Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1340

Chapter 1340

When Nian Youyu was excited, the faces of Tang Yan and others who were far away on the river beach became ugly.

Because a large number of river beasts appeared in the nearby river area, some areas immediately became chaotic. A large number of river beasts roamed there in groups, and many hidden and far-reaching beasts appeared on the river surface. You don't need to be too vigilant, and it doesn't matter.

But the key point is that no matter which group of river beasts or beasts, after discovering Tang Yan and the others, they all stopped one after another, either observing for a while and turning away, or staying at the bottom of the river and waiting, and some lying directly on the river surface. Crouching, squinting at them.

Some river beasts even let out low roars, as if they were calling for something.

In this way, more and more river beasts gathered around, from a dozen to dozens, and then to more than a hundred, and the number is still increasing, and many of them have the level of high-level demon masters.

"They're watching us?" Tang Yan wondered whether this scene would be a bit too big and obviously unreasonable.

"Catch one!" Gu Lingfeng made a sudden move, and after a fierce fight, he caught a first-level demon master in a herd—the Polar Ice Salmon!
"You guys are almost finished!! Wait to die!!" The polar ice salmon screamed sharply, and its ten-meter-giant body twisted wildly, trying to freeze the entire space, but under the pressure of Tang Yan's green fire, it played Not a single bit of power.

Xuanyuan Longli said: "Tell me about how we died!! Before you talk, you should clarify the situation first. We don't care about the life or death of you, a low-level demon venerable. If you behave well, we will let you live. If you refuse... Immediately grant you death."

The polar ice salmon stopped struggling, looked at them fiercely, and snorted coldly: "You have offended the god of death in the river area, don't you know?"

"Reaper? Who?" Tang Yan and the others looked at each other, how could an enemy appear out of nowhere.

"The River Beast Guardian Clan——Naga Clan!!"

"Oh!!" Tang Yan understood, but it was even more strange: "Then what?"

"The Naga clan has issued the highest-level arrest warrant to capture your team with all their strength, and they have also released portraits. Now the entire river area is searching for you. Hmph, in this ancient river area, offending the Naga clan is offending the god of death ! No one can save you!"

"He district arrest warrant?" Everyone was shocked, didn't they just snatch a treasure?Isn't it just hurting a half saint?As for using the power of the entire river area to search and arrest?

The Naga clan is a vengeful race?

"You have been discovered, even if you have the power to reach heaven and earth, don't even think about leaving here. Just wait, wait for the anger of the Naga clan, it will tear you to pieces, even if the Holy Land comes forward, you will never be able to save you! "The arctic ice salmon's voice was shrill and piercing, making people uncomfortable.

Tang Yan frowned, his gaze changed: "Could it be..."

Gu Lingfeng blasted the polar ice salmon into the big river ahead: "Could it be what?"

"Could it be that the Naga clan wants to take back the treasure we robbed? The cemetery at the bottom of the lake is unusual, and the things inside may be very important to the Naga clan."

"It's very possible!" Xuanyuan Longli agreed with Tang Yan's speculation, but after thinking about it, he hesitated and said, "But Panshenzhai also participated in the treasure hunt, and they also have treasures in their hands. Why aren't they wanted?"

Tang Yan looked at the river beasts that were accumulating all around, and pondered for a while: "Youzhuo, can you determine the location of other treasures?"

Youzhuo felt it carefully for a while, and said: "The treasures from the Rage God House are not too far away, only more than ten kilometers away. The treasures that the Naga clan snatched away are much farther away. I can only judge the approximate location."

Tang Yan snapped his fingers: "Go, follow Huangshenzhai!"

Gu Lingfeng said: "Wait! What about the Naga clan? Leave it alone?"

"Don't worry, unless the Naga tribe wants to anger the Three Holy Lands, they dare not kill us. As long as we can't kill us, we don't need to worry about anything. Let's continue working according to our plan, catch up with the Rage God Zhai, and take down The rest of the jade clothes! Don’t pay attention to any arrest warrants.”

Xu Yan said: "I agree! The Naga clan can do whatever they want, we can't just sit here and wait for them to come over and act arrogantly."

The chaos in the river area alarmed all the expedition teams. After capturing a river beast for interrogation, they naturally learned about the arrest warrant.

The teams of all parties were completely convinced, secretly thinking that Tang Yan is really not a worry-free master, no matter where he goes, he is earth-shattering.It was only the third day since the competition started, and the guardian clan of the river district had already been angered, and they were even wanted by the entire river district.

Some people sighed, others would be happy. Teams like Zhenyao Temple and Huangshenzhai began to act secretly, looking for Tang Yan in the direction of the river beast's search, and prepared to take the opportunity to hack him.

"Kesuoban, do you have a grudge against someone in Tang Yan's team?" Huangshenzhai's team followed the restless herd, searching for Tang Yan's team.Li Baiying nonchalantly asked a semi-saint in the team, that is, the descendant of the Zhenguo General's Mansion of the Tianyu Kingdom-Kesuoban!

The Universe Kingdom is a very aggressive kingdom, and a very large one at the same time.It is fierce and wild, with extremely strong military power, and for thousands of years, the generals of the country have controlled the fate and political situation of the kingdom. It is a kingdom that thoroughly respects martial arts and is proud of joining the army. The kingdom where the competing schools are mixed with the government.

The Kingdom of the Universe is prosperous, and it is located at the junction of the Heavenly Power Empire and the Holy Empire. The situation there is chaotic, and there are eight kingdoms coexisting in chaos, among which the Kingdom of the Universe is the strongest.Some forces even predicted that once the Universe Kingdom ruled the Eight Kingdoms, the sixth largest force after the Five Great Empires would be born!

And the old general Zhenguo of the Tianyu Kingdom is powerful. He once defeated three saints with his own strength.

As the descendant of the Zhen Guo General's Mansion, Ke Suoban has shown an almost abnormal growth rate since the day of his baptism, and was promoted to the semi-holy realm in just 70 years old.Not much worse than the heirs shaped by some forbidden lands and empires.

And the most important thing is... the Kingdom of the Universe has implicitly allied with the forbidden place——Desolate God Zhai!

"A jumping clown, at best, a cunning jumping clown." Ke Suoban didn't care, his evil golden eyes radiated divine brilliance, searching for traces of Tang Yan.

Luo Qiannian said: "The people who can break into the team battle are actually clowns in your mouth. What about the heirs of the various kingdoms that were eliminated? What's more, they should not be ordinary people who can make enemies with you, Ke Suoban."

Ke Suoban smiled slightly: "Everyone is very curious, it doesn't matter, it's okay to talk about it. He is called Nian Youyu, and he has a beautiful skin, but he does dirty things. First of all, he is a flower picker, who has harmed many kingdoms The girl who was once wanted by many countries, followed by a thief, patronized the treasure houses of many powers, and was hated by the nobles of various countries. But the boy has a strange body and is proficient in many despicable martial arts. He escaped several times. Later, I hunted him down personally past him..."

Speaking of this, Ke Suoban's smile widened, as if recalling that scene back then, and he laughed happily: "I set a trap, used a beautiful girl to lure him into the bait, painted the girl with poison, and gave her A secret method has been applied. As long as Nian Youyu has sex with her, for the rest of my life... don't even think about tasting women..."

Everyone smiled knowingly when they heard it: "The result? Is it finished?"

"Nian Youyu is very cunning, he seemed to be aware of it, but he succeeded in the end, he was indeed poisoned, and since then, there has been no news of him harming the girl for five years.

Six years later, Nian Youyu reappeared, probably by using some special means to recover, and made several big tickets in a row, which caused quite a stir.But after that, he never dared to enter our Universe Kingdom again, and even avoided the caravans of our Universe Kingdom. "Kesuoban said it very casually, without any sense of pride, at best it was a joke, as if he didn't pay attention to little thieves like Nian Youyu at all.

"He can be selected into the team battle, he must have some special abilities, especially for a cunning thief like him, once he has the support of a strong team, the thief will often become a think tank." Luo Qiannian was expressionless. Reminds of Koso Ban.

Ke Suoban smiled: "Don't worry, Nian Youyu will never be on the big stage, let alone become a big man. He is a thief, and he will be a thief all his life, and I, Ke Suoban, is his nemesis in life, just like a cat following me." Mouse, hehe..."

"Tang Yan has three treasures in his hand. This time, he must take the opportunity to snatch them. Don't let them fall into the hands of the Naga people." The treasures are owned by Li Baiying, Luo Qiannian and Ke Suoban respectively.

The rest of the people immediately regained their spirits. They had already seen the power of the jade robe, so they naturally longed to have it.

In different directions at this moment, all forces continue to wander in the river area according to their own plans. They are not only searching for the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle, but also searching for treasures, hunting young animals, and breaking into the unexplored secret realm. On the Houston side, they all searched for Tang Yan following the movement track of the river beast.Xue Tianchen would not let go of any opportunity to suppress Tang Yan, while Houston's side was holding back their anger and preparing to repay him even more.

The Naga tribe, which was rewarded by the river beast, dispatched a super-strong lineup, and dozens of multi-armed Naga came towards Tang Yan's direction riding the tide, aggressively.

(End of this chapter)

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