Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1339 The First Lady

Chapter 1339 The First Lady

"What sound?" Gu Lingfeng was slightly surprised on the river beach in the distance, staring at the dense forest in the distance, who was humming there?

Niya and Xu Yan also noticed something. After listening slightly, their expressions changed, and they got up one after another, staring coldly at the direction of the dense forest, with anger hidden in their brows: "What are Nian Youyu doing?!"

Xuanyuan Longli and the others woke up from meditation one after another, and they were a little dazed. Someone came up with a sentence: "Caibu?"

"You bastard! Kill me!" Xu Yan was furious. Although he didn't want to see a poisonous woman like Su Xiaoyan, but she was a woman after all, so of course she wouldn't be angry at such despicable methods as prostitution.

"Don't get excited, it's not what you imagined." Tang Yan quickly smoothed things over, pointing to his left eye: "I can see that Nian Youyu is using Su Xiaoyan to study pictures of beauties! What are you all thinking about? !"

"Research?? Huh, I believe you are so strange!! Lingzhi, help us to have a look." Xu Yan's face was gloomy, and the voice was obviously not right.

"Brother Lingzhi, punish him!!" You Zhuo woke up from his meditation, clenched his small fists bitterly.

"Ling Pheasant, go over and have a look, don't let everyone misunderstand Nian Youyu." Tang Yan avoided everyone's eyes and gave Ling Pheasant a wink.He appreciates Nian Youyu's ability, and he hopes to be included under his command, so naturally he has to tolerate some of his hobbies.

"I'll go and see, is it dead or useless?"

"Crap!!" Xu Yan has always disliked playboys like Nian Youyu.

The pheasant didn't make a sound, its legs turned into roots, it was inserted into the ground, and it rushed towards the dense forest in the distance.But some Tang Yan hinted that he didn't go there directly, but built a vine barrier far away to make a soundproof room for Nian Youyu.Let him indulge in the rush-crash inside, wantonly ravage-dress-beauty-things, and enjoy the wonderful feeling of conquering and shocking.

As for Xu Yan, Lingzhi just replied indifferently: "It's normal inside! I've reminded him!"

Xu Yan was skeptical, but he did not go to investigate after all.

Nian Youyu curled up in the bushes, tossed and tumbled on the messy quilt, constantly changing patterns, thoroughly enjoyed, indulged, and tossed Su Xiaoyan He was exhausted until he fell into a coma, so he reluctantly stopped sprinting, lying on Su Xiaoyan's delicate body covered with bloodstains, panting heavily.

After some rest, he managed to gather his energy and turned to take-bu-double-rest. His body lay down on Su Xiaoyan in a strange posture, and his body rhythmically slow-slow-shrugged- Move, swallow the vitality inside.The body gradually released bright red mist, wrapping the two of them tightly.

Picking-replenishing secret-skills is the foundation of Nian Youyu's realm improvement, and the main reason why he can grow rapidly as a casual cultivator in a hundred years. The higher the realm, the greater the benefits he will bring.

Su Xiaoyan is a genius cultivated by the empire, and also a direct disciple of the "Poison Sage" of the Dagan Dynasty, so his realm and strength are naturally understandable.After some nourishment, Nian Youyu benefited a lot, and there was a wonderful heat flowing through his body, stabilizing his own realm, and striding forward towards the peak Wu Zun.

"Big harvest!!" Nian Youyu let out a long sigh of relief, and the exhaustion of indulgence before was swept away. Looking at Su Xiaoyan's wolf-borrowed body, he unexpectedly reacted again.

Su Xiaoyan has been unconscious for a long time, but her whole body is flushed red, and there is a soft moan from her nose, obviously, the aphrodisiac is still exerting its effect.

"The picture of a beautiful woman...the legendary sacred object...hehe..." Nian Youyu touched her for a while, then tidied up her clothes and took out the picture of a beautiful woman from her collection.

The reason why he tried his best to keep the picture of beauty as his own was not only because he felt that it was extraordinary, but in fact...he had heard of the existence of the picture of beauty a long time ago. Although it was just an illusory legend, it was always engraved in his in mind.

It is said that the picture of a beautiful woman is a pinnacle spiritual weapon, an astonishing secret treasure tempered by a certain overlord in ancient times who exhausted his blood energy.

Its function accept the peerless beauties sacrificed by the master, and permanently imprison and seal them in the magical world created by the pictures, making them slaves and slaves for the master to use! !

The beauty picture is of a very high level, and even has its own consciousness. If the beauty it sacrifices to it is not considered charming, or not considered to be of strange blood, it will reject it on its own.But once selected and imprisoned, no one will become a slave to the painting forever and become a spirit in the painting!
And the entire picture of beauties can only imprison seven peerless beauties.

Once the beautiful figure recognizes the master, she will sign a life-and-death blood contract with the master, the master is with the painting spirit, the master will not die, and the painting spirit will live forever.Once the master dies, all the painting spirits sealed in the picture world will only have the picture and no longer exist, and disappear into this world together with the master.

Waiting for Meitu to recognize the master again in the future, to accept the painting spirit again, and to show the power of Meitu to the world again.

It's just that according to rumors, the beautiful picture disappeared tens of thousands of years ago, or even 10 years without a trace, and the world has hardly heard of its existence.Nian Youyu was also due to an extremely coincidental chance. He read it from a tattered ancient book, and he was obsessed with it just after seeing it. He dreamed that one day he would be able to own such a peerless treasure and be able to have seven peerless beauties!

He never expected that he actually got the fish in the year! !

"God treats me well!!" Nian Youyu was full of emotion, spread out carefully, bit his finger, and slowly pressed on the first beauty portrait on the beauty map.

He has already made the beauty Tu recognize the master, and now he wants to sacrifice the painting spirit to Tu——Su Xiaoyan!

The painting of the beauties immediately bloomed with vivid brilliance, and the whole scroll fluttered as if revived, and the brilliance became more and more mysterious, as if to outline a wonderful picture scroll world.And... the brilliance fluttered like silk, part of it enveloped Su Xiaoyan by itself, and the endless brilliance spilled down and merged into her delicate and charming body.

Su Xiaoyan is a rare beauty in terms of appearance and temperament, especially the charming and wealthy temperament that shines from her bones, which makes her have the charm that fascinates all living beings, and fully meets the trapping standards of beauty pictures.

At least Nian Youyu thinks so.

Sure enough, gradually, a sob floated out of the scroll, gradually diminished, and gradually disappeared, accompanied by the disappearance of the first portrait!
It was as if some force had completely erased the first image.

After that... Su Xiaoyan's body gradually evaporated, turning into dots of light and transpiring towards the screen, and on the corresponding screen, an invisible paintbrush was smearing without haste, sketching a lifelike portrait , it was Su Xiaoyan!

When the portrait was formed, Su Xiaoyan disappeared into the bushes.

The sacrifice is successful, and the painting spirit takes shape!
"It's done!" Nian Youyu almost jumped up excitedly, his heart trembled with unspeakable excitement, with a thought, the beauty picture flashed, and Su Xiaoyan reappeared in front of him.

She was charming and full of smiles, and she changed into gorgeous clothes again, without any bruises or injuries all over her body, she looked completely new.

Just as in the rumors, after Hualing was injured, he could recover in an instant as long as he returned to the picture scroll. Perhaps no one would believe this weird scene, but... at this moment, it was clearly displayed in front of Nian Youyu.

Su Xiaoyan completely forgot what happened to him and his situation, and winked at Nian Youyu softly, and saluted politely: "What is the master's order?"

Nian Youyu laughed loudly: "Haha!! Good!! Good!! Great harvest! This trip is worthwhile!! Come here and sit in my arms."

Su Xiaoyan moved lightly with lotus steps, full of charm, and sat gracefully in Nian Youyu's arms, as delicate as a kitten.

"Excellent!!" Nian Youyu was full of emotion, he touched Su Xiaoyan's bulging chest vigorously, and made a move with his hand, bringing Su Xiaoyan back to the scroll.

"Seven ladies! Seven painting spirits! Seven beauties, seven fiercenesses, seven spirits!! picture, I, Nian Youyu, have spent my entire life, and I will definitely let you reappear in the world, and let you revive the fierce power of the past!" Youyu laughed out loud, feeling so excited and emotional for the first time in his life.

Once we gather them all, why should I be afraid of those geniuses?
(End of this chapter)

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