. Take good care of yourself. From this afternoon onwards, we will rely on you to track down the other jade clothes and treasures."

At this moment, a head popped out of nowhere, and appeared directly above Nian Youyu's head, rolling his eyes with wicked eyes.

"It's you?! You're looking for death!!" Lingzhi snorted coldly, raised his arms and struck, and a vine full of thorns ruthlessly pulled over.

"Stop!!" Tang Yan was startled, and Matthews drew his sword and slashed.

Clang! !The vines and the sword beams collided, and there was a steel-like roar. Matthews's splitting sword forcibly changed the direction of the vines, but they did not cut them off.

Whoosh!The vine hit that head and whipped it, like a leather whip, hitting a loud and piercing whip flower in mid-air, containing sharp blasting power.

Matthews frowned slightly, and Lingzhi's cold eyes also glanced at Matthews.

(End of this chapter)

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